Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- I know I am ready for an indoor tri. The timing is a 10 min. swim, 30 min bike (spin), 20 min. run (treadmill). I am trying to figure out if I want to spend the night in Columbia or just stay home and get up really early about a 45 min. trip up. I have been swimming regularly for about a year, it is just a matter of sticking with the same strokes usually free or breast for the whole time. The treadmill will be the most difficult since I don't like to run on a moving surface but I can do it. The scary thing is that Oct. 20 is just 2 weeks away. Great job with the squats.

    Robin- Great job with the mock interview today. We all need a milkshake once in a while and my favorite is a chocolate shake. Just don't make it a habit to often.

    KarenL- Enjoy the outdoors as long as you can, the gym will be there when the winter gloom strikes and you need a place to workout. Love the biking and hiking group that must be a lot of fun.

    It is strange, I was totally scared for the 5K run but this indoor tri is catching my interest and I want to do it. I think it has something to do with the time limits for each event and it is the distance I am capable of doing in that time. I also think the 5K has boosted my confidence in what I can accomplish. In reality, I have been training for an event like this for a about an year, I just need to put events together in the next two weeks.

    Goal- To survive this week with the kids. 7th grade ughhhhhhhhh:mad: :grumble: :explode: :mad: :explode: :grumble: :angry: They are a very tough group who has no impulse control. This week I am suppose to be out 2 days which normally would be fine but I need to do a lab with my 8th graders on Thursday and I don't want to leave it with a sub. I may attempt to get the lab done on Wednesday with 2 of my classes then they can take notes on Thursday. That way I can spend first period in my classroom before I join the other 7th grade teachers for a planning session. I just hope it is a productive day.

    Exercise goal- To put together two exercise at least 1 more time this week, ideally 2 times.
  • jurisdrgirlfriend
    jurisdrgirlfriend Posts: 10 Member
    So quick question guys. I am looking to download a c25k app and there are a ton. Any recommendations?

    Hi Jt: I recommend the Lolo 5K app. It is guided by Jeff Galloway, who is a former olympic runner and renowned trainer. It eases you into running using the run/walk method he has developed, and lets you use your own music. It even adjusts the tempo of your music to match your pace, if you want it to. Good luck with the running, I'm in the same boat!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @laurie--I don't know how you do it with those middle-schoolers! People think teaching HS students is scary, but I think your age group is much tougher. At least my 11th and 12th graders have some level of maturity (well, most do). Good luck planning for those meeting days--it's such a hassle to plan for a sub. I know you'll do great on the indoor tri--those times will be a cake-walk for you at your current level of fitness. :smile: I will keep you posted on our plans to do a spring 5k. It would be great if you could come visit and join us!!

    @kooky--snacks in the office are so annoying!! We all bring snacks for our b-days and there are a few folks who can't seem to resist a stop at the donut shop on the way to work. :grumble: I'm usually pretty good at resisting the donuts, but when some of my colleagues bring home-baked goods, it's really hard to resist. I find I do much better if I have a lot of healthy snacks on hand, but that's sometimes easier said than done.

    @karenleona--I agree with laurie--enjoy the nice weather while you can!!

    @serenity--good luck with getting into a good weekend routine!

    @bj--do you have a form of exercise that you enjoy? a gym membership? I think getting started is the hardest part--once you do so, it feels more like a reward than work. I've reached the point where I an angry when I don't have time to work out. Today, for example, I didn't get home in time to even walk my dog. I'm so exhausted from a long day of work and meetings that I'm skipping my exercise, but I'm not happy about it. :angry:

    @beachgirl--what kind of knee injury do you have? I had to go through PT for my knee a couple of years ago and I was allowed to continue running, so I'm crossing my fingers that you can at least do some walking.:flowerforyou:

    @tammy--my pup also needs lots of exercise to be a well-behaved boy. If gunner doesn't get his walk, he's very cranky! He doesn't actually do anything too bad--but he's annoying to say the least! :laugh:

    @holly--woohoo for so many steps and so much water!! :drinker:

    @kelley--wow, that leg press is impressive!! I remember being able to press 400+ when I was in college, but my knee can't handle it. Maybe if I ever have the $$ to hire a trainer to teach me those adjustments in form, I can pick it back up again.

