Cut out soda completely, and haven't lost a pound!



  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    And also, when you put your body in a caloric deficit, it will slow down your metabolism after a while, it will shut down different processes in our body in order to survive.

    This is because your body thinks that there is an "starvation time" and is going to think that you are not going to get food in a while, so it will use anything before burning fat, muscle will go first, because the body does not care about looking good, it cares about survivability, and in the presence of big caloric deficits the body will take any calorie and converted into fat, even if you have 40 pounds of extra fat.

    Your BMR will change and you will burn less, that is why people in caloric deficits gets every thing back after a few months.

    Hee Hee Hee :laugh:
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Okay. First things first. Let's stop using the word "fat". Yes it may describe someone, or a group of people.. However, some of us are this way due to medical issues.

    OP. A lot can play into this. Example: This is my second time on a "weight loss journey". Last time, I dropped 50 Ibs in about 3 months. Although this is an extreme amount, several things played into that success. I was on a medication for my medical issue. I also, not only cut out soda, but also stopped eating McDonalds. ( That was the only fast food I changed). I was also doing Zumba 2-3x a day, an hour each time. As well as going for a walk every other day for an hour or even 2 at times. I was also pushing 300 Ibs and with all those combined.. It was a big change.

    Now I didn't understand in the original question if you cut out ALL soda. I didn't clearly understand if you meant you took diet out as well. Diet soda, can still cause weight gain.

    This time around, I am approaching things differently. I am not on my medication anymore and I have gained a lot of the weight back. I DON'T expect to drop the weight as quickly as I did before.

    Also, high sodium can cause water retention, so without knowing what you are eating, there would be no way to really tell.

    I'm sorry but it it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck......then it is a duck. It is what it is. Accepting that we are fat is the very first step before we can make ourselves better.

    To say that some of us are this way because of medical issues is also not taking responsibility.......especially when you stated that " I also, not only cut out soda, but also stopped eating McDonalds. ( That was the only fast food I changed)." Maybe it wasn't the medical condition but rather the soda, mcdonalds & the other fast food......on top of whatever else.

    I'm fat, and yes it does hurt to hear it. But I will not sugar coat it an call it "overweight" so I feel better. I'm doing something about it......that makes me feel better. I thank the good advice I received here from guys like BT555 to name one. There is also a lot of crap advise on here as just need to decipher the BS from the good stuff.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I need more coffee before I can continue reading this thread.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    LOL! His profile page is just as long.
    lol crap you werent kidding. i went through some of his replies, equally long posts arent uncommon.

    im getting this weird cult vibe from him
    "My name is DancesWithWOW, I am your lord and saviour. Come with me to break free of your calorie counting chains and find your life force unrestrained"
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member

    LOL! His profile page is just as long.
    lol crap you werent kidding. i went through some of his replies, equally long posts arent uncommon.

    im getting this weird cult vibe from him
    "My name is DancesWithWOW, I am your lord and saviour. Come with me to break free of your calorie counting chains and find your life force unrestrained"

    He's probably still living in his Mum's basement...
  • DanceswithWow
    This makes my head hurt. To quote a doctor I once knew, "There are no fat people in concentration camps." Very harsh and blunt, but it's the truth. Calorie deficits DO work.

    Here's the problem: searching for the trigger to YOUR weight loss is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Every other person out there has had to search for THEIR "needle". It's going to be different for everyone. You are unique. The combination of your unique daily activity level, age, current weight, metabolism, hormones, etc etc etc all combine to create an individual that canNOT be stuck with a computer generated stereotype such as "You must eat 1200 calories a day"!!!! If 1200 calories isn't working (which I would never recommend to any of my clients anyway, for several reasons), then keep digging!

    You gave up soda, and 1200 calories isn't working. Excuse me, but what is the problem here? You've tried 2 (TWO) things! Keep digging! Try eating MORE (to the tune of a few hundred calories) and see what happens. Remember, fat is stored fuel. The body hoards it in case it needs it. A body that is well fed without being OVERfed will feel free to let go of those fuel reserves. I'm not promising you it's going to work; you need to find your "needle", and it isn't necessarily going to be easy. But using process of elimination---and giving each new scenario a couple weeks to see if it works---and above all, CONSISTENCY in logging your food, should give you answers in time. You just have to have patience, and want it badly enough.

    **Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, and my advice isn't meant to take the place of seeking advice from a doctor. I'm a Certified Personal Trainer and Exercise Specialist with a few certs and degrees and I work with frustrated, overweight clients on a daily basis. You are very far from alone in the levels of frustration you are feeling right now.

    Your doctor is right there are no fat people in concentration camps..Because their hormones are so stressed and food is so scarce for all.. not just the aft onces.

    here again you are side stepping ..Yes the earth does appear flat..when you are on the outside looking in..

    100% of every body in the concentration camp are being robbed of life force.. Give them calories with out the coorespeonding protein number (Pn#) they were designed to have and bam fat people all over the place..

    Again using logic that does not deal with the facts only the appearance of fact.

    I understand the want to hang on to a belief.. since you have never walked in another persons shoes.. especially some one who ahs a biology different than yours. Your biology says calories in calories out works....but you your self dont know your protein number.. because your lipolytic enzyme hormone portal operates great

    calories in works for you.. You believe your life force gives you god like powers to know what every body should exist in your image..

    Ah I think not.. if youneed calories in to validate you great..

    but allow the person struggling with unwanted body fat have a choice..Its not a lack of discipline..not will power or THEM doing all wrong as you finger point so handsomely..

    i used the calories in/out.. and it is 100% faulty..

    end of story.. It took 6 years to recognize that it was bunk..Now I soar past in both technique and ability to educate beyond your one way to skin a cat belief system

    My name is Dances with wow..

    Life force is coming for you.. and its going to leave a mark
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    of this massively powerful ezymne
    Son, you just went full potato

    Oh my, this is getting better by the minute... *pulls up a chair, opens up a beer*

    Can I make a daiquiri instead? Otherwise, I'm in. Massive chuckles on a rainy 4th of July! Who knew?
  • stardisgate
    stardisgate Posts: 16 Member
    Okay. First things first. Let's stop using the word "fat". Yes it may describe someone, or a group of people.. However, some of us are this way due to medical issues.

    OP. A lot can play into this. Example: This is my second time on a "weight loss journey". Last time, I dropped 50 Ibs in about 3 months. Although this is an extreme amount, several things played into that success. I was on a medication for my medical issue. I also, not only cut out soda, but also stopped eating McDonalds. ( That was the only fast food I changed). I was also doing Zumba 2-3x a day, an hour each time. As well as going for a walk every other day for an hour or even 2 at times. I was also pushing 300 Ibs and with all those combined.. It was a big change.

    Now I didn't understand in the original question if you cut out ALL soda. I didn't clearly understand if you meant you took diet out as well. Diet soda, can still cause weight gain.

    This time around, I am approaching things differently. I am not on my medication anymore and I have gained a lot of the weight back. I DON'T expect to drop the weight as quickly as I did before.

    Also, high sodium can cause water retention, so without knowing what you are eating, there would be no way to really tell.

    I'm sorry but it it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck......then it is a duck. It is what it is. Accepting that we are fat is the very first step before we can make ourselves better.

    To say that some of us are this way because of medical issues is also not taking responsibility.......especially when you stated that " I also, not only cut out soda, but also stopped eating McDonalds. ( That was the only fast food I changed)." Maybe it wasn't the medical condition but rather the soda, mcdonalds & the other fast food......on top of whatever else.

    I'm fat, and yes it does hurt to hear it. But I will not sugar coat it an call it "overweight" so I feel better. I'm doing something about it......that makes me feel better. I thank the good advice I received here from guys like BT555 to name one. There is also a lot of crap advise on here as just need to decipher the BS from the good stuff.

    I have endometriosis... I could not work out due to pain, which is similar to being in labor ( I have a kid so I know what labor pain feels like) I couldn't work out unless I was on OVERLY strong pain killers. ... Then among about 3 other medical issues, I was diagnosed with PCOS... With this I got an insulin deficiency...( NOT DIABETES.. ALL DIABETES TEST CAME BACK NEGATIVE) Once the doctors found the insulin deficiency, I was able to regulate everything.

    And when I say I cut out Mcdonalds, I wasn't eating it everyday.. Maybe once a month. The other fast food though, at the time, I was in a relationship, where he would not allow me to shop for "healthy food" and he wouldn't do the shopping. He was "in charge" of the money and all he wanted to do was eat fast food. I was 300 miles away from anyone I knew, in a town I didn't know. I got out of that relationship.

    My points, yes.. You can call me, us, whoever fat.. but there are people out there like me, who do have medical issues that contribute to it.

    I know several women with these issues, who have always eaten healthy and worked out.. They still got these medical issues.
  • StephConey
    StephConey Posts: 18
    Go to your doctor. Did you payyour physician a visit before embarking on this health journey (which, by the way, kudos for doing so)? Your doctor knows your health and can better explain why cutting soda isn't doing it for you. I've lost 5 lbs in the past by changing nothing but quitting soda. So it's not impossible. But you are your own person with your own body, metabolism, and eating habits. Pay your doc a visit, my friend. Maybe you can get a few labs done and get the best method of weight loss for you that way.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member

    end of story.. It took 6 years to recognize that it was bunk..Now I soar past in both technique and ability to educate beyond your one way to skin a cat belief system

    My name is Dances with wow..

    Life force is coming for you.. and its going to leave a mark

    Please God, let this be a real person!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    She meant his use of "Fat people" is offensive.

    Missed that post. My bad.

    My point about diet coke, well that still stands...

