

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Miss my night time snacking! Want to crunch! Skinny Pop misses me!:drinker: :smokin: :drinker: :smokin:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    I got this on line:
    Blueberry/ Maple refrigerator oatmeal

    Ingredients needed: Greek yoghurt (if use regular non-fat use less milk). milk, chia seeds, real maple syrup, rolled oatmeal (see note below) and blueberries

    1/4 cup Greek yoghurt
    1/3 cup milk
    1 1/2 tsp chia seeds (I got mine at a local coop)
    2 tsp. real maple syrup

    Mix in a glass container that has a lid. In the on line recipe they used mason jars they bought lids that fit. I used a bowl I had that had a lid.

    Fold in rolled oats. 1/4 cup guess it is important to use the old fashioned kind. Not steel cut or instant or quick cook.
    1/4 cup blueberries

    put lid on container and put in refrigerator overnight

    Reminds me of rice pudding, but not as sweet. Tomorrow I am trying apple cinnamon. They had four other recipes on line but I didn't have all the ingredients for those. It will be fun to experiment with other ingredients like raspberry, peanut butter, mangoes, strawberries.

    love this have not made it in a long time, I used to nuke just a bit cause I like it warm
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thank you, Margaret! I've tried lots of combinations in my oatmeals--even made up a couple along the way--but have never done a blueberry one. I use jars with lids when I have one available, but I also use bowls with lids. The jars are s little easier to transport because they don't as readily leak. I will try the blueberry one later this week. I think I will eat my banana cream version tomorrow.
  • lrbassmom
    lrbassmom Posts: 123
    Well, seeing as how I'm 51, and trying to lose 30 lbs... this seems like the place to help me do it.

    Introducing myself, 51, 5'5", married, 2 teen boys, former bodybuilder (in my mid 20s of course) and have always been active but... well you probably can fill in the rest of the story.

    I'm kicking myself lately. This time last year I was down 10 lbs from where I am now. I was lifting heavy, eating healthy, and then one day I just didn't feel like doing it or going to the gym. And one day led to two, then three. and the next thing I knew the scale was creeping up and up.

    So I'm starting over.

    My July goals:
    1. Workout daily at least 30 minutes
    2. Log my food
    3. Try to eat as close to a Paleo diet as possible.
    4. Cut out draft beer (my kryptonite) and limit alcohol to weekends. And then only in moderation.

    Wish me Luck!

    Christy in Little Rock
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,374 Member
    Did 10 minutes of the "10 Minute Solution Tummy Toner" DVD, held my plank for 2 min 30 sec (5 sec more than previously), 1 hr of the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a spinning downloadable workout.

    Welcome everyone new! This is a great forum

    Liz - I have to measure all my food (I admit that I don't use a scale, only meauring cups and spoons). If I don't, I very easily get "portion distortion"

    katla - the vacuum we have now has the bag. My father had one of the other kind, the one with the plastic bin on the bottom. Afterwards, I read in Consumers Reports that they weren't rated very highly because of the fact that when you went to empty the canister, the dust would go back into the air and redeposit on your ru/floor/countertop. We have a Papa Murphys near us. So many people have said how good it is. Do you know that I've never once been in there? Glad you enjoyed your pizza

    Joyce - yikes! 900 calories! Just for a mini? OUCH!!! For as long a we've lived here, Sonic is another one of those places that I've never been to and really have no desire to go to

    DeeDee - at Lowes Hardware one time we found this stuff called "krud Kutter for red Clay" It really and truly works, it takes the red clay out of clothing and everything. The only way we can get it now is to order it from Lowe's.com and have it shipped to the store. But that stuff is a godsend. I doubt highly it would work on Noell, but on carpeting, clothing, etc. it's fantastic. Now, honestly, wouldn't riverrock look so much nicer than that mulch. Plus....with mulch you have to remulch every few years as it decomposes. Riverrock doesn't decompose.....lol

    Sylvia - oh, I'm so sorry for your son. That was so nice of you to help out your son, but how frustrating that he's going back with his wife!

    Carol in NC - I find Aldi's prices to be good on some things. Their price of eggs and milk isn't all that great. I'll probably go there tomorrow after exercising

    Jane - I hope you get the townhouse

    Meg - what a nice person you are to everyone! You've NEVER had a cavity? My children haven't and the dentist said that's because when their teeth were forming, I gave them fluoride pills so the fluoride formed IN their teeth.

