I've only had 800 cals but I'm so FULL :(



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I have to struggle to get to 1200 calories these days, so I understand where you're coming from.
    I don't understand why people think everyone is lying just because everyone's bodies don't behave like theirs do.
    Sorry but our bodies don't behave different outside of medical disorders. The lack of understanding from members here is how people get obese then want to diet and have a hard time eating 1200 calories. And usually it's because the person in question is restricting to much or just don't want to eat and claim they can't. Most of us got to the point where we were in a position to lose weight, so we know how to eat.

    We are not snowflakes.

    I got fat by drinking over 1200 calories a day. I've never been a big eater/over eater/emotional eater. So yeah, I do have a hard time meeting my goals every day. I'm trying, really hard - it's getting better, but I'm still not at that magic 1200 yet.

    Not everyone got fat by over eating - there are different ways to ingest calories.
    Obviously alcoholism is a different issue. However, with that said there is probably a good chance some minor adjustments with high calorie foods would make the process easier.

    I don't drink alcohol. This was from 6 Dr. Peppers and 5-6 cups of super sweet coffee a day. How ridiculous was I?

    A lot of people have suggested higher calorie foods like peanut butter, avocado, and cottage cheese - unfortunately I can't handle the texture of any of those. I'm absolutely open to more suggestions because I really want to lose in a healthy, sustainable way, and I'm actively trying to improve my intake. Some days I don't even exercise (even though I love to) because I don't want to fail that day (net way less than I'm supposed to). It feels like crap sometimes.
    Beef with higher fat content.
    Chicken thighs or drumsticks.
    Fish with higher fat
    Protein powder. That way you get calories in and don't get full.
    Bread, rice

    The list goes on and on. You just have to be creative, not restrict and not label foods good or bad if that's something you do.

    Oh I don't do that - if you look at my diary, you'll see Wendy's on there from last night. I do do protein shakes (again, diary, yesterday) and protein bars. I love bread, too. When I started this whole thing, I was around 900 cals/day - so I'm improving - just have to keep trying. I appreciate your input/advice. Most people just dismiss me. So thanks <3
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I didn't say that's all I eat, lol. My blood work always comes back with one low thing, which is low for non-dietary reasons. It's only high enough to be low because I work very hard to keep it up.

    Everything else is fine. I'm happy. The doctor is happy.

    Thank you all for your kind concern! But I'm good. :)
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    You get 'starvation mode' by being put in a prison camp, not by ignoring a box of cookies and going to bed with a belly full of fajitas.

    If you 'can't eat', enjoy your impending weight loss. What's to complain about?

    But if you don't lose, you know you're going to be one of those posters who claim they can't lose weight even though you eat only spinach leaves, water and dust.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I didn't say that's all I eat, lol. My blood work always comes back with one low thing, which is low for non-dietary reasons. It's only high enough to be low because I work very hard to keep it up.

    Everything else is fine. I'm happy. The doctor is happy.

    Thank you all for your kind concern! But I'm good. :)

    Fruit has 100 calories a piece, vegetables also have calories. If by "eat fruit and vegetables" you mean more than half an apple and a carrot there isn't going to be a lot of room in your 800 calorie budget for fat.

    Do you get 50g of fat in a day?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't know how much fat other people are supposed to eat, but I'm supposed to eat none, if possible. I usually do very well with that, but not always. Again, that's a medical thing and not a diet/nutrition thing. I have to balance my medical stuff with my dietary stuff, which is challenging at times. I don't always do it perfectly! But I do pretty well. :)

    I don't know how big your strawberries are ;) but mine aren't 100 calories a piece. I think blueberries are like 1 calorie a piece.

    I don't tailor my food to the calories. I eat what I eat and the calories work themselves out. I only really started keeping track of the calories recently.

    I know you're trying to be helpful, but I'm good. Really. I have doctors and a nutritionist and I'm doing fine. When I'm hungry, I eat. I just ate a strawberry and three blueberries. Chewed while I typed. I can fill up all I want on lettuce and berries and it hardly even registers on the calories. Medically and per the nutritionist, I can eat all the lettuce, fruit and veggies I want. So I do. I do NOT starve! When I'm hungry, I eat!! Sometimes, I will eat shredded lettuce just for the hell of it, the way some people eat chips or pretzels. I've even been known to dump some salsa in a bowl and dip my shredded lettuce in it, kind of like chips and dip. :)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I don't know how much fat other people are supposed to eat, but I'm supposed to eat none, if possible. I usually do very well with that, but not always. Again, that's a medical thing and not a diet/nutrition thing. I have to balance my medical stuff with my dietary stuff, which is challenging at times. I don't always do it perfectly! But I do pretty well. :)

    I don't know how big your strawberries are ;) but mine aren't 100 calories a piece. I think blueberries are like 1 calorie a piece.

    I don't tailor my food to the calories. I eat what I eat and the calories work themselves out. I only really started keeping track of the calories recently.

    I know you're trying to be helpful, but I'm good. Really. I have doctors and a nutritionist and I'm doing fine. When I'm hungry, I eat. I just ate a strawberry and three blueberries. Chewed while I typed. I can fill up all I want on lettuce and berries and it hardly even registers on the calories. Medically and per the nutritionist, I can eat all the lettuce, fruit and veggies I want. So I do. I do NOT starve! When I'm hungry, I eat!! Sometimes, I will eat shredded lettuce just for the hell of it, the way some people eat chips or pretzels. I've even been known to dump some salsa in a bowl and dip my shredded lettuce in it, kind of like chips and dip. :)

    Alright I will leave you be. If you are on some sort of VLCD supervised by a doctor I don't really want to get involved but you are right I am concerned by what you are saying. Given your diet your body is wasting away, you are guaranteed losing your muscle and unless you are getting calcium or iron from somewhere likely bone density and immune function as well. If you are using MFP to log your food have you switched over to the micronutrient tab and taken a look recently?

    I have no idea how overweight you are I have to assume morbidly obese to the point of imminent death if you are on that sort of diet prescribed by a doctor so I won't comment further.

    Regardless though whatever you are doing is not something you should be flippantly commenting on as being "okay" to just anyone.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I'm not 100% sure! but I think the No Fat is part of the non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. I have a few balls in the air, though. :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Calcium is my constant struggle. :) I don't have what most people have to "regulate" it and must swallow loads of it and Vitamin D and spend lots of time in the sun (for the D) just to keep it low, so my body doesn't leech it from the bones. It's a major pain in the you-know-what. They don't expect that I will ever have it easier where the Calcium is concerned. I even had to relocate down south so I could go outside all year. They said they'd have sent me to Mexico or Equador, but the health care sucks, lol.

    I need all the sun I can get. Skin cancer be damned, the other problems are bigger.

    I went up to 250 pounds before I found a doctor who found out why and got that fixed for me. I'm now 198 pounds and 5'9", so I still have PLENTY to burn. But I expect to be at a normal weight by the end of the year. :)
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I do not believe you "listen" to your body. My body will say have more wine and chocolate, it always takes me in the wrong. I eat my calories, I am not hungry. I drink them. You do not have to deprive yourself to lose weight.

    I agree, I think you are eating more than you realize.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Calcium is my constant struggle. :) I don't have what most people have to "regulate" it and must swallow loads of it and Vitamin D and spend lots of time in the sun (for the D) just to keep it low, so my body doesn't leech it from the bones. It's a major pain in the you-know-what. They don't expect that I will ever have it easier where the Calcium is concerned. I even had to relocate down south so I could go outside all year. They said they'd have sent me to Mexico or Equador, but the health care sucks, lol.

    I need all the sun I can get. Skin cancer be damned, the other problems are bigger.

    I went up to 250 pounds before I found a doctor who found out why and got that fixed for me. I'm now 198 pounds and 5'9", so I still have PLENTY to burn. But I expect to be at a normal weight by the end of the year. :)

    You do realize that vitamin D is a fat solubilized vitamin and if you do not take it WITH FAT your body will not absorb it at all right? So if your diet has no fat in it you are getting absolutely nothing from taking vitamin D.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Calcium is my constant struggle. :) I don't have what most people have to "regulate" it and must swallow loads of it and Vitamin D and spend lots of time in the sun (for the D) just to keep it low, so my body doesn't leech it from the bones. It's a major pain in the you-know-what. They don't expect that I will ever have it easier where the Calcium is concerned. I even had to relocate down south so I could go outside all year. They said they'd have sent me to Mexico or Equador, but the health care sucks, lol.

    I need all the sun I can get. Skin cancer be damned, the other problems are bigger.

    I went up to 250 pounds before I found a doctor who found out why and got that fixed for me. I'm now 198 pounds and 5'9", so I still have PLENTY to burn. But I expect to be at a normal weight by the end of the year. :)

    You only weigh 198 pounds and you are on a VLCD where you eat no fat. Something is very wrong here.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    what happens at 7pm?

    If you have to ask...
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't know what VLCD is, but I don't think I'm on it. You don't have any idea what I eat. You don't know all my medical stuff.

    My muscles get bigger. They have me doing weight-bearing stuff so the muscles will tug on the bones and make the bones stronger. They don't know if it will help, but if they think it's worth a shot, fine, I do it. I follow all the advice I've given by the doctors because I know they know more than I do.

    I have heard about people who like to fight on the Internet. I think you may be one. I will not participate.

    Have a good day.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Like I said, lots of balls in the air. I can't keep it all straight. I have three file folders and a special calendar just for medical things.

    I'll ask the doctor what he thinks about the suggestions I've received here. Thank you for your help.
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    Listen to your body . Sounds like it was a balanced meal with plenty of slow burning carbs to keep you going. Relax, trust your intuition.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I don't know what VLCD is, but I don't think I'm on it. You don't have any idea what I eat. You don't know all my medical stuff.

    My muscles get bigger. They have me doing weight-bearing stuff so the muscles will tug on the bones and make the bones stronger. They don't know if it will help, but if they think it's worth a shot, fine, I do it. I follow all the advice I've given by the doctors because I know they know more than I do.

    I have heard about people who like to fight on the Internet. I think you may be one. I will not participate.

    Have a good day.

    The issue is, you're suggesting an 800 calorie diet is an option for everyone - when you're obviously on it for intense medical issues that therefore should not be recommended to person without your exact medical issues (which you don't even seem to know the names of). It's dangerous and people around here aren't really a fan of harmful misinformation being spread around like facts.

    It's not that they want to fight - it's that your post was ignorant with a side of harmful.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    No I haven't been weighing my food. You're right I may be low-balling it, I think I will end up looking into a food scale. Thanks for the helpful advice!

    This is the answer to 95% of the questions asked on weight loss around here: you're not weighing your food and are eating more than you think.

    Newbies - take note!