When did you start gaining weight?



  • susanbarrott
    I am 47, had gall bladder removal surgery August of 2012. I used to weigh about 155 lbs before the surgery. Since then I have taken Cholacol (Bile Extract) every day but only 1 capsule. (The directions read to take 1 capsule before every meal). I do not eat a lot- small meals or snacks during the day, with occasional fast food in there. I work at call center 40 + hours a week till midnight - so I do sit a lot, but I also have an Arabian mare, whom I go to and work out frequently either in the round pen, or riding her. I do gardening, house work, stay busy and exercise moderately on my WII fitness board. I currently weigh 188 lbs and have to wear size xlarge, and 12 in shorts- this is frightening to me because I used to be able to wear a size 7! I plan on increasing the Capsules to the 1 at every meal as directed, and exercising a bit more frequently every week, and I might start taking an enzyme and probiotic (like my mare does) to see if this benefits me in losing any weight. Note: I do not drink enough water - I am a very big coffee lover and have at least 2 cups in the morning, and one in the evening to stay awake on my long night shifts and drive home. I probably only drink 1 bottle of water a day- I just don't like water very much. I do not drink soda at all, and liquor is a big no-no when you have had your gall bladder removed but I do occasionally drink white wine. I have no idea if this has anything to do with weight gain. I feel fine except for the weight, which I don't like it at all!
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm currently 22 years old, however my weight has pretty much been an issue my entire life. I just kept eating, eating and eating without really worrying about the consequences. I've also suffered from depression which has also been a trigger to emotional/binge eating. During the latter part of last year I stopped caring about myself and I hate to say it, but I felt like I wanted to die. I feel much better nowadays, I'm losing weight and everything seems to be falling into place.

    I'll never go back to the way that I used to be because I've worked so hard and being extremely overweight made me feel very miserable.

    We've got this! :D
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    well for me it was all my fault ... i just didnt care about my health ... and that was the bad thing i did ... now i am glad i am back to it and getting good result ... got a lot to live for ...
  • thedebster99
    When I was 27 and started antidepressants..they make you pack on the pounds..
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    I started gaining weight somewhat rapidly when I was six or seven. Whenever my parents had a fight my mom would scoop me away and take us out to eat somewhere or to get toys. My actual very first clear memory was from 1988 (I was 3!), seeing Oliver and Company in theaters then getting finger puppets from the movie at McDonalds afterwards. I was overweight by the time I was 9, when my parents saw it was a problem and enrolled me in martial arts classes. Only got worse from there because, as much as I liked martial arts, I just got bullied.. A LOT. So I ate more, became an introvert, and just kinda continued eating. Even after I ruptured the disc in my back I didn't try to lose weight til ten years later!
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've always had food issues with emotional eating. Grew up with a single mom, dad was a Disneyland dad. Mom was borderline abusive (nothing was ever good enough, worked me like an adult, never allowed to close bedroom doors, last time she 'spanked' me for misbehavior I was 16!).........so from that I hid food. Binged after school but worked out like crazy. Went to college and had freedom, gained 30 lbs, but lost it that first summer back home. Crap got hella crazy right after I turned 21 (cue crazy mom- called me and reported me as a missing person at 7am the morning after I went out drinking with friends), so I promptly moved in with dad.....dropped out of college.....started doing E......and got pregnant with my daughter.........tough pregnancy, sperm donor split when I was 8 months pg.......was 225 when I gave birth and got back down to 175 after daughter was born. Now cue awful relationship (very abusive) coupled with Depo Provera. and then marriage to him at age 24....... Ballooned back to 225, highest weight was 235, which was when I met my current husband. He loved me at 235, and loves me just as much now after 80 lbs gone. :-)
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    I started gaining weihght when I moved to the US. I arrived here with 132lbs and it started creeping up slowely. My heaviest was so far 185lbs and I am currently down to 171-170. My goal is getting back to 150lbs (+/- 5lbs).
    Getting rid of the weight became more and more difficult after the birth of my son in August 2008. Since then it has become more and more impossible to loose it, but I must admit, before the child I was more active.
    Also, since I am in the states I can afford and have whatever I want to eat. So, having this "freedom" and never before needed to care about my weight encouraged bad eating habits, I guess. Which I try now to get rid off as well as the excessive pounds.

    Thanks everyone for sharing.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    It was a series of things that acted together to lead to weight gain.

