Goal weight for 5'10 female?



  • I'm 20 years old and 5.10, currently about 154-156 pounds and a size 4. My goal weight is 140.
  • I'm 5'9 with a goal of 100-105 lbs. I'll be quite happy with anything below 110, though :)
  • katesch9
    katesch9 Posts: 130
    It is quite interesting to see the range of goals! I'm so jealous of the people who are at 160 lbs or so and look amazing in their pictures! I'm 25 years old, 5'10" and weigh 146 lbs, but I still feel a bit flabby. My goal is currently set to 135.
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    I'm 5'10 and I've been comfortable at 150 previously. I've gotten up to about 205 before, and right now I'm fighting back down from that high. My current goal is to get to 150 and size 8, and build muscle. With muscle and size 8, I don't care if I end up back at 200 because my body is rock solid, but I think that I'd more likely be musculed and 160 max.
  • pfeiferfit
    pfeiferfit Posts: 138 Member
    I imagine no one's commented because they think you must be joking. A Dr. would not be happy with that weight, it's beyond the border of body dysmorphia at that stage I think.
  • BobbiC08
    BobbiC08 Posts: 10 Member
    For me being 5'10" is maybe 175. But I don't want to go by weight. I wanna go how how I feel about my body if I'm comfortable about the way I look then I will stop and if not then I will keep going. Weight can how much muscle you have built up since you have been working out and it weighs more than fat so i don't really wanna go by weight I wanna go by how i feel when i looked in the mirror. Everyone is always going by 175 and 170 is a comfortable or that's too much or that's not enough just go by how you feel when you look at yourself. Not by what people tell you should weigh they don't have to live with the body you are in YOU DO!!!!!
  • Hi :) im at 182 pounds at the moment so overweight :( but i am long term aiming for 150lbs :)
  • Frau112
    Frau112 Posts: 3
    Mine is about 120-125, I'm at 130 currently :D
    MTCBVBC20CAM Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5`9 and I would like to be 160 (to be healthy again) and then once I reach that goal, my new goal (and final goal) will be 145 lbs.
  • I'm 5'10 and weigh 135. My body normally sticks to 140. For the longest time my average was 150/155 and I was in the best shape of my life. I think I've just been losing muscle mass since I'm not weight training for basketball anymore. It all depends on how your body feels as long as you are healthy.
  • jessicalash3
    jessicalash3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5' 9 1/2" @ 155 I was told to not loose anymore weight. Now at 209 my goal is 160/ depending on weight from muscle.
  • beekaki
    beekaki Posts: 12
    I'm 5'10. CW216, SW230, GW180.

    I once was 175. It was ok, Under that, I didn't have my periods anymore!!!!

    I guess realistically, what is best health-wize for you really dépends on many factors ;)
  • juliekeenan65
    juliekeenan65 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for all the posts. All great info and interesting perspectives...

    I'm 5'10", riding the rollercoaster of weigh gain/loss over the years. Lowest adult weight—165 in college (1983). Highest—380 (2004). I was VERY thin at 165—this was a hard weight to stick to! At 380, I was in horrible pain.

    I've been an athlete since youth, so have more muscle tone than most thinner women. During one weight loss period, I felt terrifically healthy at around 195 (size 12)—most folks thought I weighed about 155 and didn't believe my weight number. Anything in the range of 180-190 would feel amazing!

    I'm told by most trainers that if you're athletic and have more muscle, your weight will be 15-20% more than the "usual" guidelines. 150 would be quite thin and not too healthy for me. I'm not at all worried that I don't fit the "norm".

    Currently I'm at 285 (starting at 330 at late-Feb, 2014). My current goal is to see how I feel at 200lbs., and go from there. A weight of 180 may feel great or may feel too thin—not sure until I'm there! As many people posting here say "it's all about how I feel, and not about the number!"

    I've used this site to truly be aware of what I'm putting in my mouth, and what my activity level is. It keeps me honest. :)

    My goal for the next 28 days is to lose 1lb per day (we'll see how this goes, considering I've been on this track full time for a good two months, with a 3lb per week loss). I'll shift to a 3lb loss per week for the following 3 months. The final couple months will have a goal of 2lbs. per week.

    In the end, it will be as it is, and I'll still be a happy person, grateful to feel amazing!!!
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm also 5'10" and currently weigh 265. To be honest, right now I'm shooting for 215. I lost weight a few years ago and got to that weight and felt really great in my skin. At 200 I feel pretty awesome. At 180, I would feel like I was done, I think. I was 180 at my wedding and looked really thin for my height and frame. It all depends on your perspective and how you feel. My goals have changed so much the older I get. I just want something realistic and attainable. Anything beyond that is bonus. :) Good luck on your journey! I think 200 is an awesome goal!
  • I'm 5'10 and weigh 173.6 as of today. I was 186 at the start of the summer. I want to weigh 150, I think. I definitely want to be between 155-165.
  • Oops I meant 155. 159 would be nice too. I haven't seen the 160's or 150's for a long time.
  • Louttie
    Louttie Posts: 138 Member
    Currently at 170, i felt great at 140! .. 126 one day though would be perfect.
  • 5'10 -231 atm - would love to be under 200 and be able to maintain that - anything under 190 is a bonus - :bigsmile:
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Just dropping by to offer some encouragement.

    I started at about 220#. I'm about to hit a new number, into the 180s, in the next week or two. My driver's license expires this year and I'm excited to have two "convict" photos to compare, as I can see the difference in how I look now compared to a couple years ago.

    I feel fit and healthy at around 170#. Before I got sick, I was 170-175# or so and felt about right. This is a size 12 for me, as I have "good birthin' hips".

    When I get back to 170# and maintain there for a while, I will see how it feels. I suspect being 40 might make that weight feel different than it did when I was 30. Maybe? Tell you when I get there. ;)

    We have a friend the same height as me who is a women's professional cyclist. She is ripped at 140#.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member

    130 when I'm done, I think. Was 140, but looking at me now, I'm thinking 130. Hard to say before I get there. :)