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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Well, It's been a pretty good week for me. I got my tight jeans out of the closet (getting too cold for capris) and they are now loose jeans. Woo hoo! I've lost around 3 lbs.
  • @felinlove ~ Sorry you weren't feeling well, but sounds like you had a great day in spite of it. :flowerforyou:

    @grandmakay44 ~ Saturday Success? Absolutely! Sounds like you were very successful burning those calories! :smile:

    @Lauriek70 ~ Great job with exercise! :drinker:

    @karenleona ~ Very Successful Saturday! :smile:

    @jtconst ~ Great job staying under calories every day. I'm not sure I've ever done that for an entire week! Something to strive for! :drinker:

    @p1xyn1xy ~ Gotta love loose jeans! Especially ones that weren't just a short while ago! Congrats. :flowerforyou:

    AFM ~ Sunday sharing: Well, since I'm new here, there's a lot to share. :happy: Let's see. I'm a 47 year old married mom of 2 from New York. I've got 2 children, both from different marriages. Krystina is 19 and is currently in college studying to be a nutritionist... imagine that! :noway: I remarried about 7+ years ago and then had Izabella. She's 6. Let's see. I work full time and my husband has been disabled for the last 20 months. He hurt his back at work, had surgery 2 months later and hasn't been the same since. :frown: Since the injury, both of us have gained weight due to inactivity, however we are both working on taking it back off. He's extremely supportive of my efforts. He does most of the cooking and has really been trying to keep it low-carb for me. Anyway, I'll share just one more thing. Where I met my husband. I met him in an online support group. :noway: We both had had weight loss surgery. I had gastric bypass and he had duodenal switch ~ about 14 years ago. I lost great initially, but as everyone knows. It's not a quick fix and I neglected to check the lobotomy box on the surgical papers. :laugh: Subsequently, I gained much of what I lost. I'm not sorry I had the surgery. After all, I wouldn't have met my wonderful husband and I would have never had Izabella. Anyway, that's me. I've got 100+ to lose and I really just want to do this! :drinker:

    ~ Cindy ~
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I've never posted in here before, so I'll try it because I'm becoming discouraged.

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)
    -I have been craving junk food so badly, but not the traditional fried foods like I normally would have resorted to. I ate some trail mix, which helped but I'm wondering if my calorie count is still too low. I was at 1200 a day for the first month, and I recently bumped myself up to 1350 because I felt like I wasn't getting enough.

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    -My goals...I want to be able to fit comfortably on an airplane. I want to be able to go to Cedar Point without having to find a reason to avoid it because I didn't fit in the seats. I want to be healthy, and happy. I want to hit 199 pounds because I don't even remember being in the 100s.

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)
    -I wish I could walk into any store and find cute clothes that fit. I wish I didn't have to shop based on whether or not the store has plus sizes or not.

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)
    -I am craving pizza like no other, and I know that if I wanted to I could still eat an entire pizza on my own. (So hard to openly admit that.) I know I could have a slice, but I don't have anywhere I can just buy a slice from. So I'm going without because I don't want to tempt myself.

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?
    -I am actually heading to the gym after this. I do 3-4 days a week for at least an hour with a minimum of 30 minutes cardio. I actually eat better on the weekend than I do during the week because of my work schedule.

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)
    - I lost 5 pounds since last Sunday. While my tummy isn't really shrinking, people are starting to notice that my work clothes are fitting rather loose.

