Pushy Spelling/Grammar People



  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I resemble that remark! :tongue:
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I don't correct stuff usually. I do, however, judge people based upon the way they write.

    This. And I hate most gifs people post.

  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    combine our educational system today, along with facebook, twitter"speak" and all the other social media that I don't even know about, it all becomes a "loosing" battle :) I think that if reading people's posts using the wrong tense and punctuation is the worse thing that happens to anybody, then in the scheme of things, you've got it made. although I have to admit, on some days, some of the word combos mentioned, do drive me kinda nuts.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Yes. I hate that. Online forum posts are not the same thing as a twelve page dissertation for your English degree.

    However, I AM a little bit of a spelling fanatic. I don't go around correcting people right and left but some things bug me a LOT more than they should. For example, I see articles on legitimate news sites about various businesses with the names spelled incorrectly. If you say "I got my new yoga pants at JC Penny's" that's a little bit annoying to me...but for CNN to talk about falling stock for J.C. Penny...seriously, it's been around for a zillion years and they need to know it's J.C. Penney.

    I know -- I'm too picky.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm one of them .
    If you 'know how to spell
    you will always get corrected.
  • 2Chaotic
    2Chaotic Posts: 23 Member
    For the record, I don't have a problem with anyone correcting my grammar. I tend not to correct the minor mistakes of others, however if a post is written in text speak or lacks basic punctuation then I'll simply ignore it. If you want me to read your post, then make it readable.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    I correct the grammar of others frequently, but only between the hours of 9:00-3:30 on weekdays and in class during the school year. If we all went around correcting other people (unnecessarily) on every little thing we disagreed with or did not like, we'd get nothing else done in life.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    For example, I see articles on legitimate news sites about various businesses with the names spelled incorrectly. If you say "I got my new yoga pants at JC Penny's" that's a little bit annoying to me...but for CNN to talk about falling stock for J.C. Penny...seriously, it's been around for a zillion years and they need to know it's J.C. Penney.

    That bothers me as well. I read a lot of news online, and it's frustrating to see how many errors are made by those who write for a living. Of course everyone makes mistakes, but whatever happened to proofreading?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I'd just like to point out that we use different parts of the brain to develop sentence structure, grammar usage, and spelling. I know many excellent writers, who do it for a living, who are terrible spellers. I also know successful business people who appear quite bright but can't write a sentence to save their life. I think I write and spell well, but I don't always use the proper punctuation. But I think I'm wicked smaht, anyway.....

    There are different types of intelligence, too. Someone who seems like a dimwit behind the keyboard could actually be the mastermind behind a complex identity theft scheme or a brilliant mechanic who can pull apart your car engine and put it back together easily. That type of intelligence is just as valuable as knowing how to spell or being the perfect, error-free typist.

    Haters 'gon hate......or something to that effect (or is it affect)?


    My husband writes for a living and is not a great speller. We both have English degrees (with different specialties and honors) and neither one of us could diagram a sentence to save our lives.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Does it tick you off when someone corrects your spelling and or structure in an online forum? Or, do you EVER see it as helpful? What do you think motivates a "grammar Nazi"?
    I don't even get the urge when the entire post is barely English. But, occasionally, an otherwise intelligent and well-stated post makes me wonder if the writer would like to have the error pointed out. I know I would.

    What motivates me to be a grammar/spelling nazi is I want to read what a person, wrote without getting a headache. This isn't texting on the Nokia phones of the 90's. Use at least something that resembles proper grammar and spelling, because if I can notice the mistakes it's THAT bad.

    ETA: I make mistakes all the time and will most likely not correct someone... but when I do it is probably pretty atrocious already.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    If someone is that insecure that they have to make corrections to someone else's posting on the Interwebs just to feel superior, it says a lot more about them than it does about my use of the English language.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    txt speak makes me crazy :angry:

    My kids are 25 and 18 & if they want to text me, you can bet that I will correct their spelling/grammar if it's stupid.:laugh:
    I don't do that for anyone else though. In my mind, texts are read as though the sender is speaking. So if they don't say things like, 'yo, moma' when trying to get my attention IRL, I don't expect to see it on my phone.

    I used to tell them all the time, the way you talk (or text) with your friends is not the way you want to talk to your boss, school principal, grandma etc.

    It almost seems to me that if you don't take the time to differentiate between familiar & formal, people who don't know you that well automatically assume you're stupid. That or you're too arrogant to care that it's improper.

    I don't know...could be my upbringing (strict West Indian parents who don't tolerate funny well) could be my age (45) or it could be that as an immigrant brown person growing up in NY, if you are not super proper with your spelling or grammar, you are often treated like an idiot.

    Shrug. #it's complicated

    edited for of all things...spelling errror :laugh:
  • Grammar Nazis are the worse!!!

    I think real Nazis were the worst, but I'm fickle like that.

    Snappy dressers though.


    I don't formally correct anyone but your credibility will go down with each error and misuse. Sorry. I can't even help it! But I think correcting someone and the mass murder of millions of people by a mad dictator aren't comparable. Grammar Nazi is a term that needs to go away, in my opinion.

    But that gif is genius. All gifs are good gifs.
  • I realize that when 'texting' people will use short cuts, make spelling errors due to closeness of keys, use text speak, etc., and that is well and fine and understood as trying to be quick about communication. When I read online posts with spelling mistakes, and/or grammar errors, I judge the writer's credibility. What is being said (written) is less credible to me with spelling errors. I find that I start correcting the grammar and spelling rather than caring to understand their viewpoint.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am a good speller and I know how to write.
    is this Irony? ;-)

    Yeah- I write real good too.


    It only bothers me when it's they ONLY point the person is making- they have no valid arguement or point other than to mock someone for a potentially simple mistake.

    Their/there/they're stuff like that- it's annoying- but not a crisis.

    Exceptionally poorly written posts
    Long paragraphs
    Run on sentences
    Poor thought pattern
    No paragraphs

    These things tend to get to me.

    But usually you can tell if someone just had a mistype- or they just have really poor reading/reviewing/writing skills.
  • I only correct other people's grammar in my mind - never to them. How you present yourself to others is your own business - how you perceive them is your business.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Shiz dawg nomsayin yall just don't no what u be tockin bout. when peepz be ritin it rong u gotzta tell dey azz fo dey be thinkin dey no what demz sayin foo and daz fo real yo.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Shiz dawg nomsayin yall just don't no what u be tockin bout. when peepz be ritin it rong u gotzta tell dey azz fo dey be thinkin dey no what demz sayin foo and daz fo real yo.

    Ok, that totally made my head hurt. I read it 4 times at least.
    Translation please?
    I didn't understand the last part.
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    Shiz dawg nomsayin yall just don't no what u be tockin bout. when peepz be ritin it rong u gotzta tell dey azz fo dey be thinkin dey no what demz sayin foo and daz fo real yo.

    Ok, that totally made my head hurt. I read it 4 times at least.
    Translation please?
    I didn't understand the last part.

    Shoot, dog (friend), know what I'm saying, you all just don't know what you're talking about. When people are writing it wrong, you've got to tell their tushes that they're thinking that they know what they're saying, fool. And that's for real.

    Never said it made sense, but there's your translation as near as I can determine. I'm gonna go take about 12 ibuprofen now.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member