Finding an Exercise Partner/Buddy/Pal/Comrade/Ally/Colleague



  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    A guy I work with is a member of the same gym I am and we decided to meet up at 5am to work out together.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member

    Do you pull covers?
    Are you a pillow-biter?
    Can I call you Sarah?
    Do you have KIK?
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    A guy I work with is a member of the same gym I am and we decided to meet up at 5am to work out together.

    That is a good idea - I can touch base with some co-workers and see if any are fitness minded. :D
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    K, I'll check it out!

    @tmj4477 - and thanks for your input as well.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    How about you just ask a friend instead of a fling to workout with you? I have a specific friend that I always go hiking and do 5Ks with. He doesn't go to the gym with me but I am perfectly capable of doing the gym thing on my own.

    Why not just do your own thing and as time goes on you'll, I don't know, make a friend at the gym if you don't have a friend you can take with you?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    Do you pull covers?
    Are you a pillow-biter?
    Can I call you Sarah?
    Do you have KIK?

    Oddly, I can answer "YES."
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member


    I will check out grindr - never heard of it.

  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    How about you just ask a friend instead of a fling to workout with you? I have a specific friend that I always go hiking and do 5Ks with. He doesn't go to the gym with me but I am perfectly capable of doing the gym thing on my own.

    Why not just do your own thing and as time goes on you'll, I don't know, make a friend at the gym if you don't have a friend you can take with you?

    Because the vast vast majority of my friends live in Philli - and I'm moving to philly in a few months.. in the lengthy process right now.... but yeah I have acquaintances at the gym.... usually its nice guys that corrected me for exercising wrong when I first started. I'm looking though for exactly what you mean.. a friend to do the 5k, hike, and the swimming with, and to aid in motivation
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member


    I will check out grindr - never heard of it.


    yeah hilarious.. you guys tricked me into taking 15 secs to google a gay hookup version of tinder.

    ..da faq is with MFP up in here.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    How about you just ask a friend instead of a fling to workout with you? I have a specific friend that I always go hiking and do 5Ks with. He doesn't go to the gym with me but I am perfectly capable of doing the gym thing on my own.

    Why not just do your own thing and as time goes on you'll, I don't know, make a friend at the gym if you don't have a friend you can take with you?

    Because the vast vast majority of my friends live in Philli - and I'm moving to philly in a few months.. in the lengthy process right now.... but yeah I have acquaintances at the gym.... usually its nice guys that corrected me for exercising wrong when I first started. I'm looking though for exactly what you mean.. a friend to do the 5k, hike, and the swimming with, and to aid in motivation

    I don't know what the drive is from Wherever you are to Philly but my friend and I live an hour away after he moved to Dallas but we drive and meet different places for our hikes, 5Ks and such? Just meet halfway if you can? IF not you may have to just wing it or find an MFP group for your general area where hopefully everyone doesn't hate you as they appear to hate you here on the open forums. Post there that you are looking for a workout buddy to not have physical relations with?

    In all honesty you are probably going to be on your own until the Move to Philly but as an adult you should be perfectly capable of motivating yourself as is. If you are an Alpha, as you have previously touted, then you should be able to do these sort of things.

    In all honesty I sincerely hope you manage to accomplish all the fitness aspirations you wish to achieve and better luck next time with the ladies...
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member

    yeah hilarious.. you guys tricked me into taking 15 secs to google a gay hookup version of tinder.

    ..da faq is with MFP up in here.

    One of your first posts on this forum said "I have no problem telling fat people how disgusting they are." And since then you've said nothing to make anyone think you're a decent person worthy of any kindness. You just brag about the models you date or the clothes you wear. All of it coming off as vapid and really just a thin mask of a deep, deep well of insecurity.

    It's not us. It's you. Take it to heart

    This. I'm sure there is a nice and good dude somewhere in there but a lot of times you offend almost everyone around you. I mean, I'm fat and trying to help you so please feel free to call me fat and disregard my advice. I think, perhaps, this is karma for how you've treated the fat people previously mentioned. They may disgusting to you from an outward appearance but I would rather be disgusting visually then have the vapid, rotten personality that radiates from you and permeates through your words and actions.

    As I said, I sincerely wish you luck.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    How about you just ask a friend instead of a fling to workout with you? I have a specific friend that I always go hiking and do 5Ks with. He doesn't go to the gym with me but I am perfectly capable of doing the gym thing on my own.

