New Diet Pills (Belviq vs Qsymia)



  • Rejecta
    Rejecta Posts: 4
    The problem with phentermine is that it is a stimulant. Research generally supports the idea that it is not addictive, but, as a stimulant, it carries cardiovascular risks (i.e. increased heart rate, for example), that can be particularly dangerous in obese individuals in which there may be existing cardiovascular issues.

    By the way, using DEA scheduling (i.e. IV vs II) as any sort of barometer to compare drugs is useless...these schedule assignments are very arbitrary and to a large extent are not scientifically-based in the same way that, say, drugs are grouped pharmacologically or chemically. After all, marijuana is schedule I.
  • zzzombrie
    zzzombrie Posts: 1
    I've had my experience with Phentermine and did not become psychologically dependent. I did complete a short withdrawal cycle after discontinuing the drug, so chemical dependence is inevitable. There are different forms of addiction which many choose to ignore.

    Phentermine was short lived for me as it gave an initial loss during the first 2 weeks then completely stunted my metabolism, even though I was eating at an energy deficit and exercising 6 days a week.

    As for drug scheduling, it's a load of crap. My meds are schedule I yet are nonaddictive, nonlethal, and produce more positive affects in body than negative.

    Many here are against diet pills without taking into consideration the psychological benefits of a sharp, initial drop on the scale. Those who see a greater initial weight loss are more likely to stick to a healthy diet and exercise program. That being said, they are also more likely to gain the loss back over time than the slow and steady crowd.

    Negative Nancies take a hike.
  • NannySmack
    I found the topic by looking up diet pills on google. I need to drop pounds fast as I am very close to being diagnosed diabetic. My last fasting glucose test was 129 and I go back in for a 4 week re-test to see if changing my diet has helped. I have lost a big whopping 2 pounds in a month. Great for a regular diet, not for someone looking to avoid daily injections. I will be asking my doctor about Belviq tommorrow. Thank you to all who posted about your experience with it.
  • lferdna
    lferdna Posts: 1
    I started qsymia the middle if May and have lost 8 pounds. I eat around 1500 calories and daily exercise. It is a struggle. I thought this magic pill would help drop weight off a little faster. I am getting depressed from the slow very slow pace. Not sure if spending g the monthly money on this pill is worth it.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Dissapointed in the lack of sassy GIFs here ::grumble:
  • Deldafit1
    Deldafit1 Posts: 2 Member
    This thread was started last year, I wonder if any of the early posters who started their diet pills 4 or more months ago would like to come back and post of their success.
  • Deldafit1
    Deldafit1 Posts: 2 Member
    Studies show that only 5% of people actually succeed at keeping their weight off long terms so the pill popping sinners and the righteous are in the same boat. Whichever category you fall into... may the odds forever be in your favor.
  • marykayedney
    I started Qsymia one month ago and have lost 13 lbs. No side effects. I am very very happy!
  • JMFitzgerald88
    I cannot obtain diet pills in Minnesota either. I would love to try the Belviq or the Qsymia to help me. Any ideas?
  • Giniaw
    Giniaw Posts: 1 Member
    I was wondering if you know how long to wait to start a new diet pill after finishing another
  • ndonelly1
    ndonelly1 Posts: 2
    I started with Qsymia in mid March and lost 18 pounds - about 11% body weight. When I went in about a week ago for another check up, I asked for phentermine, because I felt that it was more effective because I had use it the year before to dop 25 lbs - which I kept off. the doctor suggested Belviq because he didn't feel I should be on the phentermine again - he feels it's not safe for the long term. Having ried Belviq, I will ask to reurn to Qsymia as I feel it is better than Belviq. The side effects of Q seemed only last 2 weeks - except maybe dry mouth - which can be easily handled with increased water intake. The pins and needles in he finger tips sopped afer a bit.

    This has helped me eat less which I had trouble doing previously and with a slow metabolism this made weight loss difficult. I have worked out at least 3 days/week for the past year and a half, but exercise can only account for about 20% of weight loss. The best thing I did was start to track everything through MFP - I never tracked carbs/protein/fat before because it was iring to look everything up. Now I can more easily stick to my ratios and calories with MFP. Psychologically I hate to have to enter something "bad" or go over my calories or ratios so I think the accountability of the diary really helps.

    Obviously no one wants to stay on medication for the long term but I feel that if it gets you to a healthier weight, you're better off. Being overweight is a bigger health risk in my mind that being on medication for a year or whatever it takes to get to your healhy weight. And in that perios, you have changed your eating life style, so it should be easier to mantain once you're of the pills.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Worth noting, OP still has 40 pounds to go. Pills won't get you there. Get real.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    I was wondering if you know how long to wait to start a new diet pill after finishing another

    does this question not give you a hint that pills may not be a long term sustainable solution?
  • hansenl
    hansenl Posts: 4
    I have been on Qsymia for 1 month. Lost only 10 lbs. Having said that I have done No excercise and have been on vacation for 2 1/2 weeks so it is a bit hard when things are not in a routine at the start at least. Not unhappy at this point. I will also say that that many more inches seem to have disappeared than actually lbs. Staying with it for now but am going on a cruise in 12 days so it may be rough sailing!
  • hansenl
    hansenl Posts: 4
    Good for you girl! Right behind you . Only 10lbs but still going.Started on Fathers Day.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    I found the topic by looking up diet pills on google. I need to drop pounds fast as I am very close to being diagnosed diabetic.

    You don't need to "drop pounds fast" you need to learn to eat correctly fast...

    ^ This says 10-15 pounds can make a difference - it doesn't say anything about how fast the weight comes off. It directs you to their weight loss section here >>>

    Diet really is awesome for treating this... My Mother was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and lost 50 lbs. that year (she's still working on it) but now controls her blood sugar with her diet. She never had to go on insulin or oral medications for it.

    Good luck!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In for a neverending thread.
  • tmarcz
    tmarcz Posts: 4
    I don't think some people on this forum understand. I want to try belviq (not for the weight-loss, but for the hunger control. Idk if that's how other people feel, but it's how I do.) I've tried tons of things like, eating supposed filling food, drinking tons and tons of water, eating slowly, and just nothing. I've never found anything to curb my hunger, even taking metformin. It helped some, but not enough. I do NOT want to take belviq to lose weight, I want to take it to help me get on a better path of eating clean and healthy and not eating tons of junk and craving unhealthy things all the time, Some people just don't understand. And I've also tried sticking to a certain amount of calories, but it's so hard and pretty much impossible with how much hunger I always have.
  • valer79
    valer79 Posts: 3 Member
    Belviq works a lot like the smoking cessation pill, Chantix. I don't believe that this pill is magic by any means, BUT for people with a slow metabolism and little willpower - THIS HELPS BIG TIME. I can't overeat. I have no side effects. I have zero cravings for sweets, bread, or anything heavy. I had to force myself to finish my greek yogurt and granola this morning. This is an awesome perscription for people who need help changing their habits. I recently stopped smoking using Wellbutrin....which is super duper awesome.... HOWEVER, even though I started walking 2.5 to 3 miles every morning - I managed to pack on 12 pounds. Since I've started Belviq, I have willpower to just say no to junk! I've had no trouble sticking to a 1200 calorie diet. And my mood is better than ever. I'm scheduled to go see the doctor on August 25. I can't wait to share my success with you all.
    P.S. I'm a 35 year old gal ....
  • valer79
    valer79 Posts: 3 Member
    Belviq will help.... try it. And stick with it! :flowerforyou: