Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    I have not had any weight issues with my Mirena. I just got my second one placed this past February. It really is all about balancing my food intake and exercise and being honest about everything I put into my mouth.
  • I'm new to the site and have followed this thread for a few weeks while I was doing my own research on Mirena.

    It's totally ridiculous to try and minimize someone's bad Mirena experience! Everyone's body is different and we all react to things differently.

    Here's my story with this thing---I had Mirena put in almost 2 years ago after deciding to go off the pill to have less hormones in my body and to lower my blood pressure. I take an ADD med that when mixed with the Pill made my BP shoot up. It had been low all my life and just after 2 years of the ADD med starting to go up. So I do some research and find Mirena. Get it put in (wasn't as bad as I thought and I have never had a baby) and for the first few months I spotted and bled for weeks at a time. Then that stopped and everything seemed great. That was a short honeymoon. I have gained 15lbs which will NOT come off. I have belonged to WW for over 7 years and had been at my goal or close to it for over 5 years. For the past few months I am far away from my personal goal despite having increased my food tracking and exercise. My hair is thinner, my back and shoulders break out very easily despite 2 showers a day and cleansing with a salicyclic (sp?) acid based body wash. I have a fogginess in my head I've never had before. My hands and feet are bloated and is my stomach. My waist, which had always been small (I'm an hourglass) looked wide to me. And I thought this was me getting 'older' (I'm 36). So I start doing some research online in medical journals and around the web. SO MANY women have had these problems. We can't all be crazy. Last week at WW, when I weighed in I was in tears after gaining for the 4th week in a row.

    I spoke with my hubby and he doesn't want the 'snip' either so I am getting this Mirena out and will have my tubal ligation done later. In the meantime I've read that the active hormone in Mirena (levonorgestrel, a synthetic progesterone) can cause estrogen dominance over time which may explain a lot of the symptoms that we all have. So until I get this removed, I've been taking DIM supplements (to help with the excess estrogen) and magnesium and milk thistle to help the liver detox the estrogen. The DIM and others are helping a bit but every morning I wake up with my pot belly back.

    What else scares me is that the hormones that can cause excess estrogen can also mask hypothyroid, which runs in my family. This would also explain why my endo ran extensive bloodwork and it all came up normal! After removal I am going to talk to my endo about running bloodwork in a few months to see how everything is then. Hopefully I go back to normal and if not, we'll know what steps to take.

    So to those who are questioning themselves---don't feel bad. I questioned myself for months about whether this was the cause. I'm not perfect and I like to enjoy treats but my exercise and eating habits had not changed in the past year and a half to warrant a 15lb gain.

    I'll keep following this thread and will give an update when I get mine removed (in a few weeks).

    Thanks for those who posted and updated---I really benefited from all of your experiences.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Don't know how you are doing 3 years later... but I've had Mirena for about 4 years now - no kids, no pregnancies past or present.
    I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have no issues losing weight on Mirena, but I no absolutely no issues gaining weight.
    If you are eating whatever you want whenever you want, that's your issue. Not Mirena.

    As with many "diets" Atkins has it's own claims and certain "no-nos." It is a high fat, fat protein, high cal diet - you need a good balance. Calories are the only thing that counts as that is what your body consumes and burns. Eat less than you burn per day. Simple as that.

    You can eat 12 Snickers bars and 4 packs of twinkies if that's what you choose - but you have to burn more than those consumed calories. Preferably, a balanced, nutrient rich diet is much better for your body.

    If you need some assistance, I would suggest Weight Watchers. They use the calorie system disguised by points and try to teach you how to eat properly and healthy. Go over those points (calories), you don't lose weight. Consume them or less, you do lose weight.

    Like I said, burn more calories than you consume. Simple.

    And to those experiencing wacko symptoms..go to the doctor, you dummies.

    I hope you are just trolling and not being serious, because if you are...that is seriously the most ignorant post I have every seen! The symptoms don't all start the same day and when I went to the doctor, he told me it couldn't possibly be the Mirena! Go troll somewhere else!

    For the rest of you out there, it has been 4 months since I took mine out, I have lost over 10 pounds. I found I had to start increasing my calories to lose, I had cut my calories back so much to keep from gaining that I couldn't lose at my current calorie deficit! I am exercising, eating between 1300-1500 calories and finally losing weight! My energy is coming back, my skin is clearing up, I feel 100% better! I am guessing that most of you that gained weight uncontrollably with this thing have cut your calories as well! If anyone has any questions, please contact me! I hope we can all help each other!

    That post wasn't ignorant..in fact CICO is how you lose weight.

    Having a 100g plastic coil inserted does not cause a tonne of weight gain..over eating does.

    Does Mirena cause some..yes but it is mostly water.

    The insert specifically indicates it can increase your appetite.

    I used Mirena exclusively for 7 years and lost most of my weight using it...how? calorie deficet...weighing my solids, measuring liquids and logging everything accurately and consistently.

    It's easy to blame Mirena for weight gain as it is one of the side effects but again it will not cause 50lbs...without the excess food...it is scientifically impossible to gain over 10lbs (that could be water) using it without eating too much...it doesn't create excess calories on it's own...

    @Marialynn2014 the scale wont move due to the new exercise....that causes water retention that masks weight loss and it can last up to 4 weeks.

    Go back and read my original post, I gained 30lbs in 3 months while exercising vigorously and eating under 1200 calories and tracking ever morsel of food that I put in my mouth. I weighed and measured everything I ate and still kept gaining. And after the 30lbs was on, I starved and exercised my *kitten* off and did not lose an ounce for over 18 months until I took the Mirena out! I am glad to hear you did not have a negative reaction to this thing. But do not try to minimize what others of us have gone through! I was more horrified by the other poster telling us we were dummies because we didn't go to the doctor for other symptoms! I went to a doctor who told me the Mirena had nothing to do with my weight gain, hair falling out, lack of sex drive, depression, no energy, skin problems, brain fog and countless other symptoms. He told me I was just getting to a certain age and to just learn to live with it! All of those problems are gone since I took the thing out! You are one of the lucky ones, I was not, and there are a lot more women having problems like me than there are that have been lucky like you!

    Anyone is a dummy if he or she doesn't visit the doctor for symptoms that are not going away. They could be serious. Mirena, like many other medications, is not something to be taken lightly.
    I'm sorry you have a little trouble with my blunt response.

    Starving yourself and over exercising is foolish and unhealthy. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly is the only way to live healthy. I do hope you are eating and exercising smarter.

    I disagree with that doctor. There is never an instance where "it's just age." Things HAPPEN at certain age time periods, but there is always SOMETHING causing it. Joints break down... arthritis sets in. It happens as we get older, but there is a cause to these things that is not directly related, but only correlates with age.
    Now that was your own fault for sticking with that doctor and not looking for a second ...or third or fourth... opinion. Some doctors are jaded.

    Again, I won't apologize for my bluntness.

    Boy I wish I was as smart as you! Again I say, good for you that you had no negative experience! I wish I could say the same! Again I say the symptoms don't all start the same day and that you don't put it all together at first! This happened over a period of months, not days or weeks and some of them I didn't even realize until I took the damn thing out!

    I went to my doctor 3 times, when he didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, I went to another doctor who ran a bunch of test, and then told me the same thing the first doctor did! Then I went to a naturopath, same thing! So don't preach to me about second opinions! I am not a doctor and I trusted mine...my bad! And lets not forget a 3rd doctor put it in and told me what a wonderful device it was!

    It wasn't until I read this very post that I put things together and realized that I wasn't crazy and that there was something wrong! I am sharing my story with those people that need to hear it and need to realize that they aren't alone! What none of us that have had problems need to hear is that we are "dummies" and that we should have stopped filling our faces to lose weight! That was not my problem...the Mirena was! If I starved myself, it was because I thought there was no other option to lose the weight that I was gaining at an alarming weight for no apparent reason! I was gaining at 1200 calories while exercising...what would you have done...increase your calories???

    If you are happy with your Mirena, go start a thread and preach about it's benefits...Don't come on this thread and put down ladies that have had a bad time! We have already been victims! Maybe you haven't heard the quote, "girls compete with each other, real women empower each other!" I am here to support and help the women that need it!

    For the rest of you looking for updates on progress, I have lost 12lbs since taking my Mirena out in January. My hair has stopped falling out, my mood is so much better (when not dealing with this crap^^) and my skin has cleared up! Keep your chin up and good luck!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm new to the site and have followed this thread for a few weeks while I was doing my own research on Mirena.

    It's totally ridiculous to try and minimize someone's bad Mirena experience! Everyone's body is different and we all react to things differently.

    Here's my story with this thing---I had Mirena put in almost 2 years ago after deciding to go off the pill to have less hormones in my body and to lower my blood pressure. I take an ADD med that when mixed with the Pill made my BP shoot up. It had been low all my life and just after 2 years of the ADD med starting to go up. So I do some research and find Mirena. Get it put in (wasn't as bad as I thought and I have never had a baby) and for the first few months I spotted and bled for weeks at a time. Then that stopped and everything seemed great. That was a short honeymoon. I have gained 15lbs which will NOT come off. I have belonged to WW for over 7 years and had been at my goal or close to it for over 5 years. For the past few months I am far away from my personal goal despite having increased my food tracking and exercise. My hair is thinner, my back and shoulders break out very easily despite 2 showers a day and cleansing with a salicyclic (sp?) acid based body wash. I have a fogginess in my head I've never had before. My hands and feet are bloated and is my stomach. My waist, which had always been small (I'm an hourglass) looked wide to me. And I thought this was me getting 'older' (I'm 36). So I start doing some research online in medical journals and around the web. SO MANY women have had these problems. We can't all be crazy. Last week at WW, when I weighed in I was in tears after gaining for the 4th week in a row.