    Why not just do your own thing and as time goes on you'll, I don't know, make a friend at the gym if you don't have a friend you can take with you?

    Because the vast vast majority of my friends live in Philli - and I'm moving to philly in a few months.. in the lengthy process right now.... but yeah I have acquaintances at the gym.... usually its nice guys that corrected me for exercising wrong when I first started. I'm looking though for exactly what you mean.. a friend to do the 5k, hike, and the swimming with, and to aid in motivation

    I don't know what the drive is from Wherever you are to Philly but my friend and I live an hour away after he moved to Dallas but we drive and meet different places for our hikes, 5Ks and such? Just meet halfway if you can? IF not you may have to just wing it or find an MFP group for your general area where hopefully everyone doesn't hate you as they appear to hate you here on the open forums. Post there that you are looking for a workout buddy to not have physical relations with?

    In all honesty you are probably going to be on your own until the Move to Philly but as an adult you should be perfectly capable of motivating yourself as is. If you are an Alpha, as you have previously touted, then you should be able to do these sort of things.

    In all honesty I sincerely hope you manage to accomplish all the fitness aspirations you wish to achieve and better luck next time with the ladies...

    sigh. ...its difficult because I think ur very sweet but for the sake of my reputation.
    1. Never once have I claimed to be Alpha. -_-
    2. I have a six pack - it took months to earn, I am indeed an adult and being able to motivate myself is simple - working out with another individual just makes my performance get even better though.
    3. MFP Community is aweesomee and I love 'em all - I was referring to this particular forum-. As for people *hating* me? - that's a strong word and I'm actually a nice guy so I doubt there is any of that going on.
    4. Thanks :) I do appreciate your input I will accomplish all my fitness goals Lord willing, and with each encounter with dating a lady I learn a great deal about myself to improve and grow worries I am evolving.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    yeah hilarious.. you guys tricked me into taking 15 secs to google a gay hookup version of tinder.

    ..da faq is with MFP up in here.

    One of your first posts on this forum said "I have no problem telling fat people how disgusting they are." And since then you've said nothing to make anyone think you're a decent person worthy of any kindness. You just brag about the models you date or the clothes you wear. All of it coming off as vapid and really just a thin mask of a deep, deep well of insecurity.

    It's not us. It's you. Take it to heart

    This. I'm sure there is a nice and good dude somewhere in there but a lot of times you offend almost everyone around you. I mean, I'm fat and trying to help you so please feel free to call me fat and disregard my advice. I think, perhaps, this is karma for how you've treated the fat people previously mentioned. They may disgusting to you from an outward appearance but I would rather be disgusting visually then have the vapid, rotten personality that radiates from you and permeates through your words and actions.

    As I said, I sincerely wish you luck.

    What are you talking about!? I never made fun of anyone on MFP for being fat?!
    I mean seriously...?
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member

    yeah hilarious.. you guys tricked me into taking 15 secs to google a gay hookup version of tinder.

    ..da faq is with MFP up in here.

    One of your first posts on this forum said "I have no problem telling fat people how disgusting they are." And since then you've said nothing to make anyone think you're a decent person worthy of any kindness. You just brag about the models you date or the clothes you wear. All of it coming off as vapid and really just a thin mask of a deep, deep well of insecurity.

    It's not us. It's you. Take it to heart

    This. I'm sure there is a nice and good dude somewhere in there but a lot of times you offend almost everyone around you. I mean, I'm fat and trying to help you so please feel free to call me fat and disregard my advice. I think, perhaps, this is karma for how you've treated the fat people previously mentioned. They may disgusting to you from an outward appearance but I would rather be disgusting visually then have the vapid, rotten personality that radiates from you and permeates through your words and actions.

    As I said, I sincerely wish you luck.

    What are you talking about!? I never made fun of anyone on MFP for being fat?!
    I mean seriously...?

    Referring to one of the first threads that we have encountered you in before the name change and the picture change. I'm sure you can be a really sweet nice guy, you are being generally polite to me which I can respect. But that first post painted you in a very negative light that forever tainted how many people here have developed their opinion of you. There is a sort of horde mentality here where if you wronged one of us, you have wronged many and they shall unite in their dislike of you. However, if you genuinely are trying to better yourself, and only you will know that, then it will eventually shine through. I've seen forgiveness of past offensive happen before.

