

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: We tried to have a farmer’s market in our town but it didn’t work for us. The closest is in the next town, and there is no public transit that is remotely realistic, so we drive when we go. The Farmer's Market is a once a week affair on Saturdays during the spring through fall. There is a farm store about 21 miles away that is a regular destination for us. We prefer to add it to a trip to Portland when possible, and avoid weekends because it is a very popular spot.:flowerforyou:

    Beth: I imagine you’ll have to do quite a lot more cooking from scratch than you’ve done in the past. We are in a similar spot & have had to dramatically reduce sodium since DH’s stroke last year. We found an MSG free/sodium free chicken bouillon from Herb Ox. This is a powdered product and adds chicken flavor to all sorts of things quite nicely. The yellow color seems to come from turmeric extract. Storing our own chicken broth didn’t work as well as we wanted because we had too much of it in our freezer and never worked out a rotation system.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I am happy for you that you got to see your Goddaughter graduate, and had the best seat in the house. :flowerforyou: This likely a result of good karma you’ve created returning gifts to you.:wink:

    Sylvia: Congratulations on the great NSV! Smaller clothes are the best proof of weight loss success in my opinion. Shopping in a whole new department is an amazingly gratifying success.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: You continually amaze me. I wish I had a fraction of your energy! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: You’ve come so far in the past couple of years! I’ll bet your neurologist will be VERY proud of all you’ve accomplished.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Congratulations on taking fruit to your folkdance celebration. What could be better than grapes and apples? I love learning from the women in this group, too.:flowerforyou:

    Brenda: Your walking trail sounds lovely! So does the time spent with your grandson. I often wish my DD & granddaughter lived closer to us.:heart:

    It is still early here, and I haven’t figured out what I want to do today. DH has a project and I’m feeling restless. We’re in a pattern of cool and cloudy mornings and gorgeous afternoons. I hope to put some fun into my afternoon.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • vickikwhisler
    vickikwhisler Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, I forget to check this thread for two days, and I have 7 pages to catch up on! You guys are busy posters.

    Is there an easier way to keep my goals showing at the bottom of my posts without having to find an old post and copy and paste them? Is there a way to edit your signature line like they have in Spark People?

    It was a really stressful week at work. My computer got a virus, and they had to reimage my laptop and reset my shared drive back to 2 weeks ago. That means that everything I had done for the last 2 weeks was lost. I have spent this lovely weekend trying to re-create all that work. Plus, I still have to get my final exams ready. This has put a real squash on the expectations I had for walking this weekend. I've done a couple sessions of my Leslie Sansone Walk at Home, but I really wanted to get out in the walking park. Maybe if I keep focused on my work I can take a nice walk this evening after it cools down.

    I also want to try a new recipe for some peanut butter oatmeal bars. I need to find a healthy non-processed snack. I also bought a bunch of fruit and veggies yesterday that needs to be cleaned and prepped for this week. I'd much rather be doing that than sitting at the computer. But here I am--on the computer procrastinating by writing this post.

    Okay, better get back to doing SOMETHING. I just wanted to check in.

    On a good note, I did lose another 2 lbs this week. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Vicki W.
    Originally from Kalamazoo, MI; now from Philly Suburbs

    June Goals-
    Do the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Program 4x/week (2 weeks @ 1 mile and 2 weeks @ 2 mile)
    Do the 2.5 mile path at the walking park across the street 2x/week
    Try one new healthy recipe/week
    Finish landscaping front of house
    Choose a swim suit
    Kitchen (room of the month) super scrub
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Bump for now - finally have my head back into the right time zone! Off to the Y to lift some weights, do a little cardio. Just getting back into the swing. While on the cruise, went over 10,000steps most days (Woohoo:drinker: ), and went over 20,000 the day we came back to Amsterdam!! Will share more on the trip soon, and will be posting photos on Facebook tonight. I have no idea how to post photos in these messages, though :cry:

    We live in the Pioneer Valley in western Massachusetts and have the great fortune of having farmers' markets everywhere around us. There's generally at least one most days of the week! And they have expanded to continue all wine as well.