    I spoke with my hubby and he doesn't want the 'snip' either so I am getting this Mirena out and will have my tubal ligation done later. In the meantime I've read that the active hormone in Mirena (levonorgestrel, a synthetic progesterone) can cause estrogen dominance over time which may explain a lot of the symptoms that we all have. So until I get this removed, I've been taking DIM supplements (to help with the excess estrogen) and magnesium and milk thistle to help the liver detox the estrogen. The DIM and others are helping a bit but every morning I wake up with my pot belly back.

    What else scares me is that the hormones that can cause excess estrogen can also mask hypothyroid, which runs in my family. This would also explain why my endo ran extensive bloodwork and it all came up normal! After removal I am going to talk to my endo about running bloodwork in a few months to see how everything is then. Hopefully I go back to normal and if not, we'll know what steps to take.

    So to those who are questioning themselves---don't feel bad. I questioned myself for months about whether this was the cause. I'm not perfect and I like to enjoy treats but my exercise and eating habits had not changed in the past year and a half to warrant a 15lb gain.

    I'll keep following this thread and will give an update when I get mine removed (in a few weeks).

    Thanks for those who posted and updated---I really benefited from all of your experiences.

    I am not trying to minimize anyone or their symptoms. I get that every woman reacts differently and there are tonnes of side effects that come...I myself had the perfect experience with it.

    What I am saying is this tho...

    It has less hormones than the pill
    The hormones are relegated to the uterus
    It does not mimic pregnancy
    When I was at year 4 and the hormones were decreasing don't you think my husband noticed...breast tenderness, moody etc.
    Does it cause 50lbs of weight gain....resounding no.

    Do I believe it can cause bloating and water retention...absolutely and that in turn causes other issues...stress...due to weight gain from water retention that we as woman are sure is fat..why because we get bloated.

    What does that do...raises cortisol levels from the stress...well guess what that does...makes you retain more water...making it look like you've gained more weight...stress levels go up we cut down our food, raise exercise levels put stress on our bodies...bam cortisol levels raise again...but we can only retain so much water before it becomes something else.


    This article does a great job at explaining that...never mind the language etc...but this is what happens...

    and as I stated from the studies...less than 5% reported weight gain...and there was no tracking of calories in those participants...these were all self reported symptoms that the testers felt were unusual..no guarantee it was from Mirena.

    In short...Mirena and any other BC will cause increased appetite and water retention but not 50lbs of water retention...and nobody can ever convince me otherwise..I have too many ob/gyns telling me different and it's their business to know.
  • savemungo
    savemungo Posts: 5
    "...when he didn't tell me what I wanted to hear..."
    Well, there's your problem right there.
    Just be your own doctor.

    Sheesh. You are such a flamer. Hope you get whatever is wrong with you all fixed up.
    Last reply. Adios!
  • savemungo
    savemungo Posts: 5
    Don't know how you are doing 3 years later... but I've had Mirena for about 4 years now - no kids, no pregnancies past or present.
    I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have no issues losing weight on Mirena, but I no absolutely no issues gaining weight.
    If you are eating whatever you want whenever you want, that's your issue. Not Mirena.

    As with many "diets" Atkins has it's own claims and certain "no-nos." It is a high fat, fat protein, high cal diet - you need a good balance. Calories are the only thing that counts as that is what your body consumes and burns. Eat less than you burn per day. Simple as that.

    You can eat 12 Snickers bars and 4 packs of twinkies if that's what you choose - but you have to burn more than those consumed calories. Preferably, a balanced, nutrient rich diet is much better for your body.

    If you need some assistance, I would suggest Weight Watchers. They use the calorie system disguised by points and try to teach you how to eat properly and healthy. Go over those points (calories), you don't lose weight. Consume them or less, you do lose weight.

    Like I said, burn more calories than you consume. Simple.

    And to those experiencing wacko symptoms..go to the doctor, you dummies.

    I hope you are just trolling and not being serious, because if you are...that is seriously the most ignorant post I have every seen! The symptoms don't all start the same day and when I went to the doctor, he told me it couldn't possibly be the Mirena! Go troll somewhere else!

    For the rest of you out there, it has been 4 months since I took mine out, I have lost over 10 pounds. I found I had to start increasing my calories to lose, I had cut my calories back so much to keep from gaining that I couldn't lose at my current calorie deficit! I am exercising, eating between 1300-1500 calories and finally losing weight! My energy is coming back, my skin is clearing up, I feel 100% better! I am guessing that most of you that gained weight uncontrollably with this thing have cut your calories as well! If anyone has any questions, please contact me! I hope we can all help each other!

