How often should you weigh yourself?



  • gweatherall1104
    gweatherall1104 Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh myself first thing every morning to give me a good idea of how good/bad I ate the day before. I know weight fluctuates quite a bit throughout the day, but if I wake up and weigh more than I did the day before, even if it's just water weight, it motivates me to eat less and work harder today.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I weigh every morning. This way I can see what needs changing. What I did to make it go up or down and if it went up, I check to see what I did the day before and try to work on that. If it goes down I check the day before and try to repeat it as closely as possible.
  • darylwbaker
    darylwbaker Posts: 5 Member
    If you want to drop around 10 pounds per month or 2 lbs per week do a p90x work I've lost 40 lbs so far doing it and was dropping 2lbs per week but you also gotta eat right. I've now slowed down on p90x since the nice weather is here and am now running 7-9k every few days which i Love more! If you got any questions please give a shout!
    How often do you weigh yourself on your weight loss journey?

    I have been eating better and exercising for around a week now. I am 149 lbs., 5'6'' tall, and want to lose around 10-15 pounds. I honestly don't know how fast the weight will come off, so I don't want to weigh myself too often because I know that if the numbers aren't low enough, I will get discouraged and go back to the way I was before this past week. I am consuming around 1,200 calories a day and walking 4 miles in an hour (around 300-350 calories burned) each day. So how often do you think I should weigh myself? How often do you weigh yourself?
  • atric819
    atric819 Posts: 1
    I, personally, weigh myself every day. It keeps me on track, and if I eat badly one day, it shows the next morning, and i tmakes me want to get right back on track. Also, it feels great when you watch the scale drop each day, even as slightly as just .1 of a pound. That is my suggestion. I also only do it in the morning.
  • betty_2010
    betty_2010 Posts: 44 Member
    I weigh in weekly same day and time... and measurments every 4 weeks
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    I weigh everyday, sometimes twice if I feel like it. I dont get caught up in what the number says on any particular day. As long as the overall trend is down the daily fluctuations are not important. If, however, you know you are the type of person who cannot ignore daily fluctuations then I wouldnt weigh everyday. When I first started I didnt weigh everyday because it was too discouraging and made me want to give up. after two months and 20 lbs lost, when I realized that I am doing this and the scale does not matter as much as I thought it did, the numbers became kinda interesting to see. Its is really a personal choice and it will probably change along the way.
  • Tabbitha1968
    Tabbitha1968 Posts: 41 Member
    I weigh everyday and keep track of my weight in a logbook and also on MFP. If it weren't for weighing every day i would not have found that there is a pattern to my weigh loss. As maddening as it seems It helps me to be patient knowing the weight will move eventually. Had I known this years ago I may not have not quit so many times!!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I weigh every morning. I log it on a separate app on my phone that tells me what my weight loss trend is.

    One thing that has really helped me deal with weighing daily was taking the emotion out of it and getting a good understanding of how my body works with fluctuations. If I see a gain I take a look at my diary to see what may have caused it. Once it's logged I go on about my day without thinking about it. It is just a point of data, not a reflection of who I am as a person.
  • summer92008
    summer92008 Posts: 202
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate everyone's answers. I think I am going to weigh every week or maybe just every 2 weeks. I have found that I stay more motivated if I don't weigh as often.
  • grapeshake
    grapeshake Posts: 1 Member
    I'd say do it every week :)
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    How often do you weigh yourself on your weight loss journey?

    I have been eating better and exercising for around a week now. I am 149 lbs., 5'6'' tall, and want to lose around 10-15 pounds. I honestly don't know how fast the weight will come off, so I don't want to weigh myself too often because I know that if the numbers aren't low enough, I will get discouraged and go back to the way I was before this past week. I am consuming around 1,200 calories a day and walking 4 miles in an hour (around 300-350 calories burned) each day. So how often do you think I should weigh myself? How often do you weigh yourself?

    I weigh once a week, and on Wednesday morning. If I miss it or forget, I weigh the next Wednesday. I think people drive themselves crazy worrying about that number on the scales. Keep you calories under and drink lost of water, and your weight will find its place.
  • Recently lost about 35 pounds- I weigh several times a day! Don't think I could make it to a week lol
  • jclark051
    jclark051 Posts: 20
    It's a personal thing. I like to weigh daily so I have more data points, what can I say I'm a number nerd.

    I also weigh myself daily. It helps me stay accountable and gives me a good idea of how my eating the day before affected me. It can be very frustrating though, not seeing change.. but if you stick to it, you eventually will.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I weigh once a week, every Saturday morning, after using the restroom and before getting dressed or eating.
  • Nikki08079
    Nikki08079 Posts: 5 Member
    Weigh once a Week.On the same day and time each day.
    Projected weight loss should be 1-3 cals week.10 lbs in 5 wks
  • DollfaceLisa
    DollfaceLisa Posts: 21 Member
    I weigh myself daily. It's a bad habit that I would love to break. It would probably be best for my mental health if I did it once a week. I think daily is fine if you're just starting out. That way you can know if what you're doing is working.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    every 5 minutes
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    Personally, I would say it depends on you and how easy you get discouraged. If you are self motivated and not driven by results, then do it every day. If you would get discouraged by those fluctuations others have mentioned then do it no more than once a week.

    However, you want to make sure you do the same thing each time.
    Same time (preferably in the morning)
    measure just before showering/eating with no clothing is best
    Use a digital scale. They are more accurate.

    Hope it helps
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I weight myself every morning before I shower. When I am maintaining I fluctuate about 0.5-1lb from day to day, so I dismiss it. If I see a 2 lb change or more then I pay attention to it.

    You are a little younger than me but we have the same stats, I'm 5'7" and I started at 150 lbs. It took me about 6 months to get to 125lbs. The weight came off unevenly, some weeks I wouldn't lose a pound then one day the scale would go down 3-6 lbs. You will notice the change in the way your clothes fit first than you will at the scale.

    So give it time, be consistent, be truthful and you will get there.

    Good luck!
  • summer92008
    summer92008 Posts: 202
    Once again, thanks everyone! I like to see that everyone has a different view on what it best for them.