What did you eat to get heavy?



  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My God OP, you are stunning!!!!!!

    And it was a crap ton of fast food and closet eating for me. I still eat fast food but I just eat it differently now.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Generally ate too much. Would go out to fast food after work every day. I was always heavy but it got a lot worse as an adult when I wasn't eating home cooked meals regularly. But I think it just took me growing up you know? Gaining some more responsibility for myself. I knew it wasn't good for me when I was doing it, that it was too much food, but I did it anyway.

    Now we only eat out once to twice a week, be it fast food, a restaurant or take out. On Wednesday we're going to get a Costco pizza because the husband really wants it, and then go to Jack in the Box for dinner later, but since it's just once and it'll still be more-or-less within my calorie target, that's ok. Didn't really cut anything out, just cut back in general.
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    I ate large quantities of some of the food I eat now but I also ate a lot of junk and fast food. I ate general tso's chicken with white rice, an entire order dinner size, egg rolls, and egg drop soup. I would go to McDonalds and get large orders of big mac and fries with diet soda of course...because that mattered and I would eat taco bell, Wendy's, Popeyes. A lot of fried chicken and fried food and cheesy food like cheetos and cheez-its. I wasn't ever big on sweets though, sugar wasn't my downfall. All of my junky go tos would put weight on me like no one's business because i ate as much as I wanted in front of the TV, which distorted my hunger signals. I ate for emotional reasons that I've sorted out for the most part.

    To lose weight, I eat primarily healthy and clean foods but I eat junk food in smaller quantities too. I tend to avoid trigger foods often like fried chicken or cheesey things though. I eat mostly vegetables, a lot of fruit, whole grains, and meat but I eat candy, french fries, burgers, cake, donuts, bread, etc but all in WAY smaller quantities. I was so shocked to learn how much less food I can subsist on after counting points. I ate so much unnecessary food and my body told me so by putting it on my hips. After years of trying fad diets, like Paleo, Plant based, etc I will say anyone with emotional eating issues should not cut out food groups completely it does not lead to long term success. I've had the best success counting calories/points, weighing and portioning food, and eating primarily clean versions of my favorite foods but having what I want when its important too.
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    Honestly I ate all the same stuff I do now, just a lot more of it and a lot more often.

    Same here. :)
    I haven't changed what I eat, just the portion sizes of everything and/or frequency.
    Take tonight for example. A week back I made a homemade cheesecake with 2 cups of sugar (I forget the weight of this, but I did weigh it) and 900g of full fat Philadelphia (amongst other ingredients). I put all the ingredients into mfp, and it came back as 13,000 calories for the entire thing. Yep you read that right, it wasn't a typo, thirteen thousand cals. Pre-losing weight I'd have shared it with my husband and demolished it in 2-4 sittings. Now I'm being more mindful I gave ¼ of it to my in laws. Cut ½ of it up into 8 pieces for my husband, and cut the remaining ¼ up into 16 small bite sized pieces, and froze them. Tonight I'm having a piece as a snack :) 24g about 2cm cubed, 211calories. I'm not depriving myself of anything now.

    Edit to say I've even had a KFC and lost weight because I accounted for it. :) I just don't have 3-4 take always a week anymore.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    A lot of weight loss forums/success stories focus on what to eat to lose weight. But I'd like to switch it up and talk about what people ate to get to their heaviest? And how did they change that and what is different now? I've noticed on weightloss shows they often show overweight people, pre-diet, gorging on junk. I know that for me, it wasnt so simple.

    How I gained:
    For me, I got into a bad habit of eating exclusively restaurant foods with hidden fats and calories. Id always skip breakfast then order a salad, but it'd be loaded with cheese, fried chicken, buttered croutons, etc. I would fluctuate between starving and stuffed. I noticed high fat foods put weight on me moreso than say, starches like bread and pasta. I ate a lot of desserts too. I was never a binger or a snacker, I just ate the wrong foods and was def guilty of waiting too long between meals- then Id make the wrong choices.

    How I lose:
    Well, I just started but Ive completely changed everything. FIrst of all I try to eat "clean"- meaning mostly whole organic food fresh food. Nothing in a bag..For example, I eat fresh cucumber salads w lemon & sumac with bit of hummus. But I dont buy pre packaged hummus. That stuff has so many preservatives in it. Real hummus has a shelf life of only 1-2days in the fridge. I try to do as much plant based eating as possible- green salads with lemon and olive oil, brown rice in squash, with 2-3 oz of fresh animal protein at each meal. I eat grains like rice or a slice of homemade bread. I really steer clear of pre packaged food. I avoid restaurant food I think its all bad.

    I always eat breakfast. Ive learned I can not do a grain or fruit based breakfast. Some people do smoothies in the morning. I actually do smoothies for dessert sometimes, only a few ounces 1/day but it cures any sugar craving and is full of fiber. I add spinach and some chia seeds too.

    For breakfast I have the same thing everyday bc its easy: whole wheat organic lavash + raw spinach+ egg whites+ 1slice cheddar (my only dairy), and fresh avacado. I get so much energy and I find that I never get too hungry so when lunchtime arrives I dont overeat or choose the wrong thing. Breakfast is sooo important to me.

    I eat 3 meals/day one snack (smoothie). I used to skip meals all the time which lead to crazy appetite swings and inadvertant overeating and poor food choices and sugar cravings. I always drank a lot of water, but now I exclusively drink water and nothing else. Before, I drank a ton of diet coke.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    A lot of weight loss forums/success stories focus on what to eat to lose weight. But I'd like to switch it up and talk about what people ate to get to their heaviest? And how did they change that and what is different now? I've noticed on weightloss shows they often show overweight people, pre-diet, gorging on junk. I know that for me, it wasnt so simple.

    How I gained:
    For me, I got into a bad habit of eating exclusively restaurant foods with hidden fats and calories. Id always skip breakfast then order a salad, but it'd be loaded with cheese, fried chicken, buttered croutons, etc. I would fluctuate between starving and stuffed. I noticed high fat foods put weight on me moreso than say, starches like bread and pasta. I ate a lot of desserts too. I was never a binger or a snacker, I just ate the wrong foods and was def guilty of waiting too long between meals- then Id make the wrong choices.

    How I lose:
    Well, I just started but Ive completely changed everything. FIrst of all I try to eat "clean"- meaning mostly whole organic food fresh food. Nothing in a bag..For example, I eat fresh cucumber salads w lemon & sumac with bit of hummus. But I dont buy pre packaged hummus. That stuff has so many preservatives in it. Real hummus has a shelf life of only 1-2days in the fridge. I try to do as much plant based eating as possible- green salads with lemon and olive oil, brown rice in squash, with 2-3 oz of fresh animal protein at each meal. I eat grains like rice or a slice of homemade bread. I really steer clear of pre packaged food. I avoid restaurant food I think its all bad.

    I always eat breakfast. Ive learned I can not do a grain or fruit based breakfast. Some people do smoothies in the morning. I actually do smoothies for dessert sometimes, only a few ounces 1/day but it cures any sugar craving and is full of fiber. I add spinach and some chia seeds too.

    For breakfast I have the same thing everyday bc its easy: whole wheat organic lavash + raw spinach+ egg whites+ 1slice cheddar (my only dairy), and fresh avacado. I get so much energy and I find that I never get too hungry so when lunchtime arrives I dont overeat or choose the wrong thing. Breakfast is sooo important to me.

    I eat 3 meals/day one snack (smoothie). I used to skip meals all the time which lead to crazy appetite swings and inadvertant overeating and poor food choices and sugar cravings. I always drank a lot of water, but now I exclusively drink water and nothing else. Before, I drank a ton of diet coke.
    pretty much exact same stuff i am eating now losing 32 lbs in the last 12 weeks, just alot less of it.
  • tefleon
    tefleon Posts: 32 Member
    I gained in two stages.

    Seven year ago I changed jobs and it involved travelling; hotel food Monday - Friday with little chance for any exercise. Yes the hotel might have had a gym but by the hours were long in the office and when you got back to the hotel room so it was pretty much whatever room service did. Full fat, creamed soups all with buttered veg.

    That took me from a size 32 waist to a size 36-38. I have four suits and a tux in my cupboard that I out grew in this period. My tux I once. 12 months later when I needed it again I couldn't even squeeze into it and rather than face up to anything I pretended to be sick to get out of the evening.

    Then a couple of years ago I changed positions and started to work from home. No more hotel food! But what actually happened was that my commute, the last minute the dash through an airport or the walk around an office complex now only took 10 steps between rooms. I started to spend upwards of ten hours on my PC each day; six days a week with few real breaks. Since I knew a lunch break wasn't on the cards I'd make a maybe a cheese and biscuit platter for that 1 hour conference call. Maybe a round of mini sandwiches and some crisps for the next call. Breakfast at 8am then a brunch around 11. Sandwiches at 1pm and then something when the kids got home around 4pm. Dinner with the wife was around 6pm and supper before bed.
    When I did leave the the house for work it would include restaurants, full latte choco coffees and a muffin.