    @gorilla--great job on the squats!! :drinker:

    @p1xy--I agree with gorilla--don't sweat the small fluctuations on the scale--just keep at it and the general trend will be downward. Very proud of you for finishing 30DS!! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--congrats on the great interview!! A milkshake once in a blue moon isn't a big deal--you know it won't derail you. Did you make it to the gym this morning? :wink:

    @cindy--even if you just come to cheer us on, it would be fun. And who knows where you will be a year from now...:smile:

    @all of the teachers talking about marking periods and conferences--we are on semesters and our first quarter ends at the end of this month. However, like laurie's, our parent/teacher conferences aren't until November. We have 2 dates--one the 1st week and 1 the week before thanksgiving, I think.

    Tuesday Goals:
    I had to stay late for some meetings tonight and didn't get home until it was already dark. That means no walk for gunner b/c of all of the skunks and other critters on the prowl. :ohwell: He's pretty feral when it comes to hunting, and it makes him hard to control if we see "unusual" wildlife like skunks, raccoons, or opossums. Although I'm disappointed, I'm so tired that it's hard to be too upset.

    I'm still working at getting through some journals for my AP kids, and tomorrow I collect their next papers. At least this current unit is a longer one which means more time to grade them before the next essay.

    I will be a little over today (snacking on Hershey's dark chocolate miniatures during my meetings :blushing: ), so my goal is to make up for it with my workout tomorrow. I have another (shorter) meeting after school, but then I will walk gunner and head to the gym for an extra-long work out. I need to really make it count b/c I have a social event after school on thursday.

    Grading goals:
    1. 15/73 AP Frost journals
    2. 15/73 AP Grendel reflections

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 90
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 45
    Overhead press = 45

    Upright row = 35 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 20 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everybody - Skinny just did such a great job on personals I'll just say ditto to what she said :laugh:
    Thanks everyone for the support on my mock interview yesterday and supporting my little slip with the milkshake. I knew it wasn't going to derail my overall efforts - but I have to view it as something "other than normal" so I don't get into the habit of having them! Boy was it tasty - so definitely a habit I don't want to return to.

    I finally got my weight lifting work out done at 9 pm after just eating dinner - way later than planned for either, but got it done nevertheless. Learned first hand why not to work out on a full stomach. Blech. ::sick: just doing squats , overhead presses and bent over rows.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Today was a rest day (thank goodness). I plan on hitting the gym in the AM before work to get my intervals done. Also, I've got 100 squats due for my October Squat Challenge. My trainer, Nicola, has it going on this month for her trainees. We text the group once we've completed them each day.

    I actually left work a "little" early and enjoyed an afternoon flick. Our office manager who I really like asked if I wanted to skip out with her. We both put in crazy extra hours so we thought why not. It started at 4:15 so not too bad. We saw Grace Unplugged, which was a cute movie and nice family story. It's kind of nice to not have violence, vulgarity, etc. . . in a movie.

    I'm exhausted tonight and to get to the gym at 4:30 a.m. I need to get to bed immediately I hope everyone sleeps well tonight (especially Kelley) whose been struggling. Let's make GREAT food choices tomorrow. I don't want anyone over their calories. Myself included. We've got this!!!!!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbo - I have nothing holding my right patella in place so I'm going to physical therapy to build the muscle around it. I can walk fine though it hurts going up the stairs and it doesn't help that my house is 4 floors. I've got a great knee brace that I don't have any problems walking on it normally, I just want to double check that I can get on the treadmill which I'll find out tomorrow.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Wed-

    My wish is that I could get motivated to do my homework this week. I start Zumba again this week it is offered free 2 nights a week at my job. I have signed up for both days until the end of the month.

    @Robin- No matter how late at least you got a workout in.
    @Lauriek- Kids that age are so unpredictable the only prediction is that they will be restless
    @Skinny- Sounds like walking Gunner at night could be more of a run and chase :smile:
    @Susan- Glad you could get away for a movie
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I had a good workout this morning with my over head press... I met my goal and went for a new 1 lift personal best...
    I had to use my legs a little bit to get the bar above my chin... so I am only giving myself partial credit on the OHP today. Worked my shoulders really hard though so I am glad for that. Squat day DOMS from Monday were really setting in last night and this morning Im walking kinda funny! It is a good feeling to know making muscle!

