Help fat and depressed

Hi I am yet again going to start a diet, will be starting Monday and trying so hard to get in the mode, so so so fed up with myself , I am 10lb heavier then last time I started on here, just cant get motivated, and if I am being really honest I am digusted with myself, ashamed to go out , hate anyone looking at me and feel so unfit, I really really really just want ME back, to gain self confidence and self worth,, to fell attractive again, to feel normal, not just a big fat lump of lard that hides away, I MUST DO IT THIS TIME . Any support appreciated thank you x Oh by the way 55 years old 220 lbs if not more will find out Monday and want to get to 140 lb.


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Friend request sent.
    Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as you're going to start watching what you by eat by looking at the calories going in, and make a few more contentious choices. That maybe you're going to start taking walks simultaneously....It's a lifestyle change.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    FR sent! Can so empathise with you! Lots of us do this and I know I am gonna get the weight off, get fitter and keep it off this time! Determined!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Why wait till Monday? Motivation comes from within so the only person who can do that is yourself. Others can inspire and support but a lot needs to come from you. Also Motivation is fleeting it comes and goes so you need to put in place habits so that when you have no motivation you still do the best things.

    Set reasonable calorie goals don't deprive yourself don't be scared to have the occasional piece of chocolate or whatever in moderation. You need to be thinking long term about how you will maintain when you get to a weight you are happy with so the way you eat on this 'diet' needs to be one you can sustain. You are capable of doing this because many others have before you

    Good luck and if you've not seen it this thread is helpful
  • lizmedrano
    lizmedrano Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Jackson123,

    You are already making the first step by joining MFP. I find setting daily goals, logging everything, and not letting mistakes get to me works best. I am early on my progress. Each day is a new opportunity to reach my mini goals. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. I am 48, weigh 177 and want to weigh 140-145.

    I wish the best for you! Theodore Roosevelt wrote " With self discipline anything is possible".... and Audrey Hepburn wrote " Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible"

    Each day I look for a positive quote and write it down in my journal.... I find that helps me to stay positive and on track..:drinker:
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    Friend request sent! This is a one day at a time type of thing. Set small attainable goals otherwise the whole thing becomes completely overwhelming. You can do it! And I agree with what someone mentioned above - don't wait until Monday. Start today. Start right now.
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    Hey there! Welcome back! I can relate to this, and know exactly how you feel. You will gain confidence as you get going and see all that you can accomplish once you focus and get into a healthy lifestyle routine The toughest part is getting started. I started much heavier than I am now and although I have gained some's something I still have to consciously work on a lot of the time. Feel free to add me, I still struggle with this too and maybe we can help each other through it. Good luck on your journey, you can do it...just focus on your strengths and try to ignore that hater inside your head!
  • Rabid_Hamster
    Rabid_Hamster Posts: 338 Member
    So let's start with the positives... You have a will to change something you don't like about yourself AND you have the ability to make it happen.
    It only requires your active participation to make it reality. Throw away any crazy notion that you can drop 10-20 pounds in a week. Set realistic short term targets like 1-2 pounds week. Secondly, and this extremely important, you have to track yourself AND hold yourself accountable! Log everything: the good, the bad, the ugly. MFP is a great tool for that.
    Over time, if you stick with it, you'll see yourself making progress and it will energize you and change your outlook.

    Something else to add... as log as you track it and plan for it, you can still make room for some of the foods you like. My "have to have" is chocolate. I leave a little calories at the end of the day for 1 Russell Stover sugar free pecan cluster. At 80 calories, it doesn't undermine my efforts of the day.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Why wait till Monday? Motivation comes from within so the only person who can do that is yourself. Others can inspire and support but a lot needs to come from you. Also Motivation is fleeting it comes and goes so you need to put in place habits so that when you have no motivation you still do the best things.

    Set reasonable calorie goals don't deprive yourself don't be scared to have the occasional piece of chocolate or whatever in moderation. You need to be thinking long term about how you will maintain when you get to a weight you are happy with so the way you eat on this 'diet' needs to be one you can sustain. You are capable of doing this because many others have before you

    Good luck and if you've not seen it this thread is helpful


    And then go read this:
  • jacksan123
    jacksan123 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you, I am trying to get my head into that way of thinking, have dogs so will have to go on longer walks lol xxx
  • jacksan123
    jacksan123 Posts: 21 Member
    Well done on your 10lb off, I hope I can get motivated this time xx
  • jacksan123
    jacksan123 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for that, I am taking it all in, Monday is the start of a new me, x
  • jacksan123
    jacksan123 Posts: 21 Member
    wow you are inspiring love the quotes , think I will put them up in the kitchen x
  • Rabid_Hamster
    Rabid_Hamster Posts: 338 Member
    The new you can begin today. You'll be 3 days ahead by Monday.
  • jacksan123
    jacksan123 Posts: 21 Member
    WOW 145lb that is bloody fantastic x
  • jacksan123
    jacksan123 Posts: 21 Member
    I know it sounds like I am making excuses but weekend I am checking recipes and doing a big shop and chucking all bad things out , thanks for your support I am going to need it x
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Everyone has had great advice up to this point and their tickers show they are living the advice they're giving.

    I will only add this: in any situation you only have three options 1.) Accept it the way it is, change nothing. 2.) Change whatever it is that is affecting the situation. 3.) Change yourself

    You have to figure out which one is most possible for you and you can live with, then do it.
  • jacksan123
    jacksan123 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you , look at your weight loss BRILLIANT , hope that is my by next year x
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Do not wait until Monday.......start today.

    1 - The key is accurate logging. Log everything you eat. If you don't log something then you are just lying to yourself and thats how we all got into this position anyways.

    2 - Measure and weigh your food (You can get a nice digital kitchen scale for $20).

    3 - Follow the MFP program and try to stick to your daily goals.

    4 - If your depressed go for a walk instead of reaching for the garbage food. Exercies will make you feel better.

    5 - Eat as close as possible to your required daily calories, it will not help to try to lose faster than you should. If you constantly undereat you will eventually crash and go back to old bad habbits.

    This is just my opinion anyways but it works for me.
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    As other posters here have mentioned, make it about developing a series of small, positive habits. Once they are established build from them and then let that motivation and feeling of accomplishment propel you forward. I went from being winded jogging up a flight of steps in January, to running my first 5k non-stop a couple of weeks ago. If you'd have told me in January I would start running and make it that far, I'd have said you were crazy and laughed. It was a series of small steps and challenges that got me to that point - it is very doable.

    I understand all the feelings you are talking about - have had them myself. Amazingly, a month or so into this journey when I started to feel stronger, was being accountable to myself etc. those feelings started to disappear and were replaced by feelings of "hey, I think I might be onto something here" and then slowly into "wow, I really can do this" - and now I miss exercise if I don't do it - me the former couch potato.

    I am 40, have PCOS and some other issues and just wanted to feel good again - so I decided to, and I did. I had lots of support from some great friends I've made here and from my hubby and kids too. Get your support system (friend me if you like) and just make steps every day. Don't do that start on Monday business - it's procrastinating and then on Monday you find a reason to wait til tuesday, then next week - don't put yourself in that trap. Start now :)
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    I've sent you a friend request. I'm 50 and lost most of my weight over 2 years - some has crept back on whilst I was trying to balance maintenance, but I'm back on the case and going to hit and maintain my target. You can do this - we will help :flowerforyou: