Is Diet Pepsi Really Bad For Me?



  • kateandkevin
    kateandkevin Posts: 13 Member
    Everything in moderation!
  • Starqz
    Starqz Posts: 9 Member
    I just recently stopped diet drinks completely a month ago. My skin has cleared up, the redness and acne is going away. I've not gotten heartburn in weeks. My energy level has increased. Without looking at the research and just looking at that, you can see the diet sodas are bad for you.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    Moderation is key! Drink one 12 oz a day if it helps you get through. I cut soda all together for almost two years but really love my Coke Zero! It helps when my stomach is upset or when I really just crave a soda.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Ok, to be more specific, stories about studies. True - not true? We'll never know, just like we don't know if anything in the news is true, but that will never change. So, I did my own study and by cutting out sodas and other crap, lost 52 lbs, no longer get heartburn, and can walk long distances without my feet swelling. That's good enough for me :)

    Did you just dismiss ALL of science?
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    I just recently stopped diet drinks completely a month ago. My skin has cleared up, the redness and acne is going away. I've not gotten heartburn in weeks. My energy level has increased. Without looking at the research and just looking at that, you can see the diet sodas are bad for you.

    Yes, let's ignore the actual science and believe the anecdotal claims of random people on the internet. Good thinking!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Ok, to be more specific, stories about studies. True - not true? We'll never know, just like we don't know if anything in the news is true, but that will never change. So, I did my own study and by cutting out sodas and other crap, lost 52 lbs, no longer get heartburn, and can walk long distances without my feet swelling. That's good enough for me :)

    Did you just dismiss ALL of science?

    Science is lame.

    Anecdote is where it's at, man!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    My cat is lethargic, has arthritis and poor kidney function. She never drinks Diet Pepsi.

    So proof positive that Diet Pepsi gives you energy, protects your joints and kidneys.
    It's science (but not as we know it.)
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member

    Weight gain and belly fat. Ironically, we actually gain weight from Diet Coke. In two studies conducted by the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, those “who said they consumed two or more diet sodas a day, experienced waist circumference increases that were 500 percent greater than those of non-users.”

    I was terrible at designing studies in science class but I'd like to understand how controlled this study was. I am drawn to diet soda precisely BECAUSE I have a larger waist circumference which would have skewed the results if I participated in the study. I would be hesitant to call diet soda the cause of the waist circumference.

    However, I suspect there is some truth to the notion that artificial sweeteners do interfere with sugar and insulin response. I'll let the others choose the science that best fits their agenda and argue for it.

    Ok, time for everyone to pick a side and argue. Let's get it on.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    As long as you don't eat mentos at the same time because you don't want to explode do you.


    She totally made it to second base with the Diet Coke.
  • BonworthVonFattyPants
    BonworthVonFattyPants Posts: 49 Member
    This and other research shows how diet sodas make people fat and sick.

    Can you cite a modern study that says any of those things? Because most of the studies I've read debunk most of those as myths and at least one recent study found that drinking diet soda in fact improved the chance of a diet being successful (

    Do I drink a lot of it? I try not to. I generally prefer water - but yeah, I'll grab a cold Coke Zero for a long drive.
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    I don't drink it. For me, I noticed I had better blood sugar control and I wasn't craving food as much when I stopped drinking diet soda. My endocrinologist has also said that there may be a link to kidney disease and diet soda. According to her, those that consume 2 cans or more a day have a 30%. increased risk of kidney failure

    But again, there's people that have no problems, so whatever you feel like doing. I guess the important thing is to educate yourself and decide for yourself :)
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Whoa!! Don't mess with peoples' soda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    some people don't like articles and opinion being quoted as fact and science :noway:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Yes. Pepsi Max is far superior.

    Diet Ginger Ale is best of all. I have 2-4 of those suckers a day. I'm not fat, sick, or retaining belly fat.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    For those of you worried about aspartame, Pepsi One is made with Splenda instead of aspartame (and tastes better, in my opinion).
  • Flippolo
    Flippolo Posts: 15 Member
    Just weighing in...