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)
    - Just started dating someone last week. He broke his hand and had surgery on Wednesday. Haven't really seen or spoke to him since Monday, which makes me worry. He says he's been sleeping nonstop and that he is getting sick, so I'm hoping he feels better soon. I miss him.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @alupinsk--welcome! It sounds like your calories are too low if you are always hungry, but it's hard to tell without viewing your food diary. My 1st question is are you logging your exercise and eating back those calories? B/c if you're exercising 3-4 days a week but NOT eating back those calories, that could account for the hunger. If you are eating them back, then maybe take a look at WHAT you are eating. Protein and fats tend to be better for satisfying hunger. Carbs are good too, but make sure more are whole grains than not. I'm not saying you can never eat simple sugars (I eat them every day!), but you can "spend" a lot of calories on a cookie or some cheetohs without getting much nutritional value which will leave you feeling hungry. Also, a couple hundred calories of veggies is a lot more food by volume than that cookie or even that piece of bread. A lot of us pre-log foods for the day to plan our calorie expenditures and it can really help to keep us from getting hungry or "running out" of calories too early in the day. Good luck and visit often for lots of support.

    @cindy--I see you are from NY. Some of us are planning a trip there next fall to join GorillaNJ for the Tunnel Tower 5k. Could be a good long-term goal for you to join us. :smile:

    @p1x--yay for looser jeans!! :drinker:

    @tammy--great job staying under all week. I came close, but not quite. :ohwell:

    @karenleona--great bike ride!!

    @laurie--sorry you didn't get your grading done, but a clean classroom is a nice accomplishment. Brian says "hello"--he's been super-busy at work recently, but mentioned he had heard from you and plans to message you back. I told him about the Tunner Tower 5k, and he's considering it.

    @kaye--I am in awe of you--you sound like superwoman to me--I could never take care of so many people! It's no wonder you lost track of what you ate in all of that craziness, but I agree with others that you probably balanced anything you ate with all of that activity.

    @felin--walking at the pumpkin patch is a nice compromise considering you weren't feeling well. At least you stayed active and the kids got to have some fun, too.

    Sunday Share:
    Since there are so many new folks. My name is Karen (not to be confused with karenleona) but you'll see some folks on here refer to me as "skinny." That's a misnomer if ever I heard one :laugh: , but it's just a shortened version of my username. I'm a HS English teacher in the suburbs of chicago which is why you'll see me post my grading goals--I'm a list-maker and it helps me to be productive.

    I've been on MFP for about 2 and a half years and joined this thread (or really the "original" robin's thread) in July 2011. I like all sorts of cardio, but running is my favorite--I enjoy doing various 5ks and obstacle 5ks. I'll never win b/c I'm super slow, but I'm really only competing with myself which I truly enjoy. Recently I've taken up lifting heavy doing 5x5 (I posted the list of exercises below so I don't forget what weights I'm at). I've also been trying to do more HIIT with the cardio machines b/c I discovered I have zero ability to sprint when I ran from zombies at Run For Your Lives a few weeks back. Thank goodness it wasn't a real zombie apocalypse,and I still have time to prepare! :laugh: I also walk my dog, gunner, daily--sometimes twice.

    Today I plan to walk gunner then head to the gym. Afterward, I will visit with my niece. I also need to clean my fish tank today--the filter is making a funny noise.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE+ gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--Oktoberfast 5K DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 90
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 45 (bar only b/c just added today)

    Upright row = 30 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 20 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 10 (dumbbell)
    Shoulder press = 10 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all! I'm still around! School been keeping me on my toes but I'm still around and tracking my food on here. I just haven't had much time to catch up on here. I started Qsymia a week ago (on my daughter's 6th birthday) and in the last week I've dropped 8 pounds :noway: I know I won't get these results every week but it has definitely been a great kick start for me. In one week I lost more than I lost all summer while working out every day. I am really hoping this will help get my metabolism going!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Naceto - I LOVE your new haircut and photo - you look stunning - just glamorous! Happy you have new shoes and I think 5000 steps is great!

    Kah - the stress in a person's life can throw everything off kilter - I'm glad the nutritionist addressed that as well. I find screaming at the top of my lungs effective - :laugh: although hard to find the proper environment to do so!

    jtconst - so glad Zeus doesn't have Parvo - you'll be great parents for him - he's adorable!

    mecuriocs - congrats on meeting your goal of going to the gym 3 times this week - that's terrific! Bet you feel great for doing that! Sorry to hear about your hubbie wrenching his back -hope it gets better quickly. Thanks for your Sunday Share. What an interesting story - I know you'll keep the weight off this time.

    Skinny - congrats to you and your friend Brian for doing the Octoberfast 5K 2 years running. I am so impressed!

    felinlove - its wonderful the pumpkin patch trip came up on a day you didn't feel good enough to go to the gym - cuz you got a workout in anyway - hope you feel better and the fresh air was good for you!

    Kaye - I once, only once fixed 3 meals for a family of farmers - cooking all day long like you describe, and it was such a hard and hot and tedious day, doing up the dishes in between meals, then starting the next! I don't envy you one bit! But I'll bet you burn a lot of calories in a day, cuz you sure don't get to sit much - and I'm glad you got your walk in with your daughter. Nice time to spend alone with her.

    Laurie - your deep-water aerobics reminds me that I need to get back in the pool and start limbering up myself. It just sounds good and its been weeks and weeks. I still hate walking thru the halls to get to the pool - my shyness factor, but I'll work on that. Like you say, its good for core strength.

    karenleona - biking AND mowing combined make for quite a healthy workout - I'm very impressed at your strength ! :drinker:

    pixynixy - (well, thats what I'm going to call you) way to go on your 3 lb weight loss! :bigsmile: and happy days are here when you are able to get those skinny jeans out of the closet! Happy for you!

    Alupinsk - so glad you've joined us - it is so easy to get discouraged along this long journey - I think its a good thing you've raised your calories. Have you tried eating more protein in the morning so that you can save calories into the evening? What is your most tempting time of day?
    I wouldn't entirely deprive yourself of pizza. I understand there is nowhere you can buy just one slice. But can you plan for the future and save up calories daily so that some weekend you can order a small pizza and split it with someone or freeze the other pieces?
    We'lre good at brainstorming here so bring on the questions!

    Sunday Share:
    I am Ellen - a 62y/o retired neurosurgeon's assistant, divorced, no kids, living in Omaha NE - I am a bit bohemian in lifestyle, as I notice my condo becoming more colorfully decorated as I live here longer, and I have been with MFP for a long, long time. I started this thread the day I started with MFP. I wish I could say I lost 100 lbs simply one right after the other easy peasy, but that would be lying. I lost weight, regained it over the first holiday season, (stopped logging food) lost weight again, regained it over the second holiday season (you would have thought I had learned!) but I did well this past holiday season and I'm well on my way now. The support I give to others by maintaining this thread is minute compared to the support I have received from the many participants here.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thank you, Friends, for lifting me up when I feel down. You help me remember that this is a process that has to fit into all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our lives.
    In answer the pizza question: I found some little individual size frozen pizzas for my grandson. He loves to have one for lunch and they aren't bad. Something like that might help satisfy the craving. One thing I have learned is that we have to make room for our favorite things in our diet or it will never work long term.
    There are so many new ones on here that I guess an introduction is in order today. I am Kaye. I live in extreme Western ID (so far west that OR is south of us) with my husband of 48 years. We have 7 children with spouses, & 14 grandchildren (#15 due in January). You will notice that a lot of my posts deal with family, because my life pretty much revolves around them. We tend 2 of our grandchildren during the week, a 5 year old boy, and his 7 month old sister. I do lots of needlework to keep my hands busy in the evenings. Its hard to eat when doing needlework.
    I joined MFP on 4 Sep 2012 prior to having my right knee replaced. I lost about 15 pounds before the surgery on Oct. 18. It was followed by my left knee in June of this year. I found Robin's Thread shortly after joining MFP. My friends are here a life savers. I can bounce ideas off of them, and they lift me up when I feel down. I need a sounding board! My weight loss philosophy is very simple. I am eating around 1200 calories a day. I don't worry about the other macros. I cook for a family and I am not willing to prepare separate meals for myself so I use portion control to keep the calories low. My exercise of choice is walking. I try to get in a walk every day. I am finding it increasingly hard to stay within my calories without using some of my exercise calories. My daughter pointed out that I am much more active now than I was, so that may be a factor. In addition to the weight loss, I am now wearing a size 14, down from 24-26. This works. Don't get discouraged!
    Come here and post often. I will be here for the rest of my life, because I can't do it alone and I refuse to gain the weight back.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    A bit about me...
    I've been on MFP for about two months. For three weeks I lost nothing, because I took my calories to low for my activity level. I raised them up and started losing weight. lol! I'm at the end of Jillian Michaels 30 DS... thank goodness!
    I'm married w/ three kids. They are 7,5, and 2. My world pretty much revolves around my family. I also work as a part time cook. I love reading everyone's story... its great motivation.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    The hunger comes and goes. For me, it's all about figuring out whether I'm hungry or bored. I am working on eating back my calories, but it's hard to eat so much anymore! (Never thought I would say that!) If I find that I'm hungry, I'll eat a protein bar, or have a snack, and it usually helps. I'm going away this weekend, and my best friend and I always get our favorite pizza, so maybe I'll finally get that! :)

    The cravings got especially bad around *that* time of the month, but they've subsided since. I think next month I may up my calories again to keep my body on its toes, but I find that I have a decent amount of energy, and I'm feeling great. :) Thanks for the welcome!

    ps. I never thought of freezing pizza!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm home!! I've missed checking in daily with everyone, but definitely read through the post to catch up with your daily journey. Lots of new folks - welcome!! I'm around for the next few weeks than I have a full week traveling again to Orlando for work. For the most part, I did OK. The resort had amazing food. I still found myself very cognizant with my choices trying to stay away from the bread or carb related foods focusing on proteins, salads, veggies, etc. . . I did enjoy a few desserts though, which were really good. I decided I didn't want to waste my calories on alcohol. I'm not a drinker anyway and normally just when I'm out, but decided it really wasn't worth it. They had an amazing fitness center and walking trails so I tried to squeeze something in each day. I'll step on the scale tomorrow AM. My goal is really just to maintain. Whether I gain or lose I'm OK with it because I'm learning. In the past, I would just eat or drink whatever and the fact that I seek out hotel's fitness centers is a big win itself.

    Sunday Share: I'm Susan, 44 (turning 45 this month - yikes!!), and a single mom to an amazing 11-year old son, Cyrus. We live in Henderson, NV, which is a suburb of Las Vegas. I'm the Director of Supply Chain & QA for Capriotti's Sandwich Shop.

    I started MFP in August 2012. I found this thread because I had 100+ lbs to lose. After lurking just a little, I started to post and realized how positive everyone was in this group. Other threads there was a lot of negativity, which I really didn't like to read. I really started to refocus in January 2012 at 325 lbs. I lost the first 30 lbs pretty fast. Major life change and I left my job of 12 years in Atlanta to take a job in Las Vegas (Caesars Entertainment). Through the move, stress, etc. . . I gained a little back and someone recommended MFP to me in August 2012. I was able to get down to 265 at one point. Unfortunately, I completely derailed over the holidays (Halloween through New Years).

    2013 brought more changes as I switched jobs for an awesome opportunity to grow with Capriotti's. I love what I do, but completely surrounded by food!!! I finally decided in August I had to get my butt in gear. If it wasn't for the support of these wonderful friends I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago and given up. On August 5th, I finally confessed to the gain (35 lbs) and started again at 300. Now 2 months later I'm down to 280. I started with a trainer, which I'm thoroughly enjoying. I've had to readjust my budget that's for sure, but it's been worth it to me. The trainer had me readjust my calories though because I wasn't eating enough. It scared me at first, but once I increased my intake I've started to lose again. Woo Hoo!!

    My goal right now is to focus on this upcoming holiday season. I feel like I'm under control this year and plan to continue losing to end 2013 strong.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Pizza question I found a weight watcher pizza that I really liked that was about 200 calories a slice I think. It has been a while since I brought one but it was really good.

