Working out in High Heels!



  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't condone this, but here is someone that works out in heels also................I think it looks ridiculous, but what do I know.

  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    crazy talk
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    I'm going to start wearing my stilletos when I work out. I got the thought to do this so I started researching if it would be helpful! It stated not only does it help to tone every thing more, but it also strengthens the pelvic muscles! And that's a win win for every one! LOL Here are some of the exercises it suggested doing in heels.

    "Do squats: Have you ever noticed how great Julissa Bermudez's butt looks? The Dominican TV Host has a rear that can easily compete with J.Lo's and she has her high heels to thank for that. She does squats regularly with her high heels on. Try wearing your highest stilettos the next time you attempt to do some squatting exercises, but start off doing less reps than usual. You might not be able to handle the intensity!
    Lunges: If you're going to do lunges in heels, try a pair that features a lower, and thicker heel. You don't want to lose your balance and wind up falling. Try doing 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps. This is a great way to tone up your butt, quads, and inner thighs.
    Dance: There's a reason why professional dancers tend to rehearse in their high heels. Not only do they need to get used to dancing in their tacones for the day of the performance, but I'm convinced it helps work out their legs more than usual. Seriously, have you ever seen a professional dancer with so-so looking legs? I didn't think so! The next time you decide to go dancing, whether at a club or around your living room, make sure to throw on those heels.
    Plié: Here's another move that will definitely give your butt some lift. Start off standing with your feet wide apart (in heels of course) with your toes turned out and your arms at your sides. Now lower your body into a plié squat and while you go down, raise your arms in front of you, shoulder height with palms facing down. Hold the position for 3 seconds and then continue with 10 reps.
    Warning: Your booty will hurt afterwards. Work out those calves: Strengthen those calf muscles by repeatedly going up a flight stairs with high heels on. You'll feel it almost instantly and the best part is you'll be working your thighs and your butt simultaneously. It might sound silly but it really works! "

    I love this! I'm already trying it in a pair of 5" heels (they are the easiest pair for me to stand and walk in for long periods) and you can definitely feel the pull more!

    But of course be careful! If you're not comfortable in heels try a smaller heel, wedges, or those sneaker heels!

    WOW, this is just ridiculous... Using a 2x4 or plates under your heels is one thing, but squatting in heels is, well........ (insert huge rant filled with 4 letter words here)...............
  • Shan_Lindsay
    Shan_Lindsay Posts: 60 Member
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Stripper pole workouts are becoming more popular. I can't say I mind.
  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm going to start wearing my stilletos when I work out. I got the thought to do this so I started researching if it would be helpful! It stated not only does it help to tone every thing more, but it also strengthens the pelvic muscles! And that's a win win for every one! LOL Here are some of the exercises it suggested doing in heels.

    "Do squats: Have you ever noticed how great Julissa Bermudez's butt looks? The Dominican TV Host has a rear that can easily compete with J.Lo's and she has her high heels to thank for that. She does squats regularly with her high heels on. Try wearing your highest stilettos the next time you attempt to do some squatting exercises, but start off doing less reps than usual. You might not be able to handle the intensity!
    Lunges: If you're going to do lunges in heels, try a pair that features a lower, and thicker heel. You don't want to lose your balance and wind up falling. Try doing 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps. This is a great way to tone up your butt, quads, and inner thighs.
    Dance: There's a reason why professional dancers tend to rehearse in their high heels. Not only do they need to get used to dancing in their tacones for the day of the performance, but I'm convinced it helps work out their legs more than usual. Seriously, have you ever seen a professional dancer with so-so looking legs? I didn't think so! The next time you decide to go dancing, whether at a club or around your living room, make sure to throw on those heels.
    Plié: Here's another move that will definitely give your butt some lift. Start off standing with your feet wide apart (in heels of course) with your toes turned out and your arms at your sides. Now lower your body into a plié squat and while you go down, raise your arms in front of you, shoulder height with palms facing down. Hold the position for 3 seconds and then continue with 10 reps.
    Warning: Your booty will hurt afterwards. Work out those calves: Strengthen those calf muscles by repeatedly going up a flight stairs with high heels on. You'll feel it almost instantly and the best part is you'll be working your thighs and your butt simultaneously. It might sound silly but it really works! "

    I love this! I'm already trying it in a pair of 5" heels (they are the easiest pair for me to stand and walk in for long periods) and you can definitely feel the pull more!

    But of course be careful! If you're not comfortable in heels try a smaller heel, wedges, or those sneaker heels!

    Seriously? Just, no. Add some weights to your squats and lunges if needed, but please, don't destroy your ankles ... :| just, wow
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm going to start wearing my stilletos when I work out. I got the thought to do this so I started researching if it would be helpful! It stated not only does it help to tone every thing more, but it also strengthens the pelvic muscles! And that's a win win for every one! LOL Here are some of the exercises it suggested doing in heels.

