What is your WHY?



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Folks, I have another chapter to this post started called “You have discovered you WHY, now What?”


    If you have been following this post and have enjoyed it, please take a look at the next chapter, and thank you to all who have contributed to this discussion, and to those who will, in the future. :happy:

    Well, apparently my post has dissapeared into the cyberspace. And of course I did not save it. Frustrating.:mad:
  • tirawinsthewar
    tirawinsthewar Posts: 2 Member
    My why was intially to cope with the death of my God Mother and to push to the back of my mine the issues I had after getting out of an abusive relationship. This lead me to stop drinking an focus soley on my health. I lost 30 lbs doing that and felt great. I felt like I had proved something to my ex. While people said I looked good that still wasnt enough. I wanted to look like all those girls he said looked better than me ( at the time we were together). I wanted to know that if he saw me his mouth would drop because I looked so good and that he would know that I was doing much better without him.

    Well then I started getting comfortable and never actually dealt with the issues of abusive and the loss of my God Mother. Slowly but surely depression crept back in and I was back down the path of weight gain an dself destruction. The goal of weight loss is so big to me that I often give up when I am so close. Everytime I am close to being under 180 I begin to eat and drink. Now my why is for my physical and mental health. I need to be healthier because I will loose myself if I dont remain consistent. I pray that I remember this every time I feel that ting of depression.
  • DivaKom
    DivaKom Posts: 19 Member
    My WHY is my little daughter, for whom I want to be a good role model. She shall grow up with a healthy self-image, understand what it means to be healthy, be active and love food, but not food alone. She shall be a happy strong person. For that I need to start loving myself and feel good about myself, and one part is losing the extra weight and be active (and not a coach potato).
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My WHY is my little daughter, for whom I want to be a good role model. She shall grow up with a healthy self-image, understand what it means to be healthy, be active and love food, but not food alone. She shall be a happy strong person. For that I need to start loving myself and feel good about myself, and one part is losing the extra weight and be active (and not a coach potato).

    Fantastic! Our little ones look up to us a lot, so we have to set the example.
  • fitNnatural
    fitNnatural Posts: 1 Member
  • ontherightpath14
    ontherightpath14 Posts: 35 Member
    My "why" is my daughter. She is 11 years old now and everything she does, everything she eats reminds me of myself when I was her age. Food has always been my comfort and my friend and I just want her to have a better relationship with food than I ever did. I never played sports mostly because I was afraid to fail due to my size. In soccer last year my daughter was treated horribly due to her size. She loved soccer for four years, now she refuses to play. I just don't want her to look to her future and see me. I want her to see that anything is possible when you are willing to work hard and make the commitment. Of course, I have to learn how to do this myself.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My "why" is my daughter. She is 11 years old now and everything she does, everything she eats reminds me of myself when I was her age. Food has always been my comfort and my friend and I just want her to have a better relationship with food than I ever did. I never played sports mostly because I was afraid to fail due to my size. In soccer last year my daughter was treated horribly due to her size. She loved soccer for four years, now she refuses to play. I just don't want her to look to her future and see me. I want her to see that anything is possible when you are willing to work hard and make the commitment. Of course, I have to learn how to do this myself.

    I have faith in you. Take it one day at a time, don't lose sight of your goals, and stay committed. As Tony Horton says "Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was your body."
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I didn't scroll through all the responses, so I will never know if mine's original, but my answer regardless is "why not?" You are here on this earth for however long God deems you will be here, so why not live the best life possible. For me, this means eating natures bounty, something that not only taste good but will also nourish my body and two to challenge myself athletically. After all we have these dynamic wonderful machines in our bodies and we should use them in a beneficial way and not abuse them. My analogy: I am a Porsche 911 or a Mazerati-(I do know there are more elite automobiles out there) so I'm using premium fuel, getting the engine checked regularly, and opening up on the road on occasion to see what she will do, but no crash and burn. It's funny how people baby cars and material things and do the complete opposite with their one and only bodies.It may seem selfish, but I'm doing it for me, and the icing on the cake is my family don't have to worry about my health and well being and I get to live to see them grow.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    My in laws are plagued with lifestyle diseases and they do nothing but complain about why thsi happened to them. I refuse to let that happen to me and there's no way in hell I'm putting my daughter through what my husband and I have to deal with.

    Plus I want to look sexy lol.

    Manda, I feel ya. My in laws are in their early sixties, far too young to be using walkers and riding a rascal and every time we visit with them we are plagued by discussions about their ailments that as you say "happened to them." There's no accountability and they don't want to hear about how to fix it with diet and exercise.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I didn't scroll through all the responses, so I will never know if mine's original, but my answer regardless is "why not?" You are here on this earth for however long God deems you will be here, so why not live the best life possible. For me, this means eating natures bounty, something that not only taste good but will also nourish my body and two to challenge myself athletically. After all we have these dynamic wonderful machines in our bodies and we should use them in a beneficial way and not abuse them. My analogy: I am a Porsche 911 or a Mazerati-(I do know there are more elite automobiles out there) so I'm using premium fuel, getting the engine checked regularly, and opening up on the road on occasion to see what she will do, but no crash and burn. It's funny how people baby cars and material things and do the complete opposite with their one and only bodies.It may seem selfish, but I'm doing it for me, and the icing on the cake is my family don't have to worry about my health and well being and I get to live to see them grow.

    Excellent! Thank you for sharing. Your right. Why not. This is the only body we have. It's not like we an go trade it in when we have too many miles on it. We just have to keep it maintained and running smoothly, so it can grow to be a classic!
  • micinoh
    micinoh Posts: 8
    I am so new and I've not read through the entire thread but I will post why I am going to lose the weight and get in shape.

