Does anyone else crave sugar immediately after eating?



  • svermace
    svermace Posts: 8 Member
    I keep dark chocolate covered almonds around for those moments. A few of those usually does it for me. I count every single one I eat.
  • FFF2015
    FFF2015 Posts: 21
    I am a TRUE SUGAR ADDICT! Last Tuesday after work I was walking to my car and I blacked out while walking and ran into a cement column. I was feeling kinda weird anyway when I stood up out of my chair. But that really woke me up to my health. I knew I had not been eating properly although I was working out pretty regularly. So that day I decided to go cold turkey on sweets and caffine(because I already have HBP and caffine does not help). So today marks a week and one day that I have not had sweets. Yesterday was a particularly stressful day and I just wanted Oreos, Ice Cream(my biggest weakness) and anything else I could get my hands on but I just keep thinking about last Tuesday so I went home and ate some fruit. With me it has to be all or nothing. Much like an alcoholic....once I get a taste.....that's it I am all in!! So that is a MY limitation. Others may be able to have self control and cut back but I have to CUT OUT. By the end of last week I could tell a difference in my concentration at work. My thinking was so clear. I was very efficient and I had a lot more energy. Unfortunately my lack of sugar does not help with my spelling:) So overlook any typos in this post!! Have a wonderful day and I wish everyone much sucess on their journey to a healthier way of life.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I also enjoy something sweet especially after dinner. I found that even one of the "Simple Pleasures" does the trick for me now and only 30 calories each;)
  • Nutripea
    Nutripea Posts: 8
    There are studies which confirm that sugar is as addictive as cocaine. (Google it, it's so hard to believe, unless you have felt that insatiable need for a sugar fix). A others have said, the best way to overcome these cravings is to quit cold turkey, and that includes eliminating artificial sweeteners too. It sounds impossible, but after a week or so that cravings truly do subside. Best luck to us all.

    Ps: I have found that eating nuts REALLY helps. Healthy fats help to temper that "I need sugar now" feeling. Another important thing to avoid is: don't eat fruit or veggies on their own in an attempt to avoid a sugary snack. While both are obviously very healthy options, eating carbs (even good ones) without protein will just make you crave more carbs. So eat fruit with nuts, or Greek yogurt (no added sugar) or even deli turkey or a hard boiled egg, same with veggies, pair with hummus or any of the other protein/healthy fat options.
  • Yukibar
    Yukibar Posts: 13 Member
    This is very interesting and might give you some insight. I'm the same way-I NEED sugar after a meal. Sometimes I can fight it and it works, but it's so hard so I know how you feel. I'm working on getting off Splenda as it' increases cravings, also being linked to messing with your sleep!

    The food companies have added so many additives that have messed with how we are hardwired and have purposely increased our cravings.There are so many sugar derivatives now and they are sneakily added to foods that shouldn't contain any sugar!

    good luck and hang tough!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    :bigsmile: I just had a sugar crave at work... I tried 1 York peppermint pattie mini and it satisified my sugar craving. I also seen that 1 small dark Hersey's kiss seems to make the issue lessen as well!! Good Luck

    I have 2 yorks after lunch and dinner... Every single day.
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    personally this is typically the problem in my eyes.. ppl do not stop eating sugar they feel its ok and not to deprive themselves of such things.. personally thats where i see most ppl yo yo with this belief. Crap calories is just that for your body keep that in mind.

    cant see your foods.. however typically to get away from sugar you have to say no for a while so that you can change your body to stop those cravings. You need your body to find a balance with carbs fats and protein usually less carb more protein in most instances..

    When you are done working out you should have depleted your glycogen storage in your muscles so yes your body will need carbs. Its your choice to choose refined sugar that is harmful or find something better such as fruit for instance or starchy carbs after your workouts.

    hope this helps!

  • adempsey27
    adempsey27 Posts: 4 Member
    "Approximately 2% of ingested chromium(III) is absorbed, with the remainder being excreted in the feces. Amino acids, vitamin C and niacin may enhance the uptake of chromium from the intestinal tract.[6] After absorption, this metal accumulates in the liver, bone, and spleen.Trivalent chromium is found in a wide range of foods, including: whole-grain products, processed meats, high-bran breakfast cereals, coffee, nuts, green beans, broccoli, spices, and some brands of wine and beer.[6] Most fruits and vegetables and dairy products only contain low amounts.[3] Most of the chromium in people's diet comes from processing or storing food in pans and cans made of stainless steel, which can contain up to 18% chromium.[3]The amount of chromium in the body can be decreased as a result of a diet high in simple sugars, which increases the excretion of the metal through urine.[7] Because of the high excretion rates and the very low absorption rates of most forms of chromium, acute toxicity is uncommon."
    Just what I researched from wiki.
  • katikati
    katikati Posts: 35
    A good opinion if you ask me!
  • ahill0901
    ahill0901 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem and it really plagues me and im tired of falling victim to sweets lol. What works fork me is chewing gum immediately after a meal, it stoos my cravings and keeps me sane and focused!
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    I have this too unless I follow low carb, that's why I'm on keto right now. Yesterday the craving hit and I had a cream cheese pancake with Black Forest fruits, because there's no other sugar in my diet the fruit tasted so ridiculously sweet it was making me pull faces! And I stayed in my carb allowance ;)
  • annaasun
    annaasun Posts: 74 Member
    Ive read that something bitter or sour helps. Extra dark chocolate, lemon, decaf black coffee
  • nlund22
    nlund22 Posts: 1 Member
    I started chewing gum after every meal when I craved sweets. now my addiction has switched to gum... But hey, it's a lot better than eating a bowl of icecream!
  • galwaygirl1961
    galwaygirl1961 Posts: 1 Member
    I thought that I only had that problem. I find that a plain unsweetened cup of tea afterwards helps.
    If not then I have something small with the tea like one cookie or a piece of fruit.
  • Detracarter
    Detracarter Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for this one! I think that might work for me. I feel like something needs to be in my mouth. It's crazy. I've noticed that just saying no makes me want it more. If I replace the bad habit with another habit, I'll be in a better position. Thanks again!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I have a few green grapes at the end of every meal, that's "dessert". I'm careful to fit them into my allotted calories and so far I haven't been craving ice cream and candy bars the way I used to.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I am trying to overcome my sugar addiction, and the only thing that's keeping me from eating it is not having anything sweet in the house...I was even tempted to have a spoonful of maple syrup. I didn't, but I feel like it. It doesn't matter what I eat, I immediately crave sweets afterward. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to go crazy if I don't get something sweet. It's a horrible way to live, and I'm pretty tired of it. I've been this way for years, and have been tested for diabetes several times. I would like to know what's going on inside my body to make me crave sugar so badly.

    Has anyone overcome this? If so, is there anything that helps?

    You can have sweets in moderation.... Just make it fit into your calorie goal
  • MississippiMama87
    MississippiMama87 Posts: 204 Member
    Yep- As SOON as I finish a meal, I want something sweet. It's weird.
  • Voww
    Voww Posts: 39 Member
    Same here, always want something sweet after savoury, maybe down to mum's home cooking in the 60s/70s, evening meals were always followed by something for dessert - high calorie dishes like suet pudding with golden syrup, jam roly poly and custard, or apple pie and cream. Even though I rarely eat those kinds of dishes now I still have to have something, whether some fruit and yoghurt or sweet biscuits, a piece of home-made cake or a couple of squares of dark chocolate.