Weirdos at Work

feherd Posts: 34 Member
It's slow at work today... So I thought it would be interesting to hear about the weirdos that you all work with.

Is anyone at your work weird or have weird habits?

At my work there's this lady who always washes her hands BEFORE she enters the stall to do her business. Maybe she's a clean freak, but I find it a little odd to do that beforehand when she's just going to have to do it again anyway.

Also, there was another lady [who just got let go] who used to come to my cubicle every single morning to ask me who was doing what work that day, despite the fact that we all had schedules from our supervisor posted in our cubes that said everyone's duties for the week. The day before she left I finally asked her "don't you have the schedule??" She responded that she did but that she was right there so she figured she would ask.... (her cubicle was RIGHT next to mine, so technically she was always "right there" haha)

So there's a couple examples from this current temp assignment I have. How about you?

Share away! :)


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I actually like my current office a lot. I've had some crazy jobs with really strange coworkers, so this is refreshing. It is a tiny office (business office for a larger manufacturing plant) and I work with a husband, wife, and their adult son. They have all been here forever. They pretty much handle their drama amongst themselves, which is nice for me. I almost NEVER have to listen to them vent about each other, so that's nice!


    the husband is nearing retirement age and basically a figurehead. He regularly falls asleep at his desk.

    the wife is early 50's and generally quite nice, she looks and acts professional and businesslike in MOST ways...but she curses ALL the time. Everything is MF, GD, etc. Especially when she's talking to her husband or son. Occasionally she does it in front of vendors or customers and they're usually men who are so taken aback by it, I find it fun to watch their reactions :-D

    the son is around 30 and wears Under Armour shirts every day. Like every day. Tees, sweatshirts, jackets, and more tees. All of them with the Under Armour logo. I have seen him wear ONE t-shirt in a year that was for a video game. Every single day aside from that it's UA. I have no idea why.
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member
    Haha dang he really loves Under Armour... maybe he has stock in them or something

    But speaking of people's work attire..... there are some people in my office who actually wear SWEATPANTS to work! like grey baggy sweat pants. This is supposed to be a professional office, people! :P
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Haha dang he really loves Under Armour... maybe he has stock in them or something

    But speaking of people's work attire..... there are some people in my office who actually wear SWEATPANTS to work! like grey baggy sweat pants. This is supposed to be a professional office, people! :P

    LOL that is pretty bad.

    I worked with a woman who was probably a size S/5-6 and wore clubbing-type shirts, but they were not too crazy or revealing so they looked professional enough, and nice trousers from Express, and heels...and then EVERY DAY no matter the weather, she wound up wearing this big grey sweatshirt over her clothes. It was the kind men wear who work in construction, with a thick fuzzy white lining and industrial zipper, and it had to be a mens size XL! I get that she was cold in the frigid office, but come on...get something a bit more stylish and work-appropriate, or at least something close to your own size!!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,036 Member
    Not sure what's weird about washing your hands before. I work dirty jobs (handling freight, counting money) and I always wash before and after.
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member
    Not sure what's weird about washing your hands before. I work dirty jobs (handling freight, counting money) and I always wash before and after.

    Yes, but we work in a very clean office. And she's always cleaning her dishes and/or hands whenever I see her. So I don't think they could possibly be dirty enough to need to be cleaned pre-bathroom-business... but who knows.
  • feherd
    feherd Posts: 34 Member
    good thing work picked up, because apparently everyone else works with perfectly tolerable, completely normal people. :P
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Not sure what's weird about washing your hands before. I work dirty jobs (handling freight, counting money) and I always wash before and after.

    Yes, but we work in a very clean office. And she's always cleaning her dishes and/or hands whenever I see her. So I don't think they could possibly be dirty enough to need to be cleaned pre-bathroom-business... but who knows.

    I'd rather be the girl washing my hands a lot rather than the girl staring at everyone looking for imperfections. :wink:
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,359 Member
    There is no one else that works in my office for my company. It's just me. Guess that makes me the weirdo lol
  • MissNayMalmoe
    MissNayMalmoe Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I can offer you an hour in the life scenario.

    I seriously hurt back last night and the minions can smell my weakness.

    After a 13 minute journey to the floor, my toddler son detected the radar signal apparently activated when my butt touched a comfortable surface, and somehow evaporated. I miraculously pulled myself to standing and followed the sound of devious silence to discover his mouth shoved full of cat food and his lunch left as a peace offering in the dish. A foot away, his 4 year old cousin was prying the lid off the litter box so she could "pee like a cat".

