Ladies...What Weight Do You Lift?



  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
  • princesspita
    princesspita Posts: 28 Member
    DL 220x6, Bench 100x5, Squat 175x5, Pendlay Barbell Row 100x8

    1RM DL 255lbs
    1RM Bench 115lbs
    1RM Squat 200lbs
    1RM Pendlay Row 125lbs
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I don't even know what the numbers you guys are saying mean. I do I guess 3 sets with my personal trainer of different things, one thing I specifically asked about was my lying down bench press which was 105 pounds for 6 reps. I need to review this thread to see what else I should be doing.
  • serenetranquility
    serenetranquility Posts: 125 Member
  • jaweiss1
    jaweiss1 Posts: 71 Member
    DL 220x6, Bench 100x5, Squat 175x5, Pendlay Barbell Row 100x8

    1RM DL 255lbs
    1RM Bench 115lbs
    1RM Squat 200lbs
    1RM Pendlay Row 125lbs
    That's my girlfriend, woohoo!
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    Been at it for almost a month.

    My stats! Been able to increase by about 5 each week (except for overhead press... I hate you, overhead press!)

    21's 3x21 20lb barbell
    Chest Fly Machine 3x8 45lbs
    Chest Press Machine 3x8 45lbs
    Tricep Rope 3x8 30lbs
    Tricep Row (Pullup?) 3x8 15lbs each side
    Overhead Press Machine 3x8 30lbs
    Mid Row Machine 3x8 70lbs
    Lat Pulldown 3x8 80lbs

    Leg Curls 3x8 75lbs
    Leg Extension 3x8 85lbs
    Leg Press Machine 3x8 170lbs
    Rotary Calf Machine 3x8 130lbs
    Glute, Machine 3x8 95lbs
    Hip Abduction 3x8 80lbs
    Hip Adduction 3x8 80lbs
  • llamatina
    Just getting into lifting... hopefully will add some more exercises soon!

    Bench Press- 135lbs x5
    Tricep Rope Pull Down- 8lbs0 x10
    Leg Curls 110lbs x10
    Leg Extension 90lbs x10
    Leg Press (Machine)- 270lbs x10
    Barbell Squat- 135lbs x10
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
  • betha18
    betha18 Posts: 4
    I know this is kind of an old post but I just found it. I weigh 110 lbs now and here's what I do. All are 3-4 sets of 6-10 unless o/w noted.

    Squat- 220 lbs
    shoulder press- 35 lb dumbbells
    leg press- 400 lbs. max machine will go (can't use angled one, hurts my back)
    seated calf press- 380 lbs, 3 sets of 15
    dumbbell chest press- 40 lbs each (just got to 2 sets of 4 with the 45's)
    skull crushers- 50 lbs
    sldl- 140 lbs

    That's the most of it. If I knew what was involved in spotting, and could get one of the few other women at my gym that lift anything over 20 lb dumbbells to spot me I may be able to do better. Anyone got advice on this?
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I don't do "weights". I lift my own weight doing pole.

    I've never been one to "pump iron".
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    15 pound biceps
    20 pounds triceps
    80 pounds abs
    70 pounds lateral pull downs
    160 pounds leg press
  • betha18
    betha18 Posts: 4
    That's cool too. I do aerial yoga in addition to weight training.
  • Getit_Simpson
    Getit_Simpson Posts: 69 Member
    These are just a few of my exercises, I usually do 3 sets of 8....

    Squats 225lbs
    Leg press 580lbs
    Deadlift 135lbs
    Biceps curls(free weights) 25 lbs
    Dumbbell incline bench press 40lbs
    Widegrip lat pulldowns 120lbs
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    4'9" 135 lbs

    Squats: 165lbs 5X1
    Deadlifts: 185 lbs 1x1
    Hip Thrusts: 80 lbs 5x10
    Bench: 65 lbs 5x5
    Glutes: 130 lbs 12x1 each leg

    Most of the circuit I use 40 + lbs. I try to increase weight every week by 5 lbs.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    best recent deadlift is 340 for a raw single
    raw bench 160 on a good day
    squat lately have just been doing raw high rep stuff up to ~155 but can hit 200+ pretty confidently for a single. I put on my big girl pants (single ply) a couple months ago & trained with my old team & got 305 but was a little high (they called it ~1" above parallel).
  • betha18
    betha18 Posts: 4
    best recent deadlift is 340 for a raw single
    raw bench 160 on a good day
    squat lately have just been doing raw high rep stuff up to ~155 but can hit 200+ pretty confidently for a single. I put on my big girl pants (single ply) a couple months ago & trained with my old team & got 305 but was a little high (they called it ~1" above parallel).

    Wow, that's nice to get that support and feedback. I just watch instructional videos and do my best to mimic and look in the mirror when I can. ha ha.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I've just finished 6wks of hypertrophy doing 3-4 sets of 8

    Lat pull down 125lbs
    One arm db row 70lbs
    Bench press 135(6reps)
    Machine bench press 170
    Decline press 135(6reps)
    Incline press 115
    Cable row 140
    BB Back row 115
    Deadlifts 185 (225x3)
    Leg ext machine 250
    Leg press 770
    DB shoulder press 35lbs
    Machine triceps push down 120
    Cable bicep curls 100
    Db curls 30
    Cable shoulder pulls 100
    Shoulder front raises 45 plates
    Squats 145 (oh how I have to work on these)

    Next week starts my strength phase. Looking forward to hitting new PR's.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,702 Member
    I got a neurological disease in 2011 which left me with impaired balance. It is not safe for me to carry plates from the rack to the bench anymore so I mostly use machines nowadays. My weights are in kilos with thumb-less grip, except for the curls.

    Machine bench: 3x8 @ 61 kg
    Machine row: 3x 8 @ 88 kg
    Lat pulldown: 1x8 @ 57 kg and 2x8 @ 55 kg
    Leg press: 3x12@ 91 kg (have done heavier in the past, but my knees don't like it)
    Machine shoulder press: 1x8 @ 34 kg and 2x8 @ 31 kg
    Dumbell curl 3x8 @ 9 kg
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    5'8-132lbs-7 months training-38yearsold

    Squats - 185x5,195x3
    zercher squat-145x5
    Leg Press - 320x10
    split squat-100(50eachhand)x8
    zercher lunge-105x8
    Deadlifts - 185x1,175x3
    1 leg Romanian Deadlift 60x15
    barbell rows - 90x8
    1 arm rows-45x10
    neutral grip pullups-2
    cable row-95x8
    neutral grip lat pulldown- 105x6
    kb swing-60x15
    OHP - 55x3-I suck at this
    Bench - 75x3-I suck at this,1 arm db-30x8