    Lauriek70- you will do great on your indoor tri! If my gym had a pool I would so make that into a workout!

    skinny- Well the rest from walk day will serve you well for your big workout today! Good idea avoiding the skunks, I had a dog get skunked in the mouth on a camping trip... NOT a fun ride home in the rain!

    serenityifa74 - LOL I could never imagine myself in a jazzsersize class! Glad you enjoy it!

    BJCamp- Get your workout in today!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, My wish today is that I could find out why I can't sleep!
    Everything is good except for that. Calories continue to zigzag, and I'm getting my walks. It was really cold this morning when I walked Keith to school. I'm glad its only 3 blocks and glad baby can stay at home with Grandpa.
    DD loves middle school age kids. All I have to say is that its a good thing someone does! In the battle of brains and hormones, the hormones will win every time! Hang in there.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Good Morning!
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! :happy:
    Wednesday-wish day. hmmmm....
    If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. There are so many things I want, but most if I put the effort in I could get myself. Then it seems like a bad wish. How about a magical ten pound drop that never regains or bobs up and down on the scale like a yoyo?
    I'm operating on very little sleep, have a great day everyone!!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello - I'm up and have gotten my squats done this morning - but my shoulders are aching so didn't do my arms workout. I fell asleep in the recliner again and did my usual -watch the news for an hour from 3 am to 4 am then went to bed - I must break that habit.

    Weds Wish - that I learn to go to bed before I fall asleep in my chair - so simple!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi again- Does anyone know if you can change the exercise to just track calories burned and miles walked. My ipod keeps tracking time even when I am sitting but it only counts calories, steps and miles while moving. So right now I know i walk a 3.0 mph pace and I just keept marking minutes till I match calories burned on my Ipod.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I think it's going to be my reminder word for quite some time. Patience. The scale moved down -1.1 lbs so I'm happy. Lord knows I wish it was faster, but Lord knows it's not going to happen. One pound at a time. Even though I'm working out harder than I ever did and eating so much better, the scale is so slow. I know I need to keep up with my measurements (thanks for the reminder Kelley) because I'll probably see it in other areas of my life first. Clothes are fitting better. I do feel better about myself. I'm feeling stronger. I just can't let that three digit number get me frustrated, sad, depressed, etc. . . it's just a number and does not define me. I'm stepping down from my soapbox for now.

    I did have a great workout this morning. I'm still in awe that I'm getting my butt on the elliptical at 4:30 a.m. I did 30 minutes with intervals than 4.0 on the treadmill for 30. It actually felt really good to push a little harder. I plan to do the same tomorrow AM then perhaps swim Friday AM and rest on Saturday or at least that sounds good to me. LOL!!!

    @ Robin - Nice job on the squats. I still need to get mine in today, which is 100. The challenge has been really good for me.

    @p1xyn1xy - Cute analogy. I like it!!

    @ Kaye - Your kids and grandbabies are so lucky to have you. I would love for my parents to be closer even though Cyrus is 11. He's the only grandchild and my sister lives with me. They have chatted about moving to Vegas when they retire, but I know my dad is pretty settled with his life in Sarasota too. I love it down there and it gives us a great beach getaway. Cyrus and I are going for Christmas for a week. We can't wait!!!

    @ Gorilla - I think I would pay to see you Jazzercise. Oh the giggles we would have. LOL!!! Awesome workout today. So proud of you!
  • Helenavee42
    Good afternoon. What a week it has been so far. I've been eating well and exercising.I'm going to have to start doing my walk/runs around my neighborhood again to save some on gas.

    Wednesday wish: I wish that things happening at work will be figured out and everything will turn out for the best. Seriously if they don't I'm leaving.

    I will catch up on here later.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. Hope you are all having a great day. Mine is tripping right along. Had a good breakfast and a yummy snack. I got the house picked up and laundry almost all done and the dogs bathed. I am trying something the vet recommended. She said to bathe them in dawn and the fleas will have trouble staying attached and keeping their eggs from sliding off. The whole flea situation is driving me nuts.My pom and my cat are on frontline now but the manufacturers say it takes 3 months of continuous of use before they gaurantee no infestations. Then there is the puppy who is to young for anything. The fun times never end with pets and kids :laugh:
    I think my wish for today is just that I can stay consistent in the eating department like I wsa before. I have been doing fairly well the last couple of days. Have a great day everyone.:heart::drinker:
  • izzie_loves_2_run
    I'd personally like to lose 10 pounds this month. only because I've been 174-170 for about a month. I usually drop 2-3 pounds a week. I go up and down in weight and i'd really like to be 160lbs on Novemeber 16, 2013. its my 2nd year anniversary with my husband. its been over two years since ive been in the 100's period. So I'd like to for the first time in what seems like for ever be 160 again and wear something that will have him drooling. he's very proud of my weight loss so far but I'd like to also reach this goal for me! I know that i'f I can get to 160 pounds then my goal of being 130-135 is not moons away anymore. Iv'e hit a hault in the weight loss maybe because I am building muscle or just not eating enough. I'd like to change this ASAP and get back on track. Being over weight has completely abused my self esteem and confidence. I was 266lbs April of this year and that was the biggest I have ever been. seeing myself in a picture next to my hsuabd who is 130lbs really was a breaking point for me. I was literally two of him. Does anyone have any advice to help me reach my 10 pounds in 4 weeks? id really just like to be somewhere in the 160's heck i'd be happy with 4 punds at this rate!
  • izzie_loves_2_run
    You can log it on here. 3 mph times how ever many minutes you walk based off your current weight will make your total calories burned.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    OK - I feel good - I got my upper body work out done this evening after supper. I seem to have some nerve problem in my left hand that is coming from nowhere = it feels like carpal tunnel syndrome type nerve tingling - its probably related to my PMR so I'm hoping it will just go away - so I'm changing my WEDS WISH to that!

    Have enough calories left to drink a little vino tonight so gonna hit it!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am totally exhausted today and emotionally drained on top of it. I am so disappointed today and not due to weight. I received an email from the guidance counselor saying they were going to move my problem student starting tomorrow. I was so happy, it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. Then couple of emails later, I get word that they can't move the student at this time, another student is taking priority. Needless to say, I started crying it only took a few minutes to dash my hope. I did speak to my principal today after school and was crying in front of him. He asked what was causing the most stress in my life- simply answer that student. He said they will move him but I just need to give it a few more weeks--I fear that means never. :explode: :explode: :explode: They will continue to find excuses not to move him and I should look on it as a growing experience. NO, it will be motivation to find a new job next year and new school or career. While I like the school, I do NOT want this group of students again. They are the worst I have had in years. Today, they did book work with vocabulary, with NO TALKING and NO GROUP WORK. This will be norm until they can learn proper behavior.

    Luckily, my planning session was cancelled for tomorrow due to lack of subs so that make my life easier. Now, my 8th graders get to do a lab instead of book work tomorrow.

    Wish- that the student gets removed sooner rather than later.

    Have a great night and may everyone get a good night sleep.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~Wow, I am so sorry you are having such a stressful year with these troublesome students. I really hope the principal finds a way to remove this one student sooner rather than later. Sending you cyber hugs! :flowerforyou:

    @Susan~You have really kicked things into gear, I'm so proud and amazed by you!

    @Helena~Great job with the food this week and the exercise. I hope the stresses at your job iron out soon.

    @Holly~I don't think you can bypass the minutes, but you can just use an arbitrary number and if you know the calories burned just enter those when you log the activity.

    Wednesday Wish~For more restful sleep, as usual. :wink:

    Had a great workout with my trainer, my knee had been aggravating me today so we started out with him analyzing the situation - mostly internal swelling. So we took it easy on my knees today, did a lot of core and upper body stuff. Still a great workout, as always.

    Now, I'm tired so headed to bed like a good girl. I'll catch up with more personals tomorrow. Have a great night!