
  • getfine2015
    getfine2015 Posts: 155 Member
    So many many mood swings, unwanted hairs, acne and so much disappointment month after month of negative pregnancy tests....not to mention the drastic weight gain and snails pace weight loss....PCOS you have robbed me of enjoying the feeling of being a normal woman and are trying to strip me of my right to procreate. But you don't know the Power of a determined woman. I'm willing to fight you tooth and nail to reclaim my life and start my family...."NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER...."
  • No period for 5 months... yet ALL the hormones. ARGH!!!!

    Today I could so sit in the corner and cry like a baby. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    OMG!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!! The other day I just randomly burst in to work!! So embarrassing!
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    PCOS makes me feel like less of a woman.

    I'm afraid my boyfriend will leave me because of it one day.
  • Phany04
    Phany04 Posts: 52 Member

    I'm here to tell you how much I hate you! I hate that when I was in high school a kid laugh at me because I had a mustache! I hate all this hideous hair in my face. I hate the pimples! I hate the pain that I go through all the time. I hate That it took more than 5 doctors and 10 years of lab work to get diagnosed. I hate all the weight you and your *kitten* brother (hypothyroidism) made me gain. I hate having so many doctors appointments.

    Go to hell pcos!
  • Em6212
    Em6212 Posts: 7 Member
    I hate living with the excess hair and how it makes me such an emotional wreck all the time. I recently got married and we just started trying to have a baby last month. So far no luck, which isn't unusual. I hate living in the constant fear, though, that it will never happen. I am over 400 pounds right now and I know that will make it hard- not to mention the PCOS. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 years ago, but am just now learning what that actually means for my body and my future. A great tool was the PCOS Diet Book. It was so informational and gave me the hope that i can loose the weight and conceive naturally. I was so grateful to find this forum. I am hoping to make some friends on MFP since I just joined and having others who understand exactly what I am going through would be so helpful. Sorry that I rambled on so long. It's just great to be able to finally "vent" to others who know where I'm coming from. Good luck girls!!!
  • ereach4731
    ereach4731 Posts: 41 Member
    I, too, have PCOS! I'm not TTC right now, but trying to get my weight down to something healthy so that when I'm ready, it won't be an issue.

    I have read many posts here and do not think that just b/c you lose weight means you will be able to conceive. That is not how PCOS works. It definitely helps, but it is not the only factor.

    And even though you conceive and have even 2, 3, 4 does not mean that PCOS has disappeared. Again, there are many other factors to consider and continue to monitor.

    But don't give up the fight for a baby, if that is what you want! My friend was TTC for 6 years w/ multiple miscarriages. It can happen. Her baby is now 14 months!
  • Em6212
    Em6212 Posts: 7 Member
    PCOS makes me feel like less of a woman.

    I'm afraid my boyfriend will leave me because of it one day.

    I know how you feel. I used to worry that I would never find anyone who could put up with my "problems". The worst part was I didn't even realize that 90% of what I was experiencing was due to having PCOS. I feel so manly sometimes and also like I'm loosing my mind. PCOS not only affects the body but also the mind.
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    PCOS makes me feel like less of a woman.

    I'm afraid my boyfriend will leave me because of it one day.

    I know how you feel. I used to worry that I would never find anyone who could put up with my "problems". The worst part was I didn't even realize that 90% of what I was experiencing was due to having PCOS. I feel so manly sometimes and also like I'm loosing my mind. PCOS not only affects the body but also the mind.
    I've been diagnosed for 8 years, so by now, I can link a lot of things to it.
    It makes me crazy too. I can't stop hating myself for it.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Just a quick update: I started this thread years ago when I had just discovered my PCOS! I am happy to announce that through years and years of fighting the battle of weightloss and infertility....I WON! We were able to conceive our beautiful 10 month old daughter and I lost 60 lbs before getting pregnant with her! I will be posting some tips/advice/tricks that helped me along the way. Maybe i'll start a group dedicated to just PCOS/Diet/exercise and fertility? Thoughts?
    Any way, I am back at it trying to lose weight still! I lost all of my 30 lb baby weight gain, but even with the 60 lb loss before pregnancy, I was still overweight. SO BACK AT IT FOR ME! Never stop fighting the good fight Gals, because trust me, it IS WORTH IT. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • holli1406
    holli1406 Posts: 7 Member
    Tbh I really like this thread because for the first time since being diagnosed at 16 (I'm 21 now) I'm able to see that I'm not alone in this struggle.

    Pcos I hate you
  • sedwright
    sedwright Posts: 2 Member
    Finally being in contact with several other females with the same struggle!!! I've been to some other message boards where people are hating on others for trying diet pills etc. for weight loss and say "why don't you do it the old fashioned way, the healthy way." What they don't understand is (just like all things) everyone does NOT have the same results! Especially women with PCOS!!! I can go to the gym/do zumba/cardio/weights etc. daily and eat the recommended 1700 calorie-a-day diet mfp recommends and STILL not loose weight thanks to PCOS! Over a month ago, after attending the gym going on two months and logging food intake, I had gained 3 lbs!!! I was so frustrated I said forget it! i didn't go out and binge (i'm not that type of person) but I stopped going to the gym for a week. In one weeks time, still eating 1700 diet, gained 5 lbs...... The struggle is REAL with PCOS!!!

