Am I skinny fat?



  • mr_mitch
    mr_mitch Posts: 176 Member
    Yeah I was looking at the Stronglifts 5x5 thing. I just need to buy a barbell and some weights when I get paid and I plan to do it at home.

    Good luck mate whatever you decide to do!

    Just remember what everyone here has said. You are not fat, and you don't look it.

    You could easily put weight on and still look thin.

    Make sure you eat enough tho, to gain muscle.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    You are skinny (low body fat percentage) now. It's time to start lifting to build muscle. Eat at a small surplus because most men can only gain 0.25-0.5 lb of muscle per week (and women about half that) and some people eat too much and end up gaining fat as well as muscle when they're trying to build. I think weight lifting will get you better results than dumbbells or cardio. Not that you shouldn't do cardio at all anymore (it's still good for you), but the long cardio sessions are for people who are trying to lose weight and you need to maintain weight or even gain a little as you build muscle. I recommend lifting weights every other day and cardio for 30 mins a few times per week. But I'm not a dude so someone else will probably have a better suggestion than I do.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member

    I'm a CBT therapist and for people who can't or won't work with a therapist, the Overcoming books are fabulous (actually I use them along with my work with people too). I'd suggest the one above for you to deal with your body image issues.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You're thin. If you want Muscles start weight lifting. Weight lifting is fun. Try out the gym and see if you like it. There are all sizes and shapes there.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    you are far from fat, If you truly & honestly think you are FAT you really need a little chat with your doctor!!

    If I was a guy looking like you, I would eat at maintenance or tdee & lift really heavy weight or start up boxing! i used to do a boxercise class, so many guys were in the class, so much fun, you sweat, tone, build muscle, meet people etc!!

    do something you love or enjoy!! maybe your feeling a lil low & down at the mo??

    how about a pizza night watching footy with the boys? Take your mind off your body image
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Hmm yes you are skinny fat... but really skinny fat is just code speak for not toned... Just do some weight training and tighten everything up because your actually body fat is probably in a healthy range percentage wise just going from looks.

    No, skinny fat is a layman's term for Normal Weight Obesity. It is high amount of body fat while within a normal weight range.

    OP is not skinny fat. I echo everyone else who said he is just thin.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Not at all you just don't have muscle tone that is visible so I would suggest resistance training and lifting I think you have a great basis to start and in time your great body will look more awesome
  • Thomaslol
    Thomaslol Posts: 42
    Hi mate,

    I don't think you're skinny fat.

    Building up some muscle would probably help you feel better about yourself.

    I'm in a similar position myself, you're a bit leaner than I am, you seem to have more muscle which is a good thing.

    Weight lifting is what we need, but I'm nervous of the gym so I'm gonna try to build up strength at home first.

    Are you doing any weights?

    I have just seen a couple of pictures of you in one of your threads and you look thin to me. I think I look fat. I know people think I look skinny, but I really don't see it myself.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    If you really can't see that you're thin, then the issue is in your mind. Sounds like some serious body dysmorphia issues and you should speak to a mental health professional about it.
  • Thomaslol
    Thomaslol Posts: 42
    If you really can't see that you're thin, then the issue is in your mind. Sounds like some serious body dysmorphia issues and you should speak to a mental health professional about it.

    I briefly mentioned it to my doctor not too long a go.

    She measured me and weighed me.... just said that I was the 'perfect weight' for my height etc.

    Doesn't really matter what she says though... it's how I feel in myself.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    If you really can't see that you're thin, then the issue is in your mind. Sounds like some serious body dysmorphia issues and you should speak to a mental health professional about it.

    I briefly mentioned it to my doctor not too long a go.

    She measured me and weighed me.... just said that I was the 'perfect weight' for my height etc.

    Doesn't really matter what she says though... it's how I feel in myself.

    You actually look quite lean to me and doctors don't lie. Definitely you should talk to someone about what's going on in your head. :flowerforyou:
  • mr_mitch
    mr_mitch Posts: 176 Member

    I have just seen a couple of pictures of you in one of your threads and you look thin to me. I think I look fat. I know people think I look skinny, but I really don't see it myself.

    Honestly matey, from your pictures I can see that you definitely have a lower body fat percentage than me.

    You absolutely do not look fat I promise people are not just saying that.

    But I don't think its going to make any difference how many people tell you this. You just can't see it yourself because (I think) you might have a bit of an issue how you perceive your own body in the mirror.

    If you have got this issue then its not going to make any difference what exercise / diet / body changes you make. Its not going to affect how you see yourself. You'll never be happy.

    Not unless you address the issue in your head. Please consider speaking to somebody about it.

    Are you still trying to lose weight? Are you eating at a deficit? Do you know how many calories a day?
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    I read your previous thread mate and you said you might have an issue with body image.

    Did you see anyone about that, or get it under control?

    I've had a similar thing, thought I was fat, I just stopped eating. It left me depressed and ended up in counselling.

    So maybe if this is something that's affecting you mentally it would really help to address that issue...

    (I hope you don't mind me saying)

    No I haven't really got it under control. Don't know how to other than to try and change my body. I suppose that's all I can do really.

    Nope, you need to change your head first, NOT your body.

    Totally agree with this.

    And I was going to tell you to start bulking, so clearly I don't think you're fat.

    I'd recommend eating 200-300 calories a day above your TDEE. And Stronglifts 5x5 would be a great start for you. You could get the dumbbells for less a lot less that a squat rack to get you started =) Good luck!
  • Siriku
    Siriku Posts: 22 Member
    ^ Agree with this. Stronglifts would be a great place to begin. It improves strength over muscle though, so it wouldn't really address the appearance issues, only changing your mindset will do that.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    Am I just blind then because I see something completely different with my body?

    I just see so much fat, especially in my mid-section which I really don't like.

    The 'You Are Your Own Gym' etc, can you buy them on disc? I have looked on YouTube, but there isn't a great deal. I am in the UK.


    I think the same about myself, I'm also slim in clothes but lots of fat when I see myself.. I think it's just that I need to start toning up and doing strengthening exercises.

    I made a thread last week about it and someone mentioned the You Are Your Own Gym. I just typed "You Are Your Own Gym PDF free" into google and looked at the results and managed to download the book for free in PDF format. But then I also found the app for it on the app store which has all the exercises, it's like £3 but has videos and voice overs, timers, etc.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Hey bro just go to the gym and dont make eye contact with anyone there. I was in your situation when I had no muscle. You can just look down between sets while resting. Since you are beginner, you will gain muscle quickly so just get over it and kick some *kitten*.
  • KettyLoyd
    KettyLoyd Posts: 51
    I saw your pics, and by this I think you have no need to reduce the weight or you have skinny fat. Just join the gym and do some tough exercise to make your body strong and fit. I know your body really looks good then now looking.
  • Thomaslol
    Thomaslol Posts: 42

    I have just seen a couple of pictures of you in one of your threads and you look thin to me. I think I look fat. I know people think I look skinny, but I really don't see it myself.

    Honestly matey, from your pictures I can see that you definitely have a lower body fat percentage than me.

    You absolutely do not look fat I promise people are not just saying that.

    But I don't think its going to make any difference how many people tell you this. You just can't see it yourself because (I think) you might have a bit of an issue how you perceive your own body in the mirror.

    If you have got this issue then its not going to make any difference what exercise / diet / body changes you make. Its not going to affect how you see yourself. You'll never be happy.

    Not unless you address the issue in your head. Please consider speaking to somebody about it.

    Are you still trying to lose weight? Are you eating at a deficit? Do you know how many calories a day?

    I think I will be happy but just when I see myself as thin not when everyone else sees me as thin. If that makes sense?

    Yeah I am trying to lose weight. I don't count calories, I just try and be sensible.

    I normally try to exercise 5 times a week doing my T25, but I have a cold and bad chest at minute which is really impeding me. I couldn't be bothered to do my workout yesterday, but I did it anyway and was just not where I should be. It's a vicious circle. Doing my exercise makes me feel amazing. Hopefully my cold will clear soon.
  • Thomaslol
    Thomaslol Posts: 42
    Here are some better, bigger pictures of me:

    I have posted direct link as otherwise pictures come out really small

    I suppose I am just a bit down lately because of not being able to exercise with my chest etc.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I think I will be happy but just when I see myself as thin not when everyone else sees me as thin. If that makes sense?

    But the thing is, you arent seeing yourself objectively... you ARE thin... you cant see that... individuals suffering from anorexia will be dangerously underweight but still see themselves as fat... please speak to your doctor again before you start to really damage your body.