Your biggest fat secret.



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    In college, my roommate (her was around 298) and I (around 195 at the time, but all fat) would buy 2 boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts and get a box free -

    ....within 2 hours...all three boxes would be gone...we typically each had a box and a half to ourselves...

    My ex husband and I used to drive an hour to go to Krispy Kreme because there wasn't one in our town. We would each get a free hot donut and then order 2 filled/specialty donuts and eat them there with a big container of milk or coffee drink. Then we would get a mixed dozen to go, and usually that night before bed we would each have another 1-2 donuts and within 24 hours they were all gone. Although we rarely even bothered with the plain glazed so this was mostly like creme filled, custard filled, all the fancy ones...ugh.

    I still enjoy donuts! But now my husband and I go to the local donut shop and get either 1 specialty donut or 2 plain cake ones, and we usually have coffee and a cooked egg before we go so that we have "fuel" in us for the day of walking, biking, or whatever else we will be doing. I couldn't even imagine - now - eating like 10 donuts in 24 hours.
  • caringiscreepyx
    I'd casually eat a whole cheesecake to myself.

    The thought of that now makes me cringe !!!
  • sweet2def
    sweet2def Posts: 52 Member
    If I had to choose between sex and food. i'd pick food :(

    Me too because you never have to wait an hour for a second helping:tongue:
  • sweet2def
    sweet2def Posts: 52 Member
    Even when I felt sick of food ,I kept eating ....

    Ah me too. It's not until you exercise portion control and clean eating that you realise how disgustingly you used to eat.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I used to avoid going to parties and get togethers when I thought they might be taking a lot of photos. Certain friends who LOVED photos of themselves and would tag everyone on facebook...I just stopped hanging out with them or going to their parties for several lie.

    My closest friends KNEW not to share any full length photos of me or anything where you could see more than my face. I still struggle with this even now when I generally like the full length photos of myself...I just feel extremely self conscious about them even though I am many sizes smaller than I used to be. Or I have mega anxiety about how the photos will turn out, even though for the past year I've consistently approved of them. I don't know if that worry will ever leave me. Probably not entirely!

    At a job where I used to work, they would take photos of all staff constantly and post them on the intranet for the whole organization to view. That was my biggest hate about that job. It was a good job but that gave me sooooo much stress and anguish, it was ridiculous.
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    This is more of a pregnant eating secret, but if I could eat this and get away with it now I'd LOVE it.

    Each night before bed, I'd have a homemade brownie with two scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream. I can taste it now if I think really hard. It always made me forget my swollen feet, my horrible boss, my aching back, etc. Just for a few minutes anyway. And I didn't feel guilty because I was pregnant.

    If only I could feel that good all the time, eating cucumbers and carrots.
  • morethanthis0
    morethanthis0 Posts: 260 Member
    I always always always wear a long tank top under my shirts, mostly because it feels weird to have my fat rolls touch each other skin to skin and the tank top is tight against the skin so I don't feel the skin to skin rolls. :[
  • grantairesbottle
    I cut my Eponine costume to pieces(because I used to be skinny when wearing it) even though I begged the director to keep it. And I stopped doing Drama for a while.
    My favourite food used to be Ruffles Chips with ketchup or BBQ. I ate about a kilo of them every day.
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    My mom put me on the Adkins diet when I was 8. When you do Adkins, you have to pee on these little strips of paper and it would tell you if you were within the guidelines of eating like they wanted you, I was 8, I did not do what the book and my mom told me. So, most of the time, my stick was pure white instead of the lovely shade of purple she so desired and I would be punished, she was inventive with her punishments so I hated them. I took a purple marker into the powder room with me and painted the sticks purple so she would leave me the heck alone...........

    And thus that is where my diet disaster that has spanned my whole freaking life began


    Aww I'm so sorry :(
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member

    I have internal panic attacks (like, not just nerves, but legit panic attacks) before going on a new amusement park ride. I was in line for the Excellerator at Knott's Berry Farm in California, and watched multiple plus sized girls get told they were too big for the ride. I was wiping away tears as I got on it, but thankfully it just barely fit. I have, however, been turned away from a carnival ride in front of all of my friends. It's just an absolutely atrocious feeling. My boyfriend wants to go to Six Flags with me, but I refuse to until I lose weight. He doesn't understand how real that fear is for me.

    Also, I have a weakness for free or unlimited food. Like, you would think that I was homeless at some point, but if I go to a place that has a catered spread, I will go back for thirds and fourths. I am a bottomless pit when I am around free food. It's awful!
  • torileemulvs
    I could eat a whole pizza probably. Oh and one time my friend and I ate thirteen cupcakes in one sitting. Each.
  • torileemulvs
    My mom put me on the south beach diet when I was eight. Such an early age. :(
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    i sooooo badly wanted to wear an old pair of my favourite trousers once that i wore them anyway.. had to be poured into them .. pulled belt in way too far as to hold them up as i couldn't fasten them to the top ..and wore a long shirt over the top ..looked great but not so easy to sit or bend down in .. lol i think i stood at the bar most of that night ..
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    I used to drive to the pizza place within walking distance of my apartment (I could practically see it from my mailbox), pick up a large pizza, get a bottle of wine from the liquor store next door, and bake brownies or cookies while I ate the entire pizza and drank the wine. I did this at least once a week.

    A work acquaintance unexpectedly came by my apartment and I was so embarrassed by the sheer volume of food garbage.

    My husband loves these seasonal holiday treats so after Xmas one year I bought a whole bunch to give to him for Valentine’s Day. When I did, he was so relieved—he’d found them and thought I was secret-eating them. I wasn't secretly eating them, but he knew me well enough to know that it was possible.
  • LoryBear
    LoryBear Posts: 89 Member
    I work at a movie theater, and this is actually a rather odd secret--All the ushers at a movie theater usually eat the candy they find in the movie theater. I probably put on a good portion of my weight from eating the candy that we found.

    :sick: Luckily I care about my weight and just do my job now and avoid the leftovers.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Every Friday my fiance texts me on the way home from poker to see if I want McDonalds...of course I do. I also stash candy in my book basket beside my bed. Lately I've been waking up at about 2 or 3 am and go have a granola bar, rice crispie square and a juice box. I have no problem eating an entire pizza with no cheese on it, and every time I get fast food I will add another sandwich with my meal. I have always had a problem with chips and chocolate, but I'm getting better lol
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Grilled Cheese. But with Peanut butter and jelly instead of cheese. So grilled PB&J. Mmm.
  • ohsnapitssummer
    ohsnapitssummer Posts: 581 Member
    I would and still eat a pint of ice cream all by myself and I once ate a whole box of 12 cupcakes in one sitting.
    Desserts always keep me coming.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    not really a secret per-se but I used to only wear hoodies because i physically couldn't stand the sight of myself in a t-shirt
  • Frobie
    Frobie Posts: 29 Member
    It's bad that I can relate to many of these posts! lol

    One time my hubby and I left an all-you-can eat Indian Buffet and waddled to the car. We had eaten SO much and were so full we couldn't leave. We just reclined our seats and napped in the car until the overly full bloat sensation was gone. gross.