Hi People!



  • I'm close to 40, too (36) and I've been working out for a lil over a year. I'm in. Let's dig those heels :)
  • 4ME77
    4ME77 Posts: 25 Member
    you'll do awesome…CONSISTENCY is your friend!
  • Ready4thanewme
    Ready4thanewme Posts: 47 Member
    I'm close to 40, too (36) and I've been working out for a lil over a year. I'm in. Let's dig those heels :)

    Awesome! Let's do it. I'm more serious than I've ever been. I'm more stubborn. I flat out refuse to turn 40 this way. I am in this to win this lol.
  • Ready4thanewme
    Ready4thanewme Posts: 47 Member
    you'll do awesome…CONSISTENCY is your friend!

    Aww thx for the encouragement and you know I'm just figuring that out. There isn't a gimmick or a trick nor a quick fix. Just me being consistent, persevering sticking to my diet. Logging calories in vs calories out to make it to goal.
  • Idsuffolk
    Idsuffolk Posts: 3
    Count me in from this side of the Atlantic pond!
    Good to hear you are so keen ....
    Let's do it!
  • MiniMarc
    MiniMarc Posts: 19
    More veg less meat. (a large portion of green veg has like 60cals!)
    Be active in your day to day life. (stairs instead of elevators etc will quickly become normal)
  • Ready4thanewme
    Ready4thanewme Posts: 47 Member
    I know what you mean. I would do a certain workout for like a week and not get what I thought it would do and then turn a try something else with the same result and then give up. I always thought if I just didn't eat fast food I would lose weight but I really think counting the calories is the way to go. I've always heard it takes 21 days to start or stop a habit so I'm setting my goal on that and then I'll take it from there. I need to be more realistic as well.

    Yes the 21 day rule is quite popular. My dirty little secret is I rarely exercise. So that 21 day challenge for me would hopefully get me consistent with daily workouts. The dread I feel when I know I need to work out I just can't even describe it. How can I force myself to workout when I just seem to avoid it at all costs.

    Now I have done well with my eating however since my lifestyle change. Or at least I thought it was well, just learned today I had some hidden calorie bombs in there. I started Feb 17th of this year. I don't know my exact start weight but my heaviest recorded weight was 365 lbs a year ago.

    I weighed myself last week I was 293. So I have made some progress and mostly all of this was simply diet alone. Not eating after 7 and eating nuts, unlimited veggies and seafood, mainly fish.

    June 17th will be 4 months and I know I need to add exercise but why is it still so hard?
    This is my struggle. I don't know if I'm thinking the diet alone will take me there since I've had results with diet changes only.

    I really want to get consistent with exercise. Maybe 21 days would help me.
  • Ready4thanewme
    Ready4thanewme Posts: 47 Member
    Count me in from this side of the Atlantic pond!
    Good to hear you are so keen ....
    Let's do it!

    Thx I'm am extremely keen!
  • Ready4thanewme
    Ready4thanewme Posts: 47 Member
    More veg less meat. (a large portion of green veg has like 60cals!)
    Be active in your day to day life. (stairs instead of elevators etc will quickly become normal)

    Great advice! Thanks. I have been parking in the far away spots and walking. Trying to power walk with my cart though the warehouse while my pallet cart has 4 35 pound cases of water. I shop the wholesale clubs but that's the extent of my exercise. That's where I struggle. I dread exercise and avoid it like the plague. I need help to break out of that.
  • MiniMarc
    MiniMarc Posts: 19
    well there you go , Im not saying join a gym and go nuts but small changes in lots of everyday things you do will all add up and after a while you wont even think bout it and you go from there.
  • christinebryant80
    christinebryant80 Posts: 130 Member
    When I first started on here in Mar, I didnt like exercising either but then I found a group on here that does a 24 hr challenge.
    Which works out to be 1440 mins, that you exercise any way you want and you try and get 24 hrs in one mth. I dont follow the group really, I just do it on my own now. Last mth I was short by 418 mins, so this mth Im trying to beat that. I figure that when I do hit 24 hrs each mth, I will reward myself with something. Maybe a book or piece of clothing, just to keep me motivated.
  • Ready4thanewme
    Ready4thanewme Posts: 47 Member
    When I first started on here in Mar, I didnt like exercising either but then I found a group on here that does a 24 hr challenge.
    Which works out to be 1440 mins, that you exercise any way you want and you try and get 24 hrs in one mth. I dont follow the group really, I just do it on my own now. Last mth I was short by 418 mins, so this mth Im trying to beat that. I figure that when I do hit 24 hrs each mth, I will reward myself with something. Maybe a book or piece of clothing, just to keep me motivated.

    Thx for the ideas! I know large amounts of time spent exercising scare me. Lol. I just think there's no way I can exercise 1-2 hours a day. Then if u ever stop the weight will come piling back on. I would prefer something like 10-15 mins daily but H.I.I.T. I read high intensity can have the same effect of an hour of cardio. I need something quick and effective. And something that won't require 2 hours daily once I reach my maintenance phase of keeping the weight off.

    So that's my dilemma. I wanna add weights cause a few reps here n there add muscle which continue to work for you. I want the least amount of output that will give me the maximum in effectiveness. Lol. Not too much to ask eh.