Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Edit to my July 1 miles, apparently I typoed and I can't edit the original post. It was 3.23 miles, not 3.27. Apologies! :)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    It's been crazy for sure. And expensive! About 40k! But I would do it again without hesitation for these boys.

    My husband is good, thanks for asking! That's been a crazy saga too, for sure. Turns out the scarring on his small airways and lungs and the bad air flow is from some weird esophagus disease called EoE. All these last two years he's been aspirating stomach acid into his lungs. Who knew GERD could be life threatening under the right conditions!? But he's doing much better now. No more incidents of pneumonia or sepsis, and no more long hospital stays. And it only took doctors two years to figure it out. That's why they get paid the big bucks ;)
    SUPERKBDIRECTOR Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join this club :-) I will be going to read all of the posts!!! Excellent advice and motivation points! Thanks so much:happy:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Toots- Welcome back. It is great to hear that the adaptation is going through. You have been working very hard on that for the past year or more. Very excited for you and your husband. That is great that the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with him.

    Welcome to our new people. Don't forget to post and come back often.

    For those of you who have posted your list of miles and use the fitbit totals- You may be in for some surprises. Please check your mileage numbers- Yes, I have been through them multiple times and based on the miles the spreadsheet and the calculator and the spreadsheet agree- fitbit miles loses. Don't worry most of you earned more miles than you thought.

    Today, I had 2 amazing workouts. First I went bike riding this morning and rode 14 miles in the heat and humidity. Then I worked out with my trainer and she had me on the spin bike working on climbing hills. Then we worked on the inclined ellipticial, then flat and finished with walking. We did speed drills on those machines and resistance drill on the spin bike. Overall 3.5 hours of active movement. Still might walk tonight or go out to dinner.

    Yesterday, I found out that my car has a major transmission leak and will need to be replaced. I knew there was a leak but it has always been down played well evidently it has spread to 2 gaskets. The best solution is to replace the whole thing. I found out that the extended care plan that I purchased when I brought the car will cover the cost of the new transmission. I was excited to learn about this and the best part it may also cover the cost the of the rental car. Needless to say this news did not make me happy and I did not workout or even walk yesterday. I did get myself out of the house to happy hour. It was good to be around other people.

    Have a great week.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Just a miles update - I will do a longer check in later, when I catch up on posts. :smile:

    July 1 - 0
    July 2 - 4 (conservatively - @2.5 kayaking @1.5 swimming) :)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks Laurie!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Laurie...Two years ago, my family took a vacation in Wisconsin Dells -- the waterpark capital -- with or without the Verruckt working, we will do our first Schlitterbahn park. I've watched it on Travel Channel and looking forward to it.

    @Tanya...back from vacation is always hard. MAN -- you killed it -- 30K!!

    @Teresa...I have the Fitbit One. They did just add some features to the app, which now includes something similar to Map My Run/Walk. Haven't tried it yet, but...

    @Kaye...sorry you weren't feeling 100% on vacation I'm glad it didn't really ruin your time. Hope you get back to healthy fast.

    @Toots...glad the adoption is going ahead. I hope it gets completed fast enough for his health to be addressed soon enough. It is expensive. We paid about $18K to adopt Emma and she was within the state. Glad your husband is doing better.

    @JNettie...nice seeing your face again. Hope things work out for you.

    @Laurie...Halleluiah for extended care plan!!!

    AFM...didn't make my calorie goal yesterday, but I was honest and logged it all, so at least that is a step in the right direction. I also did better with my water and am on schedule to drink all 8 glasses today. No pop today either!!! I wasn't able to work out today -- my muscles are barely letting me walk around, but I know that by tomorrow, I'll feel good enough to get it done.

    Wednesday Wish: That everyone has a wonderful 4th of July and gets to spend it with friends and/or family and that we remember what wonderful country we live in.

    July 1 - 1.57 miles
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 7/2: .7 miles
    July is getting off to a really slow start for me. I'm still having a lot of pain in my chest on the right side and it radiates down into my arm and around the back. I went for short slow walk to distract myself from the pain. The Tylenol isn't really helping. If it is still this intense tomorrow I am going to call and see if they can give me something stronger for a few days.
    Welcome to the new ones. Sorry to be a bit of a downer.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Kaye - Feel better soon!

