Pushy Spelling/Grammar People



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I realize that when 'texting' people will use short cuts, make spelling errors due to closeness of keys, use text speak, etc., and that is well and fine and understood as trying to be quick about communication. When I read online posts with spelling mistakes, and/or grammar errors, I judge the writer's credibility. What is being said (written) is less credible to me with spelling errors. I find that I start correcting the grammar and spelling rather than caring to understand their viewpoint.

    I think that is something you need to work on then.
    I don't think discrediting people's point of view because of spelling errors is something to be proud of ( or of which to be proud, if you prefer :tongue: )
    Chris gets up to give a presentation in a new, tailored suit, hair done well, obviously well-groomed, and speaks in a clear, confident voice while maintaining eye contact with the audience.

    Pat gets up to give a presentation in disheveled, dirty clothes, hair uncombed and obviously not well-groomed, and speaks in a quiet mumble, all the while staring down at the notes.

    Is it your contention that you'd judge both presentations equally, or solely on content rather than including delivery in your evaluation?

    Hardly the same context as an online forum.

    However, to answer the question,I would try very hard to not let presentation get in the way of content. I am not saying I would be entirely successful - but I wouldn't automatically dismiss the content of the poorer presentor, whilst being proud of doing so.

    That's the way that poster came across to me - taking pride in dismissing content when there were spelling errors, rather than trying to see past presentation.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I realize that when 'texting' people will use short cuts, make spelling errors due to closeness of keys, use text speak, etc., and that is well and fine and understood as trying to be quick about communication. When I read online posts with spelling mistakes, and/or grammar errors, I judge the writer's credibility. What is being said (written) is less credible to me with spelling errors. I find that I start correcting the grammar and spelling rather than caring to understand their viewpoint.

    I think that is something you need to work on then.
    I don't think discrediting people's point of view because of spelling errors is something to be proud of ( or of which to be proud, if you prefer :tongue: )
    Chris gets up to give a presentation in a new, tailored suit, hair done well, obviously well-groomed, and speaks in a clear, confident voice while maintaining eye contact with the audience.

    Pat gets up to give a presentation in disheveled, dirty clothes, hair uncombed and obviously not well-groomed, and speaks in a quiet mumble, all the while staring down at the notes.

    Is it your contention that you'd judge both presentations equally, or solely on content rather than including delivery in your evaluation?

    Hardly the same context as an online forum.

    However, to answer the question,I would try very hard to not let presentation get in the way of content. I am not saying I would be entirely successful - but I wouldn't automatically dismiss the content of the poorer presentor, whilst being proud of doing so.

    That's the way that poster came across to me - taking pride in dismissing content when there were spelling errors, rather than trying to see past presentation.
    On an online forum, the words you choose are the clothes you wear, the way you style your hair, and the manner in which you speak. If you do not see the analogy, I guess that's too bad.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Some people just don't understand pedantry.

    Many may not understand what it is but some are very good at it ;)
  • marchellaz
    marchellaz Posts: 70 Member
    It is super annoying to correct grammar/spelling errors.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    I'm sure the grace you afforded your new boss, was returned to you tenfold. I mean really, without having known his situation, you judged him and called him out in front of the entire office, and then proceeded to continue the pissing match by email for all to see. . He must have thought you were a hero.

    What if one of his family members had just died, or a child was sick, or he had been in a car accident? without knowing anything about him, you judged him.

    Sorry, but not cool.

    He actually turned out to be one of the better bosses I had. Became fairly good friends until he retired a couple years ago. Blow me.

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I realize that when 'texting' people will use short cuts, make spelling errors due to closeness of keys, use text speak, etc., and that is well and fine and understood as trying to be quick about communication. When I read online posts with spelling mistakes, and/or grammar errors, I judge the writer's credibility. What is being said (written) is less credible to me with spelling errors. I find that I start correcting the grammar and spelling rather than caring to understand their viewpoint.

    I think that is something you need to work on then.
    I don't think discrediting people's point of view because of spelling errors is something to be proud of ( or of which to be proud, if you prefer :tongue: )
    Chris gets up to give a presentation in a new, tailored suit, hair done well, obviously well-groomed, and speaks in a clear, confident voice while maintaining eye contact with the audience.

    Pat gets up to give a presentation in disheveled, dirty clothes, hair uncombed and obviously not well-groomed, and speaks in a quiet mumble, all the while staring down at the notes.

    Is it your contention that you'd judge both presentations equally, or solely on content rather than including delivery in your evaluation?

    Hardly the same context as an online forum.

    However, to answer the question,I would try very hard to not let presentation get in the way of content. I am not saying I would be entirely successful - but I wouldn't automatically dismiss the content of the poorer presentor, whilst being proud of doing so.

    That's the way that poster came across to me - taking pride in dismissing content when there were spelling errors, rather than trying to see past presentation.
    On an online forum, the words you choose are the clothes you wear, the way you style your hair, and the manner in which you speak. If you do not see the analogy, I guess that's too bad.

    I didn't say I couldn't see the analogy - I said I would try hard in each case ( the live presenter and the online post) to see past the presentation to the content - as opposed to taking pride in dismissing the content because of oresentation.

    Having said that, online errors really don't bother me much anyway.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    I'm sure the grace you afforded your new boss, was returned to you tenfold. I mean really, without having known his situation, you judged him and called him out in front of the entire office, and then proceeded to continue the pissing match by email for all to see. . He must have thought you were a hero.

    What if one of his family members had just died, or a child was sick, or he had been in a car accident? without knowing anything about him, you judged him.

    Sorry, but not cool.

    He actually turned out to be one of the better bosses I had. Became fairly good friends until he retired a couple years ago. Blow me.