    I am not trying to, by any means, be rude or offensive, just simply stating my observation of the situation.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    yeah hilarious.. you guys tricked me into taking 15 secs to google a gay hookup version of tinder.

    ..da faq is with MFP up in here.

    I'm sorry, have we not been clear? We don't like you. Like most people who probably have to deal with you.

    One of your first posts on this forum said "I have no problem telling fat people how disgusting they are." And since then you've said nothing to make anyone think you're a decent person worthy of any kindness. You just brag about the models you date or the clothes you wear. All of it coming off as vapid and really just a thin mask of a deep, deep well of insecurity.

    It's not us. It's you. Take it to heart, then go away.

    ETA: Also just to clarify, Grindr was first. Tinder is the straights-knock-off-version. It was better as a hook up app for the gays. Those guys know what's up.

    I'm glad you know all the in's and out's of the hook up app for the gays very impressive. I have awesome friends on MFP so if a marginal amount of ppl have a problem with me then so be it.

    No one is forcing you to post on my threads bro? If you don't like me then shove off? I don't go hunting through the threads looking up what you post.

    "One of your first posts on this forum said "I have no problem telling fat people how disgusting they are." And since then you've said nothing to make anyone think you're a decent person worthy of any kindness. You just brag about the models you date or the clothes you wear. All of it coming off as vapid and really just a thin mask of a deep, deep well of insecurity." - no one of the 1st post on this forum did not say that?! and if it did provide a link so I can see some context here.. 500+ post and I'm supposed to recall some post you needed thicker skin to get over?

    And when it comes to clothes and women...? My badzzz, but clothes and women are big priorities in my life- I'm 24 man so I think that is pretty healthy and normal..?
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    yeah hilarious.. you guys tricked me into taking 15 secs to google a gay hookup version of tinder.

    ..da faq is with MFP up in here.

    One of your first posts on this forum said "I have no problem telling fat people how disgusting they are." And since then you've said nothing to make anyone think you're a decent person worthy of any kindness. You just brag about the models you date or the clothes you wear. All of it coming off as vapid and really just a thin mask of a deep, deep well of insecurity.

    It's not us. It's you. Take it to heart

    This. I'm sure there is a nice and good dude somewhere in there but a lot of times you offend almost everyone around you. I mean, I'm fat and trying to help you so please feel free to call me fat and disregard my advice. I think, perhaps, this is karma for how you've treated the fat people previously mentioned. They may disgusting to you from an outward appearance but I would rather be disgusting visually then have the vapid, rotten personality that radiates from you and permeates through your words and actions.

    As I said, I sincerely wish you luck.

    What are you talking about!? I never made fun of anyone on MFP for being fat?!
    I mean seriously...?

    Referring to one of the first threads that we have encountered you in before the name change and the picture change. I'm sure you can be a really sweet nice guy, you are being generally polite to me which I can respect. But that first post painted you in a very negative light that forever tainted how many people here have developed their opinion of you. There is a sort of horde mentality here where if you wronged one of us, you have wronged many and they shall unite in their dislike of you. However, if you genuinely are trying to better yourself, and only you will know that, then it will eventually shine through. I've seen forgiveness of past offensive happen before.

    I am not trying to, by any means, be rude or offensive, just simply stating my observation of the situation.

    Ok, so I sometimes take a contrarian tongue-in-cheek methodology in my writing style? You can't act like you two represent all of MFP when I have an inbox that lights up constantly with friends hitting me up. - never have I made fun of an individual. I have never called anyone fat. I have never gone off on fat people - if you are referring to the "fat pride" thread then yeah I said I abhor obesity and its because as I said it is repulsive and kills more people then cigs - which is also repulsive. I don't have a problem with the people I have a problem with the problem.

    And I am virtually always polite to everyone?!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    What are you talking about!? I never made fun of anyone on MFP for being fat?!
    I mean seriously...?

    You understand that the name change didn't fool anyone, yes? How else would I know where you're from with no picture and a closed profile?

    Little tip. Wherever you go, there you are.

    1st off - I havn't been trying to fool anyone changing my name?! I posted I was changing my name?! I had too and got a message suggesting it because some chick on here hit me up on facebook asking to swap nude pics with me. If I was trying to hide I'd simply have del'd theacct and made a new one.

    As for your tip. sure there I go, doesn't mean you need to be there as well bro - on the thread I posted.?

    edit: - I even kept my awesome deadpool thingy so everyone would kno it was still me.