Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Bump(er cars! Wouldn't that be fun?)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    I got my CPAP!

    Day off from work to go to the neurologist.

    Quote of the day:- “Fears over tomorrow and regrets over yesterday are twin thieves that rob us of the moment.” ~Anonymous

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    BUMP:heart::drinker: :heart:

    In honor of the water challenge
    Water tag:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    lol....i'm drowning already and it is only 2 pm!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    My wish is to be able to do 60 minutes on the elliptical machine like i used to do a few years back(5). I also wish that i was fit enough to dance. And of course i wish for world peace,maranatha.

    start slow and work from there. When i started on that evil machine i could barely do 3 minutes and that was with holding on for dear life!! Now i can do as long as i like....or until i get bored!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona--good job on the water!! :drinker:

    @tom--congrats on getting your CPAP!! :flowerforyou:

    @toots--I'm more of a roller coaster girl. :wink:

    @marca--it's great that you're helping your daughter with the healthy meals.

    @garetie--hi!! :flowerforyou:

    @holly--I'm right there with you as far as wishing for more time! Sorry you are still feeling so stressed, but you know the zumba will help relieve some of that.

    @kelley--Ooh! The pink flex sounds like a fun new toy! Thanks for the suggestions about cleans and bent over rows. Yeah, I was up to something like 230 lbs on the leg press, so I'm pretty sure that was the culprit. :grumble:

    @mel--thanks for all of the computer security advice. I always check that "remember password" box, so I will need to stop doing that.

    @carla--I know what you mean about the wagon getting too comfortable. I upped my calories about 6 weeks ago b/c I'd been having little progress at my previous calorie allowance. However, I swore I would only add extra calories that fit my macros. Unfortunately, I've been really bad about giving in to extra-carby treats and it's showing on the scale--no weight loss at all for the month of September. One of my personal October goals is to be better about this--of course, I'm not off to the best start given all of the b-day treats. :ohwell:

    @robin--Thanks for the squat for advice. I know there's a lot of misinformation on the internet. Fortunately, when I went through PT for my knee I got the bonus of expert 1 on 1 advice about form for a lot of exercises including squats. :happy:

    @gorilla--I'm not gonna lie--I want to rock some nice guns, so I will probably not give up my bicep curls :wink: , but I do plan to move away from all of the machines. The only reason I've stuck with them is that the free weight section gets a bit crowded, so it's just been easier. Also, I would NEVER use the Smith machine--it makes me crazy that we even have one! Almost no one uses it, and it takes up valuable space in a very crowded lifting area. :grumble: Happy b-day to your boy!! :flowerforyou:

    Wednesday Wish:
    That this moment of no grading would last a lot longer. Unfortunately, I will end up going from this lovely lull to a frantic grading frenzy next week.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Yes I am still here- very busy week. I compete in flyball with my dogs and am getting ready for a competition this weekend. Need to get the trailer ready to go - supposed to rain this weekend so I need to do what I can before the rain comes. The new motion sensor light on my garage blew 2 halogen bulbs on 2 different days so I am still without light. Yuck and the neighbor's dog kept me awake from 2-3 am barking and running around my house. Found out in the morning that he was chasing a skunk. I hope he ran into his own house smelling skunky - good karma for interrupting my sleep. And my friend's mother died in England so she left for 2 weeks and farmed our her dogs to her friends. I have only one - but the one I have does not want to eat Just 1/2 cup since Tuesday. I keep telling her that there are no know cases of dogs starving to death with food in front of them but she is not listening so far. I asked her to gibe me her will power but she is refusing so far.

    Anyways life's little troubles like the above would normally stress me out so much that i would overeat to comfort myself. the eating certainly did not solve the problems and I felt terrible afterward. So I am glad to say that my great indulgence has been one entire spaghetti squash about 6" in diameter with 4 tablespoons Parmesan. Yummy and filling and a very few calories. I am in charge of lunch for the team this weekend and I have decided that we will have turkey meatball noodle soup in the slow cooker for Saturday and sandwiches and veggies for Sunday. Fruit for both days. Should be OK. Mini Babel light cheese for those that want more. those that think this is too few calories will buy at the burger bar. Their choice. We have one that will go there for sure. Used to bug the H*** out of me but not now - their life - their choice.

    Glad to read everyone's postings and know that I am not alone with my struggles.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kooky--glad to see you back. I'm so glad it's squash season--I love spaghetti squash, so thanks for the reminder about it. Plan to buy one this weekend. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate but are handling it well.

    Welcome to all of the other newlings! :flowerforyou:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    ETA: I'm such a nerd that I just couldn't leave my food diary empty. :blushing: I entered what I could remember--I'm sure it's pretty close.

    Its better than nothing :) lol
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Can I join in? I still have about 130 pounds to lose (29 pounds/13.2kg down so far) :( At this point it is feeling like I will never reach my goal. I took progress pics yesterday and compared them to the first ones I took and I look EXACTLY the same!! I even superimposed them in photoshop and I can't see any size difference and it's really got me down. I do take measurements with a tape measure as well and have lost a couple of inches here and there. It feels like it's still going to be a long way away before I can see any decent changes.

    My first "round" with MFP this same thing got me really down, and to be honest I had to lose almost 50lbs before I noticed any difference at all. Even at 70lbs lost I had only gone down about 3 pant sizes (though if I sucked in I could squeeze down one more size). I did notice after that initial (and discouraging) chunk I had to lose, the little losses or 5-10lbs were more noticeable. Have you ever heard the paper towel roll analogy? This kind of explains it. I found it to be very true. It seems the closer you are to goal the more noticable the pounds lost are -
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Just swinging by to check you all out. I'm still doing my baby steps of trying to log everyday and not weigh myself (which is harder than it seems). I want my focus to be on food and exercise and not by weight lost. I'm not able to catch up on here very much just due to time. But I'll be stopping by now and then, maybe I'll be able to check in more in a few weeks. Good job everyone :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Stopping by really quick tonight since it is getting late and I need to go to bed.

    Wish- That next week goes better than expected between a walk-through (teachers coming into observe), after school meetings, during week meetings etc. I have a jammed pack week. I also want to get an hour long session in with my trainer but not sure that will be possible due to her schedule and mine not meshing. :grumble:

    Did a new workout tonight- 5 x 5- 5 minutes of cardio then right into 5 minutes of weights/ strength and repeat for 5 rounds or 60 minutes. This was a fun workout and I did not get bored. The pace was good as well so I will do this again on my own.

    Welcome to all the new people.
  • LurveTheDoctor
    Hi!!! I'm new!! Need to lose 100 lb!!!

    My first wednesday wish... That things work out well and this time next year I'm down my 100.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @ Susan…Glad your FitBit is getting you motivated. Certainly some big numbers a couple of days!!! My sister went a little fanatic when she started with it. :noway:

    @Carla…Ah, that dang wagon! It sometimes thinks it should go sideways up a hill and dumps us… :grumble:

    @Kelley…I wish you could sleep past 3 am too. I don’t know how you function.

    @Tom…yay!! Glad you got your CPAP.:flowerforyou:

    AFM… I am meeting my calorie goal for the day and even have some leftover for a snack before bed. Yippee!! Did Schedule B for lifting tonight. Right now I’m just doing them all with an empty bar – 45 pounds. Squats, overhead press and dead lift tonight. I have made my water goal for yesterday and today!! :drinker:

    Wednesday Wish…that I have patience to not expect overnight changes. Patience has not been a virtue of mine and I want immediate results in pretty much everything. This has been an obstacle for me in the past with weight loss and I have to remember, that slow and steady wins the race.

    Have a great night!!!
  • 24Sept
    24Sept Posts: 178 Member
    My wish is to be able to do 60 minutes on the elliptical machine like i used to do a few years back(5). I also wish that i was fit enough to dance. And of course i wish for world peace,maranatha.

    start slow and work from there. When i started on that evil machine i could barely do 3 minutes and that was with holding on for dear life!! Now i can do as long as i like....or until i get bored!