    Jill in western MA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just found this image on facebook and had to share. Happy Birthday, Barbie!:glasses:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I have been reading all posts am and pm, but still no time to post. Have been incredibly busy finishing up the last topics in my classes and starting review. In the midst of all of this, my work computer totally died! SmartBoard won't work without it, so I am back to chalk. Slows us down too much! A couple more weeks!!

    Wish we had a good farmer's market here. Ours is not good and only one day a week.

    Sylvia- I love my fitbit! Very motivating. I just need to remember to wear it everyday.

    jb-Thanks for the update. So much for Mariah to deal with! My prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

    Back to chores and schoolwork.

    Deb A in CNY
  • ScaryMaryOne
    ScaryMaryOne Posts: 13 Member
    Barbiecat! I'm a new member, 57 yo, and I'm here because I must reduce my blood suger so I can get my back operated on for the 5th time! Long story there. But I wanted to say, I have a standard poodle too, and I love him dearly! Aren't they the coolest dogs?
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 446 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Hubby and I went out last night for dinner, he wanted Mexican. I held my portion down, but I love guacamole and chips. Extra workout time for me today. Today I did yoga and weights. The weight workout today was chest, back and some ab work. Next I will be on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes.

    Michele, your workouts rock. I love the variety you do. I pretty much stick with weights, yoga and jogging/walking. I do some Pilates now and then.

    Sylvia, what model of Fitbit did you get? I have been looking at them.

    Jb, thinking of you and your family.

    Jill, great workout you have planned!

    Vicki W, I like Jamie Eason's protein bar recipes for snacks. You can look them up on Pinterest or just google them. Healthy and low fat. I adjust seasoning and sweetness for my taste. I add honey or some Splenda to sweeten them. I really like the pumpkin ones. Congrats on the weight loss!

    Yanniejannie, I like getting tips from all of these ladies too. Apples and grapes was a great choice.

    Liz, thanks for the beautiful graphic!

    Welcome all new ladies!

    Have a wonderful Sunday,

    Cindy in oK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Alison, great job on the steps with your foot hurting, take care:smile:

    Katiebug – I have the computer based version, and have not used the cloud based version, but the plus I see to the computer based version is I can still work even if I don’t have internet access – and sometimes I have my laptop with me in a place I don’t want it to be “online” where I am not sure about the internet safeguards.. although with all we have learned about the NSA, my little concerns are like dropping a pebble in the ocean. :grumble: The one thing I would say to have is back up! I have gone to carbonite backup – it backs my computer and all the files up to the cloud everytime I attach to the internet; I had my computer crash completely and literally in 3 hours (bought a new laptop, loaded the software and had carbonite reload all my files, pictures and everything) and was back working.:happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile:

    I have NO accounting experience so some of it was hard for me; but it was because I knew NOTHING – for example there was a section for draw… well in my world I did not need that I don’t draw any pictures, or do any art work…. Opps turns out draw in accounting speak is paying yourself – I do do that! :love:

    Sylvia – Congrats on the smaller sizes! :smile: Someone else was having trouble with the band on the fitbit…. Don’t remember who

    Jen – it is so nice to hear that everything is just perking along

    Joyce – I can’t imagine that nuerologist will not be amazed too – had you lost any weight the last time you saw her? Can you imagine how different it would be if our group was in charge of fixing problems?:bigsmile: It would be a “new world order”!!!

    Brenda – isn’t walking in nature so great it doesn’t seem like exercise!

    Tammy – welcome!

    Geri – one day at a time…

    Cynthia – my niece is a gem!

    Liz – you can do the regular food thing, just log it all .

    JB – love the “geterdone” mode!! It sounds like the first steps have gone well.

