30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Just finished day 5 level 1. my body is getting stronger i can tell a difference. i am actually getting through this video now without thinking about shutting it off. the first set of cardio always gets me but after that it's not so bad. I'm also still doing the girlie push ups but going to try the real ones tomorrow. Exercising has become part of my schedule now. it gets done everyday just like the dishes or laundry. i love it!
  • Level 1 Day 8 done.... TWICE!! =D Did it once this morning, went through classes and needed and extra pick me up tonight.... so did it again! :laugh:

    My treat for sticking with it so far (other than how great I feel and how much stronger I'm feeling) is a new sports bra! That might have something to do with wanting to exercise again... test out the new fitness gear. :happy:

    Tomorrow.... level 2! maybe....
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    Level one day five done! Phew...off to bed! Great job everyone!!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Level 1 day 9. I got through all the girlie pushups today but cardio seemed to kick me around a bit today. I think it is because I have a little bit of a cold. Pushed through it and only stopped twice for a real short break. Starting to notice a difference in my arms. maybe they are toning up a bit. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Amcantar
    Amcantar Posts: 43 Member
    Very pleased with my workout today! I saw someone else's post about falling behind the timing in Anterior raises and I realized, i have NEVER been trying to match my pace to the videos, I have been kind of going to a beat in my head or what felt comfortable. Well today I tried to match the timing with every move and it was HARD for some things, wow! I really feel like I got the most out of the workout tho, not that I had been taking it easy before, but it was just an extra boost of a challenge.

    So, Level 1 day 6 for me. I am bummed I haven't gotten through more days. I really like to work out in the morning and when I have to open at my job, or it gets too late, I loose my motivation. But, Shred and some Yoga today, and now I'm eating a very veggie lunch x3

    P.S. tried to do one regular push up today and fell flat on my face, lol. But got through all the girly ones ;p
  • gutierrezab
    gutierrezab Posts: 4 Member
    Started shredding on Jan. 3rd... This would be my 3rd attempt. First 2 times I tried to start I never got past 2 days!
    I'm am currently on Level 1, Day 9. I missed the workout on Day 7, but I'm going to keep going! Otherwise I'll never get through this! I try to do it as soon as I get home from work around 5pm. If not then I start to lose my motivation.
    I plan on doing each level for 10 days. So after tomorrow... it's Level 2! I'm ready! I don't even look at Jillian and the girls anymore cause I've pretty much memorized the whole workout. I just try to keep up with their time! :happy: :tongue:
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    just did day 10 of shred :) x
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    Level 1: day 9 done! wowee tomorrow I will be a 1/3 of the way done!!!! Thanks everyone for your posts! If I couldn't have read what you all have put on here I know I would not be this far and would have never done it strait through!!!! One more day on Level 1 and I am movin on UP! So everyone pray for me on Thursday, ha ha!!!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hello Shredders!

    Well I finished L1 D10!!! :drinker:

    Tomorrow will be L2 D1 :wink: Looking back now, it feels like the past 10 days just raced by. Hopefully that's what I'll be saying come L2 D10. :huh:

    So, today was my "treat myself to something that makes me feel pretty" reward day. :blushing:

    On my last weigh in day I lost weigh,t so I get to reward myself.

    I got a total hair make over. I love it!!!:love:

    I went from long hair with blonde chunky highlights to a short pixie cut colored a warm reddish brown. It's a complete transformation!

    I am on my way to being a new woman for 2011! :happy:

    So now for the rest of this week, while slugging it out with Jillian, I'll be thinking of the next "something that makes me feel pretty" reward after my next successful weigh in. Yay!:bigsmile:

    I hope that everyone is having great success while being Shredded by Jillian.

    Debbie :flowerforyou:
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    level 1 day 6. starting to really get the hang of this. I'm getting better at butt kicks and jumping jacks. when i first started i thought the dvd would never end. now it is done in no time.
  • Started Level 2 today... probably should have watched the workout first since I can't do the plank pose due to previous hand/wrist surgeries. Any ideas for exercises I can add in during those spots or should I just go back to level 1? It's a physical injury problem more than a strength thing...

    Any tips?
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Started Level 2 today... probably should have watched the workout first since I can't do the plank pose due to previous hand/wrist surgeries. Any ideas for exercises I can add in during those spots or should I just go back to level 1? It's a physical injury problem more than a strength thing...

    Any tips?

    Hello Shredders :happy:

    celesalk - Really sorry to hear about your surgeries. :cry: That`s too bad.

    The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is doing a static plank pose. Apparently Brad Pitt :love: does this move all the time to keep his luscious abs in shape. :blushing:

    Go into the plank position but instead of putting all your weight on to your hands and wrists, go right down to your elbows instead. So your whole forearm from the elbows to your hands are completely on the floor. Then simply hold that plank position. You will definitely feel a lot of burn in your abs. Who knows, maybe Brad will leave Angelina for you because of how great you`ll look. :wink:

    So, this morning I did L2 D1.


