rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    Who talks about teletubbies in the club, I ask you.

    People are dumb.
  • cierrataylor92
    cierrataylor92 Posts: 8 Member
  • ameliad87
    ameliad87 Posts: 66 Member
    Someone just asked me today when my baby was due...

    I'm 5'8", 190 lbs, and I carry my weight relatively well. Just have a little leftover baby pooch from a C-section. I wanted to cry in the corner, but I just had to laugh and say, "Nope, this is just the leftovers from my first kid!"

    Really puts a damper on the weight loss I have had, as I have been plateauing for the past 6 weeks that I've been trying to get through.
  • orlandogirl97
    orlandogirl97 Posts: 30 Member
    How can people be so nasty? I have never said to anybody..........

    Look at all of those pimples on your face!
    You drink too much!
    You should be a better parent!
    You are lazy!
    You should work more!
    You know all of those drugs you do are making you look old!
    Your house is dirty!
    You stink!
    on and on......
  • cierrataylor92
    cierrataylor92 Posts: 8 Member
    Not sure which one to choose ... but my mother had a multitude of nicknames for me:
    Fat lump, clumsy elephant, (enjoying your food 'fatty'? ) , Greedy, fat cow, pig, greedy pig..
    'you're too fat to wear jeans'
    'I think you should wear something more flattering'
    ' I think your face looks better when you're fat'
    'you'll never be thin like your sister, so stop trying'
    ' you're just meant to be fat, your dad is built big, her dad is skinny, it's in your genes'

    My mum is a lovely lady. Oh and hey I got skinny and now she's all sorts of jelly :D

    Wow your mom sounds like a fantastic lady. I am really sorry she said that stuff to you.
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    When I was 13, my aunt said in front of several family members at a wedding- "You actually would be pretty if you weren't so fat." I know others have said worse things about me in my adult years, but those I don't remember, hers I remembered because it affected me the most. I became an emotional eater after that and hid food. It's taken me along time to get over it, sometimes I'm not, but mostly.

    The other was my mom called me "Winnie the Pooh" when I got stuck climbing from over the back of the couch to the front. I had built a fort back there with my brother. I was really small and I couldn't touch the floor after a certain point. She laughed all the way to my brother's room and told him to come get "Pooh" out from behind the couch. He didn't laugh and told me to ignore mom. I loved my brother more from that day on.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member

    A group of my coworkers did this at one of my old restaurant jobs. They tore out a piece of a kids menu and colored it in with my name and everything, posted it in the kitchen =/ I laughed it off, but it was very hurtful, especially since it was a group effort. I started out at over 400 lbs and have been obese my entire life so I've had my fair share of mean comments and actions thrown my way. Don't ever think that what you say or do to a person won't stick with them after you're gone, that's not always necessarily true. I've had this picture for 8 years. It used to depress the crap out of me when I was younger, now I look back on it and I'm just glad I moved past that part of my life and don't allow poisonous people around me anymore.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    This is like a therapy session lol.

    I never told any one this because I was ashamed that it was actually said to me by my ex.

    Of course he said "If you lost weight you would be prettier" way more than once

    and.. "I will buy you a boob job if you get down to 115." (I never asked for one, I never wanted one, and I never let on that I had any desire for one, so that was like a double whammy)

    and one time I was sitting down and I pulled my shirt out from my body... he said "Your not hiding anything by doing that, you can still see your fat."

    The funny thing about all this... he was OBESE and he got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes while we were together. So, like others mentioned, he probably was making himself feel better every time he put me down.

    Definitely an ex for a reason.... An EXample of who I never want to be with again. Plus who I am now wouldn't even give him the time of day.

    That felt good to get out haha.
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    My soon to be ex husband.. Married me heavier than what I am now mind you...
    Told me that he was not attracted to me because i was too fat to lift up and F*** against the wall... And that he didn't want to be intimate with me because it was disgusting..

    So I told him to eat his wheaties and do some push ups and then politely asked him to leave my house:)

    165 pounds to be exact -- All in one day;)
    Ugh. You just reminded me of something my husband said to me once. Amazingly, we're still married.

    I wish his was only once.. But it wasn't ... Oh well... I'm better off.. I firmly believe he has been holding me back. I stressed so much about my weight, it consumed me. I couldn't enjoy food, dinner with my family... Hated going out to dinner with him, because I became paranoid he would note how much i ate etc... When I talked to him about how much progress I made, he would reply with, are you at your goal.. When I would tell him no but can you at least share in my success a bit... He would respond with, shouldn't have gained 100 pounds then huh? :noway:

    I'm surprised I never served a prison sentence. If it wasn't for the amazing people on my friends list, that man would have been choked out in his sleep. Or from a scissor lock after my DOMs cleared up from leg day!

    So what you're really saying is you've lost well over 100 pounds already? ;-)

    Does it count if he was 165 pounds when he left:)
  • CPRsMom
    CPRsMom Posts: 15 Member
    I was at Panera Bread eating a sandwich (as a treat to myself since I had a terrible day at work) and two women were sitting across from me. The place was mostly packed and they came up and snickered and pointed at me and made crude "fatty" gestures (putting their hands apart, keeping air in their cheeks for a "bloated" look) and I heard one of them say "ew, I don't wanna sit next to her, I'll get fat and ugly too". At first I didn't pay attention to them but they just kept poking "fun" and saying things to each other like I wasn't there. They made me feel like a monster. They were saying things like "ew it looked at me!" "oh my god I ordered the same thing she did, does that mean I'm a fat cow too?" "wow, I'm surprised she doesn't need two of those chairs!" "or four!" inbetween fits of laughing and staring at me like I wasn't human. I left in tears.

  • HopeClavon123
    HopeClavon123 Posts: 22 Member
    as far as anyone saying rude things about my weight....I think its rude when people say " she has a pretty face" thinking what about the rest of me.....but screw them, Im beautiful all over :)
    also my mother in law used to say " I was watching these weight loss shows on tv and they lost all these weight" some lady at her church said if i lost the weight my husband would love me more...WTF I just had a baby a couple of months son was like 10 pounds ya stomach dont snap back flat after a 10 a couple of 3 children later and i still look FABULOUS!!! I still got some fat to trim though....THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO LOVE YA SELF, TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME, PUT GOD FIRST AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    "Are you pregnant?!"
    "Nope...just got fat..."
    "Are you sure?! You're pregnant..."

  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    I could write a book.....".You know if you lost weight you'd find a man" was rude.....Lost 80 lbs......still single.....but the worst was when I did lose tons of weight.....more than one person said I should have skin surgery.....PEOPLE ARE RUDE...plain and simple....that's why I just live my life....I've gained some wt back due to injury, but I don't care what I weigh....I care about my health.....
  • Well I would say the most emotionally scarring incidents were in 7th grade. This guy called me fat every day for two years. Even when we didn't have class together he would find me in the hallway just to say something like
    "You should join weight watchers"
    "Look its the fat whale"
    Etc. Ironically none of the teachers or administration would do anything despite their (at the time) "Make A Change against bullying" Rampage.

    One day I snapped and told him
    "Go stick your D**k in a meat grinder."

    He was momentarily stunned. Didn't change anything long-term though.
  • shanahz
    shanahz Posts: 261 Member
    My mother has always been critical of my weight. At my grandpa's 80th birthday party she told me to suck it in because I looked like I was 6 months pregnant. Then I lost 20lbs and she still picked at me. I went shopping for jeans because all of mine were too big. She asked me why I wanted to buy new jeans if I was just going to put the weight back on. I don't talk to her anymore, but I did put the weight back on. I am the same weight right now that I was when she told me to suck it in and I feel fine. I still have about 11lbs to go until I hit my goal (I will reassess at that point if I want to lose more). I think she is just a miserable person. She is 5'2" and I am 5'7", she weighs more than I do and I think that bothers her. I do have some insecurities from her constant belittlement, but I am happy with my self now and that is all that matters. Family or not I don't want that kind of negativity in my life.
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    if i lost 20-25 lbs...i would be gorgeous......smh thanks!!!
  • kkay3182
    kkay3182 Posts: 90 Member
    So I have a relationship with the produce scale in my local grocery store, you know, that industrial one that goes to 300lbs I always hop on the minute I go through the door much to the horror of whomever I am with, I have a good attitude about my weight, not a hide the hurt with a smile kinda good attitude, but as for how my weight make me look I really don't care, few years back I hopped on the scale and a tiny woman leaving the store literally gasped and huddled out of the store with embarrassment, I was unperturbed and figured she just never saw the dial make a complete revolution before but my bff was pretty While I still dont really care the perception I get from being fat I am happy to be losing for the purpose of staying healthy/getting healthier....and I really dont want to break a ride at a theme park lol
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    former best friend: "eeeeew , you look gross, you are waaaay too skinny!"

    she weighed about 105 lbs at the time, and is 5'6
    I was 120 lbs, and 5'3
  • CPRsMom
    CPRsMom Posts: 15 Member
    My heart goes out to all of you....I've been a bit lucky family-wise, I have parents who have always loved me for the way I am

    I was called thunder thighs in middle school but that's because I developed curves early. And the other day a co-workeer asked "Have you always been big?" But no matter what is said the biggest insult is the one I say to myself in my head. "You're disgusting!" "You're so fat"....we are our worst enemies.
  • Tilda_P
    Tilda_P Posts: 30 Member
    My sister pointed to the tv screen one night when one of those newer diet commercials came on with the cute overweight girl working out and said, "You could do commercials like that. There are lots of plus size models now."

    My mom snorts and said, "There's a difference between being big and pretty and just fat."