
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    Well, so far so good. I think I will just weigh once a week. Before, when I weighed on Thursday it was an incentive to be careful over the weekend (my easiest time to NOT watch what I eat). It is really good to be eating right. I miss the sweets a little, but try to eat a few nuts when the sweet urge strikes. Hope you all have a good weekend. Keep on keeping on!!:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Just a quick fly by,
    The fitting went well yesterday and she perfomed miracles on the dress. It should look pretty good for the wedding.
    I have been experimenting with new (for me) vegies. chard and kale. I love them both. I am totally hooked on kale with white beans.

    I hope you all have a great weekend.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Yesterday was our 22nd anniversary and the 2nd anniversary of the day we said that we were tired of being "Roley and Poley" and started our weight loss journey so last night DH selected a romantic restaurant that we've never been to and we went out for dinner----twinkling lights, fire in the fireplace, romantic music---cod tacos for an appetizer, pumpernickel bread, salad with about a dozen different veggies (corn, cucumber, yellow squash, red onion, tomato, black beans, garbanzos, leaf lettuces) Parmesan crusted cod, baked yam, steamed veggies, and flourless chocolate cake for dessert.......I didn't even try to count the calories......I brought half of my entree home for lunch today and DH brought half of his steak. They even took a picture of us as a souvenir of the occasion. :bigsmile:

    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: my colonoscopy is scheduled for Tuesday......my fancy dinner last night felt a little like "the condemned man ate a hearty meal":laugh: the directions from the doctor say that tomorrow I can't have nuts, popcorn, seeds, tomatoes,cucumbers, raspberries, strawberries, apples or anything with skin.....so I decided today that I would avoid those things today and get a headstart.....then on Monday I do all clear liquids and start the prescription liquid at 6 PM.....one good thing is that after two years of MFP and Isagenix, I am accustomed to drinking a lot of water and liquids every day :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: welcome to the new members:bigsmile: when I started MFP I had never posted on any online forums....I found MFP because I wanted to count calories.......I posted on one forum and I was hooked......now I have four threads that I post on and I have learned a lot and gotten a lot of support to help me along a journey that I never thought was possible......my life has been reinvented :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I just tried another new chicken recipe. http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/Applesauce-Barbecue-Chicken It got rave reviews, even from my picky 5 year old grandson.

    By the way, I was also not one to post when I first joined, but when I timidly started, I found that it made my journey easier.
  • Hi Folks! I'm sort of new here, have been trying to start for several weeks and keep falling off the food wagon! I'm 65 and really having a hard time getting extra lbs off. I'm hoping this is the beginning of my success in 2011. I have about 50 lbs to lose and I would love to have support from this group. Losing wt. past 50 is a whole different ballgame than for gals in their 20's. I get exhausted just listening to the younger ones. Feel free to friend me if your so inclined. Thanks and here's to a slim New Year! Carol in TN
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I wanted to make german potato salad for the daughter's BF. He had never had it before. I always use my grandmother's recipe. It calls for 3/4 cup of ham fat or bacon grease. I cooked up some of the outer skin from a ham and had 1/4 cup of grease.I decided to try it with this amount, and it turned out delicious. Now I know it certainly isn't healthy, but its got to be better than the original recipe.:bigsmile:
  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    Hello to everyone! It sounds like almost everyone is on their path to a healthier being! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:

    My plan for this month was to reward myself with a star, on the calendar in the kitchen that I see all the time, every day that I exercised! And I am excited to tell you that I have a star on EVERY day this month! It really makes me hop on the treadmill every day, even when I have worked and it is after dinner! It has been a very positive, and inexpensive, reward system! My husband even asked me what the stars were on the calendar! :bigsmile: I am suprised he even noticed! :ohwell:

    So don't forget to reward yourself along the way with something other than food!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have even lost 4 pounds this month!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone for the last half of the month!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Carol, you have come to the right place.....this thread has the most amazing women who have formed a community that welcomes newcomers and provides encouragement and support to each other.....it helped me to read the posts every day and to share a bit about myself to help everybody get to know me better.

    :flowerforyou: Julie I love the image of stars on your calendar for exercising.....I don't think we ever outgrow the need to be rewarded and it is so smart to provide your own rewards rather than waiting for someone to do it for you

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: we have drizzle here but I just watched the news and found out that not too far away there are floods and mudslides.....we are very lucky.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Welcome newcomers!

    sseus - what also inspires me is looking at everyone's tickers, the wgt lost and the length of time it has taken. It's a reminder for me that to lose in a healthy way, is not going to happen overnight.

    barbie - congrats on your anniversary (both of them). The colonoscopy prep should be good for a couple of pounds :wink: , however unpleasant. I'm sure it will go smoothly. As has been mentioned, prep is worse than procedure. Like you, I joined mfp because I wanted to track calories...and what an eye opener that was for me -- to see how many I was mindlessly consuming daily. I am definitely shifting my behavior in the right direction.

    Julie, congrats. I still reward calories earned by exercise with chocolate so I must find a healthier reward. Maybe an itunes song purchase. Any suggestions, ladies?

