The Gratitude Game

btente Posts: 416 Member
Hello everybody! I want to start a thread based on the gratitude game. For those who have never played the gratitude game you simply list things you're grateful for. Tons of variations... You can swap back and forth with other people, you can cycle through the alphabet, etc.

So often in the threads we get mixed up in the controversies of the day and bickering over our personal beliefs about what we feel is best for health goals. I'd like to avoid all of that and just say what we're grateful for... If someone's grateful for coconut oil please don't try to argue if you feel they shouldn't be - just let them express their gratitude.

I highly encourage that people use this thread regularly. Daily is even a great practice. We often get feelings of misery when we restrict our food or push ourselves to the limits, but reminding ourselves of all the things we are grateful for can turn those feelings around quickly.

So I'll start...

I'm grateful for everyone who makes the healthy meals I choose to eat possible. When you stop to think about it the food on our plate is a result of all of society. It takes educators, people who build roads, delivery truck drivers, gas station attendants, telephones, phone operators, etc. not just the farmers who take care in how they produce their food. I'm very grateful.


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I am grateful for the internet, without which it would be far more difficult to squabble with total strangers over diet and exercise goals. Although I would find a way! :tongue: No really, I do love internet. I'm old enough to remember The Time Before.
  • LifeNewandImproved
    LifeNewandImproved Posts: 125 Member
    I am grateful for MFP - and it's FREE! I just learned today that you can put in a URL into the Recipes and it will automatically make it log-able for you. Damn! Amazing, truly amazing, so glad it's available.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I am grateful for the emergency vet that is close where I took my rabbit at midnight. I am grateful that my rabbit likes the nutrient dense food I have to syringe feed him instead of having to literally force feed him and I am grateful that the antibiotic combo he is on seems to be working faster than the vet expected. I am grateful for an understanding and forgiving boss who's biggest fault is that he gives his employees too many chances. I am grateful for my supportive boyfriend who makes going to school full time, not just a possibility for me, but makes it as stress-free as possible by taking on 90% of the housework and helping me with a few bills. I am grateful for his loving and welcoming family who quickly made me feel like part of the family and who have been there as part of my support system for almost 3 years now. I am grateful that we found this gorgeous apartment last year for waaay less money than they typically are in this area, that was in our price range and has a management company that is prompt with maintenance. I am grateful for my instructors at school who put up with my billions of questions and take the time to look up the answers they are unsure of instead of saying "I'm not sure."
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I am grateful for the love of my family and friends, who adore me no matter my size but also cheer me on when I try to lose weight.

    I am grateful for tiny wrinkly pug, who not only gets me outside for walks but makes me laugh every day.

    I am grateful for my great job in a great place; a place where everyone treats me, a secretary, with dignity and respect.

    I am grateful that MFP kicks so know.

    I am grateful that even though I'm 45, it's *not* too late to be fit.

    I am grateful for a beautiful apartment by the ocean and various hiking trails and parks.

    I am grateful that even though I'm bipolar, I'm stable and able to take on what it means to be healthy.

    I am also grateful for fried Twinkies.
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    ...I just learned today that you can put in a URL into the Recipes and it will automatically make it log-able for you...

    I'm grateful for this. lol!
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I am grateful for my husband and healthy daughter =).
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    I am grateful that I get to start with a fresh day and new choices.
    I am grateful that I have the support to make this a healthy lifestyle
    I am grateful for this thread-I needed it today
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    I'm grateful that I have a brain and a pair of feet, that way I can steer myself in any direction I choose :wink:
  • kateos1980
    kateos1980 Posts: 11 Member
    I am grateful for the sunshine and rain that helps my garden grow delicious goodness, and for my amazing family and the wonderful people I am fortunate enough to work with every day.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm so in for this!!

    I'm grateful first and foremost for God, for without Him nothing is possible. And please, I mean no disrespect to anyone of different beliefs!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm grateful for my wonderful, loving husband, my children, my family and friends.

    I'm grateful to have a good job, a nice home, and a car to drive.

    I'm grateful for a strong, healthy body that allows me to do all of the things I want to do every day!

    I'm grateful for MFP and for my MFPeeps!!
  • I'm grateful for my children and my husband.
    I'm grateful for my warm socks and my heated blanket.
    For my running shoes and the sunshine.
    I'm very grateful for being involved in dance competitions and recitals for the last 12 years, but I'm even more grateful to announce that tomorrow is my very last day of buying eyelash glue at 7:00am, then driving to and from the recital three times.
    I'm grateful for my curiosity and my mind. I'm grateful that my husband puts up with my curious mind, and supports all my crazy adventures and hobbies:)
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    I am grateful to have yet another chance to get this right.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm grateful for the full belly I have from red meat and potatoes.

    I'm grateful for the slow dance I just had in the kitchen with hubs. To no music.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm grateful for the food I have access to... for example, this morning: strawberries, banana and chia seed smoothie, stuff from all over the world.

    I'm grateful for so many things, including for the people I love giving me time to sort through my issues. Everything seems very rushed in the world, I'm grateful for the peace to think about things like weight loss and focus.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    I am grateful for the friends and family who except me for who I am. :heart:
  • I am grateful for a husband who supports me and loves my body unconditionally (even when I was 238 lbs). He has never struggled with weight and has natural muscular form. He could make me feel bad about myself, but he consistently promotes a positive body image. He'll make a great dad one day! And I'll portion out the meals. ;)
  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    I am grateful for the life I live even though it isn't perfect and never will be, it's mine and I love it <3 I am grateful for the man I chose to marry who loves me no matter what, and I am a challenge to love at times because I am one hot mess.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you for this OP!

    Grateful that I found this perfect thread today - I need to take stock and stop feeling sorry for myself!

    I'm grateful that my son is still so optimistic even though he continually battles severe health issues resulting from aggressive chemotherapy treatments when he was a little boy..

    Grateful that my daughter, who is the first ever university graduate on both sides of her family, is working in her field and making a difference. She also has time for a relationship now and is happily dating a great guy that I suggested! :heart:

    Grateful that tomorrow morning I have a job to go to where I am respected for the work I do. It still surprises me after almost 10 years. :)

    Grateful that the end is finally near on paying off the huge debt from a failed business back in 2004. I should have declared bankruptcy but it didn't feel like the honest thing to do. It's been a tough ten years.

    Grateful that I have a wonderful man who, even though we are on a 'relationship break', is still hanging around waiting for me to work through things and is rocking his new temporary role as my best friend without benefits. If he can continue to love me, then I can't be THAT bad after all.

    Grateful most of all for the recent diagnosis of a four-decades long health issue that now allows me to plan for a whole new life at the age of 54.

    I'm grateful that I have so much to be grateful for.
  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    WW_Jude, that was one beautiful post <3
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    WW_Jude, that was one beautiful post <3

    Thanks! :flowerforyou: