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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    friday fitness- does spending money count??? cause i was good at that :laugh: However i did do a fair amount of walking while shopping. Not much motivation to do anything else so keeping calories in check for now
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Fitness Friday: I'm still in the middle of JM 30DS, which has given me a great deal of more energy and stamina. I'm also working on my steps to maintain more than 10000 perday. I'm a bit inconsistent w/ that. That's pretty good for me for now. :)
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Sat. Success: well, I managed to work out 4 times this week. I feel good about that. My diet wasn't the best, but I'm back on track. My mind is more committed to this process than before.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Toots – what a wonderful thing. Good luck with your journey!!

    @Debra – I think two weeks of walking in a row is a great start. I agree with small goals, mine is broken down too, but I have at least a total of 100 to lose (1/4 of the way there). That was just too overwhelming for me to see every day. Great job on the 20 pounds so far!

    AFM – I’m headed to the gym to do another round of heavy lifting. The snow that was supposed to be a 1-2 inch dusting was way more than that. They upped it to 4-6 inches and it was super wet and heavy. I had to pick up my son from school yesterday (he can’t carry his saxophone and use his crutches at the same time) and I got “stuck” 3 times. I’m a pretty experienced snow driver so I was able to wiggle out of each one, but on the ½ a mile stretch from the main road to the school (which is basically up and down a hill) there were at least a dozen cars stuck. UGH! We should get a bit more today and then we’re back in the 50-60 range. Emma has started a snow man though.

    Saturday Success: I’ve hit the 240’s today!!! Whoo Hoo!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Saturday Success: I think that my biggest success is that, after basically loafing through most of September, I have been able to get back on plan and it feels great!!! My usual M.O. is , work hard and lose some, start sliding, gain a bit, rail against the uselessness of it all, eat like crazy and sit on my butt, gain it all back and then some..... rinse, repeat. And, just the fact that I have been at this for 6 months this week is a victory in itself!!!

    Fitness Goals
    Thursday- Run/walk intervals with hills, decreasing walk time & stretching- DONE
    Friday- Strength training and a short walk- Long walk in.... too dizzy for more
    Saturday- Run/walk intervals with hills, decreasing walk time & stretching-
    Sunday- Easy walk (>30 min.)/rest day-
    Monday- Run/walk intervals with hills, decreasing walk time & stretching-
    Tuesday-Strength training and a short walk-
    Wednesday- Easy walk (>30 min.)/rest day-
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I made a lovely post last night with personals and everything and thought I posted it - but don't see it this morning.

    Toots - your adoption story is quite moving - I hope everything works out for you!.

    Skinny - love the information -

    I'm down another pound this week - I have been so successful at dropping 1 to 1-1/2 lbs a week for so long - I just have to say that a calorie deficit really works. I do have hunger at times and I am not pushing extremely high protein for myself - but thank gosh for that water glass by my side and those nice 90 cal snacks in the evening that I look forward to all day long! Without them and the weight lifting (squats) -long term calorie burn I get from that I'm sure I wouldn't be losing the weight.

    I walked for over 90 minutes yesterday doing shopping and found a pair of size 18 jeans at Goodwill for $3.55 Yippee!
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    I have to say- I love you all. :heart: This thread and the people on MFP are what keeps me coming back. I have been at kind of a stall. My cold is hanging on a little, but I am past the part where I shouldn't get off of my tushy and start working for my goals again.

    It is a beautiful day here, I have new Asics for my feet- and I'm not so sick that I will collapse. Time to hit the open road! I will hit 5,000 steps today on my Fitbit. That's my goal for today. Baby steps, right?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Toots~ I loved reading your story, what an amazing journey you and your family have been through. I wish you all the best through the rest of the process.

    @Nicole~One day at a time, you’re doing great. Glad you are feeling better! :heart: your new pic!

    @Mel~Great job with your workouts this week!

    @Tracy~First snow of the season, I remember it well growing up in NY (don’t miss it though). :wink: Enjoy your lifting session today!

    @Robin~I’m so impressed with your continued losses, you really are in a rhythm – onward and downward as Kaye would say. Keep up the great work!

    @Karen~Good luck on your 5k run today, know you’ll do amazing as always!