    I want to be healthy and not suffer from the diseases that run in my family.
    I want to stop the madness with hypothyroidism and not let it dictate or control how my body will look like and act like.
    I do not like the way I look.
    I want my knees to not hurt or lock up when I squat down on them.
    I want to feel good about my body.
    I want to be show my husband I love him by taking care of me so I am around for him.
    I want to have endurance for playtime with my grandchildren.

    I'm sure there are more reasons but those are good ones for now.
  • TechMike
    TechMike Posts: 22 Member
    I am losing weight because:
    * I want my children to have a good role model for health. I don't feel like I'll be able to encourage them to eat healthy and exercise when I don't do it myself. (My son is 21 months old and my wife is 5 months pregnant with another.)
    * I want to feel healthy and avoid medical problems later on in life. I'm 28 and feel like I'm rapidly approaching an age where weight related conditions will start to affect me.
    * I want it to be easier to ride my bicycle into work. Lugging 180lbs of me would be easier than 250lbs of me.
    * My wife managed to lose a bunch of weight and I'm jealous.
  • LaurenDanielle014
    LaurenDanielle014 Posts: 88 Member
    Great post!

    my why is definitely for my health, overall confidence, and quality of life!!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    My why goes beyond wanting to look good in shorts or have 6 pack abs.

    Mine doesn't. I just want to look hawt. All other bonuses are simply fringe benefits. :wink:
  • elves724
    elves724 Posts: 1
    There is a variety of "why's" in my life. If I am completely honest, I want to be in good shape and look good in clothes. I refuse to go up another size. I went from a nine (9) to a 16 and the 16's started feeling snug. I am relatively healthy but I don't want to be diabetic or have other health issues related to my weight. At some point in our lives we develop diseases for a variety of reasons, but why rush into that or help it along? The last why and more important - I don't want my kids to be unhealthy either. Growing up and in my younger days both my husband and I were relatively in shape and healthy. We became complacent and let ourselves go and I don't want that to be the everlasting example my kids have.

    I am starting a spin class today and I am nervous!! I've never done it before but it seems like something I could enjoy that might help with overall toning of the lower body which is one my least favorite body parts. I want to wear shorts and not be embarrassed doing it.
    So there it is, my first post, my first spin class. I hope this little step leads to better things!
  • sandrumlandrum
    sandrumlandrum Posts: 7 Member
    What a great way to evaluate your reasons for persevering! I have several why's ,the first of which spurred me on this journey. I took my daughter to a carnival and the ferris wheel was about the only thing I could manage. More selfishly, I do not want to become my mother. She is dependent upon someone for feedings,bathing, transportation and all because she is content to accept this as her life. She's lucky though because my father is a saint. I am a single mom and if something happens to me, that's it! Not ready to throw in the towel at 39. I WILL NOT ENTER 40 AS THIS SAME PERSON!!
  • Mindless_Games
    Mindless_Games Posts: 151 Member
    The main reason :
    Several years ago I broke my back and had an anterior lumbar interbody fusion. I have a spinal cord stimulator. There 's a diagnosis of failed back surgery syndrome, spondolyosis, spondylolisthesis, degenerative disk disease and some bulging discs. The bottom line is nothing is going to make me feel better if I am carrying extra weight.
    The secondary reason:
    I really like the way I look when I am thinner. I consider it healthy vanity. I like it when people are surprised that I am as old as I am and have as many kids as I do :)
  • carebearrum
    carebearrum Posts: 18 Member
    My 'Why' ... this is something I read through a few pages and looked at people's 'why's and honestly, I really thought about this as to why i wanted to lose weight. There are many reasons.

    - To feel better about myself
    - To get healthier
    - To not feel like a failure as a person
    - To keep up and play with my nephews and nieces
    - To be able to bend over without being so wide legged
    - To prove that I can do it
    - To prove everyone wrong

    Those are my reasoning's why I want to lose the weight. Notice my first two are the most important to me as being 470 lbs is not healthy at all and with my medications I don't think I will ever be off them so I need to manage them with my weight. I need to gain control of this before I spiral out of control and my biggest fear is reality.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I think most people who give up are in it to lose fat and not to make themselves healthier. They get discouraged when they don't lose fast enough and just give up. It takes a long time. They weren't really thinking about doing it for like a year or more.

    I keep going because...

    1. I have to. The fat contributes to at least one illness and I must lose it. People say they'd rather die than eat healthier, but if push came to shove, a lot of them would choose life over Oreos. Not all, I'm sure, but a lot.

    2. When I was incapable of losing (and nobody believed me), I got used to eating smaller portions and exercising. It was the only way to not gain too much! So, when they fixed me, the weight just started coming off.

    3. I am working on lifestyle changes. Of course I want to lose all the fat, but it also want to make myself healthier by eating healthy food, Even if healthy food didn't help with losing, I'd still be struggling toward that summit.

    4. I had a lot of support and encouragement from friends and family.

    5. My mother ate herself to death. I don't want to continue that legacy.
  • diamier
    diamier Posts: 66 Member
    I want to live the healthy lifestyle (vegan) because of my obese mother, not encouraged enough to lose weight, my sister, who believes skinny is good and often suffers from depression, my dad who has this violence desire (just desire thank God) towards the animals and the whole Plus-size industry who makes people think that to be obese is good despite all the depressions, illnesses and so on, then on the other hand the same companies try to sell you products that are for losing weight (because let's be truthful, obese doesn't mean you're happy with what you eat).. I would go on and on, but I think that most people would think that I am aggressive or radical, though I really have no hate towards people or their lifestyle, but the diet and obese industry. Anyway, I guess my biggest inspiration to live healthy is my family!