    That post wasn't ignorant..in fact CICO is how you lose weight.

    Having a 100g plastic coil inserted does not cause a tonne of weight gain..over eating does.

    Does Mirena cause some..yes but it is mostly water.

    The insert specifically indicates it can increase your appetite.

    I used Mirena exclusively for 7 years and lost most of my weight using it...how? calorie deficet...weighing my solids, measuring liquids and logging everything accurately and consistently.

    It's easy to blame Mirena for weight gain as it is one of the side effects but again it will not cause 50lbs...without the excess food...it is scientifically impossible to gain over 10lbs (that could be water) using it without eating too much...it doesn't create excess calories on it's own...

    @Marialynn2014 the scale wont move due to the new exercise....that causes water retention that masks weight loss and it can last up to 4 weeks.

    Go back and read my original post, I gained 30lbs in 3 months while exercising vigorously and eating under 1200 calories and tracking ever morsel of food that I put in my mouth. I weighed and measured everything I ate and still kept gaining. And after the 30lbs was on, I starved and exercised my *kitten* off and did not lose an ounce for over 18 months until I took the Mirena out! I am glad to hear you did not have a negative reaction to this thing. But do not try to minimize what others of us have gone through! I was more horrified by the other poster telling us we were dummies because we didn't go to the doctor for other symptoms! I went to a doctor who told me the Mirena had nothing to do with my weight gain, hair falling out, lack of sex drive, depression, no energy, skin problems, brain fog and countless other symptoms. He told me I was just getting to a certain age and to just learn to live with it! All of those problems are gone since I took the thing out! You are one of the lucky ones, I was not, and there are a lot more women having problems like me than there are that have been lucky like you!

    Anyone is a dummy if he or she doesn't visit the doctor for symptoms that are not going away. They could be serious. Mirena, like many other medications, is not something to be taken lightly.
    I'm sorry you have a little trouble with my blunt response.

    Starving yourself and over exercising is foolish and unhealthy. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly is the only way to live healthy. I do hope you are eating and exercising smarter.

    I disagree with that doctor. There is never an instance where "it's just age." Things HAPPEN at certain age time periods, but there is always SOMETHING causing it. Joints break down... arthritis sets in. It happens as we get older, but there is a cause to these things that is not directly related, but only correlates with age.
    Now that was your own fault for sticking with that doctor and not looking for a second ...or third or fourth... opinion. Some doctors are jaded.

    Again, I won't apologize for my bluntness.

    Boy I wish I was as smart as you! Again I say, good for you that you had no negative experience! I wish I could say the same! Again I say the symptoms don't all start the same day and that you don't put it all together at first! This happened over a period of months, not days or weeks and some of them I didn't even realize until I took the damn thing out!

    I went to my doctor 3 times, when he didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, I went to another doctor who ran a bunch of test, and then told me the same thing the first doctor did! Then I went to a naturopath, same thing! So don't preach to me about second opinions! I am not a doctor and I trusted mine...my bad! And lets not forget a 3rd doctor put it in and told me what a wonderful device it was!

    It wasn't until I read this very post that I put things together and realized that I wasn't crazy and that there was something wrong! I am sharing my story with those people that need to hear it and need to realize that they aren't alone! What none of us that have had problems need to hear is that we are "dummies" and that we should have stopped filling our faces to lose weight! That was not my problem...the Mirena was! If I starved myself, it was because I thought there was no other option to lose the weight that I was gaining at an alarming weight for no apparent reason! I was gaining at 1200 calories while exercising...what would you have done...increase your calories???

    If you are happy with your Mirena, go start a thread and preach about it's benefits...Don't come on this thread and put down ladies that have had a bad time! We have already been victims! Maybe you haven't heard the quote, "girls compete with each other, real women empower each other!" I am here to support and help the women that need it!

    For the rest of you looking for updates on progress, I have lost 12lbs since taking my Mirena out in January. My hair has stopped falling out, my mood is so much better (when not dealing with this crap^^) and my skin has cleared up! Keep your chin up and good luck!

    "...when he didn't tell me what I wanted to hear..."
    Well, there's your problem right there.
    Just be your own doctor.

    Sheesh. You are such a flamer. Hope you get whatever is wrong with you all fixed up.
    Last reply. Adios!
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Don't know how you are doing 3 years later... but I've had Mirena for about 4 years now - no kids, no pregnancies past or present.
    I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have no issues losing weight on Mirena, but I no absolutely no issues gaining weight.
    If you are eating whatever you want whenever you want, that's your issue. Not Mirena.

    As with many "diets" Atkins has it's own claims and certain "no-nos." It is a high fat, fat protein, high cal diet - you need a good balance. Calories are the only thing that counts as that is what your body consumes and burns. Eat less than you burn per day. Simple as that.