    I just put my explanation. I forgot to quote it.
    Then you need to buck up.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Life force is coming for you.. and its going to leave a mark

    My life force. I hope leaving a mark doesn't mean I'm gonna spill it and get burned:

  • xXBabyBelleXx
    xXBabyBelleXx Posts: 110 Member
    Which question? Why are there so many fat people and why do they gain any weight they lose back? If so the answer is people get fat from eating too much and moving too little so they are eating more calories than they burn off so store the xcess as fat. As to why they gain it back - because they do fad diets like only eating 1200 cals until they lose the weight then go back to their old eating habits. they gain the weight back and in a lot of cases more on top as a)they lost muscle mass when eating 1200 cals so their metabolism is slightly slower than it was previously ad b) they eat more as a comforth thing as they are demoralised from gaining the weight back. Classic yo-yo dieting.

    Those that don't 'diet' but change their eating habits to something sustainable and eat at a calorie deficit until they reach their goal weight and then carefully monitor intake to ensure that they don't eat over maintenance continually keep the weight off.

    Quick fixes like cutting soda without measuring, weighing & logging food or using pills or meal replacement are not sustainable for life for the vast majority of people and so they fail and gain weight back.

    This is the most honest advice about diets you will ever hear! she is 100% right!
  • theJTfitness
    theJTfitness Posts: 142 Member
    All we need now is a Herbalife coach and this baby will be locked up.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I am glad you have switched to diet soda, obviously you realized how many unnecessary calories you were drinking by consuming real Coke. That would be zero calories compared to over 600 calories. But 6 diet Cokes are way too much to be drinking regardless. Why not cut that back to 1 or two a day?

    Are you weighing your food? Are your portions to large?

    It's impossible NOT to lose weight if you're consuming less calories than you're burning..
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    This makes my head hurt. To quote a doctor I once knew, "There are no fat people in concentration camps." Very harsh and blunt, but it's the truth. Calorie deficits DO work.

    Here's the problem: searching for the trigger to YOUR weight loss is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Every other person out there has had to search for THEIR "needle". It's going to be different for everyone. You are unique. The combination of your unique daily activity level, age, current weight, metabolism, hormones, etc etc etc all combine to create an individual that canNOT be stuck with a computer generated stereotype such as "You must eat 1200 calories a day"!!!! If 1200 calories isn't working (which I would never recommend to any of my clients anyway, for several reasons), then keep digging!

    You gave up soda, and 1200 calories isn't working. Excuse me, but what is the problem here? You've tried 2 (TWO) things! Keep digging! Try eating MORE (to the tune of a few hundred calories) and see what happens. Remember, fat is stored fuel. The body hoards it in case it needs it. A body that is well fed without being OVERfed will feel free to let go of those fuel reserves. I'm not promising you it's going to work; you need to find your "needle", and it isn't necessarily going to be easy. But using process of elimination---and giving each new scenario a couple weeks to see if it works---and above all, CONSISTENCY in logging your food, should give you answers in time. You just have to have patience, and want it badly enough.

    **Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, and my advice isn't meant to take the place of seeking advice from a doctor. I'm a Certified Personal Trainer and Exercise Specialist with a few certs and degrees and I work with frustrated, overweight clients on a daily basis. You are very far from alone in the levels of frustration you are feeling right now.

    Your doctor is right there are no fat people in concentration camps..Because their hormones are so stressed and food is so scarce for all.. not just the aft onces.

    here again you are side stepping ..Yes the earth does appear flat..when you are on the outside looking in..

    100% of every body in the concentration camp are being robbed of life force.. Give them calories with out the coorespeonding protein number (Pn#) they were designed to have and bam fat people all over the place..

    Again using logic that does not deal with the facts only the appearance of fact.

    I understand the want to hang on to a belief.. since you have never walked in another persons shoes.. especially some one who ahs a biology different than yours. Your biology says calories in calories out works....but you your self dont know your protein number.. because your lipolytic enzyme hormone portal operates great

    calories in works for you.. You believe your life force gives you god like powers to know what every body should exist in your image..

    Ah I think not.. if youneed calories in to validate you great..

    but allow the person struggling with unwanted body fat have a choice..Its not a lack of discipline..not will power or THEM doing all wrong as you finger point so handsomely..

    i used the calories in/out.. and it is 100% faulty..

    end of story.. It took 6 years to recognize that it was bunk..Now I soar past in both technique and ability to educate beyond your one way to skin a cat belief system

    My name is Dances with wow..

    Life force is coming for you.. and its going to leave a mark
    You must be so fun to be around at parties
    He's the guy at the party that has too much to drink and whips out his dink and says "life force is coming for you...and its going to leave a mark"
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Life force is coming for you.. and its going to leave a mark
    The web of destiny carries your blood and soul back to the genesis of my lifeform.
  • derik999
    derik999 Posts: 73
    I drank Pepsi like it was water when I was in high school and of course gained a ton of weight from it. When I swore off of sugar filled drinks I dropped a good 20lbs without changing any other variables.