Relationships make you FAT.



  • tlromanyk
    tlromanyk Posts: 6
    I got fat in my relationship too. :cry:
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Break up. Just kidding. I know what you're saying, I gained 50 after I met my husband. I guess you get comfortable and dating consits of eating out etc. BUT It's the overeating that made us fat. Time to take control. What we do is our choice no matter what.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I was in the same boat. When I started College - I lost 20lbs in the first few months because of living on my own, cooking for one and low budget. Then, like you, I met my boyfriend. We ate out, romanced, and without knowing it - I was eating IDENTICAL proportions to him. So of course, I gained 70lbs.

    Relationships and Depo-provera. Deadly mix.
  • arielnorth237
    arielnorth237 Posts: 21 Member
    I was in the same boat. When I started College - I lost 20lbs in the first few months because of living on my own, cooking for one and low budget. Then, like you, I met my boyfriend. We ate out, romanced, and without knowing it - I was eating IDENTICAL proportions to him. So of course, I gained 70lbs.

    Relationships and Depo-provera. Deadly mix.

    I got an IUD inserted half way through out relationship. Birth control has probably altered my weight as well.
  • I can relate to this. Yes the eating more because it becomes part of a way to entertain and connect with each other is a major factor, but so is stress. Relationships are stressful, even when they're great. When they're not great they can be even more stressful!!
  • BaldheadSlick
    BaldheadSlick Posts: 51 Member
    Not for me. I have been in relationship with my husband for 16 years. I am fit.

    I stay fit because it keeps things sexually exciting for both of us.

    Our recreation is sex. And we enjoy active recreation such as hiking. We dance.

    My husband is a non drinker. I drink very little and was also a non drinker for a decade.

    We even incorporate fitness into our sex life (my husband likes when I lift weights nude and dance).

    You need to teach a class for people in relationships as more spouses need to adopt this mentality.

    Instead of losing weight to get into a relationship, folks need to see the benefit of keeping the weight off to keep the physical-attraction strong throughtout the relationship.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    This is the same as "law school made me fat"; ugh.
    I was in the same boat. When I started College - I lost 20lbs in the first few months because of living on my own, cooking for one and low budget. Then, like you, I met my boyfriend. We ate out, romanced, and without knowing it - I was eating IDENTICAL proportions to him. So of course, I gained 70lbs.

    Relationships and Depo-provera. Deadly mix.

    I got an IUD inserted half way through out relationship. Birth control has probably altered my weight as well.
    An IUD acts locally only, in other words the uterus. There are no systemic high concentrations of hormones from pharmaceuticals.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    For me it was back to back babies and just being too dang lazy to loose the weight. Thats right I was lazy I know it and I own it. I find its better to be brutally honest with yourself instead of making excuses. My first 7 years with my husband I was in awesome shape. It honestly was being stuck at home with1 baby, then 2, then 3 that I used as my excuse to not lose my baby weight. Own your excuses then push past them... Thats all it is an excuse we all have had them at one point or another.

    Good luck..
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Not for me. I have been in relationship with my husband for 16 years. I am fit.

    I stay fit because it keeps things sexually exciting for both of us.

    Our recreation is sex. And we enjoy active recreation such as hiking. We dance.

    My husband is a non drinker. I drink very little and was also a non drinker for a decade.

    We even incorporate fitness into our sex life (my husband likes when I lift weights nude and dance).

    Quoted O.O

    Double quoted because I really love this post.
    Is this TMI tuesday? :tongue:

    Ummmm thanks for over sharing

    You're Welcome.
    Good reply, BP. Loved your first post.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Not for me. I have been in relationship with my husband for 16 years. I am fit.

    I stay fit because it keeps things sexually exciting for both of us.

    Our recreation is sex. And we enjoy active recreation such as hiking. We dance.

    My husband is a non drinker. I drink very little and was also a non drinker for a decade.

    We even incorporate fitness into our sex life (my husband likes when I lift weights nude and dance).

    You need to teach a class for people in relationships as more spouses need to adopt this mentality.

    Instead of losing weight to get into a relationship, folks need to see the benefit of keeping the weight off to keep the physical-attraction strong throughtout the relationship.

    Thanks! Yeah, that was my point. I do have a strong interest in a healthy excitement in life, and sex is a huge part of that. There are so many factors in how fitness can improve that aspect of life and keep it interesting (for me). Lifting weights or dancing I feel strong, invigorated, flexible. Going through life and enjoying the energy, playfulness, and so many different benefits of fitness keeps me feeling alive and I can bring that into the relationship when we unite at the end of the day. By being fit, our lives together in our long relationship does not get boring. It's like getting a hair cut or wearing a wig or wearing a costume, except it's physical changes that come from continued fitness. We stay feeling young and not old before our time. I know some people see this as over share, but for me I don't see a problem with talking openly about sex and nudity, it's an important aspect of life. I find ways to incorporate fitness into my recreation and enjoyment of life. It's easy to become stagnant. Being active is a mindset that I have actively worked at cultivating.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Not for me. I have been in relationship with my husband for 16 years. I am fit.