    You can eat 12 Snickers bars and 4 packs of twinkies if that's what you choose - but you have to burn more than those consumed calories. Preferably, a balanced, nutrient rich diet is much better for your body.

    If you need some assistance, I would suggest Weight Watchers. They use the calorie system disguised by points and try to teach you how to eat properly and healthy. Go over those points (calories), you don't lose weight. Consume them or less, you do lose weight.

    Like I said, burn more calories than you consume. Simple.

    And to those experiencing wacko symptoms..go to the doctor, you dummies.

    I hope you are just trolling and not being serious, because if you are...that is seriously the most ignorant post I have every seen! The symptoms don't all start the same day and when I went to the doctor, he told me it couldn't possibly be the Mirena! Go troll somewhere else!

    For the rest of you out there, it has been 4 months since I took mine out, I have lost over 10 pounds. I found I had to start increasing my calories to lose, I had cut my calories back so much to keep from gaining that I couldn't lose at my current calorie deficit! I am exercising, eating between 1300-1500 calories and finally losing weight! My energy is coming back, my skin is clearing up, I feel 100% better! I am guessing that most of you that gained weight uncontrollably with this thing have cut your calories as well! If anyone has any questions, please contact me! I hope we can all help each other!

    That post wasn't ignorant..in fact CICO is how you lose weight.

    Having a 100g plastic coil inserted does not cause a tonne of weight gain..over eating does.

    Does Mirena cause some..yes but it is mostly water.

    The insert specifically indicates it can increase your appetite.

    I used Mirena exclusively for 7 years and lost most of my weight using it...how? calorie deficet...weighing my solids, measuring liquids and logging everything accurately and consistently.

    It's easy to blame Mirena for weight gain as it is one of the side effects but again it will not cause 50lbs...without the excess food...it is scientifically impossible to gain over 10lbs (that could be water) using it without eating too much...it doesn't create excess calories on it's own...

    @Marialynn2014 the scale wont move due to the new exercise....that causes water retention that masks weight loss and it can last up to 4 weeks.

    Go back and read my original post, I gained 30lbs in 3 months while exercising vigorously and eating under 1200 calories and tracking ever morsel of food that I put in my mouth. I weighed and measured everything I ate and still kept gaining. And after the 30lbs was on, I starved and exercised my *kitten* off and did not lose an ounce for over 18 months until I took the Mirena out! I am glad to hear you did not have a negative reaction to this thing. But do not try to minimize what others of us have gone through! I was more horrified by the other poster telling us we were dummies because we didn't go to the doctor for other symptoms! I went to a doctor who told me the Mirena had nothing to do with my weight gain, hair falling out, lack of sex drive, depression, no energy, skin problems, brain fog and countless other symptoms. He told me I was just getting to a certain age and to just learn to live with it! All of those problems are gone since I took the thing out! You are one of the lucky ones, I was not, and there are a lot more women having problems like me than there are that have been lucky like you!

    Anyone is a dummy if he or she doesn't visit the doctor for symptoms that are not going away. They could be serious. Mirena, like many other medications, is not something to be taken lightly.
    I'm sorry you have a little trouble with my blunt response.

    Starving yourself and over exercising is foolish and unhealthy. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly is the only way to live healthy. I do hope you are eating and exercising smarter.

    I disagree with that doctor. There is never an instance where "it's just age." Things HAPPEN at certain age time periods, but there is always SOMETHING causing it. Joints break down... arthritis sets in. It happens as we get older, but there is a cause to these things that is not directly related, but only correlates with age.
    Now that was your own fault for sticking with that doctor and not looking for a second ...or third or fourth... opinion. Some doctors are jaded.

    Again, I won't apologize for my bluntness.

    Boy I wish I was as smart as you! Again I say, good for you that you had no negative experience! I wish I could say the same! Again I say the symptoms don't all start the same day and that you don't put it all together at first! This happened over a period of months, not days or weeks and some of them I didn't even realize until I took the damn thing out!

    I went to my doctor 3 times, when he didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, I went to another doctor who ran a bunch of test, and then told me the same thing the first doctor did! Then I went to a naturopath, same thing! So don't preach to me about second opinions! I am not a doctor and I trusted mine...my bad! And lets not forget a 3rd doctor put it in and told me what a wonderful device it was!

    It wasn't until I read this very post that I put things together and realized that I wasn't crazy and that there was something wrong! I am sharing my story with those people that need to hear it and need to realize that they aren't alone! What none of us that have had problems need to hear is that we are "dummies" and that we should have stopped filling our faces to lose weight! That was not my problem...the Mirena was! If I starved myself, it was because I thought there was no other option to lose the weight that I was gaining at an alarming weight for no apparent reason! I was gaining at 1200 calories while exercising...what would you have done...increase your calories???

