Working out and dieting, but I am not loosing weight, please



  • jparson714
    jparson714 Posts: 171 Member
    There's a bit of debate on this site about eating your exercise calories back, but generally it's probably a good idea that you do. The calorie deficit is built into your calorie intake, so if not eating them back takes you below 1200/day, I'd definitely eat at least up to 1200 net, if that makes sense.
    I've done some research on this because I didn't know what to do about it. What I have found is exactly what you said. You must make it to 1200 calories. If that means you have to eat your calories to do so, then so be it. You don't have to eat them all, but you have to get to that point. Personally, my worst days are the days when my net calories are under 1200.
  • kimmieko16
    kimmieko16 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you all for you input, that was fast :) I definately think I am eating healthy, more healthy than I have ever eatten... Also haven't binged and the only cheat was Peanut M&Ms, but I stayed within the serving size.... As far as measuring goes, I will def do that and the calories burned from excersing I got from the machine itself... I actually keep up a high heart rate as well, (I think I have a high blood pressure, which is why my heart rate is high on the machine when I work out) I need to spend an hour with trainer to make sure I am doing things right... Also meet with my doctor isn't a bad idea... I started a new job about a month ago so I have a lapse in my insurance,.. waiting for it to start up and will schedule an appointment.....

    My Cal Target is set at 1200, and I have stayed close to it yes usually I have calories left over. (is that bad?)... drinking water more I am improving on actually just bought a huge package of waters to get me drinking more...,...

    Thank you all for your advise and support... :)
  • Just stick with it..give your body time to adjust to the workouts. Your diet and workouts are going to constantly need adjusting and changes will need to be made as you go along, but keep going..try to have fun with it..and do measure your body..good luck!
  • bump
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Same here friend!
    First week I lost in teh sacale 5 lbs, but I only considered 3 lbs bc my weight flactuates a lot, no kidding, it does a lot! So that alone make hard for me to know if I am loosing or not.
    This week I started 30 day shred and on top of that I did extra cardio monday, tuesday, I will do extra cardio thursday and friday. Thursday is my weigh in day, but I checked today and nada, not even one once. And yesterday it was up 2 lbs, but like I said it flactruates a lot. So my plan is: hide the scale! I am not weighting thursday. I will TRY to do it next thursday... I am not sure if I will be able to wait one more week. But I cannot let this discourage me. The main reason, the most important reason I decided to change my lifestyle is bc my cholesterol and triglicirides is extremily high. So I am sticking to it.
    Now in the meanwhile I am trying different things. My diet is set for 1200. I do eat all 1200 and al least 1/2 of my excercise calories.
    I am a very bad water drinker! I struggle to drink 64oz a day conuting the water I drink during exercise. So I am trying very very hard to drink more water. THe good thing for me is that I dont drink anything else other than water. Maybe one green tea or english tea evry other day. I really hope it is a water issue b/c then it is easier to fix it.
    Please dont give up! I know exactly what you mean that this is teh first time you are really serious about it, same here! My diet is very very good. Everything I put in my mouth is whole grain, lean meats, fat free stuff. Pretty much all the fat in my diet come from very good fat.
    Stick to it!
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    i agree with a lot of comments already on this thread about taking measurements and seeing if your clothes are fitting looser, and letting your body adjust to a new regime of eating healthier and exercising more. another thing to consider is to get a cardio test to determine what your fat burning zone is. my personal trainer who's also a metabolic specialist says that an individual's zone could be lower or higher than normal, so if it's higher, you have to push yourself harder than the avg person to be burning fat. then as you get fitter, you'll need to push yourself harder to burn fat. getting tested is rather pricey but after finding out your range, you can just use a heart rate monitor to make sure you're working out productively. another thing he said is that all the workouts i do won't have any effect if i don't keep under my caloric limit. instead of being able to eat the full number of calories burned during exercise, he recommended only eating half... because people tend to underestimate how much they eat.

    keep your spirits high and over time i'm sure you'll see your efforts pay off. :)
  • megteg
    megteg Posts: 97 Member
    My Cal Target is set at 1200, and I have stayed close to it yes usually I have calories left over. (is that bad?)... drinking water more I am improving on actually just bought a huge package of waters to get me drinking more...,...

    Actually, yeah that might be the problem. If you made too huge of a change too quickly, and you are eating BELOW 1200 cals (everyone on here will tell you to not do that consistently) you might have put your body into starvation mode, or you might soon if you don't start eating above that. Every person is different, but between you having your cals set SO low and not eating your exercise cals back, it will be hard on your body and your metabolism in the long run. It'd be better for you to shoot for a range above that...
  • jparson714
    jparson714 Posts: 171 Member
    I want to lose 2 pounds a week and when I started I set my goal at 1200 calories. After learning that being under those calories is not healthy, I changed it to where I would lose 1 lb a week. I know that if I stay between 1200 and 1640, I will lose something. Honestly, as long as I'm losing something, I'm happy! I just need to keep it slow and steady so it will stay off!
  • Cutemomof5
    Cutemomof5 Posts: 4 Member
    I read most of the responses but thought I would add the following that my doctor has made me do when I had similar results. Look at the proportions of carbs to proteins. If you have too many carbs and not enough proteins but you are still in calorie range, you may not lose weight.

    I also agree with everyone who mentioned water. However, keep your caffeine intake to 24 oz and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. If you want more caffeine, you need to compensate with the same amount of water. Your workouts also will cause your muscles to want to store water because they use it to build/repair. Keep up the good work, you will get there!

    ps, you may want to look into taking a VO2 test...many gyms offer them. Its basically a test that tells you what heartrate you burn your carbs and fats most efficiently. It is possible that you may be working too hard. I know it sounds weird but I actually had to scale back my exercise to lose weight. This isn't true for everyone but if its available, I highly recommend spending the money for the test. Mine cost about 75 dollars but a personal trainer also outlined a workout schedule to help me make the most of my exercise sessions. I don't work with him, so the test fee was all that I had to pay. Just a thought if you have the funds. If not, just keep working you are doing great!!! DON"T GET DISCOURAGED!!!!
  • carree54
    carree54 Posts: 1
    I feel your pain. I have been dieting (staying well below my allowed calories, no junk, barely any carbs) and exercising every day. I have lost 1 pound in 3 weeks. I feel like im killing myself for nothing.
  • This is probably counter to what everyone else will say, but I'd recommend not focusing SO much on the weight loss itself and focus more on how you want to feel... give yourself a goal of feeling good even if you aren't at your goal weight just yet. When you allow yourself to feel good where you are, you give yourself permission to treat yourself right all the time.

    Don't worry so much about getting it perfect and allow yourself to ease into a way of life that works well for you. I'm sure you'll want to keep this lifestyle up so instead of feeling like you need to get it right all the time - just find small simple changes you can make throughout your day to be healthier... that would be the focus: being healthy, not getting to a certain number.

    Just my 2 cents... :)
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