Critique My Keto Meal Plan?



  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    I've worked out the problem with the calculator--does this sound right for me?:

    2400 calories per day

    35 percent protein, 45 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent fat

    5 or 6 hours + of exercise a week (one hour per day, half lifting half cardio)

    3 meals a day

    Does this sound like the way to go? Any critiques, additions, or subtractions recommended out there?

    Will I be losing too many calories compared to what I'm taking in?

    Will I ACTUALLY lose weight like this?

    Not only will you lose weight, but you'll feel great while doing it!!!
    Stay on this path, young one.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I've worked out the problem with the calculator--does this sound right for me?:

    2400 calories per day

    35 percent protein, 45 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent fat

    5 or 6 hours + of exercise a week (one hour per day, half lifting half cardio)

    3 meals a day

    Does this sound like the way to go? Any critiques, additions, or subtractions recommended out there?

    Will I be losing too many calories compared to what I'm taking in?

    Will I ACTUALLY lose weight like this?

    Not only will you lose weight, but you'll feel great while doing it!!!
    Stay on this path, young one.

    Yeah! What a great resolution to this thread.

    Hit me right in the feels. Sometimes, you rock MFP
  • Triplesget
    Triplesget Posts: 66
    I've worked out the problem with the calculator--does this sound right for me?:

    2400 calories per day

    35 percent protein, 45 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent fat

    5 or 6 hours + of exercise a week (one hour per day, half lifting half cardio)

    3 meals a day

    Does this sound like the way to go? Any critiques, additions, or subtractions recommended out there?

    Will I be losing too many calories compared to what I'm taking in?

    Will I ACTUALLY lose weight like this?

    Yeah that looks better and HELL yes you will lose weight doing that, you will lose weight pretty fast I imagine. I was saying you'd lose 2 pounds a week without exercise. With exercise you'd lose even faster. Honestly 2400 is pretty aggressive for you if you are going to exercise as well but I don't want to discourage you from it because its a ton better than what you had planned originally.

    Thanks a lot, I'm glad to know that I've sort of worked out a better plan here. :) Any idea how far in I need to re-calculate everything? Like, after how much weight loss I should go back in and see what I need?

    Probably after 20 pounds lost you might need to adjust down by a 100 calories or so. Honestly at 6'3'' and 19 years old even if you get completely lean 2400 calories is probably at or below your maintenance level even then.

    Just for comparison. I am 6' tall, I exercise 6 days a week for about an hour, I weigh 170 pounds so I am reasonably lean and I maintain at about 2900 calories.

    Any idea if I need to shift my percentages at all, or is 35, 45, 20 already good enough? Would dropping the fat portion on some days hold me back or push me further?
  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    Take a look at this old thread, It might put things more in perspective as far as ratios go. You'll notice a trend.

    The general consensus is usually 40/40/20, 40/30/30 or some variant that's equivalent.
    Dropping the fat too low is going to make you less satiated and ravenous. You need some fats at least 20% to be satisfied.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Sorry , but this is NOT a keto meal plan. This is a starving plan, that is all.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    The funny part is that I hate fatty foods--I'd almost rather be vegetarian like my girlfriend is, but I guess the biggest reason I'm doing this is because I want to drop pounds but don't want to wait it out for two years. I'd rather be working out, lifting, jogging, and eating a healthier diet, but I have no idea where to turn.

    Try turning to: working out, lifting and eating a healthier diet.

    If you want advice on Keto - then look up Jimmy Moore from Living La Vida Low Carb or maybe there is a group here on MFP. Try the search tab.

    If you want advice on working out, lifting and eating a healthier diet, then start reading up on it. Lean protein and fresh fruits and vegetables are your guide. Eat them.

    And if you want this to start happening, then you need to get out of the planning stage and just do it.

    You didn't get this size overnight, you will not lose it overnight either, but a sensible approach will get you there in a healthy way and if you add lifting weights to your healthy food choices then at the end of your journey you will be lean and strong.
  • Triplesget
    Triplesget Posts: 66
    Thank you everyone, so much :)
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I LIKE your new plan! You might find you'll do better with a little more protein on your lifting days, but that's a tweak. Just get started and adjust as needed. If you don't eat your exercise calories, at least make sure you eat your full allotment for the day. Keep your muscles fueled. I think you'll be delighted with your loss rate AND with how you feel. :flowerforyou:
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Good! I am glad you got that all straightened out. Good luck OP - Stay the course, be patient and be kind to yourself always. You will reach your goal and remember to use google and add some friends here to help you along the way There are a lot of people here willing to help! Stay strong! :drinker:
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I like the new plan!! Good luck to you!
  • piyuK
    piyuK Posts: 45 Member

    all the best.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I enjoy eating Keto, but would tend to agree with the advice you have received here about getting a good meal plan in place and getting off your butt and exercising and lifting. You are a big kid and need to eat a good bit, even while losing weight. The idea is slow and steady, and change your eating habits for good. Don't think of it as a diet, but a lifestyle change. If you don't like fatty foods than a keto based diet isn't for you. It's gotta be something you can do forever, not for 6 months to drop a bunch of weight.

    As a side note, most of the people who are negative on keto/Atkins/low carb seem to have either never tried it, or did it for a couple weeks and didn't like it. Most people who stick with it long term enjoy eating that way. We don't suffer from lack of energy, we don't gain 50lbs of water weight back if we eat carbs, and so on- lots of rumors and false ideas abound with those who don't understand the concept.

    You don't cut out all carbs. You don't have to eat under 16g to stay in ketosis. I can net 50-100g a day and still be fine. I drink my beers, I eat my peanut butter, I eat ice cream. I enjoy what I eat and it's something I can sustain for a lifetime. I'm closing in on a year of eating this way and it's pretty easy now that I'm used to it. You don't eliminate any foods from your diet, you moderate them. If I want a hamburger bun, I have one, but I watch the rest of my carbs for that day. After a while it becomes pretty easy to do. It's like any other eating plan in that regard. You still lose weight based on a deficit, calories in vs calories out.

    I know you aren't going to do keto, but as an informational piece, here's a typical eating day for me. I target 2000 calories.

    Breakfast- about 500 calories, 1g carb
    2 cups of coffee with 3tbs heavy cream
    3 eggs
    2 turkey sausage patties
    1tsp butter

    Lunch- a big salad, about 400 calories, 21g carbs, 12g fiber for 9g net carbs
    3oz of greens (this is a pretty good sized amount)
    2oz tomato
    2oz cukes
    1/4oz onions
    4oz avocado
    4oz chicken breast
    1/2 tbs olive oil
    1tsp balsamic vinegar

    Dinner- 1000-1200 calories- typically a big portion of meat- 10-16oz, and a big portion of veggies, 8-16oz. This dinner was about 800 calories, 26g carbs, 8g fiber for 18g net carbs
    11 oz salmon
    11oz yellow squash
    3oz onions
    2oz green peppers
    veggies sautéed in 1tbs olive oil

    Snacks- cheese, pepperoni, nuts are my go to snacks.

    A day like this is under 50g net carbs, I'm full/satisfied.

    Anyway- you got a lot of good advice, and hopefully you'll get motivated. Making up your mind that you are tired of being fat is the biggest hurdle you'll have. Once you change that mind set, and get some will power to stick with whatever road you take, you'll see results.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Hmmmm, I would get constipated so fast by not eating enough fiber in this diet.
  • justamom2six
    Looks like a great diet to me. AND veggies are the only fiber you need ;)

    I could go this, I just need less calories (or food) than you.