What's the worst thing you ever ate regularly pre-mfp?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    my ex's diq. sunnavabetch did not deserve it.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    I used to have the bacon cheeseburger and large fries from five guys at least once a week. Wash that down with a big coke and it adds up to over 2700 calories in a single meal!
  • Ginerrva
    Ginerrva Posts: 226
    Welp, let's see what regulars I had (so at least once a week)

    An entire 9" pepperoni pizza from Little Caesers for dinner.
    Whenever I went to fast food places I'd get two burgers MINIMUM (and fast food was a frequented thing)
    Whenever I, or somebody made dessert I always had seconds, thirds if I hadn't exploded yet.
    Probably about half the cookie dough every time I made cookies.
    For an evening snack (so after a big lunch and before a big dinner, aka I wasn't even hungry for it) I'd have two pieces of thick white toast, with dollops upon dollops of butter on them
    Every Saturday for "movie night" I'd eat two chocolate bars, a packet of whatever "gummies" (nibs, skittles, gummy bears, jubjubs), and a big bowl of heavily buttered popcorn. Like, so much butter that each kernel probably retained about 1 tsp of it.
    I was never really good at making food last. Whenever there was cookies or chips in the house I'd eat it constantly till it was gone. I did that with Nutella and jarred caramel as well.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    mashed potato sandwiches

    lightly toasted white bread with gobs of butter then filled with home made mashed potatoes (made with butter and heavy cream)

    I would eat these as a teenager every day after school at least 2 of these plus over the day probably an entire box of cereal with milk and yet was always thin back then because I ran almost 14 miles every single day (didn't know this was a half just was what we did lol). We also roller skated for fun and rode bicycles for most likely over 150 miles a week.

    I gained weight after moving away from the country and becoming inactive.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I would sometimes eat a whole large cheese pizza in one sitting. I also used to eat large quantities of pasta almost every day.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    In a nutshell all of the food for the most part.

    Some particulars:

    1. Ice cream & then I would put a lot of cookies on it or cereal (I remember one time eating a whole ice cream carton to myself).
    2. I would have three or four pieces of lasagna or a huge bowl of spaghetti
    3. I would eat my food at the restaurant then graze off other people's plates if they had food they didn't want that wasn't ate yet.
  • jessthep1rate
    jessthep1rate Posts: 47 Member
    I don't think there was really anything that bad that I *ate* before MFP, but there was definitely a lot of bad things I was drinking! I've never really been one for soft drinks, but before MFP, I used to have at least one, sometimes 2 or 3, coffee drinks a day. Some were just regular iced coffee with milk and splenda- not such a big deal- but at least once or twice a week I'd have flavored lattes or mochas or a pumpkin iced coffee from DD--knowing there must be a ton of sugar in there but not really thinking about how much... Now I realize I was drinking entire meals' worth of calories some days just in my coffee!

    And boy do I miss having those so often. I hardly ever have them now- I just can't fit it into my calories, especially knowing that it isn't going to fill me up at all so it's all wasted calories since I'll need to eat more, too. :(
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    When I was pregnant and super depressed, whenever my fiance would go do his Thursday night bowling I would go to the grocery store and buy a discounted box of day old donuts and eat at least half and take bites out of the remaining less-preferred flavors. So embarassing to even admit that. I also would make pancakes after he went to sleep then clean up all the evidence...and I wondered why I packed eighty pounds on in nine months. No I didn't...I didn't wonder. Denial is a powerful thing!
  • BobbiTracey
    BobbiTracey Posts: 53
    I'd grab a big bag of potato chips and sit there and eat the whole lot in front of the computer. Even after this I'd still feel hungry! Now, I barely touch chips and if I do it's a VERY small handful every once in a blue moon. I feel better, mentally and physically for not having them :)
  • Rolande55
    Rolande55 Posts: 52 Member
    I miss Olive Gardens! The left Canada eons ago. That was before I discovered I was gluten intolerant and loved those garlic sticks! My weakness is basically eating out. Potions are nasty in a restaurant and I was raised to clean my plate.
  • zakharovich
    zakharovich Posts: 11 Member
    White rice
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    I used to barely eat anything all day, and then eat an entire big bag of chips before crashing each night.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    eggo ice cream sandwiches.

