Any 10,000 Steps (Daily) Success stories?



  • crunchergirl
    crunchergirl Posts: 184 Member
    I'm so glad I noticed this thread. I just got a fitbit flex and started 10K steps a day. I usually get 12K but that is including a 5k jog on 3 days a week. Plan to up step target to 12K as from Sunday.
    I have spent some evenings in my living room marching in place and prancing around just to hit my steps for the day (this cracks my husband up every time)

    That's funny. I have walked laps in the house close to bedtime to get my steps in also or I will have a dance party.
  • smileygirl1980
    smileygirl1980 Posts: 5 Member
    Yesterday was the closest I have ever been to my 10k step goal, I walked 4.04 miles and it was equal to 7,989 steps. I usually walk around 3.5 miles, but that last .5 miles really took a tole on my feet!! I will try again in a few days!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I made a personal goal to walk 3.65 million steps this year, which won't be hard if I hit 10,000 a day. So far, I have only missed that mark a couple of days. I actually passed the 2 million mark today. I've only been tracking my steps since January 1, but I've had a FitBit for a year now.

    My top day stats (can't remember the exact numbers, but these are the top FitBit "badges" that I have):
    35,000+ steps
    175+ floors
  • _sherbear_
    _sherbear_ Posts: 18
    Bump to read through later! Love to hear about Step successes!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I hit a new personal high for my daily step count last Saturday:

    Total steps: 60 215
    Total floors: 187
    Distance: 31 miles
    Calories burned: 6514

    I surpassed my previous high of 55 000+ steps which was the day I ran a marathon!
  • Heirgreat
    Heirgreat Posts: 262 Member
    I was shocked when I first got my fitbit, I knew I worked in a busy clinic, seeing pts, running up and down hallways, stairs my first day before 4pm I had 10K, BUT not every day is that busy, so I now walk to work and walk home (3mi round trip) and with the work duties I make 10K. At lunch walk 30 minutes because the sun is out and where I live it is a rarity!!!
    One weekend I babysat my grand niece/nephew (twins), they wore me out, for sure I should have gotten 10k but no buzz- Ididn't have computer, when I got home next day if I would have just done THREE steps I would have made it!!! Now I walk in place til the thing buzzes--crazy, good luck to you
  • lewoldt
    lewoldt Posts: 630 Member
    I have using mine since April and get 10,000 pretty much every day. At this point I am down 30lbs from the start
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    I started at 5,000 steps also, and progressed from there.

    My current daily goal is 11,000, and I'll be pushing it to 12,000 soon.

    My daily records are :

    20,858 steps
    10.05 miles
    59 floors
    Girlfriend....YOU ROCK, period.:love::smooched: :heart: :love: I am so proud of you. As a matter of fact, you've inspired me to start getting back on my nordic track stepper--I forgot about that thing--Thank you so much for posting!
    3,235 calories
    1,190 activity score

    Thanks, and I'm happy I inspired you, but... I'm a guy. :laugh:

    So..."you go girl" is out of the question? That's my usual copy and pasted response! Now I don't know what to say!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    I hit a new personal high for my daily step count last Saturday:

    Total steps: 60 215
    Total floors: 187
    Distance: 31 miles
    Calories burned: 6514

    I surpassed my previous high of 55 000+ steps which was the day I ran a marathon!

    Wow. That's how many steps I get in a week usually! Good job
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    Hey all.
    New here and my first post.

    Regarding the 10k steps per day, it was very difficult for me and honestly I didn't stick with it after the surgery. But I did it for 2 months before having my gallbladder removed and it was the major component in my losing the 20lbs I needed to before it.

    Things I did to help increase the tick where walking to the far bathrooms each time I needed to go. Sometimes walking to the far bathrooms, returning to the original end of the building then going back to the far end to use it and come back to the office making a double loop so to speak. I tried to do this every hour. Made for 6-10k at work instead of 1500 on an average day. Was just finding ways to increase it. If your office has two sets of doors to come and go from, use the further set. Even if you need to go somewhere out one that makes sense, use the other. In my case, using opposite doors adds 100 steps each direction on a bathroom trip. Do that 6-8 times in a day and you've added what used to be my daily total.

    If you can, walk to work. Get off the bus a stop early or something. If you drive, park at the back of the lot, or furthest place from your office.

    Walking takes time. About 1 minute for 100+ steps at regular walking. So 10k will be about 80-90 minutes of your day. But you can do it. It will help. And you'll feel better for it.