    Tina - Vince says the next time we move is when the kids put us in the old folks home....lol

    Kim - So many times I have to tell the "cashier" at the store how much change I should get. Frustrates me to no end.

    Michele in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,771 Member
    Meg ... I pretty much just wanted to copy and paste your post and write "ditto!"
    Heather ... beautiful picture!
    Pat ... perfect word choice.
    Jane ... keeping my fingers crossed.
    Carol ... "stuff" is emotionally draining ... glad you're getting rid of it.
    Sandy ... glad your long-awaited day went well.
    Kim ... loved the squirrel and your dog story ... you KNOW that squirrel did it on purpose.
    Sylvia ... good luck with your tests.

    Can't remember any more and I'm headed to bed!

    Have not yet made it to the gym, but am doing much better with my logging and weighing.

    Christy ... welcome! I try to stay low carb (more like low gluten since I eat fruit) ... but Paleo would do me in. I still want my wheat!

    Beth in WNY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: We are getting ready for a long weekend trip :heart: to Boise where the temperatures will be around 100 but we’ll be at an event in a big hotel so I need to be prepared to keep warm in air-conditioned rooms. We are flying---something we haven’t done for several years so I have to think a lot harder and a lot smarter about how to pack. Jake has already packed his suitcase and I’ve made several long lists in preparation. The hotel has wifi so I’ll carry my laptop in my backpack.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 19,000 steps today----4 minute plank----work in the yard

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    July Resolutions
    *work in the yard twice a week for an hour
    *brush the dogs’ teeth once a week
    *brush the cat’s fur twice a week
    *plank twice a week
    *yoga once a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Barbie enjoy your weekend away travel safe and stay warm:

    juanita in sudbury
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Margaret and all, cold oatmeal….hmm I have always said I love oatmeal in oatmeal chocolate chip cookies:laugh: … I don’t like the hot cereal form, wonder if I would like it cold… I will have to get some berries to try it! Thanks for sharing

    Christy – welcome, sounds like a good plan – come and visit often!

    Barbie – 100 degrees double yuck; but 60 degree hotels single yuck, as you can always add a wrap. Have a great time!

    :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: WARNING --- VENT AHEAD…..:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway:

    Ok so I have a brother he is not DB he is AB:grumble: ( the “A” standing for poop hole) AB has a son, DDN:heart: (double darling nephew) he is 16, on the football team, a B student and generally a great kid, DDN lives with and is being raised by my 85 year old DM – AB wanders in and out of their home and DM enables the situation – it is awful.:noway: :ohwell: AB and my DSIL are divorced, and DSIL has been clean and sober about 28 months:bigsmile: . So today DDN locked his bike outside the movie theater in the upscale town they live in and it was stolen.:sad: It was a Christmas gift from AB and DSIL 2 years ago.

    Well DDN tells AB; who threatens him- he won’t let DDN go to college, won’t let him get a driver’s license…yada,:explode: yada,:angry: yada, then comes and keys DDN’s car and DM’s car and throws things and calls everyone all sorts of words that can not be repeated.:explode: :explode: And my DM won’t do anything – it is her fault as she should have driven DDN to the movie. PLEASE !!!:noway: :noway: :noway: I can’t be over there – as AB and I do not get along, I am not passive enough for him and know how to dial 911 (in the states that is emergency services) and am willing to press charges I have had him arrested a couple of times. And my DM just gets mad at me for having him arrested as he is a man and deserves understanding bull*^%$ - This makes my blood boil….

    I wish boiling blood burned calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So now you all know why I don't spend the holidays with that group of crazies... as the holidays get closer this type of thing will happen every week or so... until my DDN and DM are both very sick, tummy troubles and lack of sleep; and then I'll step in and get stuff stable and 6 months later we repeat the cycle. Although DDN is now bigger and stronger than AB and if AB hurts DM, then DDN puts a stop to that crap.

    Ok vent over... wonder if there are enough calories left for a glass of wine... off to log dinner.