    Doobie - as I said above, sweets are my downfall but a few posts back someone mentioned taking apple cider vinegar to manage the cravings.

    Robin gave me this link to a previous thread about it. (Thanks, Robin)
    Here is a link to a thread that Suzy posted a while ago about vinegar

    Now to be honest, it has not yet become a habit. Like any new thing I add, one day I remember, the next day I forget. But from what I've read, it's a good thing to take for a number of other good health reasons. I don't have a problem drinking it straight.

    Mary, we are seeing Yogi Bear with our grandsons, tomorrow.

    Welcome, Carol. I did friend request you. I also am open to being friended by anyone else on this thread, too.

    Have a good Sunday, Everyone.

  • Hi, everyone,

    I've enjoyed reading your postings, though I'm not all caught up. So many interesting and supportive women!

    I've been on MFP for about 3 months and I've found it a great motivator to exercise, but not so good for helping me to avoid snack attacks. I lost a little weight and then I gained most of it back. I feel great about going to the gym and can see from the reports that I've only missed three days in the last two months. On the days when I don't slide, I keep quite well under my target calories (including those earned from exercise). But there are days when no amount of will power can be found - I still work out, but eat too much. I'm 180 pounds, trying to get back to 140. Eight years ago, I got down from 210 to 135, and after about a year of holding well, started gaining back, pretty slowly at first, fast now.

    Being mindful about food when I'm on an eating program seems to lead to thinking about food too much. Other times that my weight went down instead of up, I was more indifferent to food. Does anyone share this psychology? Anyone have any ideas for psyching up against it?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    Being mindful about food when I'm on an eating program seems to lead to thinking about food too much. Other times that my weight went down instead of up, I was more indifferent to food. Does anyone share this psychology? Anyone have any ideas for psyching up against it?

    I found that when I planned my meals and snacks ahead of time and posted them on MFP, then I was relieved of the need to think about food because all the food decisions had already been made......additionally I made the decision to accept no food that was offered to me and eat only what I had planned for the day. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies,

    I am checking in to say hello and welcome to all the newcomers! This is a great source of encouragement and friendship!

    I have been missing in action here since the holidays. I have NOT been tracking my food consistently and I know it just takes one day at a time. SO, Birdie, I read your post. ....ONE DAY at a time!!! I am starting today and trying to get some momentum back.

    Mimi: Good to hear from you. I hope you find a job that you can enjoy and also helps you finish your Granny-house!

    Barbie: Congratulations to you and your DH for your 2 year successful journey. You are an inspiration!:flowerforyou:

    Robin: WTG!!! I am so happy for you. Your persistence is a wonderful trait and I am sure they will be so thankful to have you!:flowerforyou:

    We helped host an engagement party last night...it was not at our house, thankfully...we had 120 guests! I did the flowers and made on appetizer. It was fun to see all of the young people and see the young couple so excited to start their life together. We are in that "season" of life, as are many of you, with lots of weddings and also lots of grandbabies...showers and parties for all of these events. I love all of these celebrations but have to get back to enjoying the people and not getting too mindless about the food that come along with these events! Ahhhh....It is so easy some times and so difficult at other times.:huh:

    I hope everyone has a good rest of their weekend. We have house guests coming in for lunch today. Another food event. I am tracking my food right now.

    Take care, All! Kackie:heart::heart:
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Reading the posts here is soooo motivational!!! This is a great group and I am beginning to recognize a few names after 2-1/2 weeks here. So far so good....the water weight went first, I am beginning to move again and work is slow right now with all the winter ice and snow. Hopefully by the time we get back into "tourist season" I will feel more like being on my feet most of the day! Speaking of which, I am at work now, so this is short and sweet....take care my friends.....eat well and live long!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Just like so many others have already mentioned, when I first joined MFP it was just as a calorie counter. I took me a while to learn to post. Now, I'd be lost without my forum friends.

    Dad is in the hospital with the beginnings of congestive heart failure. I brought him to the emergency room yesterday before noon and they will probably keep him 4-5 days to get everything straightened out. I had left instructions for him to go to the doctor's last week because I had that feeling, but Mom refused to change her hair appointment and make him get a haircut instead. She always thinks "he's being lazy" and refused to co-operate with me or the home health care people. I just had another long talk with her that things have to change around here and Dad has to get the care he needs too. The doctors lecture me about his diet ( got 3 yesterday), but it is hard because I work and she still cooks. Her final word to me was since I don't like what she buys, I can just do the shopping for her from now on! That is OK by me as I have to go shopping for us anyway. When he comes home he will be on a low sodium no processed foods diet. So he will be eating what I am suppose to be eating too.

    My next long talk will be with the health care agency!

    Well, as always I have too much to do today. I still plan on bringing the kids skiing tomorrow. They have given up a lot having my parents around and I think we all need a mental health day.

    Chat with you later. Have a great day all,

  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    I have been struggling for the past few days. I am so tired and have had a few of my stupid 'attacks' of RUQ pain. What is very apparent to me now: I have used food in the past to try to cope or as a remedy to the extreme fatigue - one of the symptoms that generally comes after these attacks. Though this learning is interesting, what I am struggling with is trying to resist using food, my old comfort and booster.

    Yesterday, I went over my calorie limit. I was "snacky" all day. Tried to eat lower calorie foods and stay within MFP calorie limit, but I was not successful. I am hoping for a better day today but I am still struggling. The fatigue is really getting me. I would like to just go to bed and sleep for a week but responsibilities keep me from using that remedy.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    Naturally we are watching the football game today......I took the dogs to the dog park first thing this morning even though it was drizzling......the girls didn't want to stay too long but at least they got to run for awhile......I will try to not sit too much while watching the game.:smile::bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Karlene, as long as your goal is to eat better and not use food as a remedy for fatigue, you will continue to do better....slow and steady wins the race

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I applaud your decision to do something special with your kids and not let them get lost in the struggle to care for your parents.

    :flowerforyou: Darlis, congrats on your success.....just keep on moving even if it isn't the goal you've set for yourself

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, someone suggested to me that when I go to food filled events that I think about what I can bring to the event (my support, good listening, friendship) instead of what I can get out of it and that helped me stay away from the personal treat of eating all the goodies and kept me moving looking for people to talk to.
    :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • > I found that when I planned my meals and snacks ahead of time and posted them on MFP, then I was relieved of the need to think > about food because all the food decisions had already been made......additionally I made the decision to accept no food that was
    > offered to me and eat only what I had planned for the day. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    This is a great idea, makes so much sense - I'm starting it as of now. Thank you.

    Good luck on Tuesday.

  • Hello to all my wonderful MFP friends ("old" ones and new ones),

    Barbie, I read your advice not to accept food that’s offered other than what you’ve planned. I need to learn this! I do well at home but go unconscious (you know what I mean) when I’m out.

    I figured “out” would be over after the holidays but not so. :noway: Since Christmas, I’ve spent a week with my sister and my folks, enjoyed wine and munchies at a neighbors and, last night, joined my kids and their kids for my grandson’s birthday party (fish tacos and sushi – his request!)

    Aaargh. The nibbley munchies get me every time. It’s time I accepted that and either took my own food or measured/weighed what I ate. I get self-conscious about doing that, but know the weight could come back on even more quickly than I got it off. And I love looking better and feeling better.

    About feeling self-conscious...to be honest with myself, when I'm not controlling my eating, i eat more than the people around me eat. That's what I want to be "self-conscious" about.

    I have yet to get back to the gym too. The last few months are the first in many years that I’ve felt strong and healthy. I didn’t realize how much difference exercising made until I took a "vacation” from it at the beginning of December.

    Birdie, as you said, it’s ONE DAY at a time. Time for a fresh start.

    I am going to have a little helper in my fresh start. I adopted a 5-1/2 to 6 month-old, 10-pound yorkie/poodle mix from the SPCA yesterday!!!! I’ve named her Isabella – Izzy for short. She looks like a dust mop and has more energy than any puppy I’ve ever before encountered.

    This morning, I took Izzy for a walk up the street. I didn’t go far, but farther than I ever have before. The morning was beautiful – crystal blue skies with a few, hazy clouds and still fresh-smelling from the rain last week.

    We startled a deer as we walked up our gravel/dirt road to the “big” road (still a little, winding country road). The deer are a little aggressive this time of year and I had to stamp my feet before she ran away.

    We heard hawks screeching, turkeys gobbling, and woodpeckers tapping. The neighbor toward the top of our road keeps ducks, geese, and turkeys. They made a racket as we approached. Izzy tried hard to turn and run the other way!

    When we came back, my three grandkids came down to play with her then we walked up to their house to introduce her to Bodie, their big Southern Bulldog (tall bulldog) / Lab mix. They look very Mutt and Jeffish. They were a little wary of each other but got along pretty well. I expect them to become friends pretty quickly.

    She's finally sleeping now. (she finally crashed after 4-hours of non-stop bouncing, scampering, and general racing around.) We’ll take another walk this afternoon on the walking/bike trail nearby. I’m looking forward to chatting more with some of the other walkers. They’re usually friendly but I expect Izzy will be a good conversation-starter.

    It’s good to be back (again!) and good to be posting. As Mary mentioned, posting helps in staying focused. I need focus!

    The other Mary

  • ...someone suggested to me that when I go to food filled events that I think about what I can bring to the event (my support, good listening, friendship) instead of what I can get out of it...

    Barbie, more wonderful advice from you. You are so wise. Thank you.
  • I too am starting to recognize names and such here...it's only been 2 weeks and I've lurked more than posted but you are all so encouraging.

    Like some, going out to eat has made me quite uneasy. I don't want to eat like I used to and can really understand how I ended up in this size jeans...but I'm not sure how to eat out within my calorie limits either. I know I can take half home and order more healthy alternatives, but this is a new game to me. It stinks being short too because I only get about 500 calories a meal! Enough venting....I'll make it work!

    Jam0525.....I'm having the same problem but my mom is the one that is ill and my dad sometimes seems incapable of caring for her or getting her to do what he wants...it's a long story but I feel your pain....(((hang in there)))

    Enjoy the day ladies...it's gorgeous in sunny So. Cal!
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