    Since I started trying to get in my 10k a day, I'm making small changes: this week I changed my default printer at work, so that I get an extra forty steps each time I need to retrieve a document. Every little bit helps!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    One day I got 30,000. I think I was walking from sun up to sun down.

    For a couple months I was getting 12,000 every day (5 miles for me). I got a little burned out on it. Though I switched jobs, get more steps and I'm adjusting to getting up at 430 am to go lift heavy things 3x a week so...
  • Rocky791
    Rocky791 Posts: 52 Member
    I walk to and from work and also do a lot of walking while at work. I'm averaging around 14,000 steps a day right now. I've been losing an average of 1.5 lbs a week by combining the walking with calorie counting.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I wasn't aware of how much walking I do at work until I got a Fitbit. Turns out I easily get 10-14,000 steps in during a shift, and sometimes more (Saturdays especially, since they're the busiest, but yesterday my task for the day left me with 15,500 before I even hit the gym!) And I hit 20,000 for the first time two weeks ago!
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    I have a fitbit also and my daily goal is 10,000 steps per day, most days I meet the goal, other days I am an "overachiever" as it tells me and some days I don't make it since I have a desk job and if the weather is bad I just can't get out and walk. But since 03/03/14 I have lost 35# and I say my fitbit has helped me tremendously.
  • Mongaof9
    Mongaof9 Posts: 5 Member
    I have had my fitbit since jan 2014. Started with 10,000 steps and progressed to an ave. of 17,000-18,000 per day. It's very motivating . I have lost 65 lbs and my fitbit and mfp has really helped. I have only missed 3 days of walking since I got it. I am now addicted to walking.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I am halfway to my goal, I got my Withings pulse in July of last year and since then have aimed for 12,000 steps a day. Currently I've upped that to a minimum of 13,000. If I take a 10 minute walk every hour, I can easily meet my goal. It's just part of my routine to get up and walk as much as possible now!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Yes! It can be done! I was regularly walking 10,000 steps a day last year. Once you get into a habit it's not at all difficult. For one week in October I did 20,000 steps a day just to prove that it could be done. I have a FitBit and record my steps on that - it's a very clever little device.

    This year I have been unwell, and working from home a lot, so been a lot more sedentary, but I still try to get in my steps and have just joined the One Million Step challenge which starts tomorrow, 21 June 2014. Walk 10,000 steps a day for 100 days!! I'm itching to start!!

    I have created an MFP thread for it:

    And if you want to join the official challenge it is on Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle website:

    Just start!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I was recently in Italy for a month for work/vacation. We didn't have a car so we literally walked everywhere. I was so excited to see how many steps I would take, but unfortunately, I lost my FitBit charger on the plane ride over so I only had it for a few days. Heartbreaking! The days I did have it though, were all between 15,000-23,000 step days! And I know there were others in between that would have been higher.

    While there, we ate gelato every day at least once a day, ate pizza and pasta constantly, and drank copious amounts of wine. I tried my best to log everything I ate and averaged 2,500 cal or more a day. Just got back to the US and weighed in, up 2 lbs from where I was before I left, which I had completely expected and was ok with gaining 7-10 lbs on this trip so only 2 was a huge victory.

    I wish I could tell this to everyone who says that walking isn't exercise or doesn't burn enough calories.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    If you guys are maniacal about step counts and are slightly competitive, I found a website that lets you "compete" against other fitness tracker fanatics:

    (I'm not affiliated with the website in any fact, I've had to step away (rimshot) from it for a bit because I was driving myself crazy trying to get the number of steps to stay competitive. But it definitely can be an inspiration to get more steps!)
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I know it varies based on speed, stride length, weight, and a bunch of other factors, but about how many calories do you burn walking 10,000 steps at a leisurely pace?

    you burn 100 calories per mile whether you run, walk or crawl on all 4's; add in a few hills & you burn a bit more,
    peoples height & stride length are different but most cover between 2,000-2,200 steps per mile,

    a word of caution; unless you sit in bed all day you will walk some steps, these will contribute to your usual daily TDEE, so it's only really worth counting steps as a 'burn' if you walk extra outside this

    Do you have a source for this? Logically, it makes zero sense. Walking a mile, while maintaining a resting heart rate level, should not burn the same as running a mile at 90% max rate. Maybe I'm reading your statement wrong, but to me it seems way off. Csre to post a source and elaborate?

    I don't have a study to link with exact numbers, but when I think about this logically, I think it does make sense. If you are running a mile at 90% max rate, you will be burning a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Maybe 5-7 minutes. If you are walking at a leisurely pace, you will be burning less calories per minute, but over a longer period of time, perhaps 20-30 minutes. I can see how the numbers might come close.
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