    Heather - so runny cheese; you have mentioned it a few times, and cheese in the states is very different then what you get, but is it really runny, like melted, or is it soft and spreadable?
    Could you do long or ¾ sleeves that were a gauzy or lacy material and that would give you coolness and yet cover your lymphodema sleeve? I would love to read your history! I have never tried foie gras – but not a huge pate lover, it is a consistency I don’t care for…:tongue:

    Lilly – wow you have long lived genes in your family!

    Vicki W. it is easy to procrastinate when what needs to get done isn’t fun.

    Scarymaryone - welcome

    Well I am off to get my shopping done... have a good day everyone,
    Kim in N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Wow, I forget to check this thread for two days, and I have 7 pages to catch up on! You guys are busy posters.

    Is there an easier way to keep my goals showing at the bottom of my posts without having to find an old post and copy and paste them? Is there a way to edit your signature line like they have in Spark People?

    Vicki W.
    Originally from Kalamazoo, MI; now from Philly Suburbs

    I have a saved word document with my goals on them. When Im reading posts, I make all of my comments on the word document. When I'm ready, I copy and paste it into the thread and add smiley faces. I delete the new message and have "stationery" ready to go for the next time. This is also very helpful in preventing lost posts that happened to me when I was trying to respond directly on MFP.
  • eileenmmcgranahan
    eileenmmcgranahan Posts: 1 Member
    Well, I just started this, hopefully life changing way, (but that's toooo big thinking for now) this past Thursday. I have always associated my self esteem with my weight. I have always felt embarressed of my body, thinking that it's too big, although quite strong. When I look back at old pictures I wonder why I felt fat. I looked good. I made daily chooses based on what I would wear. I missed out on activities because of clothing. Now, at 50 plus I continue to place my happiness on my waist line, and in a way I gave up on dieting these past years. So, does that mean I GAVE UP HAPPINESS? With added weight comes a heavyness like a depression. Hummm.....
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ladies, I've just found your thread and had a quick read! What a busy lot you all are......

    I'd love to join you in July....and until then will check in every now and then and make sure I set sensible goals for July. I'm 53 and based in Manchester, England. I've realised the only way I can maintain a healthy weight is to keep a diary and make myself accountable to complete strangers!! It's not something I can share with my nearest and dearest; so thanks in advance for your company along the way.

    Manc(short for Manchester) Lass
  • Pamipie
    Pamipie Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Starting today and getting familiar with this website again. I joined a few years back but never really participated. Looking forward to getting to know you and celebrating our journey to a health and wellness!

  • softbll64
    softbll64 Posts: 1
    Starting today to lose 20 lbs by end of Aug 2014. Using the one day diet plan which consists of Shake at noon, shake at 3pm and high protein (all you can eat veggies) dinner for 30 days.
    Working out 2-3 times a week alternating cardio and strength training.
    And so it begins
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Delightful breakfast at Golden Corral..........great old friends, they were still talking in the parking lot when I left, almost 3hrs. after I got there!!! Then I indulged myself with a trip to the book store and here I am home now, quite a few dollars lighter, lol! Doing a load of laundry while DH, who finally got up (the man LOVES his sleep, and I certainly don't mind; I do envy him though) is busy making me a new feeding station for my birds. This happens every few years when the #$%@#!!! squirrels have destroyed the previous one beyond recognition. Every time he has a new "squirrel proof " design to try (NOT!!!; but don't tell him!!).........this time it will have a metal roof, the theory being that they will slide off..................

    Brenda........I hope you are taking lots and lots of pics of your Joel; I can only imagine how you are dreading their move....hugs!!!!

    Geri.........Hi, and welcome back!

    Cynthia.............I adore geraniums...........I had a glorious tub of bright red ones that bloomed like crazy a couple years ago.

    Liz........Gorgeous graphic of the flowers.......thanks! My DD went through the marble stage too, as did her whole class.

    jb..........Thank you for sharing the Mariah update.

