Really want to loose weight quick



  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I think I'm about to have a *kitten* fit. This is absolutely ridiculous...

    For real. Why's everyone always in such a hurry to lose weight?

    Unfortunately we live in a world where people just want instant gratification. Think of how much of a riot there would be if we had to go back to dial up internet.
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    If you want it, work for it. There's no quick fix to it at all. Bust your *kitten*. You didn't gain everything in one day, so you can't expect to lose it all in one day. But you know, as time passes and you see your body changing, that counts as gratification too…

    who wouldn't be proud that the hard work you've put into your body over the months/years is finally showing???
  • kimacduff
    kimacduff Posts: 29
    Okay thanks :) I'll have to choose healthier foods and keep walking everyday but sometimes you cant be bothered go for walks but i have to if i really want to loose weight. . Well im 4ft11 and about 9 stone 4. I'd like to loose before August for the wedding, my brother's wedding. Plus im only 23, 3 years ago i was 8 stone.

    Once a week, normally on a Sunday its a treat day which isnt bad is it
    I read That if you have at least 30g of protein in the morning that will keep you satisfied with a medium meal at lunch & a light meal at dinner. At night people are usually less active & don't get their meals digested before they sleep which encourages weight gain. I've been told that carbs at night aren't a good idea .they'll turn to fat. If you start your day eating well. The rest of the day is easy. Eat lots of green veggies & good protein.
  • kimacduff
    kimacduff Posts: 29
    The pills might work, if i did exercise and eat healthy at same time, i will try them untill they run out

    the pills dont work... if pills worked there would be no fat people in the world...
    I tried those. They weren't the right ones. It was a scam that SAID they were using the correct amount of raspberry Ketone. They were cashing in on Dr. Oz's show. They weren't the same things he was talking about.There is NO easy way. Eat better food & no overly processed junk. Good protein & lots of veggies/some fruit.
  • ChriJMitch
    ChriJMitch Posts: 70 Member
    You want fast results? Try liposuction lol. You want actual results? Change your thinking.

    The fastest loss you will get for a SUSTAINABLE fitness plan, with NO cheating and LOTS of exercise is about 1-1.5lbs per week. That's it. Be patient and consistent.

    You can drop probably about 10lbs before August if you are an absolute stickler. That's about it. Those pills and diet plans and everything else are great at selling you hype, but they don't work. Only hard work actually works. Go figure.
  • AxelPrincess
    there is a quick solution THIS ----> If you begin using this somewhat unusual tip starting today you can literally expect to drop up to 3 dress sizes inside of a week, You’ll also see how this unusual tip allows you to strategically eat the foods you crave most, and still experience the slimmest, sexiest waistline of your life. Plus, you’ll also learn which common foods touted as “healthy” can make losing a single pound virtually impossible for women.
  • herbaliz
    herbaliz Posts: 6
    Good Afternoon!

    I would love to help you lose the weight. I am a weight loss coach and I use the product Herbalife. It is really easy to use. 2 meal replacement protein shakes a day, 1 meal, and healthy snacks in between. I help you every step of the way. You don't need to exercise but of coarse it will speed up your weight loss process. If your interested email me at: lizthuer (the sign at)

    Thanks for your time,

  • gilmore606
    gilmore606 Posts: 45 Member
    You need to eat like gallons of those raspberry ketones. It's the only realistic way to lose weight. You can trust me on this because I'm the president of science.
  • Sf0rza
    Sf0rza Posts: 18 Member
    You don't need to take pills or starve yourself, just learn about calories, set a reasonable calorie target, and start logging everything you eat.

    I'm the same height as you and I started at 9 stone 5. I'm now 8 stone 11, which is 8 lb in 3 months. Am aiming to lose another 7 pounds. Yes it's slow, and it doesn't sound all that dramatic but I'm down a dress size, all my clothes fit again. I thought I would never lose the weight but it's happening, and I'm not starving myself. I eat 1450 a day - 3 meals, snacks, and the occasional McDonalds or glass of wine. You need patience knowledge and persistence.