Anybody here get "Facebook envy"?



  • Kagemori
    Kagemori Posts: 88 Member
    I believe that people who wallow in misery (barring health issues that cause it) allow it. If they are your friends and you envy their partying, then go party with them. If they won't let you, they aren't your friends.
    You control how happy you want to be and while envy can be a motivator for some, for others it's a detriment. You want a more exciting life, go make it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    There was a long period of time where i felt stuck and miserable and just wallowed in self pity for a long time. I hated my job, my life, my lack of friends and how i would just be stuck at home unable to go anywhere.
    It took me along time, and im still not where i want to be in life but early this year i finally started to take the steps i needed to take to get my life and myself where it is i want to be.

    I quit my dead end job that i hated and moved down to fort myers with my mother. I got a new job doing something that i enjoy and that has the potential to become a career with time and effort on my part. Im finally being able to go out and do things. not glamorous things mind you but still things that are fun and that i enjoy. Im working to get myself both fit and healthy and one step at a time i can feel myself changing into who i want to be rather than settling.

    I wont lie, i am a little scared but ive been stuck in the same "place" for so long and i wasnt happy at all. I miss my friends and family that i've left behind back home but atleast i can still visit them from time to time.
  • Lmfao @ those acting six shades of self righteous by saying they are never envious. Is it hard to be so full of crap? Lol. OP, just remind yourself that if the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it's because it has been fertilized with bull****. ;) Everybody gets green from time to time, and I mean everybody! If it's not causing negative issues in your life, no biggie! Personally at times I've channeled the occasional envy into motivation to make positive changes. Thanks for keeping it real OP.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Lmfao @ those acting six shades of self righteous by saying they are never envious. Is it hard to be so full of crap? Lol. OP, just remind yourself that if the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it's because it has been fertilized with bull****. ;) Everybody gets green from time to time, and I mean everybody! If it's not causing negative issues in your life, no biggie! Personally at times I've channeled the occasional envy into motivation to make positive changes. Thanks for keeping it real OP.

    Thank you SO much for being so omniscient that you know what everyone else is thinking. NO, I don't envy anyone, envy serves no purpose. Nor does the above quote, which presumes to speak for others.
  • Yes I do..
    Mainly has to do with my inlaws..I've done everything I can to try and please them and I'm still not good enough for them and apparently all these wonderful girls they talk to all the time on there are just perfect and beautiful and I am nothing..but that's another story lol Thank goodness they live a few hours away!

    But all that matters Is that My husband and I are happy, he understand how they are and I'm not gonna let them ruin us by putting me down.. sorry for the rant haha
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    No way brah. They're all getting married and fat and popping out babies like Civil War era Hotchkiss Mountain Guns. Whatever the reverse of envy is, I get that.
  • enjayer
    enjayer Posts: 46 Member
    Have loved reading through all the comments! I finally twigged about the " experimentation" references after watching the news. Interestingly, mfp is starting to take over some of the Internet time for me that facebook used to consume! Why? Because its actually pretty interesting and the friends on here are pretty damn supportive all the time :)
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    No, I do not envy other peoples lives. Maybe I am in the minority. I love seeing everyones success.. Just like here it helps me to strive to do more for my family. It is very petty to be jealous of others lives when we have full control of our own.