    If you are happy with your Mirena, go start a thread and preach about it's benefits...Don't come on this thread and put down ladies that have had a bad time! We have already been victims! Maybe you haven't heard the quote, "girls compete with each other, real women empower each other!" I am here to support and help the women that need it!

    For the rest of you looking for updates on progress, I have lost 12lbs since taking my Mirena out in January. My hair has stopped falling out, my mood is so much better (when not dealing with this crap^^) and my skin has cleared up! Keep your chin up and good luck!

    "...when he didn't tell me what I wanted to hear..."
    Well, there's your problem right there.
    Just be your own doctor.

    Sheesh. You are such a flamer. Hope you get whatever is wrong with you all fixed up.
    Last reply. Adios!

    I truly hope this is your last post on this thread! I find it hard to take anyone seriously who has; no friends, no profile pic and has only made 4 posts on this one topic. I don't know why you are accusing me of being a flamer...I would have to say the same thing about you!

    I am not a doctor, I did not go to medical school, so I do trust people that have gone to medical school and might know a little more about a subject than me. I guess that makes me and the majority of the population "dummies"!

    Adios to you!
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    I had my Mirena put in August of last year and am down almost 50 pounds since October. I am not diminishing anyone else's experience with it, but I just wanted to share that my own has been fine. I have been able to lose weight with the Mirena and have not had any side effects. If anyone reading this is interested, talk to your dr about it!
  • rzc2202
    rzc2202 Posts: 1
    I can't tell you all how grateful I am to see that I'm not losing my mind! I had Mirena inserted in March 2012. At first it was amazing. Periods very short & light, no cramps. The following September I noticed a bit of weight gain. Brushed it off, thinking I was drinking more wine than I should! Cleaned up my act, stepped up diet & workouts, but weight wouldn't budge. At the turn of the year and all through 2013, I noticed that I was extremely moody. I've had past bouts with depression, but nothing major - until then. And then the fatigue set in as well. 2013 was a miserable year of health for me - I could not put my finger on what was wrong. Still gradually gaining weight, mood spells increasing, fatigue worsening, horrible food cravings & binges. It was a struggle to get out of bed in the mornings, and by 5pm, I felt like I'd been awake for 24 hours.

    Finally went to the doctor for a workup in late 2013, asked her to run every possible test to figure out why I was feeling the way I was. Everything came back except that my Vitamin D was very deficient. I did the 12 weeks of 50,000 units/week, and have taken a supplement of 5,000 units daily to maintain my levels. Unfortunately, the symptoms have not gone away. I'm still exhausted all the time, moody, hungry constantly (which is very strange being that I also take Concerta for ADD, and that's supposed to kill the appetite!) and weight still going up.

    After doing hours of research online, I'm seeing that so many people with Mirena have experienced (unexplainably) some or all of what I've experienced. Its AWFUL to feel like you don't have control over your life! I learned that hormonal BC, even Mirena's uterine-restrained Levenorgestrel - can tamper with moods and emotions, hunger/appetite issues, and cortisol levels. Which now makes perfect sense, because Cortisol & Vitamin D work together - so if one is out of wack, the other certainly can be as well. And we all know that Vit D deficiency symptoms are leathery, depression, mood swings, etc. And that Cortisol issues are usually related to weight gain - in particular around the midsection - which is the case with me as well!

    I know that someone recently posted they had great results with Mirena & people needed more focus on CICO and nutrition/fitness; kudos to you! I wish that were the case for me, and that everyone had the same effects from hormonal BC, but thats not the case. I'm the daughter of a physician and a nurse, I work in the healthcare field, have siblings and good friends who are in the fitness and nutrition industry. They have all stated that everyone's chemistry is different, and reaction to things are different. Its never acceptable to suggest one persons experience would be the same as another's. I have a couple friends who have had AMAZING experiences with Mirena, so by all means, I'm not telling anyone not to try it! I will say, though, that it could be your best friend or worst enemy.

    Final word: mine is being removed Friday & replaced with Paragard. Do I blame Mirena for everything I've dealt with? No. But its taken away my ability to function in my normal life, and given me immense energy, diet, and emotional obstacles that I don't need or want, and can't handle. IMO, life is too short to sacrifice all this & be miserable to just not have a period!!! No more hormones for me.
  • Shebri11
    Shebri11 Posts: 7
    Good on you rzc2202, Well said. I totally agree with you. The Mirena is not for everyone. I have told my daughter to try it, even though I am having weight issues with it, as you said, it can work really well for some people. I hope you get back to normal after removal. Good luck!:smile:
  • Well today is the day I'm having my Mirena removed! Hopefully everything goes smoothly! Next month I have an appointment with my endo and I will ask him to re-test my hormones and thyroid levels to see how everything really is after Mirena.