    I loved the elliptical machine, i put in my ear phone and workout to Aretha Franklin, Kirk Franklin,Bob Marley, Mahaila, and i would be in heaven!
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hey All, Very late tonight signing in. I'm at work and its been busy. I didn't get a chance to post yesterday although I did log my food in. Busy day off. Had to be up at 4 a.m. to get my daughter to the airport. Got home about 6 and figured no sense going back to bed, I'll get some work done. So got some house work done and when the stores opened I went and did some shopping. Managed to get a walk in too. By late afternoon I was so tired I fell asleep sitting up in my chair. I tried keeping busy but no luck. Managed a bit more house work and got my laundry done and that was it. Went to bed early and gone for the night.
    Today was a bit better. Met a friend for a nice lunch (which I logged) and then had a nap before coming in to work. Luckily having a fairly good night. Hope it stays this way. I've got to work 2 nights then I've got a full week off all to myself. Wow, so excited.
    Hope everyone is having a good week and planning out some activities to keep them happy and busy this coming w/e. I'm going to spend some time cleaning out my garden if the weather is nice enough. Guess my wish is for nice weather for my week off so I can thoroughly enjoy it.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Busy day... but I did get to the gym this morning for my deadlits, even if I was not really with it I fought a good workout. I am just not mentally with it today.

    I see most of you had pretty good busy days... and anyone who doubts my workout lacking curls... feel free to come and give my arms a squeeze ;)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Gorilla - I took your advice and started doing the overhead press with dumbells while standing this am - with my arthritis I could only start out with 3 lb weights - lets see how fast I progress. :bigsmile: I advanced my goblet squats to 15 lbs today also.

    Charlotte - I am happy to hear of your upcoming week off. That must be your schedule every month or so, eh? Hope you have good weather to work in the yard. I have brought in my house plants from my deck, but not taken down the annuals yet, they are still blooming.

    Welcome to all the Newbies - so nice to see your posts. Be patient with your goals, don't be embarrassed if you stumble, and use the food log feature - its very helpful!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good Morning :flowerforyou:

    Thursday Truth..... Well I slept all through the night for the first time in a year. I am slowly gaining my life back which I thought would make me jump for JOY but so far it has been a little depressing yet I am trying very hard to stay positive. I walked 3 miles yesterday which is good.

    Robin and Charlotte- My annuals are still blooming also but we have lots of rain on the way. Which means I won't have to water the grass this week.

    Gorilla - Happy belated B-day to your son. What a fun age.

    Susan- what awesome numbers!

    Tlh0407- Patience is not my virtue either so I understand where you are coming from.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am tired today and definitely more vulnerable to overeating. I ate lunch very early...but it was planned. I'm going to be really strict today and stick with my calorie goal. This is where it gets really tough for me...I'm home, busy cooking large meals for family, and getting tired. I'm skipping the gym today, but will go tomorrow.
    Some of you mentioned cooking 'spaghetti squash'. It sounds good. I've never cooked one, but will probably try. Any cooking tips are appreciated. Going grocery shopping now..
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I am EXHAUSTED. We got out beautiful new puppy on Monday night and by Tuesday afternoon I was at the vet because he was really sick. He was 67 percent dehydrated and had a low fever and everthing was coming out both ends. The vet did their exam and said he might have Parvo. I brought him home that night with care instructions but not much hope. Well seems the vet might have been wrong. They gave him fluids and some meds there and by that night he was mugging me for my eggs. I called and asked them what to do and they said he could have a tablespoon every hour along with hi pedialite as long as he didnt throw up. Well I have been up every hour for the last two nights making sure he is getting fluids but he is now active and bright eyed and hasnt vomitted since before the vet. The only thing we are still fighting is the diarhhea. I dont think he is getting dehydrated though as we are still supplementing the fluids he drinks on his own. I have to keep reminding myself he is only 6 and a half weeks old and would probably have loose stools regardless. So now that I have totally grossed everyone out HI.:laugh:
    I am super excited about a job interview I have this afternoon. I think I have a pretty decent chance as long as my lack of sleep doesnt make me stupid:laugh: It is full time and I really only wanted part time but I really just need a job in the field I went to school for so I can get some experience on my resume.
    I am happy to report I only have four pounds left to lose of the ten I gained back. Twoderville is once again just a small step away and this time I am staying there.
    I am trapped the puppy (Zeus) has fallen asleep under the legs of my chair:huh: \
    Welcome back to all of our returning friends. All the talk about lifting has made me miss the gym. I really do like strength more then cardio though I know both are necessary. I am hoping to get back on track with the workouts next week. I had some other personals planned but as usual I have lost them in the fog that is my brain. Have a great day everyone and I will check in again soon.:heart::drinker: :drinker: