When did you start gaining weight?



  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I was about 24. I was engaged and happy, with a fabulous chef who loves to cook for me as a fiance, and thought I was immune to the laws of thermogenetics and calories in/calories out. Then I got pregnant at 25 and things REALLY got out of hand, with the whole fallacious "eating for two" mentality.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I've never been slim (at least in my eyes) but i started putting weight on when i passed my driving test just before turning 21. As self conscious as i was, as unhappy with my weight i was, i did nothing about it until 2012. A friend of mine used MFP app and i saw her loss, it inspired me. Been maintaining for a year and abit now.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I think I started (at 57kg - age 22) when I was living with a violent guy. Not so much with the weight gain, but the thought processes. If I weighed more he 'couldn't push me around.' I also started smoking weed at the time, which didn't help, and the guy (a chronic user) would get junk food late at night, which I ate.

    Got rid of him and moved away, weighing about 15, 20 kilos more than when he moved in, 5 years earlier. (72-77kg, age 27)

    Due to other things, I went from running around after 6 kids to being suicidal and barely doing anything.

    By 2003 (age 31) I was considering birth control and working out that 5% of 80 kilos was 'only 4kg' and I could cope with that. Insert a period of very low income and eating whatever was cheap to survive.

    Then of course, the $2 'meals' of junk ended up being a staple part of the diet. I still believe I was more active than others, since I would walk to the shop for things and not park the car outside of stores. But walking 1.3 km a week doesn't offset the calorie intake. At this time I was also put on meds for depression. Those ones made me very lethargic. Sleep til 10am, wake up, eat, go back to bed. So I was given MORE meds to fix that, and when both did things to my stomach, more meds to deal with THAT.

    Finally grew a brain through the fog and decided I did NOT want to live like this. Three meds to feel normal-ish. Changed meds, ended up back on a single anti depressant.

    Then my eldest daughter came to stay. I was about 90kgs by now, at 36. With the extra person, an adult in her own right, I had someone to cook for, and also talk me into buying junk for tea. Because I was 'the mum' I somehow thought I should eat more than my 'child.'

    Having someone and starting to follow the Tai bo video of a morning got me off the [then] current anti depressants. The scales were about 97 now.

    She moved out. Then my BIL, younger than me, died of a heart attack. I think that galvanised me into action, as did the scales at the pet store - they said I was in triple digits. My home scales were broken, since daughter was too heavy for them. I was 38/39

    So I told a friend who was also wanting to lose weight (he has a family history of heart disease) and he sent me a text the first two mornings to get me out of bed. In the last 33 months, I've lost 37kilos of the gained weight. I am not in the 'normal' weight range for my height, but I can cope with that.
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    i started to gain in jr. highschool...didnt really start worrying about it until I was around 21. I turned 30 this year and the past 9 years have been full of losing and gaining over and over...i never reached my goal weight but wasnt too far off..but would reach a plateau and start gaining again,..its like it came on so fast again..i fell back into my old eating habits telling myself i wouldnt let it get that bad again...

    well i was the heaviest ive been at 30 and now its got to stop.
    feel free to friend me..i love the encouragement..giving and receiving.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am curious as to when/why/how everyone started to gain weight. Was there a specific trigger? Were you in your 20s or 40s? And when you realized it was a real problem to your health.
    The moment i was born. Seriously. The doctor told mom to put me on a diet as an infant because I was gaining weight too fast.
  • fawndanielle
    fawndanielle Posts: 4 Member
    early 20s after doctor put me on meds for bie ploar made me gain 5 pounds a week with no changes in my eating or life style. no one wanted to do anything until i was 160 pounds over weight and nothing was working so i be came very depressed. i still strugle with body image and depression do to weight gain. but i am off those meds lossing weight very week and keeping it off
  • jcreazy
    jcreazy Posts: 50 Member
    As soon as I graduated high school.
  • bubbly_charm2k9
    bubbly_charm2k9 Posts: 43 Member
    When i was 12 years old I'm super fat... then i managed to lose weight after 1 year weighing 47 kgs. but then i gain it all back When i was 18 years old lol..
  • challian
    challian Posts: 11 Member
    I stopped smoking a year ago and that's when I put on this weight. I am 53 so am going through menopause as well so my hormones are all over the place! I put on 30 1b over the year but I was pretty skinny to start with so I don't look too bad - but from a health point of view I need to get this weight off. I've just started my diet - day 11 I think.
  • carlyfoley1
    When I was in a steady relationship with my partner. Before that I was constantly drinking (and the rest...), id survive on maybe 1 meal a day (and the other bad stuff to keep me going). Started to slowly put the weight on when I got out of the partying life style but put a lot more on when I was pregnant.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    3.30pm December 27th 1992.... yeah I can be THAT exact in when I started gaining.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    All my life as far back as I can remember into childhood.... No reason or trigger for as far back as I can remember I was fat.
  • astycie
    astycie Posts: 1 Member
    i thought i was crazy when i figured my birth control was doing this to me. seems i am not alone. i am now definately getting off it.
  • slimshadyou812
    At birth
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I was never thin.

    Middle school and High school were not kind to me. My highest weight was around 150. (No obese, but I definitely never felt comfortable at that weight)
  • FairBreez
    FairBreez Posts: 20 Member
    I was skinny/slender until after last child was born in my late 30's, so in my HEAD I am still 'that way.' (crazy huh?) The reality I see in photos and mirrors always shocks & saddens me. Then in my 40's, with perimenopause and hubby's stressful Army deployments, my health crashed (CFS/FM - chronic fatigue & pain) and the weight didn't want to come off unless I just stopped eating food (augh!) In my 50's, my weight crept up to a level (over 200) that I still find rather unbelievable. But it's true : (
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Since I was 7-8. Was always overweight, and then I started working at McDonald's when I was 21, and I ate and drank through 4 years and put on a lot of weight, then got a desk job so it's been a very slippery slope!

    I realised 4 years ago that it was an issue, and lost 25kg, but then fell into old habits and stopped exercising and put it all back on.

    I have now realised that exercise is my key. I can calorie count all I want but lose very small amounts, but if I add in exercise I kick butt.
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    Since I was born :\
  • cobysev
    cobysev Posts: 24 Member
    I was always a skinny fit kid. I didn't exercise a day in my life and I had beautiful natural abs and a slim body. I joined the Air Force after high school. No matter what workouts or exercises I did, I didn't change. No extra muscle, no weight lost; I didn't change at all. My body just knew where it wanted to be and stayed there.

    Of course, that worked against me. After a deployment to Iraq in 2007, I lost my abs. I didn't get fat, I just got enough chub to lose my ab definition. I didn't even gain weight. I was the same 175 lbs I'd been since I was 15 years old. But I didn't look as fit anymore.

    2 years ago, when I was 28, I noticed that I was now 185 lbs. Again, no matter how much exercise I did, I didn't lose weight. I was scoring in the 90s on my physical fitness tests and I was still gaining weight and inches around my waist for some reason. At the worst, I got to 207 lbs and 36 inches (just in the past 6 months). My belly started to noticeably protrude and I got love handles. Also, my thighs started to touch for the first time ever.

    My body seemed resistant to change, until I broke my ankle on a motorcyle accident. I spent a month bed-ridden with my leg elevated, only able to eat whatever people brought me, and I lost 17 lbs. So now I'm trying to keep up that trend and get back down to my 175 or so weight. MyFitnessPal is helping me to stay on track with my food intake/exercise and when I'm back on both feet, I hope to be back in decent shape. Then I'm going to try even harder and hopefully bulk up a little bit.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    When I was 11 years old my pediatrician told my mother (not me) that I was 7 lbs overweight and to put me on a strict 1000 calorie/day diet. Now that I have kids I have no idea how he came up with such a specific number -- we have growth charts now and there's a healthy range that is proportional to height, plus you follow the child's growth curve from birth...so anyway...

    \My mother did as the good doctor said and became the food police, so I started sneaking food. Then puberty happened and of course I grew boobs and hips and everyone freaked out. When I was 15 I was 5'3" and 115 lbs and a curvy size 4 and I thought I was fat. That year I had a boyfriend who grabbed my *kitten* and begged me not to gain weight.

    It was all downhill from there and food became comfort.