

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.
    DIL is home sick,so trying to keep Violet busy,so she can rest.Went in her pool and walked around and did some squats.
    HUgs jane
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome, newbies!

    Good afternoon, all! It was a busy, busy weekend--much busier than I had planned doing things that I had not planned. :ohwell:

    The boy child came home Saturday after another week on a mission trip. This time the group sort of lived as if they were homeless and spent most of their time interacting with "unhoused" folks and learning from their experiences. They slept in the basement of a church with no beds and no showers. The closest they came to bathing was a dip in the river! I'm glad I was not next on the list to use the church van. :laugh: However, he talked to me non-stop for NINETY minutes Saturday evening! He was so moved by the experience and had so much to share about the week. Sunday morning, each of the youth spoke about their week. Most of them spoke for 5 minutes tops and kind of gave an overview of what they did each day. Andrew was given a mic just like the pastor wears to do his part. He stood in front of the church and talked for close to 30 minutes, not only about his experience, but what he had gained from it. I didn't hear even a rustle in the church while he spoke. I am so amazed at how articulate and poised he is in front of the congregation. I was one proud and touched mommy! The congregation is so impressed at how this young man, whom they've know since infancy, has grown up to be the way he is. I just don't have the words... :love:

    On the other hand, if he has not done a ton of work on the house when I get home tonight, I may murder him! :angry: He has at least acknowledged that he has a WHOLE lot of work to accomplish by Friday. :tongue: I talked to my handy man yesterday and I'm supposed to pick him up when I leave work to go buy tile, grout, etc. to repair my bathroom floor. I dread it soooooo much!!! I feel so incredibly selfish to whine about having to share a bathroom with the boy child, but I detest it!! Especially when it is his bathroom I have to use. Yuck! :frown:

    I have been so tired that I haven't exercised as much as I've wanted. I was just flat exhausted yesterday and couldn't muster the energy to do much of anything other than the basics. Today has to show an improvement! (Where's the "determined" emoticon?)

    I have read everyone's posts and am keeping up with your lives, but too pressed for time and energy to respond today. Doesn't help that it is 97 degrees outside!

    Have a great evening!

    Carol in miserably hot NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Carol your son sounds like a wonderful young man. You should be very proud of him How old is he?

    Just talked to my sister. She had called her doctor's office about her tests last week. Her scan of her brain is normal, has pretty low thyroid and then some other tests that she didn't understand. She said that with the thyroid low and some kidney function tests abnormal that he was sending her to a rhuematologist?????? I convinced her that that didn't make since. She does have an appointment tomorrow to see him and her husband is going with her. One thing she wants to talk about is her pain level. She says she doesn't think it was the combination of drugs that he said should never be done and wants to be put on a lower dose of the muscle relaxant along with the oxycodone. This is the sister I know that likes to diagnose herself and determine her own medication program. She rationalizes it in a way that she is convinced it works.

    Lots of new ladies to chat with!!!!! Love it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Joyce - Thank you! My son is 17. He graduated from high school last month and is off to college next month.

    The reason your sister is being sent to a rheumatologist is probably because those test results could indicate some form of autoimmune disease. Rheumatology is often the first stop. I wish her well!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Good evening,

    Deedee great new picture.

    We had a cool day today. Barely made it to 70. I am enjoying our cool summer. Yet to need AC. Had a friend and neighbor over today for a visit. Good to catch up.

    I got my exercise today trying out a new vacuum. We have a lot of carpet. I go through a vacuum about every five years. The old one will go to recycle heaven tomorrow. It was time.

    Today I will catch up with friends, so tomorrow I wake to a better day.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to mark my spot.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Cool group pic and LOVE your smiley new profile Dee Dee!

    Just passing through before I collapse. Have been through 4 days of technology hell and it's affecting my ability to get a couple jobs out on time. Turns out new CYMK printer doesn't like my old fashioned RGB software so I had to go get Photo Shop, which I'm still unable to install after 6 hours. Adobe is also having technical difficulties:angry::explode: :noway: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

    I did manage to get a work out in this morning, while the rest of the day was on the phone with various tech supports, visiting prints shops, etc. 4 days I'll never get back :ohwell: ....onward and upward.

    While my 3 pound loss last week didn't show on my ticker ( think I accidentally "reset" it) I did add another pound lost this week for a whopping total of 4. At least SOMETHING'S happening on this Biggest Loser dealio.

    Catch ya'll on the flip side.

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit

    and now I just noticed my ticker's out of wack again so after I go attempt to fix it I'll probably lose this week's loss too. Pout.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Ha, fixed SOMETHING today.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Prayers and good wishes go out to Mariah! What a cutie-pie!:heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did 10 minutes of the "10 Minute Solution Tummy Toner" DVD, held my plank for 2 min 30 sec, and an hour of the extreme pump class.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a bosu DVD at home

    Welcome everyone!

    Monica - stress and boredom - those can do it to me, too. I have found that if I do some sort of craft (x-stitch, crochet, etc), that somewhat helps the boredom

    Heather - you talked about wanting to do as little prep as possible and spending time with your company. I totally agree. But that also reminded me that when we were in Switzerland, my girlfriend didn't have a freezer so she really couldn't prepare food ahead of time. I know you have a freezer. Is that common over there -- or is it more common not to have a freezer? About those chocolate fudge cupcakes, do you need to ice them? I'm always on the lookout for something to give Jess but it really can't have icing on it as the icing would get "smooshed" on her ride home. What's the recipe if it doesn't need to be iced? So sorry about your pot, glad you had a backup. Glad you got a tenant, too Prayers for your friend

    Went to Lowe's Foods to get Vince some deodorant (it was on sale) and his Cheerios (again, on special, $1.99 and I got $1 off). Then went to the extremepump class, then home.

    We honestly thought that by putting down the riverrock under the deck, that would solve a lot of the drainage issues. Not so. So after Jess and Kris left yesterday, Vince and I went to Lowe's Hardware to get a drain and PVC pipe to connect it to a drainpipe that goes under the sidewalk. So we worked on that all day. Guess we worked outside from about 10:30 to 4:30. So I didn't get to go in the pool. But I wanted to see this done. We tested it using the hose and it seems to work OK. Now to wait for a heavy rain and we'll see how it is then.


    jane - thanks for posting the pic. All you ladies look so lovely

    Karen - welcome! Day 1 will sooon turn into day 2 which will soon turn into day 3. Keep popping in.

    Gloria - glad that diet is working for you

    Did a load of laundry today. Totally forgot to start the dishwasher before I went to mahjongg so looks like I may wind up staying up late so that I can unload it.

    Michele in NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    a tired bump.....
    Gail, metro ATL
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends.
    DeeDee: LOVE your new profile picture. Did you do something with your hair? I can assure you Meg is not camping in Rocky Mountain National park. They headed to the western slope of the Rockies, although with her crazy camping luck, there may be other adventures awaiting their party.

    Heather: The Colorado Contingent would welcome your visit. How wonderful to have your next tenant signed up.

    Katla: Keep me posted on your dates to visit the Denver area, and I’ll do my best to make a meet up happen. We met Meg smack in the middle of downtown in a new, modern fast food place that prints out the calorie and nutrition information of your meal on the cash register receipt.

    Deb in CNY: So sorry about your nephew. Sending prayers. Love the idea of an MFP cruise. Sign me up!

    JB: I’m in awe of you and your gardening prowess. However, I’d have a hard time dealing with slugs. Ugh. Wonderful to see Mariah smiling.

    Kim: I echo your sentiments about hunger in America. We have to get a handle on our choices and quantity of consumption. That program that taught vege container gardening to poor families sounds so cool. I’d donate to that.

    Margaret: Your flower photos are spectacular. Glad to hear that Guy F from Food network is not acting. On my travels I occasionally will look up what diners and dives he recommends.

    Mimi: Thanks for sharing your insights about life without added sugar. You are inspiring.

    Suzy in DE: Are you anywhere near Lewes? I’ll be there later this month, and will be driving from there to Baltimore.

    Carol: I hope the property gods are smiling on you. That’s awesome how your son can speak in front of the congregation. Such a gift.

    Joyce: Hope your sister will get find peace and wellness, and let you help her.

    Gloria: Happy dance for you and your release of 4 pounds. WTG!

    Past my bedtime, but feels good to be all caught up with this wonderful, supportive community.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    July Goals and Progress to Date
    * Try out master’s swim. - not yet
    * 45 minutes of cardio 5x/week - blew it last week, but back on the wagon
    * Minimize sugar and wheat. - Very good
    * Read ‘Strong Women Stay Young’ - Egads! Gotta get on Amazon soon.
    * Call a friend or relative 1x per week. - On target so far

    Word for 2014 = Release
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I got a new phone today and spent all afternoon downloading apps and setting things up, then messed up my password and had to call Verizon and they helped me reset the phone back to factory settings, so had to start all over!