    Karen it is great that Brian is thinking about joining us next year in New York. That would be awesome and I happy to hear that he will contact me soon. Sprinting is a hard thing to do when running, when I sprint I get out of breath a lot faster so I try to save it for the end of the run. You also use more energy when sprinting so it makes harder. Thanks to earlier trainers I started out with sprinting so I manage to find the energy to sprint at times but I still don't like it.

    Susan- Glad you had a successful trip exercise wise. Trainers are great especially when they know what they are doing, sounds like you found a good one. They are worth the expense.

    Grading goals
    7th grade labs- done but half were not turned in:explode:
    8th grade labs done:happy:
    7th unit test x/31
    8th unit test x/95

    I ran out of steam to grade today, just was not feeling it. Hopefully, I can accomplish the rest tomorrow at some point.

    Intro- I started this journey soon after I turned 40, when I decided it was time for a change. The first 6 months I did it on my own by going to the gym to walk and use weights. It helped some but progress was slow. The start of 2012 had me working with a trainer, who taught me a lot and jumped started the weight loss while providing guidance along the way. Over the next year and three months I lost about 67 pounds. I have been maintaining it for the past year and a half. I still want to lose more about another 40 lbs or so but I realize it will be difficult. I workout with a trainer who keeps me motivated and is attempting to get me to change my eating habits again. It is hard after being successful on a low carb, high protein diet now to switch back to a higher carb and lower protein meal plan. The carbs are mostly whole grains now.

    I teach middle school science so like Karen you will see me post grading goals to keep myself focused. I also post my exercise goals to keep me on track and to help plan my week. This thread has been a blessing in my life and I enjoy checking in with everyone on a daily basis, it is like an extended family and we understand the challenges that we all face during this journey.

    Exercise Goals
    Sunday- Rest day- I was too tired to workout today.
    Monday-Trainer for 30 minutes unless I get there earlier.
    Tuesday- Gym Cardio and weights
    Wednesday- Rest
    Thursday- Gym or pool (planning meeting at school all day)
    Friday- Rock Climbing (Conference in Baltimore all day)
    Saturday- Rest- Volunteering at Fall Harvest Festival

    This will be a busy week with after school meetings so hopefully I will get in all the exercise sessions.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--It looks like you made a good dent in the grading--it's always frustrating when you realize many students didn't turn in an assignment. :grumble: Yeah, it would be great if brian could join us next year. He and I also discussed doing a 5k in the spring--maybe a shamrock shuffle; this will be really helpful for me b/c I do a turkey trot and then nothing until May. I'm kind of a baby when it comes to running in the cold. Brian called me an "exercise diva" b/c I would rather run on a treadmill in a climate controlled environment than run outside. :laugh:

    @susan--congrats on doing so well with food and exercise while traveling. You are putting me to shame b/c I can't even keep to goal while at home. :blushing:

    @alupinsk--I'm also a boredom eater--especially in the evenings, so (like kaye) I try to find something to keep my hands busy while I'm watching TV in the evenings. Playing mindless computer games like candy crush and pet rescue seems to do the trick most days. Also, if I'm struggling to eat back my exercise calories I'll try a spoonful of peanut butter or some almonds--lots of protein and good fats in a calorie dense form.

    @p1xy--I did JM's 30ds this summer. Well, I started it and got through levels 1 and 2, but I was using online videos and level 3 is almost impossible to find. Regardless, I'm pretty sure JM is the devil. :devil:

    @kaye--I also plan to stay on MFP forever once I reach goal weight. Perhaps after maintaining for a long time I will cease logging every bite every day, but I'm sure I'll still use MFP regularly to stay on track.

    @robin--hope you make it back into the pool soon!

    @anna--good to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    AFM--Well, I got to the gym and visited my niece, but didn't get around to cleaning the tank. That will have to wait until tomorrow. My niece is adorable! She is funny with me b/c she doesn't see me as she sees the rest of my family. They live a lot closer so see her weekly. So every time she sees me, she acts all aloof but eventually can't stay away and ends up playing with me. I'm the aunt who brings her presents (usually book or shoes--my 2 favorite things!) and dances with her and throws her around or gives her horsey rides.

    My gym visit was productive. I added the overhead press and upped my weights on the upright row and bicep curl. I don't think I'll be increasing weight on the deadlift or bench press for awhile, but I anticipate adding a small increase on the squats and ohp very soon b/c they are a bit too easy with the bar only.

    There's was only one other person at the gym today, so I did my lifts in circuits mixed with my ab work. I usually do some alternating just so the workout doesn't take too long, but today I really had a nice circuit going and was actually sweating quite a bit before I even set foot on the treadmill. At that point, I just didn't feel like doing HIIT, so I ran 2 miles at a faster pace than normal. Usually I run at about 5.7 mph, but today I maintained 6.0 for almost the entire run--just a couple of 30-60 second walking breaks.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE+ gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--Oktoberfast 5K DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift + run on treadmill) DONE

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 90
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 45
    Overhead press = 45

    Upright row = 35 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 20 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • I think I'll follow your all's advice and avoid nutrisystems. I can't really afford it anyways xD

    Thank you all, sincerely, for the advice. Its a wonderful help.

    Sunday sharing... I went to the doctor yesterday because I had to call out of work (very rough day) and I discussed quite a bit with them. They think that I may have PCOS which in and of itself doesn't bother me because I don't want kids... but they said it makes it so much more difficult to lose weight. They suggested getting checked for it and said that the treatment alone would make me lose a lot. Honestly I'm terrified though... the thought of tests and stuff is... horrifying to me. They said that if I do have PCOS, it is still possible to lose weight, but it's much much harder. I guess I have no choice but to schedule an appointment tomorrow morning when I get up and hopefully, if I do have it, my insurance will cover the cost of the treatment.

    Monday check in: (doing this ahead of time in case I'm busy again tomorrow x.x) truthfully I haven't really had any significant successes or troubles this weekend relating to diet/exercise... but the stress has been overwhelming, to say the least. Hopefully things will have eased somewhat come tomorrow though...
  • jurisdrgirlfriend
    jurisdrgirlfriend Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Amy, and I've been on the site for awhile (up and down and all that), but am just now getting involved on the message boards. I liked reading your posts, and I thought this looked like a really supportive group. I started out weighing 285 and am clicking along at 260 now, thanks to the site and a whole lot of exercise (Couch to 5K, pilates, weights and swimming). I know how helpful it is to have friends and support for weight loss, particularly through holiday times, and I wanted to be that support for others as well as get a little for myself. As for Sunday's topic, I turn 40 on Wednesday, and honestly I am just excited to be dialed in on changing my lifestyle. It is the best birthday gift I could have given myself, and I want to keep doing the work and seeing results (never a consistently smooth process, I know). I hope to get to know some of you better in the coming months, and wanted to say thanks for creating this group. :)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Good evening all! I'm Tracy. I'm 40 with a husband and two kids. I work in Quality Improvement for a life insurance company out of my home in Bismarck, ND. I just started lifting heavy with my two sisters. One has been successful with this and the other is a brand new lifter like me. I joined MFP about a year ago after a rough weekend at an amusement park (I was able to do all the rides but one). But I wasn't quite ready for it. I actually started logging and exercising in January and did pretty well. Summer was rough for me and I gained back some of my weight.

    I'm back on track and doing well for the most part. I did have a cheat day today with celebrating my nephew's 6th birthday. I'm still struggling with balancing life (like most people). I'm a work in progress and learning more every day. Yesterday I had a success with going out with my sister. I logged my food as I ordered and found that I would be over my calories. I then made the decision to eat half my steak, only 2/3 of my potato. I even left some of my strawberry margarita in the glass. I made it under and realized that I had eaten plenty. If I can just remember to slow down, the stomach does register to my brain that I'm full. I just normally eat too fast to have it register. Like I said....learning every day!!

