Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    That's the day we started too!
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    I can't run per my surgeon so I've never used one so I'm not help!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    So quick question guys. I am looking to download a c25k app and there are a ton. Any recommendations?

    @Tammy~Were you looking for Android or iOS? I have iOS and use the app 5K Runner, I tried it for free at first and then upgraded to the full version (I think it was $1.99 maybe). It tells you when to walk, when to run, and works with your own playlists.
  • seren1ty74
    seren1ty74 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi all, I have stalked the thread but I thought I'd start sharing. I'm Emily, 39, single, no kids, 1 cat. Looking to lose half my weight eventually.Working hard to stop my yoyo dieting cycle. Weekends are always a struggle with more free time on my hands. I tend to order take out and/or snack way too much since I am not as busy on Saturday or Sunday as I am during the week. Had a busy saturday with a super filling lunch on Saturday (meatballs with pesto over mashed potatoes) before seeing some theater. I didn't need dinner but had some veggies that were left over. Sunday I started well with a protein shake with blueberries, almond milk and protein powder. after some errands, i had nothing cooked, soooo my mind started wandering toward chinese food. I included some veggies but I had some fried items as well. I don't have the problem of being hungry later so i was filled up for the rest of the day. I kicked myself however because this always happens, whether i have food prepped or not. i would love some tips to try and combat my wandering mind toward take out menus… thanks and good luck all!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today has been a long day with no chance for a walk. Someone suggested maybe I needed a rest. Well, I guess today is it. DH had his semi-annual check-up with the urologist that removed his kidney cancer in Mar. 2011. He has a clean bill of health. That is always good to hear. Dr. says that by this point he has a 95% chance of remaining cancer free.
    Not much else to report. We were able to work the dr. trip in between meals so I didn't have to deal with eating out. The calories are looking good for the day. Maybe I'll even have a little treat this evening. My calories for the weekend were a bit high so its good ot have a low day. I don't purposely zigzag my calories, but it sure seems to happen a lot.
    So happy to have so many new people joining us. We can only help you if come and post often!
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone--welcome to all of the newlings and welcome back to some old faces! :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:
    Well today was a crazy day of too much to do and too little time to do it. I feel like I was running around all day and still ended up staying after school to get some work done. Before I knew it, I looked up and it was 5:30. :noway: I almost never stay after school that late. Even when I have a lot of work to do, I prefer to leave school and head to starbucks for a change of scenery. I still ended up bringing a bunch of grading home, but I'm not feeling the motivation to do any of it. :ohwell:

    In addition, I still haven't cleaned my fish tank, and I don't think it will get done tomorrow either since I have a union meeting after work.

    On the bright side, I had a really great discussion with my AP students about the essay they read on Friday. They are such incredibly bright group this year. I have to keep reminding myself of that when I'm whining about grading all of their papers. :wink:

    I'm going to skip personals tonight in hopes that maybe I'll get some more grading done.

    Grading goals:
    1. x/73 AP Frost journals
    2. x/73 AP Grendel reflections

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 90
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 45
    Overhead press = 45

    Upright row = 35 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 20 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • mercuriocs
    @skinnyjeanz ~ I would love to join you guys in NY. I most likely will be cheering you on on the sidelines though. :flowerforyou: I don't have the knees for running, let alone walking. I've got one knee that needs to be replaced now and the other isn't far off. The doctor won't do it at my weight and quite honestly... I can't blame him. :cry:

    @AnnaMW2013 ~ Congrats! Fabulous weight loss! :drinker:

    @Kah ~ Transplant from upstate NY huh? I think I'm jealous! LOL! I need to get out too! :bigsmile:

    @pienthesky ~ Congrats on your weightloss! You've done fabulous!!!! :flowerforyou:

    @susan2396 ~ Sorry you had such a rough morning. :ohwell: Hopefully the rest of the day turned around. Quest Bar? Have not heard of them. I'm always looking for protein bars or shakes that taste good. I've got the shake down pat, but not the protein bar yet. LOL! Do you purchase them online?

    @Lurve ~ Fabulous weight loss! :drinker:

    @tlh0407 ~ Sorry your rental fell through. :frown: I'm glad you picked yourself up though. I know how easy it is just to react and then do what we know. I'm guilty of it myself. I just need to step back. Take 30 mins to think about it and hopefully I'll have talked myself out of a bad choice. Tomorrow will be better! :smile:

    @grandmakay44 ~ Yes, we all need a rest sometime. So glad your hubby got that clean bill of health! :smile:

    AFM ~

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Well, I'm doing rather well. I made a full week OP and was rewarded with an 8 lb weight loss!!! :love: The 200's are just in the distance. I can see them. Really I can! I also met my exercise goals. The weekends are difficult though. I just want to EAT. Fortunately, I did not. I've got this! :drinker:

    ~ Cindy ~
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- Great job on your 5K time. I will get there soon if I keep plugging along.

    Anna- We are still in the first marking period, mine will end on Nov, 3 and conferences are the week of Thanksgiving. We don't get out of school until the middle of June. The AG is making noise about starting schools after labor day and ending them around memorial day, but that will spark an interesting discussion. I would like to start school later than Aug. 27 for kids and get out sooner for summer. Are they adjust the length of your school day or limiting the number of days off during the summer?

    Karen- Let me know about the Shamrock 5K, it might be worth checking out and I could possibly join you and Brian. Like you I prefer to workout in comfortable conditions, I am not a hot weather person. I will see how I do running in the cold in November if I do a jingle bell 5K.

    Kelley- 400# on the leg press-- WOW and CONGRATS.:drinker:

    Karen, Kelley, Kaye, Robin et. al- I will also be a lifer on this thread. I realize that this will a life long journey for me and the on-going support is so important to me. In addition, I love the friendships that we have been forming over the past year or so, I can't imagine my life without everyone.

    Welcome back to so many familiar faces and welcome to the new people. Like someone else said post often, it really helps.

    Advice for starting out-log every thing you eat and be honest with yourself. We all struggle with this from time to time but you will start to see patterns forming that can help you overcome the obstacles. Find an activity that you love and do that several times a week, while you gradually add other exercises to your routine. Movement helps to lose the weight.

    Check in- Tonight, my trainer had me complete a mini-indoor triathlon tonight and I had a blast and I am still feeling up for it. We completed 10 minutes of swimming arms, 15 min bike and 10 run. This is in prep for the indoor tri that I want to do on Oct. 20. I am just hoping that TOM will stay away it is to close for comfort at that date. I hope I wind down soon so I will sleep tonight otherwise it will be a very long night.

    I still have lots of grading to do as I did not get it accomplished today much less anything else. Between meetings during planning and after school then getting to the gym, I accomplished very little today. Tomorrow, I hope the speakers on my computer work and the movie plays correctly. Hopefully the computer tech can get the speakers working right tomorrow before school provided she is at school.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I've been so good for so long but today I blew it and had a milkshake from a fast food place before a mock job interview I was having - I was so nervous I decided to reward myself. And it apparently helped because I did quite well at the interview I was told. THis is all through the agency that is helping me find work. Slow going - very slow going. I have to attend several more counseling sessions before I go out on actual job interviews. (Which is good because I still have to buy an interview outfit :grumble: )

    Didn't work out today but intend to work out in the morning. There I said it - I have to hold myself responsible.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    :angry: Well, I've been thrilled to step on my scale this morning to a 4 lb gain. TOM is being quite mean to me this month. I will reevaluate my numbers if it doesn't come back down in a few days. grrrrr......
    I also finished today, my last day on the 30 day shred. I was so out of shape when I started. I'm very proud of myself. :):blushing:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hello Friends fighting the fat! It has been a rough could of days for Gorilla, and I am not sure its turning around for the better the next couple days either. BUT I am continuing to kick @$$ at the gym best I can. Last night I beat my goal for squats on 3 rep nights. When I got to the top weight my brain stopped me from going all the way down... I reset myself and forced me to do it! And I did.. 3 times. So that gives me a week to get mentally ready to for for a new PB in squats 300lbs with GOOD FORM! I got up this morning and hit the gym... was thinking stairmaster but after two minutes my legs were screaming at me so I moved on to do 30 minutes on the elliptical working up to the highest resistance. Legs are tired but feeling pretty good so far.

    Kelly- 400 on leg press! That is bad *kitten* all the way! Now the big question is how much are you squatting? That leg press machine can be really bad for your back if you are not careful...

    p1xy -- Congras on the 30 day shred completion! Dont worry about that blip on the scale keep working hard.. whats the next program?

    Robin-- !!!!! Pre-interview gym skip and milkshake? Come on! You can do better then that! Good job on the interview though.

    Laurie- that sounds like a cool workout.. mini-tri! Oct 20 is right around the corner.. are you ready for it?

    Merc- Great on the 8lb loss! Keep doing what your doing!

    Skinny-- such a busy life as an AP teacher!!!

    meltinmomma - Find a 5k and sign up for it today! Having it on your calendar can really help push you! The bulk of the weight I lost was all around the Tunnel to Towers race which was 09/2011 I trained for it close to a year.

    Pie- Nice job with the loss over the weekend!

    Susan-- nothing like a lap full of shake to get your day moving! LOL Tuesday will be better... if not you need a helmet.

    Anna- bullying is a tough issue...especially for weight for us to deal with directly.. or at least I feel that way when kids call other on the football team fat (actually they called him pork chop) We all talked to the kids about bullying and friendship and team mates... but really the kid could really use to lose 40lbs....

    serenityifa74 - Takeout is a tough temptress... especially on weekends. Do you have a workout routine you follow on the weekends too? That helps me, I make sure both days I have some sort of workout planned
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning! Wow, lots of newlings checked in yesterday – welcome to all.

    @Susan~What a rough morning, hope the rest of the day was better. I’ve just discovered Quest bars, I heard about them and found them at GNC over the weekend. They are a bit pricey though – I’ve tried the cookie dough so far, I have chocolate brownie to try today.

    @Cindy~Best move I ever made, followed my parents back to Texas after 27 years in NY. I love it here! I wouldn’t trade the heat of summer here for the cold of winter there for anything! :laugh: Quest bars are high protein (20g) & high fiber (19g) bars, you can find them at health food stores – gluten free, sugar free, sugar alcohol free, soy free. They are low in digestible carbs as well. Wow, what a stupendous loss this week!!! :flowerforyou:

    @Gorilla~Amazing 5k time! Good question. My trainer adjusts things so I don’t put too much pressure on my back or my knees and has me do shorter bursts – I think if I had done a deeper squat I may not have gotten back up. :laugh: Every once in a while he puts a lot of weight on there to see if I can do it, I think I surprise us both sometimes! :wink:

    @Tracy~Sorry you lost the potential to rent your house. Have you considered renting through your realtor? A couple of friends of mine do that and so far have had really good luck.

    @Kaye~So glad to hear your husband got a clean bill of health!

    @Laurie~Quite a workout with your trainer, great though – I bet you’ll do great at that indoor tri, you do all of those activities fairly regularly.

    @p1xyn1xy~Did you take measurements before starting 30DS? The gain could be TOM like you said but may also attributed to muscle you gained during the program – losing inches is a better measurement of loss than the scale (IMO). Congrats for finishing it!

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, elliptical DONE! Did walk/run outside instead, was so nice out!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Hike with trainer
    Saturday~Gym or outside running drills
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good Morning :flowerforyou:

    I walked almost 10,000 steps yesterday and drank 80oz of water :love: . Besides the lunch catered at my job my food wasn't bad. I learned that I can make a mean mushroom and swiss burger no more eating it out. Goal today is to get in 8 glasses of water.

    @Tlh0407- Sorry about your house situation. Best wishes on selling.
    @Grandmakaye- Great news on you DH health
    @Mercuriocs- Awesome loss:bigsmile:
    @LaurieK- What a great workout - good luck with grading
    @Robin- Glad the mock interview went well.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning guys. Sounds like everyone started the week off fairly well. I had a bit of a rough start food wise and after such a great week last week but I am not letting that start any kind of chain reaction this time. I am up early and at my brothers to get the kids off to school. My son has been watching them for the last couple of weeks while he job hunts but he has an interview this morning so I am covering for him. Hopefully the interview goes well since it sounds like it could be a fairly good job. Once he gets back from that I am back off to the gym finally. I am going to do strength there and then cardio with the dogs as long as it isnt raining. I was researching the two breeds my puppy is while hubby was in with the dentist yesterday and we could have our hands full. He is going to need lots of exercise and stimulation to be a well behaved dog, but hey I know someone else who needs lots of exercise:tongue: He isnt ready for walks or anything yet but my little pom is more then willing to go with me right now and then when he gets a little older I will take him out and so will my son so he should be good.
    Robin glad the mock interview went well. Dont be to hard about your lapse yesterday just brush it off and do better today. You know this though so just have a great day.
    Laurie an indoor tri sounds like a lot of fun. Cant wait to hear how it goes.
    Kaye happy to hear the hubby is doing well. Cancer is just so scary.
    Tracy sorry the rental didnt work out. Might have been for the best though since things like that could have put a strain on the friendship.
    Gorilla you are always amazing me when I hear about your workouts. You are setting an amazing example for those boys of yours.
    Kah thanks for the advice on apps I will check it out today.

    Welcome to all the new faces. I hope to keep seeing you posting and share in the many successes you have coming.

    AFM: Todays big goals are to make it to the gym and to get the house back in order. I dont know how it gets so out of hand so quickly but time to sort it all out again. Have a great day everyone.:heart::drinker: :drinker:
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Good morning everyone! Great start to the week. I just scheduled my first physical therapy appointment for my knee and I've packed lunches for the entire week ahead of time so I haven't been tempted to eat out.

    I'm hoping that they tell me that I can at least walk on the treadmill with my knee brace and don't have to wait.
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Did great with my food yesterday...just gotta get back up to speed with exercising. I can do this :)
  • seren1ty74
    seren1ty74 Posts: 171 Member
    @gorilla - yes, I Jazzercise on the weekends, so thats a 860+ burn. I just need to occupy my time differently post-workout.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    joined a local walking/biking group to try and get out of the house more. going for a 5 k walk tonight, biking tomorrow and walking the next two days. Hopefully i will not jam out like i usually do. For some reason i am avoiding the gym and working outside or walking while i can. One day i am going to have to bite the bullet and go back regularly
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Well - no Zumba for me. Went to pay my registration fee yesterday for tomorrow's class and was told the class was full. this after I called to check before I drove there. Guess i am just not looking good enough for that group. Tough for them. My friend told me that if they let seniors and/or kids into the class it was not very much fun so i was better off without it. She should know as she has done both the senior style Zumba and the regular one and she is a senior. Do not know but it is my new excuse and I am sticking with it. Phooey to them.

    It was United Way kick off at the office today and lots and lots and lots of baked goods and candy in the place.Will be that way for a month now and then Christmas so the junk food in the office is officially here till January. Such fun!! I ate a cookie-white chocolate and macadamia nut. Actually I ate 2 of them. logged the calories and it was 260 calories for both. Ate salad for lunch. and home-made chili for dinner. Walked 30 minutes. Came in under goal. Got a stomach ache at work by the time I was ready to go home. have not had a stomach ache since I started MFP. Not pleasant. Cannot do that again.

    Robin I Cannot see that a milkshake would kill an entire weight loss journey. Not enough calories to even make up one pound i.e. 3600 calories. No use beating yourself up over that one, Exercise before stressful things - ie good brisk walk around the block before an interview does wonders - better than ice cream and no guilt. Just be careful not to walk so fast that you show up at the interview perfuming. This is what I do before I have to write an exam and it works for me. i always have my sneakers with me in the vehicle so I can go for a walk before I put on dress shoes and do the stressful thing.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    I've been so good for so long but today I blew it and had a milkshake from a fast food place before a mock job interview I was having - I was so nervous I decided to reward myself. And it apparently helped because I did quite well at the interview I was told. THis is all through the agency that is helping me find work. Slow going - very slow going. I have to attend several more counseling sessions before I go out on actual job interviews. (Which is good because I still have to buy an interview outfit :grumble: )

    Didn't work out today but intend to work out in the morning. There I said it - I have to hold myself responsible.