Vixen&Foxes: Valentine's Challange



  • iawierz
    iawierz Posts: 65
    Slacker radio is awesome.....

    There is so much to choose from as far as tunes and it also has a comedy station. Its similar to Pandora if you are familiar. Slacker radio is free and you get enjoy it on your computer and phone. The site address is!

    I really enjoy music also when working out it motivates me or makes me unmotivated if it is the wrong song. Thanks for the info!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I must get back on track!

    I need to start drinking lots of water (haven't for a few days) and eat better.

    I've taken the past week to "ease" into workouts, now I'm ready to give it my all tomorrow.

    Since I haven't drank water all day, my goal is 4 big glasses tonight :)

  • EMancia
    EMancia Posts: 7 Member
    Weigh in is today for me and I am way too excited lost 4lbs YAY!!!!! I am so motivated for this next week !! to loose more and reach our goal of 10 by Valentines !!!!
  • skinnyschool
    skinnyschool Posts: 8 Member
    Hey sounds great I just started tonite 188 goal 178 ..10 lbs here I come Thanks MJ
  • I would like to be in on the Valentine Challange. I'm still new to this , but having a great time with my updates by phone and comuper...and so glad they figure all the calories for me !
    SW 186
    GW 150
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Weigh in is today for me and I am way too excited lost 4lbs YAY!!!!! I am so motivated for this next week !! to loose more and reach our goal of 10 by Valentines !!!!

    wow! that's outstanding. keep up the momentum and you will be a star!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I only got to 8 cups of water today. I struggled with that. I didn't have any soda either, so its all good.
    for the rainbow challenge, the only colors I had was from my chicken salad.
    I didn't do any for the commercial because I didn't watch much tv.

    I am doing great with my no chip challenge. A personal challenge that my husband and I are doing. So this is day 9 of no chips. And no late night snacking.

    Just wanted to check in to see how everyone else was doing and to issue another potential challenge for the week. 100 push ups daily. If you have to do them on your knees or on the wall or the staircase, break them up however you like. I think I am personally going for 5 sets of 20 throughout the day. Could also double as a good workout for the commerical challenge.

    Choco, wtg on doing the jump rope during commerical. Its a great total body workout. very inexpensive and something you can do anywhere.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi :)
    So.. any day is weigh in day, and its never too late to join.

    PLEASE, when you post your updated weight, put the actual weight. That way I don't have to worry that I missed one and I only subtracted .6 pounds and missed the post where you lost 1 pound and then another post where you lost .6 :)

    If there is a mistake in the grid for your any of your weights, let me know and I will fix it :D

  • tish30930
    tish30930 Posts: 77 Member
    Weighted in this morning at 140.5 pounds! First week bonus water weight? Thanks for everyones motivation and support!
  • dainj
    dainj Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds great, I am new to the site so am excited to join a group!
    Current weight 220.5
    goal weight for valentines day 210
  • clarkey72
    clarkey72 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, would you mind if I joined your group?

    I need to get back on track after illness and Christmas holidays.

    My current weight is 150lbs and by valentines day I would like to be 140lbs.

    Would love to hear any motivational tips anyone has. First day back today and started exercising "regularly" again last week. So I know if I stick to it it works!

    Good luck to anyone else reading this post.

    Clarkey72 X
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Weighing in at 155.4.
    I am so grateful for this group and the challenge.
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    Weighing in at 138.9! Woo!

    My goal was to be below 140 by today, and I made it!
    Starting my PE Weight Training Class today, hopefully it'll help.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Sorry I've been out of action. I was sick from tuesday night until basically yesterday. I feel better now though. However, I didn't exercise at all during that time, of course, and ate lots of saltines, pretzels, etc. So no loss for me this week. Still at 126.6.
  • mpatternmaker
    mpatternmaker Posts: 20 Member
    I'd like to get in on this: SW: 161, CW:159, goal by V-day 149!
    Thanks, Melissa
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday! Well Georgia is in a State of Emergency due to the winter weather storm of 2011 that dropped between 3-6 inches in parts of Atlanta. After the snow came the freezing rain and the temperature is not expected to go above freezing for the next couple of days. I live right on the outskirts of Atlanta but since I'm not on a major street plow trucks have yet to dump any ice melt and my subdivision looks like a sheet of ice. I know 3-6 inches isn't a lot of snow but b/c the Southerners are not use to it it was dang near a frenzy at the grocery and hardware store on Saturday afternoon and evening. I'm so glad I handled my errands as I always do, first thing in the morning because by 3 pm the lines they showed on the news were ridiculous. Most of the Metro Atlanta county schools, businesses and government offices are closed but since I've been working from home the last few months it's business as usual for me and my team.

    My arthritis in my lower back and knee bothered me something awful last night and I got absolutely no relief until about 6 am this morning. I was able to get up and get at em about an hour ago in order to complete today's workout. Today begins my first week of the TF/CLX hybrid so I completed Push Circuit 1 and because I was aiming for at least a 60 minute workout, I also jumped rope for 10 minutes and concluded with a 15 minute stretch.

    Welcome to all the new people and CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who saw a loss last week. This is a new week so let's stay as dedicated and ROCK IT OUT!

    TeamLeela: I like the commercial challenge and may consider it again this evening but not sure. I absolutely HATE push ups (even though I can do about 30 regular on a good day) so it may take some convincing to sign on for that challenge. If I do the commercial challenge I may consider adding the push ups. My arms are already sore from Push Circuit 1 which is a lot of arm work. How does the late night snacking challenge work.....what's considered late night? How long are you and your hubby doing the chips challenge?
  • Melissa132129
    Melissa132129 Posts: 205 Member
    Starting Weight 1/3: 141.6 lbs
    Current Weight 1/10: 141.1 lbs

    Loss of .5 : (

    I guess it's better than a gain
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Ok, I weighed in again this morning and am down to 141.6!! Yay! That is another pound lost! Super excited!

    I plan to finish my laundry during the Bachelor tonight, but also plan to do something during commercials. Anyone up for that tonight?
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Isaiahsmom~ I have barely lost anything in almost a month!! -.5 is :) no :( hahhha

    txchic~ You're totally kicking butt!! Great job :)

    Chocolickkiss~ that sucks that that your back and knee are giving you problems, I bet all that snow and cold isn't helping!

    DrumlineGirl~ I'm glad you're feeling better :)

    welcome all newies! :) I'll be posting an updated spreadsheet soon!!
  • snain
    snain Posts: 21 Member
    CW:142 down 3 lb
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