    The first that caused the chain reaction was being attacked by dogs when walking to the store. This led to PTSD like symptoms, that kept me inside. The first time I tried to walk to the store after the attack, I was harassed by cops.. which led me to turn around, go back home, and lock myself away further. This was when my inactivity began. The second was the death of my dog. It was a hard blow to take - because it was sudden and I witnessed it (and it was not a nice thing to witness, the way she went). I fell into a deep depression after her loss, that I never really recovered from. In hindsight, I should have gotten therapy after both events... but hindsight is 20/20. Anyway. I started turning to food for comfort. In the beginning, it was innocent enough. I'd eat a box of ice cream when I was feeling sad. Soon, I was binge eating. I wouldn't even realize I'd done it until the proof was there. And then, quickly, I was overeating in general. The binge eating and the overeating combined started to cause the weight to creep up on me. Still inactive, I spent most of my time inside, online, eating. This all happened when I was about 19-20, though the biggest weight gain occurred at 21.

    Depression seems to be a common cause. Depression can be a deadly, life sucking, beast.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    I gained a lot of weight with my pregnancy almost 20 years ago. I never did lose it, just kept adding to it over the years. Passed all of my horrible eating habits on to my daughter, for which I will never forgive myself. I try very hard to stay on track now as I have actually seen and felt progress. Still have very hard days. I have to keep on this new lifestyle, I cannot give up.
  • muppet1501
    muppet1501 Posts: 46 Member
    Started around 8 years. Gained weight, bullied at school, bullied by my brother n sister and gained ever since. I went down to 137lb after my 2nd child at 23 but gained it all back when my not so lovely ex criticised everything I did and I sunk into depression. Now after 4 children and a supportive partner I want to get myself healthy and be able to wear nice clothes and be as active as my children are.
  • dorisopen9
    dorisopen9 Posts: 94 Member
    I was a toddler with the "cute puppy fat". We lived with my grandparents at the time and grandmother would feed me hot chocolate and Danish pastry when I played in the garden; my mother did not know that for a long time and could not explain why I grew so big.

    As I got older, the fat stayed but the cuteness went.
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    I've always been small, 5ft 2 and 8stone 5lbs, but when I was 42 I had a brain stem stroke , lack of mobility and not being able to work anymore, I lolloped about all day and put on weight.

    After about a year my partner got me a greyhound and I started walking again, but I still gained weight. I have balance and sight issues but I can walk, so i'm slowly losing the weight again :happy:

    This is what happened to me too.
  • purple44444
    purple44444 Posts: 48 Member
    Never been skinny, and was a fan of sweets since real little. So getting bigger in my 20's kind of came natural! It's slowly starting to come off.
  • lemonsnlove
    lemonsnlove Posts: 200
    College...blame it on the keg stands and munchies
  • Michaelg235
    Michaelg235 Posts: 1,093 Member
    early childhood i was always the fat kid ..
  • parkparksarah
    I don't think there is trigger for that... ?
    If you ate too much and lie down after eating like a couch potato definitely you will gain weight
  • Michaelg235
    Michaelg235 Posts: 1,093 Member
    College...blame it on the keg stands and munchies

    Yea those days did not help .. achool was a killer then eating after getting mad wasted
  • LoveLiveLaugh123
    LoveLiveLaugh123 Posts: 1 Member
    I gained weight after giving up smoking, which was the start and then my Mother suddenly passed away a few months later. I gained 25kgs within a year.
  • jessmcanulty
    jessmcanulty Posts: 46 Member
    I was 13 when I started to gain weight. I was always the tall skinny kid at school and then one day boom!!! As the years went by I just slowly got more and more. I'm 28 now and am sitting at 103kgs
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I was a chubby child, then lost my 'baby fat' around 13. Then I was average sized, I guess, through high school. I got married at 20 and started college, and was still pretty much average size, or maybe a little soft. I played sports through jr high and high school, but not after. I think that kept my physique in check through those years, but married life and then having two kids put a damper on phyiscal activity. In late 2010, at 39, I found myself with a 16 year old and a 13 year old and I was 190 pounds (the heaviest I've ever been without being pregnant) at 5'2". I was fed up and refused to buy bigger clothes or live in sweat pants. I began C25K with a friend and in 9 weeks had dropped 30 pounds. I kept running, signed up for races and branched out in my workouts. I began lifting weights, doing bootcamp classes and have now progressed to obstacle/mud racing and martial arts. I lost about 45 pounds initially with running, and put another 10 back on in muscle lifting weights. I am around a size 6 now, and was 16 at my heaviest.