    For those of you still on Level 1, don`t rush to Level 2 before your time. It`s a killer workout. I wasn`t planning on washing my hair this morning since I was at the hairdressers yesterday afternoon. But....I have no choice but to wash my hair now. It`s damp on my forehead and back of my neck. (Sorry for grossing you all out with that description.) :blushing: Even Jillian makes several comments during Level 2 about this killer workout.

    The good side of this workout though, according to my heart rate monitor, I burned a heck of a lot more calories.
    YEAH!! :drinker:

    Good luck to all my fellow shredders who are now on Level 2. Even sticking with Anita is killer.

    Have a super day everyone.

    Debbie :flowerforyou:
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    level1 day 7 done. still getting one heck of a workout. thanks Debbie for the advice on level 2 maybe I'll do Anita's part on my first day
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Level 1~day 10. Still not getting through entire first set of cardio (jumping jacks and jump rope) without stopping for about 6 seconds or so. I was somewhat better today but I think it is due to this chest cold and I keep coughing. Still pushing through it. I am not going to move to level 2 until I can get through this entire workout without resting. I see a lot of people are moving on so keep posting so we will know what to expect when we round the curve. Definetley feeling stronger in my abs and arms. Pants did not feel as tight this morning even though the scale didn't show a loss yet this week. Hopefully by Sat., my weigh in day, I will have at least lost a pound.
  • ttabangel
    ttabangel Posts: 57 Member
    just did my first day of level 2.. and it was hard... I am horrible at the plank position. i cant seem to straight across my butt is really high in the air.. :( so i really got to work on it.. :) any pointers on how to stay level?
  • jroulo
    jroulo Posts: 50 Member
    Did level 1 Day 11 today. I'm going to stretch things out into more of a 6 week program instead of 30 days.
  • just did my first day of level 2.. and it was hard... I am horrible at the plank position. i cant seem to straight across my butt is really high in the air.. :( so i really got to work on it.. :) any pointers on how to stay level?

    Mainly ab strength. Try to focus on keeping your core strong while in the plank. Keep in mind, it's your first day and quite a leap from level 1, so you might be shaky and a little awkward the first few times. Just keep pushing for the correct form and stay with the easier modifications to avoid injury until your muscles are more accustomed to the moves.

    SO very true!!!!

    Day 2 of Level 2 DONE!!!! Made it through the workout with less breaks then I normally did the first few days of level 1... that to me shows over all improvement!!! Through in whatever modifications I could think of for the planks (due to hand/wrist surgeries) and they worked well. During cardio planks, I would just substitute some of the jumpy cadio moves from level 2 like the cross jumps and the skater. At one point, went back to the punches from level 1 trying to stay in a lower squat and catch my breath some more without just stopping.

    Was so tempted to just do level 1, but pushed though and feel great! Extremely tired and will be sore... but great! :laugh:
  • Level 1 Day 11 done today.........realized when I put the dvd away that I should have moved on to Level 2! Oops.....so tomorrow will be a new workout. I watched L2 while I was on the treadmill the other night, it's going to be a challenge for me, but I'll try my best.

    I hope everyone sticks with it!
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member

    SO very true!!!!

    Day 2 of Level 2 DONE!!!! Made it through the workout with less breaks then I normally did the first few days of level 1... that to me shows over all improvement!!! Through in whatever modifications I could think of for the planks (due to hand/wrist surgeries) and they worked well. During cardio planks, I would just substitute some of the jumpy cadio moves from level 2 like the cross jumps and the skater. At one point, went back to the punches from level 1 trying to stay in a lower squat and catch my breath some more without just stopping.

    Was so tempted to just do level 1, but pushed though and feel great! Extremely tired and will be sore... but great! :laugh:

    All of this for me!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187

    Day 2 of Level 2 DONE!!!! Made it through the workout with less breaks then I normally did the first few days of level 1... that to me shows over all improvement!!! Through in whatever modifications I could think of for the planks (due to hand/wrist surgeries) and they worked well. During cardio planks, I would just substitute some of the jumpy cadio moves from level 2 like the cross jumps and the skater. At one point, went back to the punches from level 1 trying to stay in a lower squat and catch my breath some more without just stopping.

    Was so tempted to just do level 1, but pushed though and feel great! Extremely tired and will be sore... but great! :laugh:

    Celesalk - Good for you for pushing through and using great modification moves. You're an inspiration to any others with physical limitations due to surgeries etc.:flowerforyou:

    Well, I just finished L2 D2!:drinker:

    Jillian says "I want to hear your heart gurgling in your throat!".

    Oh...what's that I hear? Oh, it's MY heart gurgling in MY throat!:

    I really pushed myself through the workout and those plank moves get real challenging after a while, especially when you're on the 2nd set of doing them. But I did it and my biceps are on fire. :sad:

    I can definitely tell I'm working out, that is for sure.

    Anyway, good luck everyone on getting shredded today!

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