    Today’s step count: 17,679
    Weather: Cloudy and a bit humid (a rarity for CA) daytime in the high 70’s night time low-mid 50’s
    Kim from N. California
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    Just a quick stop in really tired tonight. It is really hot here we are lucky to have a window a/c in our kitchen window it helps a lot. But it doesn't reach the bedrooms. Fans have been helping but the heat so high it takes a long time to cool off. But tonight I am so tired I don't think the heat will matter.

    @Barbie you will be in my neck of the woods. Enjoy Boise it is a really nice city. It will be hot but remember they say its a dry heat. :wink:

    Enjoy reading everyone's post. I am happy to be on this journey with each of you.

    Thank you,

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    There were enough calories for wine!!! a glass by my side and a bit of paper work for the business to do... I'll be asleep soon - accounting work does it everytime!

    smiles Kim
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Johama, First welcome!!!! You have made a wonderful step. As far as eating back calories, there are so answers to that. Some of us do and some don't. Some do when they feel like they need an extra little treat. I have heard of some that have had a little to much so they go exercise it off. You do what works for you. And I think that is what the first month or so of being on MFP is all about. Doing that daily food journal and seeing trends and how it all works for you.

    MichelleYes, that Blast was awful I did look at the carbs also but I think I just blocked them out of my mind. The scales showed it this morning but yesterday was heavy on the salt for me. As far as the Amazon gift card, it sounds like a good idea on the outside but how much shipping fee will he have to pay to receive his package? How about a Master Card gift card which could be used there?

    Beth, I like Aldis and the price of their milk. In fact I have Walmart price match them all the time. Milk is less that $2/gallon and it's about $3/gallon at Walmart. I don't know about the eggs. All I know about eggs is that when we were getting the groceries out of the car the other day I dropped one bag on the concrete driveway. Guess what was in it???? Yep. Only 2 broke.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if we burnt calories when our blood boils. WOW

    Had quite a scare tonight, well this afternoon. I have talked a little about my sister. Don't get me wrong, I love her dearly. It's just her and I left now here n town after Mom died. Well we both have a child that lives here but I see mine once a week and my sis sees hers about every 4 months, less if he can get away with it. She has numerous health prolems. She has had fibro for years and almost all of the problems that make it miserable. Plus she inherited my Mom's degenerative disc and joint diseases. So she is in a lot of pain. She used to be 5'8'', now she is shorter than me and I am 5'41/2'. Plus she has a lot of ankle problems. So she is on A LOT of medicines including pain, muscle relaxants. Also she tends to self medicate herself by not taking the medicine as prescribed. Her son has called me and said what is wrong with Mom, she is wacky. So today she calls me and wants my help. OK, what do you need. Well she is lost. She wanted me to get on Map Quest or Google maps and get her home. But she didn't know where she was to tell me where she was. She finally kept on driving and saw a Baptist church and stopped at the house next door thinking it would be the preachers house. She tells her to make a left and then turn down a road which would take her to I 164. Well my sister won't even drive on out local expressway but less an interstate. I tried to tell her to stay put and Charlie and I would go get her or at least stay put and call 911. But she knew a storm was coming and didn't want to get caught in it. Then she was afraid of having her cell phone on during a storm that it would harm her so she turns it off! She is about 40 miles from town, has no idea how she got there and wants me to turn on my magical computer and stay on the phone with her and get her home. When she saw what the little town she was in she knew she was north of where we live and needed to go south. At least she had that sense. So she drove until she found US 41 which she will drive on and then eventually found her cross street here in town. I told her and her husband that she needs to talk to her doctor. I have made a point of taking her to the doctor so that I can talk to him about her medication over useage and he tells her not to do it but not to throw anything away just in case she needs it. This lady will take 2 Ambiens, a Flexoril, 2 Lortabs and Tramadol, Klonopin and Unisom to go to sleep and then when she wakes up to potty she takes more Lortab! And she wonders why she falls so much. Her doctor is a personal friend of hers and I don't think he is objective enough with her at all. Plus she goes to about 4 different doctors and gets medicines from all of them. I told her that I wanted her to listen to the message sge left on my machine when she got home. How garbled her speech is, etc. She said that she is fine now so how would that help a doctor. Sometimes I think she is having TIAs.They have just bought a new minivan so that she can put her scooter in it and gain more independence in it.