    Off to bed to get a good start to the week. Love being on here everyday and learning from others. Great thread and I miss it when I'm not at a computer. Here's to a great week!!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.
    @Susan~Welcome back, sounds like you had a successful trip with wise choices and exercise!

    @Kaye~I’ll be a lifetime MFP user as well, this journey doesn’t end when all the weight is lost – it takes a lot of work to be able to maintain it for the rest of our lives. Not only that, but I can’t imagine not keeping up with everyone here – they’ve become such an integral part of my life.

    @Robin~LOL, I wish screaming at the top of my lungs would make the stress go away. Exercise does help some, things will calm down in December.

    @Anna~Wow, what a great kickstart! I hope the meds continue to work for you.

    @p1xyn1xy~My trainer constantly tells me I don’t eat enough for my activity level, I know it’s a hindrance to consistent losses. I’m trying to do better.

    @Karen~My nephews are the same way. They live in CO so I only get to see them 3-4 times a year, when they first see me they look for a second then basically dog pile on me. :love: those crazy boys! It’s nice when you feel like you have the gym to yourself, great run!

    @Meisterkidd~I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20s, my doctor put me on birth control pills to treat the symptoms – took them for 20+ years. No sweat on the tests – just an exam, blood work, and ultrasound. There are more invasive procedures that can be done, but that is mostly reserved for extreme cases and for those wanting children. It is harder to lose weight, but it can be done.

    Since I missed Sunday Share~I’m Kelley, 44 (for another month), and an accountant in the healthcare industry living in a Dallas, TX suburb (transplant from upstate NY 17 years ago). I started this journey in my late 30s and lost 75# with weight watchers, it was good for me as a starting point, but I hit a wall. That is when a friend turned me on to MFP, shortly after joining I found this thread and these wonderful friends. Without them this journey would be so much harder, if not impossible. In June 2012 I found my trainer, who had helped me in so many ways – he’s so good about keeping me focused and constantly challenges me. I still look for ways to improve my program as I go along, you’ll see me post about that often. I’m an avid traveler, mostly by cruise ship – I love visiting so many different places in one vacation, not to mention being pampered for 1-2 weeks at a time! :laugh:

    Monday Check-in~Hit a milestone lifting with my trainer yesterday – 400# on leg press! :noway:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, elliptical
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Hike with trainer
    Saturday~Running drills either outside or at gym

    Have a great day!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday....

    I did a ton of walking this weekend but not so well on the food piece. I did however drink 7 glasses of water each day.

    @mymow- good luck on the other job and I think it is was horrible that they waited to tell you about the hours
    @JTconst- Zeus is very cute and I am glad he is doing better
    @Robin- Congrats on the weight loss
    Lauriek70- glad you got to enjoy a water class
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Reading through it looks like this group had a very productive weekend with lots of workouts... awesome on all of you!!!

    This weekend was crazy as always... but I got my workouts in, lifted on Saturday, hit my Bench Press Goals for the day... ran a flat trail 5k on Sunday. I finished in 27:54 that included a stop to tie my sneaker... I was not feeling great for the run though, I was tired, it was warm and rainy... I tried pushing my pace but was finding my breath was hard to catch and I was struggling more then I would like. My body was just not into it.... I have a 5k I am running in a month at a winery... I would really like to get my time under 26 for it.
  • meltinmomma
    meltinmomma Posts: 4 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Monday morning is my weigh-in. Despite an off weekend I was down 2.4 lbs this week. Not the greatest but I will take it!

    I struggled to stay on track this weekend. I stayed within my calorie goal but ate horribly including a chocolate bar and Jack In The Box.
  • meltinmomma
    meltinmomma Posts: 4 Member
    @Gorilla that's great! I hope to do my first 5K next year

    @kah68 I grew up in Fort Worth. I miss home so badly!