    I stay fit because it keeps things sexually exciting for both of us.

    Our recreation is sex. And we enjoy active recreation such as hiking. We dance.

    My husband is a non drinker. I drink very little and was also a non drinker for a decade.

    We even incorporate fitness into our sex life (my husband likes when I lift weights nude and dance).

    You need to teach a class for people in relationships as more spouses need to adopt this mentality.

    Instead of losing weight to get into a relationship, folks need to see the benefit of keeping the weight off to keep the physical-attraction strong throughtout the relationship.

    Thanks! Yeah, that was my point. I do have a strong interest in a healthy excitement in life, and sex is a huge part of that. There are so many factors in how fitness can improve that aspect of life and keep it interesting (for me). Lifting weights or dancing I feel strong, invigorated, flexible. Going through life and enjoying the energy, playfulness, and so many different benefits of fitness keeps me feeling alive and I can bring that into the relationship when we unite at the end of the day. By being fit, our lives together in our long relationship does not get boring. It's like getting a hair cut or wearing a wig or wearing a costume, except it's physical changes that come from continued fitness. We stay feeling young and not old before our time. I know some people see this as over share, but for me I don't see a problem with talking openly about sex and nudity, it's an important aspect of life. I find ways to incorporate fitness into my recreation and enjoyment of life. It's easy to become stagnant. Being active is a mindset that I have actively worked at cultivating.
  • abrar0290
    abrar0290 Posts: 218 Member
    Unless you and bae genuinely enjoy Subway, it's inevitable that you go out to eat at fancy places and drink Moscato together, the sweetest wine know to man (****in awesome though).

    I gained 35 lbs while in my relationship, lost it when I became single one summer, and then gained 55 lbs when we got back together. Basically, the graph of my weight fluctuations on MFP show the strength of my relationship. I've lost 20 lbs since since, so that should give you an indication on where I stand. :D
  • jawn
    jawn Posts: 8
    Oh god, they do. I ballooned to 13.8 stone! By just eating takeaways and stuff all the time in my last relationship. Slowly but surely I've been burning it off..

    If anyone is active on this alot and wouldn't mind some motivation, add me up!

    Need some friends to fill my news feed x
  • Rainydaygirl1
    Rainydaygirl1 Posts: 117 Member
    I know! I had gotten down to my lowest which was 153 and maintaining for 2 years. Enter boyfriend. We have been together over 2 years and I put on 20 without even noticing. I was so upset. His bad habits brushed off on me and him having a love for fast food and burgers. Plus he isn't a big lover of veggies or fruit and I did all the cooking so I ate what I made him and it just got so far away from me without realizing it
  • Y'all got comfortable and let yourselves go.
    There are couples who get fat together.
    There are couples who get fit together.
    My last bf spoiled me with late night cappuccino, pizza, blah. I told him we need to eat better. We also worked out together.
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    I dont think all relationships make you fat. I have been in several, however, my current one didnt help my weight. My SO is very inactive, never wanting to leave the house and honestly, he hates healthy food. I loved him, so I tried but I ballooned. A couple of months ago I decided to take my life back, its up to him to come with me or not. If not, my as* is going without him..which is what has happened. I was miserable doing nothing and had to change it....but it was up to me, not him.

    Im down 27lbs, its all up to me....but if you can find someone to support you on your healthy journey I am sure that makes it easier.
  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    Relationships impact on your emotions - and a lot of us have an emotional relationship with food. I don't see how that means we're calling ourselves victims or not taking responsibility - by admitting relationships impact on our eating, we're showing self-awareness.

    It's easy to confuse food with love by giving your partner a huge portion. Feel happy and secure? Eat up, no one cares if you look fat. Had a fight? Secretly want the other person to dump you? Eat.

    By recognising we have a tendency to do these things, we can stop ourselves. I know I gained a lot of weight in my last relationship because we enabled the other - we went to foodie events, we ordered too many takeaways, we ate out a lot. Neither one of us said, is that really a good idea?

    Since using MFP, I'm letting the cold facts and figures in the diary take precedence over my mood. I may feel like binging, but if the diary says I don't have the calories left to do that, I don't. It's about head over heart.

    I am not going to let a relationship make me fat again, I know what my weaknesses/triggers are, I'm back in control.
  • "Eating has become our entertainment!"

    Standard MFP Answers:
    1. You'll die if you try paleo.
    2. Sugar has all the cancer in it.
    3.Unhealthy relationship, you should leave your husband/boyfriend.
    4. Find joy in God and the Rhythm Method.

    You've identified your problem. Spend less time on "entertainment" and/or more at the gym.

    Yes Yes Yes. Dont know if what you said is true because Im new here, but I laughed anyway.
  • Mine made me fat too! :p
  • And break ups make you skinny