    When she realized she was lost, she first called her husband at work. She said he tried to figure out where she was and couldn't and jsut told her to deal with it. That wasn't the story I got from him. So I don't know who to believe. In doing this 2 week journal of my B/P for my doctor I take a morning, afternoon and evening B/P. So it was time to take the afternoon. It was 150/90. My BIL called us at supper and told us she was home and OK. By B/P was then 123/73!!!!

    Husband went to the podiatrist today. He wasn't satisfied at all. Doctor told him he has moccasin fungus and he really didn't have a treatment for it since what he would put him on is medicine he can't take with his heart medicine. He did recommend an over the counter cream and some exercises for his painful heel. Also looked at his 10 fungal toenails and gave over the counter suggestions for that. So according to husband the guy did nothing or him and took his $45 copay. He also set him up for a fitting for a orthotic insert. He has an appoitment with the dentist tomorrow for first partial fittings and the mold was made last time. He says he intends on wearing these partials only when he is eating!

    I have somewhere to go tomorrow and ay not be able to go with him. But I want to make sure the dentist knows this and talks to him about it. I don't know if it would work for me to call the dentist office so that he knows and can talk to him about it but I think I will try. MEN!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just saw my post, sorry it is so long. Had a lot on my mind today.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,767 Member
    morning ladies~
    still trying to get back into the swing of things..
    DH is peeved at me again, but whats new that is always happening..
    we went to Sam's on Sunday and spent 133.00 then I went grocery shopping yesterday and spent 137.00
    that is alot.but we grocery shop every 2 weeks, I pack things in his lunch daily..dinner nightly
    so he thought I was going to spend like 50.00 ,well we have the freezer's stocked, we bought a ton of fruit and got salad fixings,, will try and make DH a salad to have with his dinner. we shall see if that works..
    drank 24 ounces of water as soon as I woke up, they say to try and get 32 ounces in before you have anything to eat or drink,, will work my way up to that..
    working at 9:30 this morning, so have to get my butt in gear, get dinner and lunch together,finish laundry and do the floors, then get up to my DB house and water the plants
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All, Today is anothe half day and back to DD's to take care of the kids. They were pretty good yesterday and we got out and took a walk between the rain bouts. DD lives about 30 minutes from me so the hardest part of doing this is driving home at the end of the night after I get the kids in bed.
    Today I am having ab class before I leave for the day, I don't want the members to get out of the habit so I moved class to 11:30 and then I'll head out.
    I bought and have put in the new batteries for my Wii, I hope it works but haven't had time to try yet.
    Better get going, I have balancing this week and need to knock that out so I can get other things done before I leave.

    Meg, Your bird adventure reminded me of my neighbor. He saw a baby redbird in my yard, it had fallen out of his nest and didn’t even have tail feathers yet. My neighbor said the baby kept trying to fly and ended up in the street so he said he made quite the fool of himself trying to get the bird back into the grass without touching it. We live behind a row of businesses and Terry said one of the workers came running out thinking something was wrong with him.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    MNMargaret, The oatmeal sounds wonderful. I have everything but the Chia seeds.

    Barbie, Have fun on your trip.

    Love today, Patty Cincinnati OH
    We are worthy!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    Good morning,

    Enjoying my apple cinnamon refrigerator oatmeal this morning with my coffee and water. :drinker: It is basically the same recipe only you use unsweetened applesauce for the blueberries, 1 tsp..honey instead of maple syrup, and add 1/2 tsp cinnamon. I looked it up in the food diary. It has 12 g protein and 7 grams fiber and about 200 calories. Since I try to eat a high fiber diet. A good choice for me.

    The Chia seeds thicken the oatmeal to give it a pudding like consistency. They are also good for you. High in omega 3's. I like to slightly grind them and then put them on salads too like flax seeds.

    Before I try other versions of the refrigerator oatmeal I do need to get some more chia seeds at a local coop.

    Didn't get all the mulching done on the garden yesterday. I am using straw. I find it easy to use. Still not doing the peppers because they like the soil warmer and out tomato plants I am using black plastic for the same reason. We have had only one 90 degree day so far. Ahhh lovely.

    Today I will finish mulching the garden, so tomorrow we will have a healthier garden.