    18 months of doing this and I went from a 36-38 inch waist to 40.

    The last six months, I stopped cycling. I had spent some of the time at home cycling with a friend to do 140 mile ride. I did 40 miles per week although being the fitter and skinny one of the group I'd sometimes not break sweat on these rides as we trundled along at 5-7mph. Over the last six months, from about Nov 2013, my bike didn't move and that pushed me over the 100kg mark and into a pair of 42 inch jeans, which I only just squeezed into.

    The kicker, the thing which made me make a change, was a night out with my wife about a month ago. She looked amazing and I stood in the bedroom, squeezed into a pair of jeans knowing only my comfy, elasticated, around the house shorts now fit. I could only look at her knowing I'd ruined her night before we'd left the house.
    We went out and I couldn't sit the whole evening; my wife stood next to me but I could see the embarrassment in her face when people mentioned in passing "you've gained a little weight". My trousers straining under the pressure of the fat they force above the belt line and my shirt buttons pulled to the extremes, the threads holding them in place just managing to withstand the stretching Half way through the night food was served and I stood holding a paper plate with a pork pie and a slice of cake on. My wife look at it, looked at me and then poured her drink over the top of it so I couldn't eat it.

    That was the moment I know I needed to do something.

    Edit: I've just read that back and it's the first time I've actually addressed the reason I've ended up the size I am. :(
  • rightoncommander
    rightoncommander Posts: 114 Member
    For me it wasn't about what I ate, it was about bad eating habits - the main ones were eating a large lunch and grazing after my evening meal.

    The weight went on really slowly and I was still reasonably fit, so it was easy to deny there was a problem, but with my family history of type 2 diabetes, I eventually accepted I needed to lose weight. Tried dieting and lost weight, but it came back within a few months.

    I now think changing your diet is the worst thing you can do to lose weight and keep it off - the changes you make need to be permanent to work permanently. What you eat and how much are two separate problems, best tackled separately. That's why I like MFP - you figure out your own way of hitting that magic number that will lose you the weight. Without MFP, I'd never have figured out that those two simple changes to my eating habits would make such a difference - in my case, it's probably the difference between a long and active old age and a short, impaired retirement in years to come.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I pretty much ate food.
  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    I pretty much ate food.

    I didn't. I ate "faux" food: fast food and processed food: frozen pot pies, jarred spaghetti sauce over white pasta, etc. There were times I ate every single meal out for weeks.
  • alpacapunch1989
    I fell in love with Dave's Hot & Juicy from Wendy's. Honestly wish I had never tried it because now I crave it constantly! lol Trying to eat better now, haven't had one since I started monitoring what I eat, but boy do I miss those icky greasy cheeseburgers!
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    I wouldn't eat more than once a day and then I'd order a pizza or something. And eat the whole thing.

    Didn't cook at home ever, ate either delivery or out at a restaurant every day and almost always cleaned my plate.

    That's about it really.
  • uchube
    uchube Posts: 44
    how i gained: eating too many dried banana chips during study for exams. dried fruits/added sugars from fructose seems to be the worst for me.

    how i lose: with great difficulty thanks to pcos. cut out a ton of carbs, including anything more than 1 serving of fruit a day- i choose berries. bump up the fats, particularly MCT, and go to weight training sessions 2x a week to lift heavy as i can for ten reps. if i'm really desperate i add in 2 days of HIIT sprinting but i find that really tough and the post-hiit nausea is a big turn off.
  • uchube
    uchube Posts: 44
    tefleon - awareness and ownership of past errors is power- you'll get there :)
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    Honestly I ate all the same stuff I do now, just a lot more of it and a lot more often.

    This exactly. I still enjoy almost all the same foods, but before it was just too frequently and in portions that were too large.

    I've only changed up a few things for health, not weight loss. Switching to pasta and rice with more fiber, lower sodium bacon and teriyaki sauce, etc.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
  • msjohnson426
    msjohnson426 Posts: 40 Member
    I was eating wayyyy took much out side food
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    9 pregnancies, 6 deliveries, PCOS, un diagnosed depression.....and not knowing anything about nutrition.
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    I am currently the heaviest I have ever been except for right after having babies. I think mine is the combination of drinking soda everyday and still eating like I did when I worked in a nursing home and sitting on my butt at work(bank teller) and sitting on my butt at home. So seeing that I didn't change my eating when my activity level changed I would say plays a big part. But starting tonight I'm going to start getting off my butt and exercising then just making smaller and better food choices.