    Finally after breaking down crying at the doctors office out of pure frustration she convinced me to start taking phentermine. I was completely hesitant because of all the hype surrounding diet pills. Took it for 3 weeks, lost 6 pounds, which here on mfp brings me back to where I started several months ago. However, I was having bad side effects and went back to her today where she advised me toward Belviq. Which appears to me to have less side affects. I am concerned because I am still eating healthy, like I have been for awhile now, but how does this medication aid against the side-affects of PCOS? I have no idea, but I have faith and I am going to keep giving it 110%! PCOS you will NOT be my oppressor much longer!!! I can and WILL overcome you!!

    God bless all of you gorgeous, beautiful, women!!! Praying that we can find comfort in knowing we are NOT alone with these questions/confusions/ and frustrations! We got the Lord above, and all the other ladies here!
  • sedwright
    sedwright Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome!! Very happy for you and your success!
  • Just a quick update: I started this thread years ago when I had just discovered my PCOS! I am happy to announce that through years and years of fighting the battle of weightloss and infertility....I WON! We were able to conceive our beautiful 10 month old daughter and I lost 60 lbs before getting pregnant with her! I will be posting some tips/advice/tricks that helped me along the way. Maybe i'll start a group dedicated to just PCOS/Diet/exercise and fertility? Thoughts?
    Any way, I am back at it trying to lose weight still! I lost all of my 30 lb baby weight gain, but even with the 60 lb loss before pregnancy, I was still overweight. SO BACK AT IT FOR ME! Never stop fighting the good fight Gals, because trust me, it IS WORTH IT. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
    I'd love to hear your tips and tricks!
    And congratulations!
  • udayasuryav
    udayasuryav Posts: 7 Member
    oh wow !! this feels so good just to read all of your posts and go "I hear you !! ".

    More than all the physical problems I had to face like facial hair .. darkening neck etc etc etc etc etc...............
    The worst for me was the contempt from people that " i was not doing enough and taking care of myself " looks, conversations I had to put up since 5th grade. I am 27 years and it is a long time ago, but still hurts to think the judgement that people made every time they saw me walk into a restaurant or a public place. And it was not as if I did not do anything. i was "Dieting" "working out" and yada yada... When I was actually diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin Resistance. I cried because now I knew.. Why ??!! The relief that I know was overwhelming the fact that I had something i need to take care off !! So for all of you hear .. u know and we can take care of it !!
  • sirena192005
    sirena192005 Posts: 13 Member
    I just found this thread and it hits home for me. I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 11. I have had problem since my very first period. Twice I bled for so long I had to get shots to stop the bleeding(9 weeks one time and 13 weeks another time). I have excess hair on my face, stomach, thighs, breasts, you name it.

    I was lucky in that I managed to have my daughter almost three years ago and actually got pregnant unintentionally while on the pill! She's my miracle baby. Unfortunately, my husband and I have been trying to give her a sibling for over a year with no luck.

    I know how you all feel with the struggle to lose weight and keep it off. I got to my heaviest(327) in May 2014. As of today I am down to 304, so feeling good and am under my delivery weight for the first time since I delivered my daughter. Here's to hoping that this time my body cooperates and the weight continues to come off. I've struggled with it my whole life and nothing has ever worked before. I'm not sure what's changed this time, but I'm grateful that something has and I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. I'll take it!
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I hate it!!! Unwanted facial hair and most of all difficulty losing this weight! Sigh
  • Clarehc
    Clarehc Posts: 15 Member
    Hey, another PCOS sufferer but if it helps anyone, I've two lovely children :-D. They took three years each to conceive which was, at times, heartbreaking and so difficult but forewarned is forearmed and there are things you can do to help or boost your fertility. I would say patience is key though, be prepared for it to take years and ignore the smug "I got pregnant first month of trying" women - they don't mean to be cruel, they just don't understand. I never thought I'd have one child let alone two, I'm super lucky.

    If I was asked to give one piece of advice to PCOSers, it would be to make sure your weight is in the 'normal' range for your height and body type. Being overweight, which happens very easily especially if you are insulin resistant, makes everything worse. I only conceived (all four times, 2 miscarriages, sadly) when at a 'normal' weight and my other symptoms, mainly the acne (which got much worse after my second child infuriatingly) are at a minimum now my weight is 'normal'. I still cling to weight around my stomach, still get spots around my period and am still a little more hairy than I'd like but it's under control and now I have the kids, I don't let it bother me nearly so much. The only thing that bothers me now is I can already tell my DD, who is only 7, will have PCOS too :-(. I'm quite sad about that (pretty sure my own Mum had it too but never diagnosed) but at least I can explain it to her when she's old enough.

    Good luck to anyone out there struggling xx
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I've created the group Winning the PCOS battle
    Please join so we can all discuss Tips and tricks to kicking PCOS's BUTT!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Two weeks ago I had a cyst rupture about an hour after I got to work and I tried to ignore the pain and work through it, but within an hour after the pain started I was on the floor curled up crying from the pain. My co-teacher got my director and then she dropped me off at the Emergency Room. I was so embarrassed! Having to walk past the other staff who didn't understand what was going on as I hug my lower abdomen and get into my bosses van. Then when I returned to work I had every-one tiptoeing around me asking what happened, am I okay, is there any thing to fix it, etc etc, and receiving tons of unwanted sympathy from them. I just hate all the extra attention!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I used to hate the attention....but now I just tell people flat out what is wrong with me. I sort of embrace it now. Even though I still despise PCOS. Theres no use in trying to cover it up because people will just be even more curious and nosy. I found once I started just flat out telling people what PCOS is and what it does to us, that they just stopped asking and acting weird! lol
    Your specific situation was scary though for others to see. Im sure they were just truly concearned for health and safety :)