    2014 word: contentment
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Kim and Joyce and Sylvia - so sorry for your family troubles. It's so hard just watching family mess up, but I guess we just have to learn a healthy detachment. That is hard to do, but often there is nothing we can do. Of course, if we can do something positive then we should.:flowerforyou: At least we know we are not alone with our family troubles. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DH is at cricket, but it's just started raining so I might see him home before too long.:tongue: What a stupid game for the English climate!:wink: At least I won't be watering the garden today.:bigsmile:

    Went to yoga this morning. I had lent my friend SWSY and today I lent her some 5k dumbbells. She is going to buy some ankle weights. I want to buy some heavier ones.

    Tried to order some more blood pressure tablets from the surgery today, but their internet wasn't cooperating. I will have to drive over there to put in a request. Then drive over again 48 hrs later.:grumble:

    I am currently trying to organise the autumn trip for my group of four schoolfriends. I thought Malaga in Spain and I was in the middle of emailing them when I remembered my passport will be out of commission while it is being renewed when I get back from NYC. So it looks like an English or Welsh break is our option. I can reach Brighton on the south coast by a couple of changes of train so it looks like that will be our venue.:bigsmile: It's a very lively seaside town with lots to do, great places to eat and sights to see. So when I get their go ahead I will start researching hotels or B&Bs.:bigsmile: I feel so lucky to be still friends with that plucky group of women.:love::flowerforyou: :heart:

    Love to all, Heather in showery Hampshire UK
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning,

    Also enjoying one of my fave breakfasts: 0% Fage with some Truvia, cinnamon and granola. Thank you Biggest Loser for suggesting it on this mornings plan. Well close enough. I replace the recommended 1 cup of Kashi GoLean with 1/2 of my granola.

    To all the newer visitors diving in, let me just send out an unsolicited "warning" to not get discouraged when the changes you make may not show up in actual weight loss. I've been at it for 4 years (since my hysterectomy) and even following all the "rules" and working out like a mad woman, I've only managed to gain weight. If I do actually manage to lose weight on this Biggest Loser plan, what I will be seeing that MAJOR portion control and sacrifice is what it takes at my age and personal situation.

    Inner strength, confidence, persistence and TOTAL commitment is all that will get me to my healthy goals (that's my story and I'm sticking to it:glasses: ).

    Happy day to all. Off to food shop and work out.

    xo- Gloria in stormy and steamy Metro Detroit
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all. Welcome Newbies!!! Come back often.

    Yesterday I had over 16,000 steps; close to a record for me! Tonight is the start of volunteering for our July Tues. night club membership drive and picnics so I know I'll be eating one piece of pizza; must calorie budget for that. To add to the mix are expected temps of 97 with a heat index well over 100 and humidity..............of course, tonight is the hottest of the week, we leave to start setting up at 3pm.

    Enjoyed sitting outside this am and watching the sun reach in to the yard as I had my decaf tea.

    On the flavor combos..........I love peach/walnut...........must buy chia seeds...........finally tried PB2 and like it.............

    Vacuums..............I have the plastic bin kind.........recently went from a Hoover to a Dyson............no problems with dust flying when I empty; I just take it outside.

    Kim..............Vent away!!! What a horrible situation; is there any chance that the nephew can get out of there before he goes away to college? It's terrible to feel trapped in toxic relationships. There's a lot of truth to that old saying about being able to pick your friends but not your family.

    Meg..........Enjoyed reading about your bird adventures!

    Heather...........Can't you phone in for your medicine? It would save you a drive....... I envy all your trips here and there.

    Joyce................Please, please consider taking whatever steps are needed to get your sister off the road before she kills someone. She sounds quite dangerous to others.

    On measuring food
    I use a scale; it's sometimes amazing the difference between, say, 4oz. or 120 grams on the scale and a half cup in the measuring cup...........an ounce is, if you want to be exact, equal to 28.3495 grams.........most people find 30 close enough.

    Stay strong!!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Joyce - your sister story is scary, I had never even heard of any of the meds on your list – but if she is that confused is she safe to drive? Mixing meds and mixing doctors seems like a very bad idea.

    Heather – do you need your passport to go to Scotland? Or would that be an option too?

    Yanniejannie – congrats on the high step count!

    Off to another day of camp! Just wanted to check in…
    Kim in N. California