    AFM~I met with the nutritionist at my gym yesterday and really liked her, she was really nice and seems to know her stuff. We talked forever, it was supposed to be a 30-minute session but we ended up talking for an hour. My stress is off the charts which is affecting a lot of things, she’s going to help me to streamline some things to make the best of the situation. The scale is not budging and I know it’s from the stress; hopefully the changes we make will be beneficial.

    The cold front came through as promised, the air conditioner is finally OFF (for at least a couple of days) and the windows are open (which Zoe loves). I’ve been doing some work from home this morning while working on laundry – heading to the grocery store in a bit and then will try get out for a walk/run later this afternoon (hopefully the threat of rain won’t hold).

    Enjoy the day!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Saturday Success:
    Walked my 5k this morning and it was fun. Walked gunner when I got home and now

    I'm off to meet a friend. Her mom has Alzheimers and it sounds like she isn't doing well. We were planning to get together this afternoon to do some grading, she had to meet with the nursing home this morning to discuss her mother's care plan and now she's ready for a drink instead. Fortunately, I don't really have any grading this weekend.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE+ gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--Oktoberfast 5K DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 90
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 45 (bar only b/c just added today)

    Upright row = 30 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 20 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 10 (dumbbell)
    Shoulder press = 10 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    So just want to drop in real quick with an update. Took puppy to a new vet and they did a parvo test and he is clean:bigsmile: They think he might have a parasite so he is taking a broad spectrum medicine while the test is run and other then that he is a perfect healthy 7 week old little man.:bigsmile:
  • @jtconst ~ Oh goodness! How sweet that puppy is! Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon. Enjoy him!

    @kah68 ~ Thanks so much for your advice on adding my exercise to MFP. I estimated the UBC as you suggested, however I was able to log into FitLinxx online and get my actual calorie count as the equipment at the hospital is hooked up to it. Rather neat I tell you! :D Thanks again! I'm so glad you had a great appointment with the nutritionist and I'm glad you like her. That's so important. I've not been back to the one I went to. I see her from time to time, but she just puts her nose up in the air and can't be even bothered to say hello or ask how I'm doing. Bleh! I can't wait for the cooler weather to get here!

    @Debra ~ Welcome! Congrats on your exercise success! That's fabulous and I'm glad you are enjoying your workout!

    @SkinnyJeanzBound ~ Thanks for the link! I've bookmarked it!

    friday fitness- does spending money count??? cause i was good at that :laugh: However i did do a fair amount of walking while shopping. Not much motivation to do anything else so keeping calories in check for now
    Only if you want to shrink the size of your wallet! :laugh:

    @tlh0407 ~ Snow!?!?! Bleh! Congratuations on your Saturday Success!

    @TOPSmarca ~ Congratulations on your Saturday Success! That really is great. I kinda do the same thing. Work so hard and then just kinda blow it. Makes no sense really. 6 months is *F*A*B*U*L*O*U*S*!!! :flowerforyou:

    @RobinsEgg ~ Congrats on your success!!! And, great score on the jeans!

    @naceto ~ Glad you are starting to feel better!

    AFM ~ Saturday Success? Hmm... I've been successful staying on program this week, with little difficulty and I also met my goal of going to the gym 3 times during the week! I had planned on going today, but my husband wasn't doing good. He had a back injury awhile ago that he never recuperated from. He had taken Izabella to the store with him. He was just running in to get the sales flyer and she pitched a fit about wanting something and some how during that she pulled his arm and he retched his back, so that was that. Ugh! Well, that's all for now. :happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mecuriocs--haha--you have a great sense of humor! You will fit in great here! :drinker:

    @tammy--glad that adorable puppy is doing so well!

    @kelley--glad the meeting w. the nutritionist went so well.

    @nicole--love the new profile pic!

    @robin--you are doing so great!! You've always been a a support on this thread, but now you are a downright inspiration!! :flowerforyou:

    @marca--that is the greatest success b/c it shows you are in it for the long haul!

    @tracy--someone on fb posted a pic of all the snow in the dakotas and I immediately thought of you! Hope it melts quickly!

    AFM--had a nice afternoon out with a friend and now I'm home having some cocktails w/ DH. Tomorrow I will see my niece! :bigsmile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    My profile pic is me and brian at the Itasca Oktoberfast 5k--2nd year we've done it together! :drinker:
  • Saturday, Felt like crap and didn't go to the gym.. but decided to take my kids to the pumpkin patch and walked around for almost 2 hours.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success? I don't think so. Had family here all day, totally unplanned. They all came to help DD reroof her garage. I wound up doing the food for all day! I am exhausted, have no idea what I have eaten, and am not even going to try to figure it out! The bright side is that I am sure I burned lots of calories today, and I did get in a 3 mile walk with youngest daughter this afternoon.
    Very glad tomorrow is a new day with a chance to start over.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tammy- cute puppy and so happy that he is on the road to recovery.

    Kelley- It is great the meeting with the nutritionist went well and that you hit it off.

    Nicole- The new picture is wonderful and enjoy your new shoes. I also Asics and I do like them.

    Karen- Glad you had a great 5K then a nice day out with a friend. I love your workout that you posted. Love the picture of you and Brian.

    Tracy- I saw the pictures of the snow on TV, hope you don’t get more than 4-6 inches.

    Tops- Great victory

    Sunday- 5K + bike ride (?) DONE
    Monday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday- REST DAY DONE
    Wednesday-Trainer ( I figured I will need a stress relieving workout due to school) DONE
    Thursday- REST or gym or swim REST DONE
    Friday-Climbing DONE
    Saturday- water aerobics and swim DONE

    A successful week exercise wise.

    Debra- walking is a great way to start and two weeks in a row is a fantastic accomplishment. Many of us set smaller goals so we don’t get overwhelmed with the big picture.

    Mel- Great job with the 4 workouts this week.

    Kaye Have you considering working out every other day to give your body time to recover.

    Toots- Great story and hope the proceedings go quickly and that God will open the doors for you.

    Kris- I really hope you get your first choice of jobs. The other business is very unprofessional to let you know about the decrease in hours after the training sessions are over.

    I worked late yesterday but did not accomplish the grading that I had planned, instead cleaned up my classroom. That was after dealing with a intern who has been MIA most of this week. We did not hear from her until Friday at 3pm, the school day had ended and she was supposed to teach on Monday for three days. She will not be teaching on Monday because she is not ready and there has been a shift of mentors temporarily. It is a crazy situation but it will work out fine. She will get to teach later this week if she is prepared.

    I managed to accomplish a deep-water aerobics class then swam a little over a half of mile today. It was very relaxing but a great workout. The aerobics class will really help me to work on core strength and endurance.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    saturday success- rode my bike for 45 minutes today- to the library and around town a bit then came home and cut the lawns....ugh....grass was still somewhat wet and heavy but more rain expected tomorrow so i had to get it done. Was so filthy and tired by the end but i got it done!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys. Lets see Saturday success. I have stayed under on calories every day this week. That is the first time I have made a whole week in a long long time. Love the new profile pics Skinny and Naceto. You both look great. Kaye I am sure you probably burned plenty today cooking for all those people and then still getting a great walk in. I hope everyone is having a great weekend and dont forget to enjoy football Sunday. :bigsmile: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots- Great story and hope the proceedings go quickly and that God will open the doors for you.

    Thanks! We'll take any prayers we can get if you're the praying kind. We're surely going to need them! lol
    @toots--what exciting news about the adoption. I had wondered what was going on--wasn't sure if it had gotten pushed to the back burner due to your DH's illness, so glad to hear it's still on!

    Well, Mike's health was the reason we weren't pressing social services harder even though we've been disappointed in how little interest they have in adoptive parents who aren't willing to foster to adopt and only want children who are already legally free for adoption. Basically, those kids are already in homes and they don't want to deal with that mess. They just want new foster homes. But we didn't feel like we wanted to get all up in their grills about it when Mike is sick. The Ukraine only cares if a person has a mental disorder or a contagious disease. So he's fine in that respect.
    @Toots – what a wonderful thing. Good luck with your journey!!

    @Toots~ I loved reading your story, what an amazing journey you and your family have been through. I wish you all the best through the rest of the process.

    Thanks. It's been an adventure and we're sure more chaos/great times are ahead of us. ;)
    Toots - your adoption story is quite moving - I hope everything works out for you!.

    I walked for over 90 minutes yesterday doing shopping and found a pair of size 18 jeans at Goodwill for $3.55 Yippee!

    Thank you very much. And awesome about the jeans! I never seem to find anything for myself at thrift stores.