Ladies, what weight sdo you lift?



  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I'm 5'3" and weigh 153 pounds, and I've been lifting off and on (injuries) for 2 years.

    Current 1RMs:

    Squats - 185 pounds
    Bench - 110 pounds
    Deadlifts - 215 pounds
    Overhead Press - 75 pounds
    Chinups- 1 unassisted
    Dips - 6 unassisted

    :love: Dem weights. I can't do a chinup. Lol. Some day...

    Lol thanks! I started with the bar, so 45 pounds, on squats and deadlifts 2 years ago, and with two 10 pound dumbbells for bench press and overhead press.

    Chinups I've been doing as assistance work with a focus to get 1 unassisted for 6 months or so, that's a very recent thing for me :bigsmile:
  • srandazzo93
    Squat 185x10
    Deadlift 225 x 8
    Dont bench
    Shoulders are my strongest muscle
    I can put up 90 lbs for reps of 12
  • 2boo2
    2boo2 Posts: 15 Member
    5'0 on a good day; 135 lbs

    265 Dead lift
    225 back squat
    145 Front Squat
    115 split jerk
    115 Bench
    105 shoulder press
    85 snatch
    110 clean

    100 pull ups (strict pull ups from dead hang w/30 min)
    200 push ups (chest to floor tricep style w/20 min)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I've been lifting since Dec 2012. (Same as Caitlyn Trout and her little 123 lb butt could out lift me any day. :love: )
    5'6 and 190. Last tested 1RM's

    Squat: 315
    Bench: 145 (why do you suck so bench?)
    Dead: 360
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I've been lifting since Dec 2012. (Same as Caitlyn Trout and her little 123 lb butt could out lift me any day. :love: )
    5'6 and 190. Last tested 1RM's

    Squat: 315
    Bench: 145 (why do you suck so bench?)
    Dead: 360

    Your current numbers are still my new goals! :drinker:
  • janemcd67
    janemcd67 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't use barbie weights except when they force me to in zumba toning class, but I do pretty strictly use (nautilus) machines at my gym since I am scared to drop something and my spotter can't lift as much as me. I do these machines for 2 minutes each. If it was just a couple of reps I guess I would do more.

    Bench press machine: 95lb
    Military press: 90 lb
    Lat pulldown: 165lb
    Seated row: 165 lb
    Leg press: 495 lb
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Got a new PR 1RM.

    145 Bench

    And new best set of 3x5
    105 OHP

    :) Sharing since this group will get the happiness of over 100lb OHP.