tattoos hot or not?



  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    have we come to a consensus yet about this issue?


    ok. well, you let me know when you've decided. thanks.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member

    Can be very sexy and fun!

    The one on the side of Mike Tyson's face - not so much.

    Actually, I find that one hot. I've seen plenty of tats that don't do a thing for me, but I think Mike Tyson's is awesome.

    There's just no accounting for taste, is there?
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    Tattoos on a human body , especially women, are like putting bumper stickers on a Ferrari - classless and they detract from natural beauty.
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    So hot!!
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Tattooed people are weird.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    It depends on the person.
    On men, they drive me nuts, I love them.

    How you doin'? :tongue:
  • patfriendly
    patfriendly Posts: 263 Member
    I prefer to see glowing bare skin rather than tattoo. Tattoos are like clothes, cute clothes make you look pretty, but nothing beats a hot naked body.
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    I think they are hot...a fit guy with some tatts is just plain out sexy....I dont think you can judge a person because of their ink. Its not taboo like it use to be and every race, religion, and economic background has them....I am sure there are people you would never believe have them....DONT HATE!!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I don't have any. I would like one Niner based tat on my shoulder. My wife, on the other hand, detests them. Since I don't want her shaving her head, I won't get a tattoo. A truce has been formed. The only tats I detest are the ones women put accross their chest covering it entirely. Reminds of the G.I Joe "Ship Wreck." To each his own.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    I think that's very personal. I have no problem with them and think they can be very nice looking.
    BUT, when getting a tattoo, you make a choice, it's permanent. You know it may hinder you in your career or other parts of life. So if you make that choice, deal with the consequences.

    Sure it shouldn't make a difference, but people judge and that's not going to change any time soon.
  • ink_b1tch
    ink_b1tch Posts: 101
    Considering over half my body is covered in them, they are HOT! Now that being said, I have seen some homemade ink that nobody can make sexy! Tattoos are an expression of one’s self, not something you pick off a wall and say "hey that’s cool". They tell a story they reveal the type of person under them. So man and woman alike, let them hang out and show your soul! If anyone is curious just send me a message and my ink will appear.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    tattoos are best left to convicts and other assorted riff-raff/white trash.

  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I can tell you that the laser they use to remove one is SUPER, SUPER HOT. It burns like nothing I've ever felt before and it's insane. I have three tattoos and I'm having one removed now. It is a horrible process that takes at least a year.

    I still love my other two and I'm already planning my next one but I will think long and hard about what it's going to be and where it will be.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    tattoos are best left to convicts and other assorted riff-raff/white trash.


    Yep. Nothing but losers, the lot of them.
  • MelaniLight
    MelaniLight Posts: 738 Member
    The correct answer is Both Hot and Not.

    Too many variables to just outright say all tattoos are hot /not hot.

    My tattoo = Bad *kitten*..... not hot - Hard to call a Pirate Ship hot.

    True...don't forget sketchy "jail-house" not hot.
  • Army_Of_One
    Army_Of_One Posts: 107 Member
    Tattoos are not 'Art' because we do not hang them on a wall or frame them, . . . do we . . . Clarice? . . . . Or do I mean Dahmer?
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    tattoos are best left to convicts and other assorted riff-raff/white trash.


    Exactly. And the back piece I have reminds me of where I came from every day. :laugh: :wink: At least it's not a tramp stamp (JK--I have friends w/ hawt tramp stamps that look phenomenal on THEM. Just not for me)
  • lna_1981
    lna_1981 Posts: 696 Member
    I'm not sure, I've seen some god awful ones that weren't hot at all....and then I've seen some that were dang hot ^_^
  • stuart160
    stuart160 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Neither or, I have seen some hot girls with tattoos but the tattoos aren't what makes them hot. they would be hot with or without them