    "Do squats: Have you ever noticed how great Julissa Bermudez's butt looks? The Dominican TV Host has a rear that can easily compete with J.Lo's and she has her high heels to thank for that. She does squats regularly with her high heels on. Try wearing your highest stilettos the next time you attempt to do some squatting exercises, but start off doing less reps than usual. You might not be able to handle the intensity!
    Lunges: If you're going to do lunges in heels, try a pair that features a lower, and thicker heel. You don't want to lose your balance and wind up falling. Try doing 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps. This is a great way to tone up your butt, quads, and inner thighs.
    Dance: There's a reason why professional dancers tend to rehearse in their high heels. Not only do they need to get used to dancing in their tacones for the day of the performance, but I'm convinced it helps work out their legs more than usual. Seriously, have you ever seen a professional dancer with so-so looking legs? I didn't think so! The next time you decide to go dancing, whether at a club or around your living room, make sure to throw on those heels.
    Plié: Here's another move that will definitely give your butt some lift. Start off standing with your feet wide apart (in heels of course) with your toes turned out and your arms at your sides. Now lower your body into a plié squat and while you go down, raise your arms in front of you, shoulder height with palms facing down. Hold the position for 3 seconds and then continue with 10 reps.
    Warning: Your booty will hurt afterwards. Work out those calves: Strengthen those calf muscles by repeatedly going up a flight stairs with high heels on. You'll feel it almost instantly and the best part is you'll be working your thighs and your butt simultaneously. It might sound silly but it really works! "

    I love this! I'm already trying it in a pair of 5" heels (they are the easiest pair for me to stand and walk in for long periods) and you can definitely feel the pull more!

    But of course be careful! If you're not comfortable in heels try a smaller heel, wedges, or those sneaker heels!

    Seriously? Just, no. Add some weights to your squats and lunges if needed, but please, don't destroy your ankles ... :| just, wow

    And knees. Isn't anybody thinking of the knees?
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    I am on the no wagon and I really, really hope this was a joke.

    And thanks for the chuckle at work!
  • Ryderod
    Ryderod Posts: 103 Member
    It will definitely help with your upper body strength and toning, cause once the heel breaks, or you simply lose your balance and twist your ankle, you will get lots of time to only train your upper body, that's if you even manage to hobble yourself to gym..
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Great Idea.

    Only thing is, I think the heels would pop my yoga ball when I squat. :(

  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    My mom always wore heels. Now she always has to wear them. Her tendons shortened and now it hurts her to walk flat.

    wow, that sucks. i'm sorry to hear that. Are there any stretches or anything else that she can do to try to reverse the damage?

    She hasn't found any yet.

    I have this too and I'm only in my 40s. The doctor said the only permanent solution is surgery but he won't do it unless the person is in constant, extrememe or it's some kind of quality of life issue.

    I'm supposed to wear 1/2 - 1 inch shoes but I figure that the damage is done so I'm sticking with my 4 inch ones.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I have great balance in heels and could probably run in heels if i had to....that being said I don't think this is safe. It seems the POSSIBLE benefits are outweighed by the certain safety risks here.

    I've sprinted for the bus before in heels. I wouldn't recommend doing it. Now I wear flats to work and change into my heels (mostly because the pavement eats heels) and I try to rotate heel heights and flats throughout the week because of how bad heels can be.

    But yah, I would not workout in heels. It seems like you're asking to be injured.
  • 143Meowww
    143Meowww Posts: 9 Member
    Your butt might look nice but your feet will be a disaster!
  • Sehkmet_x
    Sehkmet_x Posts: 14
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    My mom always wore heels. Now she always has to wear them. Her tendons shortened and now it hurts her to walk flat.

    wow, that sucks. i'm sorry to hear that. Are there any stretches or anything else that she can do to try to reverse the damage?

    She hasn't found any yet.

    I have this too and I'm only in my 40s. The doctor said the only permanent solution is surgery but he won't do it unless the person is in constant, extrememe or it's some kind of quality of life issue.

    I'm supposed to wear 1/2 - 1 inch shoes but I figure that the damage is done so I'm sticking with my 4 inch ones.

    Walking barefoot all the time when you're not in the gym or out in public helps a whole lot. I wore 4-5 inch heels every single day, 12 hours a day, for years and years. My feet used to ache when I took my shoes off and tried to walk around the house to the point where I walked tiptoe to avoid the pain.

    I stopped wearing shoes unless it was absolutely necessary. I still wear 4-5 inch heels out in public, and I wear 3/4 inch heels on my squat shoes when I do squats, but even my running shoes are 3.0 Nike Frees because they have a low strike heel. Take care of your feet.

    You can retrain your tendons. Go barefoot.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Sounds like a good way to end up in the hospital to me. Heels are bad enough for you as it is let alone lifting weights.
  • HavingMySay
    I go to an excercise place called Bring It Up Sexy in DC, and we exercise in 6-8 in heels. Swats are much easier in heels and softer on the knees. So Missy keep doing yo thang in your heels.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    ...No. ^Just no.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I go to an excercise place called Bring It Up Sexy in DC, and we exercise in 6-8 in heels. Swats are much easier in heels and softer on the knees. So Missy keep doing yo thang in your heels.

    Strong first post.
  • brownbeauty2013
    brownbeauty2013 Posts: 50 Member
    LoL, this thread is too funny!! :0) I would say that this is a bad idea. Just do squats, donkey kick backs and ensure you are targeting the muscles you want to work on! The heels and working out = trip to emergency room! So not worth it!!!