    She hadn't even finished putting her shirt on before she came up with this brilliant thought process.

    I ushered them out, shut and locked the bathrooms, turned and...bloody Hell. He's caught an ant and unsuccessfully tried to eat it. It just hung there on his lip, twitching. Clearly, pizza is not his food of choice.

    I buckled that dude in a high chair and realized the niece is MIA again. At that point, my mode of transportation was comparable to a dog scooting his butt across the carpet.

    Locating the child required hollering her name 10+ times and a severe rug burn on the butt cheeks. She managed to wedge herself into a drawer under her mom's bed. I strongly considered leaving her there, then pulled her out while openly weeping at the electrifying pain shooting down my leg. I offered her a "neat snack" and she declined.
    "How about a super duper yucky snack and a movie?"
    Of course, she agreed.

    I began the trek on all fours to the VCR when suddenly I was drilled into the ground by a four year old heathen who decided to abandon her Chex for the 'horse' and jumped off the couch directly onto my back. I collapsed, wishing for death. After the dry heaving ceased, I made it to all fours to realize my spine had been ejected through my abdomen and there was very little chance of putting it back.

    Anyway, now we are waiting on a neighbor to take me to the hospital.
  • MissNayMalmoe
    MissNayMalmoe Posts: 14 Member
    I made it to all fours to realize my spine had been ejected through my abdomen and there was very little chance of putting it back.

    I might have made that part up...
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I used to work with an older man, close to retirement, who would fall asleep at his desk multiple times a day. He'd sit at his desk facing his computer (I'm at an office job), but his head would be almost down to his chest. Behind his back, we used to call him "The Napster". Sometimes to wake him up and not embarass him, we'd call his phone. The ring would wake him up and we'd hang up without saying anything.

    I work with a secretary who has been in three car accidents. She's a very nervous driver. She sits so close to the steering wheel, gripping it tightly in her hands. That plus the fact she always does the sign of the cross before she starts the car makes me afraid to be in the car with her. Now I just offer to use my car instead.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    The guy that sits right across from me eats ice cubes all day long.

    Drives me insane.
  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    Lilly_the_Hillbilly Posts: 914 Member
    I used to work with a guy who would not talk to you but whistle his intended message to you. For example, if he thought you and another coworker were talking too much- he'd whistle "You Talk Too Much" around you.

    He was a bit batty but he also worked on mercury analysis in an poorly ventilated room. Sooo yaknow....

    The day after I quit that place was raided by the EPA. I missed all the fun.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    I work for a newspaper, in the newsroom, with a bunch of journalists and editors (I'm an editor). I love my office. It's probably the most fun, relaxed place I've ever worked. But I will say that if our HR rep ever stayed late to hear our conversations at night, she would have a heart attack. This office is one giant sexual harassment suit. We're all weirdos here.

    ETA: I did forget because he's not here atm, one coworker constantly talks to himself and clicks his tongue. That's annoying when I actually notice it.
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    I work with 30 females and 3 males.
    I assure you every single one of us is a weirdo in our own way. There is NEVER a dull moment here. But i have heard through the grapevine I'm the office weirdo because I eat plain bubbies sauerkraut from the jar at my desk. They threaten to video me daily. I don't find it strange though. *reaches for sauerkraut*
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    I used to work with a guy who would not talk to you but whistle his intended message to you. For example, if he thought you and another coworker were talking too much- he'd whistle "You Talk Too Much" around you.

    He was a bit batty but he also worked on mercury analysis in an poorly ventilated room. Sooo yaknow....

    The day after I quit that place was raided by the EPA. I missed all the fun.

    How does one whistle words?
  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    Lilly_the_Hillbilly Posts: 914 Member
    I used to work with a guy who would not talk to you but whistle his intended message to you. For example, if he thought you and another coworker were talking too much- he'd whistle "You Talk Too Much" around you.

    He was a bit batty but he also worked on mercury analysis in an poorly ventilated room. Sooo yaknow....

    The day after I quit that place was raided by the EPA. I missed all the fun.

    How does one whistle words?

    He's whistling SONGS. With MESSAGES.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I work in a cemetery. We are all a bit weird around here.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member

    I see nothing.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    good thing work picked up, because apparently everyone else works with perfectly tolerable, completely normal people. :P
    Or some of us don't need to judge others based on their "quirks" :flowerforyou: