I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym



  • QueenOSpades
    QueenOSpades Posts: 171 Member
    Bump :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,411 Member
    How do people get over the fear of going in the mens weight room?

    I am a fat woman and I already feel completely horrible in the gym, but when I notice that men are staring at me it makes me so uncomfortable that I can't concentrate on working out.

    I really enjoy weight lifting. I've been going to Body Pump and enjoy it but I want to try "proper" weight lifting.

    My initial plan was to focus on diet and cardio and just try to get slim enough that I can go in the weight room.

    I tried to find a ladies only gym. But there is only one and it's so expensive.

    My other alternative is to try and find a time when nobody else is in there, but difficult as I work full time.

    What I have done in the past is run into the weight room, grab some dumbells as quickly as I can then leg it over to the stretches section where I weight lift with a swiss ball (I find it more comfortable than the bench) but even then I get stared at when I dare set foot...

    My biggest problem is that I find a lot of the guys in the weightroom are the kind of guys that think being fat is absolutely the worst thing in the world, and that any female who dares be overweight should be ostracised from society. I've had sneery comments just being /near/ the weight section. I just don't know how people do it.

    I am sorry that you feel so uncomfortable in your gym! I too used to be terribly uncomfortable just going to the gym for cardio never mind doing weights. I would sign up for a membership, go once or twice and then stop because I knew I didn't look like all of those 'fit' people. But you know what you are awesome because you are going and you are doing something to better yourself. You may have a bigger challenge and it may not be as easy for you as for many of them which makes you even more awesome. I know it is hard but I would say just ignore the people that stare or make comments and tell yourself that you are awesome and that you can do this - over and over if need be. It may surprise you that some of those people may respect what you are doing especially if they too made a journey to get fit too. I know I admire the people at my gym who are there trying to improve because I know how hard it is. I also know that some may look at me now as one of those judgmental 'fit' people. Hold your head up high and do whatever you need to do for you!
  • franhaselden
    I think it stems from my insecurity about doing anything to draw attention to myself. Having been fat since I was a kid, I've tried my hardest to blend in and not be noticed. I can't even get the courage to stand up in front of friends and family and do something silly. I remember a few xmas's ago my boyfriends Mum bought one of those "Just Dance" videos and thought it would be funny to get everyone playing it. I couldn't bear it, my BF tried to drag me up to the TV to do it but I just couldn't. It's like stage fright. In fact just typing this out has given me a lump in my throat!

    I try my hardest when I'm out and about to keep my head down and be quiet in the hopes that no one will notice me. I hate walking past the pub near my house as people (mainly men) stare at me, I don't know why.

    I think it's the idea that going into the weight room is like saying "hey, look at me! I'm different! I'm something of note that will register in your brain!" I don't want to register with anyone, I just want to be invisible. I feel a lot more invisible in the more female dominated areas of the gym.

    Luckily on my gym tour I noticed that the stretching area has dumbells. I can't lift that much so it should be good enough for me. I think I'm going to focus on trying to shift the weight with diet mainly and cardio to supplement. Hopefully one day I will be slim enough for the weights room.
  • NinaSharp
    NinaSharp Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you! I am usually that lone woman myself and I find myself super annoyed when men look at me. I can't tell if my form is horrible or if they are surprised. I really needed this post!
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    I used to be really intimidated by the fit guys in the weight area until I realized that they are focused on their work out and don't really care what I'm doing. Now I just do my thing.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I recently started branching out from the women's only location in my area to the coed ones closer to home (they've got better/different equipment). I used to get anxiety attacks just walking into the building (fast breathing, heart rate skyrocketing, shaking etc.) but I've forced myself to keep going.

    I finally reached a point where I realized I shouldn't be holding myself back because I'm intimidated by lifting around men, but it took me a long time to get there. I was paranoid about looks at first, but then I realized no one was really looking at me, they were doing their own thing.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,411 Member
    I think it stems from my insecurity about doing anything to draw attention to myself. Having been fat since I was a kid, I've tried my hardest to blend in and not be noticed. I can't even get the courage to stand up in front of friends and family and do something silly. I remember a few xmas's ago my boyfriends Mum bought one of those "Just Dance" videos and thought it would be funny to get everyone playing it. I couldn't bear it, my BF tried to drag me up to the TV to do it but I just couldn't. It's like stage fright. In fact just typing this out has given me a lump in my throat!