    To the poster who keeps doubting everyone's experiences--Canada now has a class action lawsuit again the makers of Mirena for a multitude of issues, including many we have described. Just sayin'.

    Hope you all are doing well and feeling better. Hopefully I will too!
  • Shebri11
    Shebri11 Posts: 7
    Good luck Vampygirl1313, will be interested to hear if your weight starts to drop. I get mine removed on 4 August. Please give an up date soon:smile:
  • lexikaye22
    lexikaye22 Posts: 28 Member
    Just had my mirena taken out... Had it for a year.... Then at about 6 months I started having mood swings, depression, gained a good 20 pounds this past year, and worst of al lost my sex drive ( poor husband of mine).

    Since I have taken it out I feel great! I'm two days mirena free and I am finally getting back to my old self!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Just had my mirena taken out... Had it for a year.... Then at about 6 months I started having mood swings, depression, gained a good 20 pounds this past year, and worst of al lost my sex drive ( poor husband of mine).

    Since I have taken it out I feel great! I'm two days mirena free and I am finally getting back to my old self!

    The thing is this..it takes anywhere from 4-6 weeks sometimes as much as 6-12months for the hormones to leave your body if you are lucky and the fact you feel "better" after 2 days has nothing to do with it's removal...
  • leighdvm
    leighdvm Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has posted their experiences with Mirena. Here is my story. I am 43, mother of 5 year old twin boys, and totally done having more children. My OB/GYN suggested Mirena for birth control and my boss also told me what a great experience she has on it. No periods or anything.

    Unfortunately, I am not one of the lucky ones as far as weight gain. Although I only gained 6 lbs, to me that is a lot since I had gastric bypass in 2006 and determined to keep the weight off. I gained the 6lbs since I have had the Mirena put in in February 2014. NOTHING changed as far as my diet goes, so I am almost positive it is water weight and it HAS to be from the Mirena. I have stayed the same weight since the surgery in 2006 until 8 years later -- too much of a coincidence for me, especially with no change to diet. It is ALL around my stomach, so I feel fat, bloated and pregnant. My clothes feel tight, especially my blouses. I wish I was one of you lucky women who have had no issues because except for the weight gain, my periods were lighter and I wasn't getting cramps anymore.

    However, I can't gain weight, I just can't. So, I removed the Mirena myself last night. I have taken measurements of my waist today and will see if there are any changes next week and will report back. I pray this bloat goes away!!!!!
  • LadyGrey75
    LadyGrey75 Posts: 55 Member
    I almost feel like there may be a little hope for me yet!! I have had the Mirena for 9 years and have struggled with the same 10 lbs for what seems like forever. I am 39, 5'4 and my weight ranges between 134-139 weekly. I was 112lbs when I got preggers 10 years ago which was way to little for me but I was obsessive about my weight. I got pregnant and shot up to 150 lbs partly due to a lot of pregnancy issues. I dropped 10 lbs pretty fast after childbirth but have been stuck every since. I had the Mirena put i after 8 weeks and have had it every since. Since the end of April I have started using MFP, I do not always measure out everything but considering my deficit I find there is plenty of room left for error. I also know for a fact that I have dramatically changed my eating habits. I was eating a huge bowl of ice cream with tons of chocolate hard shell every single night, drinking regular sodas, never drank water, and so on and so forth and have only been ablke to "loose" 4 lbs. I don't think I have actually lost that because that number showed up once on the scale one day last week and I have not seen that number since. I do not log on the weekends because of beer consumption and eratic schedules and I am still making other adjustments with my "plan" to get rid of this weight. I have heard CICO and "water weight" until I feel like I just want to crawl under a rock and hide because I KNOW how much I have sacraficed and changed and feel I should see some results other than 4 lbs of "water weight". Is my diet perfect? Hell no, but I am trying to make small changes that I can actually stick with. I even took my report to my OBGYN and she had no idea why I was not loosing. After reading this entire thread I am curious as to if my culprit is the Mirena. I am not saying it is all the Mirena but I do beleive now that it could be playing a huge part of my weight loss issues ESPECIALLY since I have already changed my diet and have basically stayed the same wieght as I was when I ate whatever I wanted. I also have had many of the other sympton discussed here, no period, cramping, cysts that cause tremendous pain similiar to the Corpus Lutem (sp?) cysts I had while pregnant, migraines, depression, anxiety, NO sex drive and a tummy that stays bloated out all the time. I think when I get back from vacay me and the hubby gonna have to have a chat about a little snip snip on his part and then me and the doc are gonna have a chat about taking this thing out.
  • Enteth
    Enteth Posts: 1
    I've just had mine out too, after seven years. I'm 45 and have four children. I had it fitted to reduce menstruation after admission to hospital with iron levels so low they were causing cardiovascular issues. Menstruation wasn't the cause of the anaemia but was interfering with my recovery.