    Toots - Congrats on your adoption!

    Laurie - Broken vehicles are so inconvenient... Glad you had a warranty to cover the repair!

    Miles for 7/2 - 2.5

    And now I'm off to bed. Good night!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a mileage update and wishing everyone a great July 4th!

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
    7/2 - 5.02 (3.02 walk and class)
    7/3 - 4.86 (2.86 walk and class)

    Total: 12.90
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member

    Total: 6.26 / 60

    07/01 - 0 (migraine!)
    07/02 - 2.5 miles
    07/03 - 2.26 miles walking, 30 min treading water (1.5 miles)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Toots~I’m so glad they finally figured out what was going on with your husband and that he’s doing well.

    @Laurie~Great activity yesterday! I’m sorry for your car trouble, car repairs are so inconvenient and expensive--glad it’s covered under extended warranty. Hopefully my mileage is accurate—I use daily mileage stats from my Fitbit but add them manually, instead of relying on the Fitbit reports (I don’t think they are always accurate).

    @Kaye~Hope the doc is able to rx something to get you over this hurdle and you are back to 100% soon!

    July Mileage:


    Total: 6.69/100 Miles

    Wishing everyone an enjoyable and safe Independence Day--especially those in the path of Hurricane Arthur. We have rain/thunderstorms in the forecast today/tomorrow—hopefully the big fireworks celebrations are still held.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday's Truth- I am doing horrible at keeping up with this thread. I have really just taken time to get me back on track and so far it is working.

    HUGE thanks to everyone for being so kind, supportive and understanding I am blessed to know all of you :bigsmile: :cry:

    I will get caught up on readings but I may not post personals being I am so far behind.

    Happy 4th to Everyone!

    Prayers to those in flooded situations or tornado damage.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Good morning!

    Thursday truth is that I'm really scared about going over my calories this weekend. I work in a furniture store and holidays are always a challenge because we usually have so much food brought in from our reps. I know that I can bring my own food and resist, but let's face it, I wouldn't be in my present condition if willpower was my strong suit. :wink: I do know that I plan to record everything I put in my mouth and maybe that will keep me more focused. Of course it would also help if I was kept so busy making money that I had no time to eat! Yeah!!! :bigsmile:

    I hope you all have an awesome day!! :flowerforyou:

    July Mileage Goal 40 miles:

    7/1 1.75
    7/2 1.00
    7/3 1.00
  • sweetiememoirs
    sweetiememoirs Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there! I am new to this thread, so I apologize if I make an error somewhere. I wish I would have found this thread a couple months ago as this month will be month number 3 that I am doing a 100 mile challenge. May I tallied over 150 miles between walking & stationary cycling. June was a tick over 120 miles & now for July! I actually follow a blogger named Sadie who runs a blog called Slap Dash Mom. She does the #SlapDash100 Challenge & gives out a prize to one random person who completes the 100 miles. In May I won a Polar FT4 HRM. I was so excited as when I started I did not think I would ever hit 100 miles, let alone 150! Anywho!

    My very first Thursday Truth: I have pre-planned my meals for today. I normally pre-plan them & then end up altering them to make way for impulse foods. Today I am attempting to NOT change a single thing! Here goes nothing!

    July's Miles - Goal 100.
    7/1 - 4.75 miles (FitBit)
    7/2 - 1.79 miles (FitBit) + 13.48 miles (Stationary Cycle) = 15.27 miles
    7/3 - TODAY!

    Total: 20.02/100.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces! This is a great place for support!

    Kaye- I hope you're back up to speed soon! Take it slow and easy. :flowerforyou:

    Queen- I'm glad you're getting on track!

    Laurie- Your 3.5 hour workout makes me tired just reading about it. Great work! :drinker:

    I missed yesterday, so here's a belated Wed wish: That everyone in the path of Arthur is safe, and those getting rain over the holiday get *some* sunshine this weekend!

    We're going to a "Parade of Lights" tonight. We went last year, and it was pretty awesome. Patriotic, glow-in-the-dark....even a hot air balloon (on a trailer) setting off blasts of fire! This year, my husband wants to try selling some popcorn, soda and water to raise some money for the new middle school. (He's on that fundraising committee, but everyone else is out of town for the holiday, so he said he'd just do it himself.) We planned on sitting on the corner near the fundraising sign in front of church anyway.

    Tomorrow night we'll have a friend over for a cook-out and then watch the fireworks. Weather here is awesome today! (Sorry to those of you with rain!)

    I took my monthly measurements yesterday, and I lost 0 inches. Oh well. I think after a month of very slacky-ness, coming out even is okay. I weighed myself this morning and saw a new low number though! Hope it's still there on Saturday! :smile:

    July Goal: 90 miles

    7/1: 5.32
    7/2: 2.63

    Total: 7.95
    Sleep Goal: 20/31 days with 7 hrs

    Sunday: Bike to Work-DONE
    Monday: Gym-Lift and Stretch-DONE
    Tuesday: Run-DONE
    Wednesday: Bike Ride-DONE
    Thursday: Run and 30DS-DONE
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday: Bike Ride
    Sunday: Run
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 83 AM


    Goals: 200 miles, 1860 AM (60 min AM per day average)
  • vernbluebird1
    vernbluebird1 Posts: 3 Member
    did the July challenge start and what is it .
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Thursday. Truth- I believe most of you realize how I have been struggling for the past week. Well, last night I took the final step (I hope) to break out of the funk. Part of the problem was that I did not recognize my accomplishments over the past year. Sure I still want to the overnight results or at least within a couple of weeks of trying something different. Well, that may not happen in terms of weight loss. So last night I went back and read a blog post that I wrote after my first 6 months regarding my accomplishments. I felt completely energized and excited so I then wrote my list of accomplishments from the past year with my new trainer. I was astonished to see what I am able to do and that created a feeling of can do and will do. So hopefully, my being complacent with this endeavor will end. I have had 2 very active days in a row with over 305 minutes per day. It feels great. I am looking for ways to get moving. Tomorrow will be hard to track minutes since I am going to a party but then again there will be a pool and games to play.

    My area has been stuck with a heat wave with the heat index of close to 100. We are suppose to have storms tonight so it should be cooler tomorrow.

    Tom- love the profile picture.

    Sweetmemoir- Welcome

    Tanya- I am also tracking active minutes plus miles

    Today, was extremely busy- a 1 hour swim, grocery shopping, making deviled eggs, 1 hour walk with weight training etc. it felt great to be so active today.
    Miles: 4.4/ active minutes 305-- my active minutes includes activities outside of exercise time.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Distance Milestones—How far we have come in May and we just keep going

    10 miler
    Robin E (10 miles)

    12 miles=20K

    ½ marathon- 13.1 miles=22km
    ushkil (13.66 miles)

    16 miles-Sprint Triathlon Level (you just complete the distance of a Sprint Triathlon

    Marathon club-26.2 miles=43km
    Jtconst (27.58 miles)
    Tanya (30.7 miles)

    33.93 Miles=Olympic distance triathlon level (51.5km)
    Kelley (56.82 miles)
    Robin B (34.57 miles)
    Little Shadow (52.82 miles)

    63.86 Miles- ITU Long course Distance Triathlon
    Karen (63.5 miles)
    Damensha (66.73 miles)

    70.3 miles- Half Ironman Distance Triathlon
    Hansea (93.03 miles
    Ferafilla( 75.4 miles)
    Tom (89.63 miles)
    Tlh (75.42 miles)
    Ms Fizz (78.81 miles)
    Nettie (79.74 miles)

    100 miles Century Club
    Kaye (101.38 miles)
    Lives to travel (105.08 miles)

    140.6 miles-Full Ironman Distance

    150- Exercise BEAST
    LaurieK (170.12 miles)
    Aimee (161. 17 miles)
    p1nxy (156.4 miles)
    Walking queen (150.49 miles)

    We have about 8 members who did not complete the challenge.
    Total miles for June was 1920 miles
    Miles completed 1793.21

    Great job for the month of June. We are off to a great start for July.