    It wasn't that regularly, but I loved them.

    Two eggo waffles, ice cream, syrup (preferably maple) and peanut butter. Smooshed together. Sometimes banana and nuts (walnuts...mmmm) in there too. Whatever was on hand.

    Drooling thinking about it. Funny thing is though, the reason I no longer have this is because the eggos aren't whole wheat (the whole wheat ones they have are pretty gross). I should start making my own waffles.


    ETA: Oh, just remembered- things I ate regularly would be fast food... McDonalds, KFC, Popeyes, Wendy's... you name it. I've (mostly) cut that stuff out now.
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    Sugar, sugar and lots of sugar. In cookies, soft drinks, desserts, chocolate, cola, ketchup you name it.
  • jtm4210
    jtm4210 Posts: 108 Member
    Gosh, so many...
    Dominos. And never just the pizza, had to have sides and desserts as well
    BK breakfast muffins
    Whatever cake took my fancy at Costa with my daily full-fat latte

    I haven't actually 100% cut out any of the above, it's just that they are now in the "once-a-month-if-I-feel-I've-earned-it" rather than the "twice-a-week-because-I'm-too-tired-to-cook" category.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    I would regularly down burgers, rib, chips and a few beers all at one sitting, no problem. But perhaps the worst thing was when I would decide to go for a healthy alternative, to get rid of my fat.

    My super "healthy option" was two footlong fully loaded subs and a litre of orange juice (to escape beer calories!). Couldn't understand why the weight kept piling on ...
  • DelilaLightfoot
    Mayonnaise!!! I knew it was bad but had no idea just how bad it was until I started MPF. All those potato salads, egg mayo, tuna mayo sandwiches, burgers, dips, etc I use to make were loaded with it. Alcohol is another - a bottle of wine of a Friday or Saturday night (sometimes both) and if I had wine then I had to have snacks to go with, that's probably an ave adults calorie allowance just in the evening alone.
    My kyrptonite though is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. I could eat 3 or 4 packs in one evening.
  • tlb1175
    tlb1175 Posts: 17 Member
    Being that me and my husband are hunters and fisherman, I would have to say fried fish with homemade french fries, coleslaw, and hushpuppies and fried deer steak with rice/gravy, fried okra, and purple hull peas.
  • apple_22over7
    I would buy 2 huge 400g bars of galaxy chocolate - and eat them both over the course of an evening. Thats over 4000 calories worth of chocolate. Not good.
  • Sie_Con
    Sie_Con Posts: 101 Member
    Hmm, I was never really guilty of HUGE binges, ore eating till I got sick, but I regularly ate double portion sizes at almost every single meal. I also just love to cook so I could make something fattening out of nearly annnnyyything in my house, even "healthy" grocery shops. The kitchen would just call out to me late at night "come make a grilled cheese. Come have some pasta. Come make a batch of cookies" and I would frequently do just that, then clean it all up so my roommate never knew.

    I wasn't ever a daily fast food person (too broke, and no car...) , maybe once or twice a month, but I ate twice what is recommended at those places too.

    I have to say cheesy and creamy things are STILL my biggest weakness. But what I used to do at least once a week is take a box of macaroni and cheese and decide that just wasn't cheesy enough for me! I'd make it as the directions say, then add in at least a cup of grated cheddar, a handful of parmesan, an extra 2 tablespoons of butter, and a little extra milk. Taking what used to be a ~1000 calorie meal and making it into a ~1800 calorie meal. Man it was good. I still crave it. So gross though, that's over what I'm eating per day now.