    OMG! Right?! Someone was rude to someone else being preachy on the interwebs. I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    I'm sure the grace you afforded your new boss, was returned to you tenfold. I mean really, without having known his situation, you judged him and called him out in front of the entire office, and then proceeded to continue the pissing match by email for all to see. . He must have thought you were a hero.

    What if one of his family members had just died, or a child was sick, or he had been in a car accident? without knowing anything about him, you judged him.

    Sorry, but not cool.

    He actually turned out to be one of the better bosses I had. Became fairly good friends until he retired a couple years ago. Blow me.

    Thanks for the offer, but I'm going to politely decline. :flowerforyou:
  • thomas1247
    thomas1247 Posts: 1 Member
    It infuriates me when others correct spelling and grammar. Even though I can see the error it is not my position to correct them on it. I do not have the red pen and I really don't give a rodents behind as long as they get the point across.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Woo me with words. I admit I've FR people on here that have excellent vocabulary.

  • Rachlovesfitness
    Rachlovesfitness Posts: 219 Member
    All I know is I have crazy ADD and do not always take the time to check to make sure I have spelled everything correctly lol...

    I gonnna learns to be more caireful though <3
  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    ^thats prefect :-)
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    I'm sure the grace you afforded your new boss, was returned to you tenfold. I mean really, without having known his situation, you judged him and called him out in front of the entire office, and then proceeded to continue the pissing match by email for all to see. . He must have thought you were a hero.

    What if one of his family members had just died, or a child was sick, or he had been in a car accident? without knowing anything about him, you judged him.

    Sorry, but not cool.

    He actually turned out to be one of the better bosses I had. Became fairly good friends until he retired a couple years ago. Blow me.

    Classy (sacrasm)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    I'm sure the grace you afforded your new boss, was returned to you tenfold. I mean really, without having known his situation, you judged him and called him out in front of the entire office, and then proceeded to continue the pissing match by email for all to see. . He must have thought you were a hero.

    What if one of his family members had just died, or a child was sick, or he had been in a car accident? without knowing anything about him, you judged him.

    Sorry, but not cool.

    He actually turned out to be one of the better bosses I had. Became fairly good friends until he retired a couple years ago. Blow me.

    Classy (sacrasm)

    Ouch (sarcasm)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    I'm sure the grace you afforded your new boss, was returned to you tenfold. I mean really, without having known his situation, you judged him and called him out in front of the entire office, and then proceeded to continue the pissing match by email for all to see. . He must have thought you were a hero.

    What if one of his family members had just died, or a child was sick, or he had been in a car accident? without knowing anything about him, you judged him.

    Sorry, but not cool.

    He actually turned out to be one of the better bosses I had. Became fairly good friends until he retired a couple years ago. Blow me.

    Classy (sacrasm)

    Ouch (sarcasm)

    This is better than tennis!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    I'm sure the grace you afforded your new boss, was returned to you tenfold. I mean really, without having known his situation, you judged him and called him out in front of the entire office, and then proceeded to continue the pissing match by email for all to see. . He must have thought you were a hero.

    What if one of his family members had just died, or a child was sick, or he had been in a car accident? without knowing anything about him, you judged him.

    Sorry, but not cool.

    He actually turned out to be one of the better bosses I had. Became fairly good friends until he retired a couple years ago. Blow me.

    Classy (sacrasm)

    Ouch (sarcasm)

    This is better than tennis!

    I think there is more "love" in tennis.

    I apologize to whoever I offended, though.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    I'm sure the grace you afforded your new boss, was returned to you tenfold. I mean really, without having known his situation, you judged him and called him out in front of the entire office, and then proceeded to continue the pissing match by email for all to see. . He must have thought you were a hero.

    What if one of his family members had just died, or a child was sick, or he had been in a car accident? without knowing anything about him, you judged him.

    Sorry, but not cool.

    He actually turned out to be one of the better bosses I had. Became fairly good friends until he retired a couple years ago. Blow me.

    Classy (sacrasm)

    Ouch (sarcasm)

    This is better than tennis!

    I think there is more "love" in tennis.

    I apologize to whoever I offended, though.

    Well, you DID offer to let me blow you... that's pretty loving.... no? :laugh:

    no offence taken over here.
  • doIdaretoeatapeach
    doIdaretoeatapeach Posts: 26 Member
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I got a new Boss a few years back. We hadn't met him yet. He called a staff meeting in a nearby Training Room. Staff showed up on time.

    15 Minutes past the designated meeting time and the new Boss has not arrived. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the room.

    I wrote on the white board "Word for the Day: Punctuality"

    New Boss arrives a few minutes later. Looks at the Board. He then turned to us and introduced himself. Gave a short little presentation, then, as we were ready to leave, he points to the White Board and says, "I would have responded to that if it had been spelled correctly.

    I went back to my office and looked up Punctuality on a Web Dictionary. I cut and pasted to an email that I sent to everyone that was in the room, including my new Boss.

    Under the cut and pasted spelling and definition I wrote: "It's not important that I'm right. It's important that you know I'm right."

    did anyone reply to your email?
  • MozzarellaSheep
    MozzarellaSheep Posts: 100 Member
    I absolutely despise when people use incorrect grammar.. particularly when they use the wrong your, you're, they're, their, or there.

    When I see someone type out the incorrect word, especially in a post that is particularly intelligent, it tells me one of two things:
    1) You're too lazy to reread or even to go back and correct your own work
    2) You're not educated enough to use the correct word

    Either way, it directly changes my view of how credible your take is on whatever it is we are discussing.
    That being said... I rarely ever go out of my way to correct the spelling or grammar of others in a public forum. I form my opinion of you immediately, and it would be a futile effort to start a pointless battle over highlighting your errors. People tend to only make my view of them worse by arguing that their poor use of grammar "shouldn't matter" if their facts are correct.