    Heather.........WWII is responsible for me having the father I did also............prior to meeting my father, my mother had a boyfriend named Frank who was Italian..........I only learned of him shortly before she died when I came across his pic (handsome!!!) and asked who he was. He went off to war, for some health related reason my father didn't qualify, and she met my dad during the war years here in the US and later learned Frank married an English woman. So I am English, Welsh, Dutch, French, and German on dad's side; quite a mix!!! Otherwise I would have been German, Irish, and Italian; wonder how different I would look????

    Katla...........LOL the middle-aged Barbie doll!!!

    Hello to everyone else; welcome newbies!
    mid-Atlantic..............hot, sunny---could use some rain

    ps..........eileen..........what a sweet looking hound!!!!
  • vickikwhisler
    vickikwhisler Posts: 17 Member
    Cindy-Thank you for the tip on the protein bars. I just did some more procrastinating spending an hour pinning healthy snacks! I also want to give a shout out for the Fitbit One :heart: :heart: :heart: . It is small and clips easily onto the center of your bra. It only needs to be charged once every 10-12 days. I love mine.

    :happy: :happy: Katla-Thank you for the advice. This makes it so much easier to respond to everyone I want to without losing them.

    Deb A—I am so there with you about teacher computer troubles. My brand new laptop got a virus last week, and I lost everything back to the backup which was two weeks old. I’ve been frantically trying to re-create everything I did those two weeks. I wouldn’t be quite so freaked out, but finals are this week, and those are a lot of work! Just be glad that you have a Smart Board. We only have two for our entire school. Good luck! :grumble: :grumble:

    Vicki W.
    Originally from Kalamazoo, MI; now from Philly Suburbs

    June Goals-
    Do the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Program 4x/week (2 weeks @ 1 mile and 2 weeks @ 2 mile)
    Do the 2.5 mile path at the walking park across the street 2x/week
    Try one new healthy recipe/week
    Finish landscaping front of house
    Choose a swim suit
    Kitchen (room of the month) super scrub
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    I reached my goal of 125 pounds on Friday. Actually beat it. 124.5.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Hello-- Aedreana here, new to the site as of today! I am a 61-year-old female and I came across this site by way of a search with the keyword "matronly," as that is the postmenopausal physique problem that is plaguing me at this time. I can't believe I am actually airing my figure flaws online when I feel too ashamed and embarrassed to even discuss this with people I know! But I see that I am not the only woman going through this. Perhaps we can brainstorm to develop some anti-aging strategies!!
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    I reached my goal of 125 pounds on Friday. Actually beat it. 124.5.

    Running Amok = Fantastic! Well done!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    the only way I can maintain a healthy weight is to keep a diary and make myself accountable to complete strangers!! It's not something I can share with my nearest and dearest; so thanks in advance for your company along the way.

    Manc(short for Manchester) Lass

    That sums me up too MancLass which is why I'm back today.

    Geri (in Milton Keynes)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, I have an annual visit with her and I started my diet in October of 2012 so I did see her I believe in May of 2013 so I had lost some but I don't remember how much. I guess I could search back in the records here on MFP.

    I just looked back in the records and they only go back 1 year. I looked on my personal records and I didn't start keeping records until June of 2013 and I was 200.2 so I probably was around 205 in April or May.

    Had a bit of a scare today in church. I have had dizziness before when I am standing or walking. I have come close to seeing black but know to sit. Well today in the choir lost during the first song I started feeling that way. I was so glad the choir director only hd us sing 3 verses instead of 4. But then I knew that our choir special was coming up and we stayed standing for the next song which was 4 verses. We sang all 4:ohwell: I found myself unable to get the breath out to sing sometimes. I have had this before and he lowered my B/p medicine and again lowered my blood sugar medicine. But I was in the position to take my blood sugar or bllod pressure at the time of the dizziness and of course I didn't have that in church:laugh: I took it when I got home and it was it's normal just a tad high level. I know that this can be an MS problem so I will talk to her about it on Tuesday

    To those with the FitBit one. Any tips on what to do on vacation when I am in water? I want to be able to record my steps and calories burned but it says not to wear it in water. I wish I could jsut exchange it for the wristband one for a week.

    Joyce, Indiana