    I try my hardest when I'm out and about to keep my head down and be quiet in the hopes that no one will notice me. I hate walking past the pub near my house as people (mainly men) stare at me, I don't know why.

    I think it's the idea that going into the weight room is like saying "hey, look at me! I'm different! I'm something of note that will register in your brain!" I don't want to register with anyone, I just want to be invisible. I feel a lot more invisible in the more female dominated areas of the gym.

    Luckily on my gym tour I noticed that the stretching area has dumbells. I can't lift that much so it should be good enough for me. I think I'm going to focus on trying to shift the weight with diet mainly and cardio to supplement. Hopefully one day I will be slim enough for the weights room.

    Starting in an area you feel more comfortable in may make the gym overall less intimidating and when you are ready for it the regular weight room will be there. I hope that as you become more fit your self confidence will rise a bit so you are more comfortable with you and those who care about you. I think maybe the folks at the pub are looking to see that beautiful face and wondering why she never looks up.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 236 Member
    Bump - Reading New Rules right now.
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    Great post. I'm lucky that my gym has quite a few women that lift heavy and there doesn't seem to be any isues with feeling comfortable or being accepted. Most people are just there to get the job done.

    I'm 51 and have always strength trained but I'm just a recent convert to heavier lifting. It is just so darn effective and efficient. Less time in the gym with more visible results is a formula hard to argue with. Frankly us older women are fighting against the natural loss of muscle tone and lower metabolism and it is great to get ahead of the game.

    Your comment that a guy once said "I have a really good two person ab workout I'd like to show you" was too funny - can't say I have ever heard anything that lacking in subtlety.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    NICE!!! Love the post.
  • lulu150
    lulu150 Posts: 58 Member
    bumping for later
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm seeing more and more women by the free weights and it's a beautiful thing! I used to do the standard bicep curls, tricep curls, tricep extensions blahblah with 10-15 lb dumbells. Now--thanks to Crossfit--I am moving on to the big bad powercages. I feel even more awkward in this area now though because here I am with 2.5lbs on each side working on my powerclean motion and I'm stuck here and I just want to get stronger and stronger but it's so hard. However, I did PR on my front squat recently with 95lbs for 2reps lol so it's been an exciting week for me!
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    I've quite like being in the weights area and the trx . At the start I was a little intimidated more when I wasn't sure exactly what I was doing i. I like being there now I just do my own thing don't pay too much attention sometimes the guys motivate me more . Occasionally there's times I've gone I've been the only girl thats always strange the only time I might feel a little intimidated but I don't mind so much anymore I always have my ipod with me.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Good post OP. It's usually the women who lift real weights that end up with the best bodies. The ones afraid to do it because 'weights will make me big' are losing out.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    How do people get over the fear of going in the mens weight room?
    You just have to realize that it's not the "mens" weight room at all. It's everyone's weight room. 99% of the time nobody cares about what anyone else is doing unless they're hogging the equipment or being annoying for some reason.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    How do people get over the fear of going in the mens weight room?
    You just have to realize that it's not the "mens" weight room at all. It's everyone's weight room. 99% of the time nobody cares about what anyone else is doing unless they're hogging the equipment or being annoying for some reason.

    I definitely agree. Its everyone's weight room, and I find the men are quite encouraging to us women in there doing our thing.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    In for the roll!
  • csi4us
    csi4us Posts: 74
    I am also the women in the free-weights section at the gym. Like most women I've talked to, I too was intimated to enter that section. If I was unsure of a certain lifting exercise, I looked on You Tube before trying to attempt it in the gym. I got in front of my mirror at home and mimicked the movements in front of the mirror.

    For many months I just did the elliptical machine. I was not happy with the results of just losing weight, I wanted to tone up and lean up! That's when I decided to conquer my fear of entering the weight room and started lifting heavy weights. For the most part the men at my gym don't bother you. They are actually impressed that I can lift heavy and with good form.(which at the beginning wasn't the case I could barely deadlift 45lbs. They are polite and willing to help out if you need it. If you don't want to talk to anyone, consider wearing headphones and listening to music. I wish I know how to post pictures on here. but if you wish to see some of me lifting and of my process you can check out my instagram @3kidsmomma.
  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    I agree. The weight room belongs to all members not just the men.