    I was in a brain fog from the start, and gained weight steadily after the first year. My hair thinned, moderate edema changed the way I looked and the feel of my skin, I suffered acne, loss of libido and loss of energy. I didn't know myself anymore and struggled with depression. In my situation, I had compelling reasons to stick with it and I did.

    After a few years, I completely lost my sense of urgency. I was missing bill payments even when I had the money sitting in the bank because I simply forgot about them, my body shape was gone - no waist! I was like a tree trunk, straight line down by sides. I couldn't bend forward to tie shoe laces. My uterus was rock hard and so bloated.

    I didn't realise till now that my memory was so greatly affected. I was burning everything I cooked and everyone got used to that. I was stuffing up my grocery trips even with a list. People probably thought I was on drugs. I didn't go to the doctor when I was sick because of the effort involved. This was all gradual - I didn't see it happening at all.

    Worst of all, I lost my sense of fun. I used to like relaxing with a romantic movie and enjoying that get-together moment but lately all I felt in the romantic moments was 'they'll never get that mudstain out of that fabric' or 'lucky he didn't hit her head on the door frame'. I have over the past year or two become more grumpy too.

    I resigned from my job a year ago because I didn't have the energy for it, after blood tests at the doctor showed I had moderately low but sufficient iron levels and no other issues and my fitness level showed no reason for my lack of energy. I have been sleeping 10-12 hours a night for at least three years now.

    Weight - I stopped weighing myself after a while. I'm 5 foot 7 and weigh 185 pounds and never went above 155 even when very pregnant. I have been eating less and less (not a healthy move) because my assumption was that I was eating more than I needed. I live way out in the country and have no takeaway food places, we don't have soft drink or lollies and eat a lot of our own produce. I don't drink alcohol at all or even much bread. I didn't see how I was gaining so much.

    Anyway - the Mirena has been out for five days since the time is up and I have wanted it gone for a while. The improvement was almost instant - definitely overnight. I woke the next morning with a clearer head than I've had in ages. I'm noticing dust where I hadn't seen it before. I feel great! I opened my bedroom curtains and looked outside and thought to myself "I'm back". That's just how it feels.

    My uterus is no longer a hard lump. This part was also nearly instant. I've had spotting and very mild cramping but that's all. The Mirena never did stop me menstruating but it did lighten it.

    Over the past five days I've dropped 2 pounds which I'm guessing was fluid retention. Best of all - my shape is coming back! I have little dips where my waist is, my hips are appearing again. I feel heaps more feminine than I did. I am bendy! I'm loving that part. I didn't realise that all my joints had stiffened up, just a little, but now I have a very nice ease of movement.

    Last night was the fifth night and I only slept for 9.5 hours and woke feeling refreshed. I'm hoping this is a permanent change too. Also - I haven't burned any food in days. My whole family is commenting on it. Acne is beginning to clear, I'm suddenly remembering the dreams and plans I used to have.

    A bit frustrated now that I resigned from my job but it's gone forever. At least I still have my extremely long-suffering husband who has put up with more than any husband should have to put up with.

    Weight loss - this is next. I need to review my diet now. I was slowly turning to more and more easy-cook foods to combat my forgetfulness. I am already more active - pottering instead of sitting, actually walking the dog instead of throwing balls for her to fetch. This has happened naturally, I suddenly have energy to burn and I just don't want to sit still.

    Very few people are posting after the first week of Mirena removal. The point that weight loss still takes work is a fact well worth knowing so thank you to everyone who has pointed that out. I'll admit I was hoping the weight would just start falling off as it used to when I was a teenager. I guess there are no miracles in weight loss, especially for those of us who are getting older :). But forewarned is forearmed and I will work on a plan of attack.
  • angierosed
    angierosed Posts: 17 Member
    I had the Mirena put in 2 months ago. And a week and a half later my stomach went from being flat to being SO swollen and bloated. It stuck out so far that I looked 4 months pregnant. I would get full very fast and my stomach got bigger throughout the day. I felt like I had an expanding water balloon in my stomach. I tried gluten free, candida cleanse, candida diets, no dairy, went to the GI, and wasted money trying everything to figure out what the problem was! I even stopped taking another medicine because I thought maybe that was what was causing it. I realized the bloating started shortly after getting the Mirena. I am now reading so many posts about other people having the same problem. I made an appointment as soon as one was available, so I had it removed yesterday! I soooo hope this is the cause of it so I can be my old self again. This bloating is awful! It's uncomfortable and pushes on my stomach which almost hurts. I can't live like this!
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I have had Mirena for just over 7 years now and didn't gain weight because of it nor had any problems with losing weight.
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    I have had mine since January 2014. I didn't really start gaining until March. I have gained 10 lbs with working out and a good diet and the scale hasn't budged. After reading many reviews I am planning on taking it out myself sometime this week.