    My son had a kidney removed almost two years ago. The doctors told him just not to drink more than one dark soda a day (not that he does, but still...). So people saying diet soda is bad for your kidneys, methinks that ALL soda is probably not great for your kidneys if you drink a ton of it.

    I was totally addicted to soda and honestly believe it's one of the major reasons I gained so much weight, especially once I realized just how many calories I was consuming every day in just soda. So now I only allow myself one non-water drink a day. That is often a Diet Dr. Pepper. I still get my caffeine and a little sweetness without all the calories associated with regular soda. I also try to then drink that much extra water that day to counteract any potential sodium or whatever may be in there. So far, it's worked for me. It actually helps me not sabotage my 'diet' by caving and drinking a regular soda whenever I just really want one. No, it most likely as not as good for you as water, but if it helps and you don't overindulge, I say go for it. I do. :smile:
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You drink it, and you pee it out.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Ok, to be more specific, stories about studies. True - not true? We'll never know, just like we don't know if anything in the news is true, but that will never change. So, I did my own study and by cutting out sodas and other crap, lost 52 lbs, no longer get heartburn, and can walk long distances without my feet swelling. That's good enough for me :)

    Did you just dismiss ALL of science?

    Science is lame.

    Anecdote is where it's at, man!

    because math and things are hard!
  • suiteblooms
    suiteblooms Posts: 100
    It's certainly NOT bad for you. Nutritionally it provides hydration. Discounting any negligible calories, or an allergy to an ingredient in the soda, it's identical to drinking water from a hydration and health standpoint.

    I'm sorry, but you are uneducated and WRONG! (Or delusional) I know I sound like a jerk, and I am sorry for that.

    All soda is bad for your teeth. It leaches calcium from your BONES. It messes with your metabolism. Still can't decide if diet soda is right for you? Take a day. Watch people - at mini mart - McDonalds - anywhere soft drinks are available. Now keep a tally. People that order diet soda. People that look healthy vs people that look unhealthy. You will notice that a huge portion of people that are drinking diet soda on a regular basis are severely overweight. The fact that they have no calories is not helping these people keep the weight off. I think aspartame and many of these other "sweeteners" should be banned.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    It's certainly NOT bad for you. Nutritionally it provides hydration. Discounting any negligible calories, or an allergy to an ingredient in the soda, it's identical to drinking water from a hydration and health standpoint.

    I'm sorry, but you are uneducated and WRONG! (Or delusional) I know I sound like a jerk, and I am sorry for that.

    All soda is bad for your teeth. It leaches calcium from your BONES. It messes with your metabolism. Still can't decide if diet soda is right for you? Take a day. Watch people - at mini mart - McDonalds - anywhere soft drinks are available. Now keep a tally. People that order diet soda. People that look healthy vs people that look unhealthy. You will notice that a huge portion of people that are drinking diet soda on a regular basis are severely overweight. The fact that they have no calories is not helping these people keep the weight off. I think aspartame and many of these other "sweeteners" should be banned.

    So... let me get this straight. People who go to high-calorie restaurants and order diet drinks are your sampling for who drinks diet?

    Yeah, I don't see the problem with that at all.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    It's certainly NOT bad for you. Nutritionally it provides hydration. Discounting any negligible calories, or an allergy to an ingredient in the soda, it's identical to drinking water from a hydration and health standpoint.

    I'm sorry, but you are uneducated and WRONG! (Or delusional) I know I sound like a jerk, and I am sorry for that.

    All soda is bad for your teeth. It leaches calcium from your BONES. It messes with your metabolism. Still can't decide if diet soda is right for you? Take a day. Watch people - at mini mart - McDonalds - anywhere soft drinks are available. Now keep a tally. People that order diet soda. People that look healthy vs people that look unhealthy. You will notice that a huge portion of people that are drinking diet soda on a regular basis are severely overweight. The fact that they have no calories is not helping these people keep the weight off. I think aspartame and many of these other "sweeteners" should be banned.

    Ha ha!

    The fail is too epic... I don't even know where to begin.