    Yesterday I got a haircut that was SO bad that I went back to the salon (Regis) today and asked to get it fixed but the girl said the only person who could do it was the manager, who doesn't work on Monday, unless I wanted to pay full price for another haircut. Which I don't. Even hubby, who normally thinks all my bad haircuts are wonderful, said this one was bad. So I have an appointment at 3:00 tomorrow and have to walk around till then with hair that looks like I cut it myself without my glasses on.

    I have not had time to read many posts, but it hope everyone is doing well.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son. "Wake up, son. It's time to go to school!"

    "But why, Mom? I don't want to go."

    "Give me two reasons why you don't want to go."

    "Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too!"

    "Oh, that's no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready."

    "Give me two reasons why I should go to school."

    "Well, for one, you're 52 years old. And for another, you're the Principal!"


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I love today’s joke! :laugh: :laugh: I’m glad you were able to replace your phone quickly.

    Rori: DD is due September 15, so we’ll get to CO a few days ahead and see how things go. If things are mellow, I’ll let you know that I’m available. I would really enjoy meeting you and the other lovely CO ladies if we can make it work. Baby needs come first, though.:love:

    Carol: I’m so happy that your son had a positive experience on his mission, and that he made you so proud in church. You’ve done a great job mothering him. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Congratulations on your new vacuum. We got ours back from the service company and it works better than ever. I think the new motor may be stronger than the original.:flowerforyou:

    Tomorrow is yoga and I’m ready! We missed Thursday last week because the teacher had a conflict. I did some yoga on my own, but it isn’t as good as taking the class.

    Our son is visiting and working on his boat. I’m happy to see him out of pain for the first time in a couple of years. He seems to be healing from his surgery very well, and he’s really getting a lot done on the boat. I look forward to a time when it is no longer in our storage unit.:wink::glasses:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Sylvia – I am sorry!! We are so dependent on our technology!

    General question is DSIL sister in law or son in law? Or do we guess by context? :wink:

    Joyce – hi ! Glad your sister is improving! Well I am the aunt, not the grandma, and when a 16 year old nephew is being raised by his 85 year old Grandma; the “young” 55 year old aunt (me) seems like a good choice. My mom has had him since he was 5 and she does all the day to day and I do all the technology, and stuff that you didn’t talk about in her day! - I am really open and am actually a pretty good choice to talk to the kids - I did a lot of it with my god kids too…

    But I do have a funny story, my folks took me out of all the sex ed classes in school, and did not fill it in with any teaching of their own, so I got my period the first time, right after I had taken a first aid class to be a babysitter; - now remember I know NOTHING – so I start to bleed, and can’t figure out how to put a bandaid on it or use pressure, and a tourniquet around my waist is not going to work. So I know I am going to die:brokenheart: . I write a will, and give it to my parents and say good bye:sad: . So instead of talking about it, my mom gives me a box of kotex and one of the belts tells me the instructions are on the side of the box, and that I will have my period until I am 50 or pregnant.:noway: When it stopped I was sure I was pregnant!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Cause I knew I was not 50 years old!!! I finally talk to my friends and get better but not right advice – wasn’t until I was in college that I got it all figured out.

    Michele – my DN is 16 – so he’s pretty much just embarrassed!:blushing: To funny with Jessica!!!

    Mimi – Wow, I am in Dublin, my best friend lives in Angels Camp not too far from you! There are others here who have found there are foods that they just can’t have, part of this journey is the discovery of what works and the emotional adjustment to accept that and make it our own.

    Pamala – just one pound is really good – no beating yourself up, you’ ll get it off soon!

    Monicacroth, KarenNami , juditsastre– welcome!

    Carol – your son is amazing, does he know what he wants to do as a grown up? It should include public speaking!

    Heather – great sounding meals as always! And what great news about a tenant!!!

    Joyce – sorry to hear about the technology event and the bad hair cut!

    So my 3 week old pedometer was not worth much yesterday it recorded 38,000 steps and just over a 1,000 of those it took sitting on the counter while I was in the shower:noway: and then today Levi and I walked for 35 minutes and took just 6 steps... I am going to try to find the receipt and take it back... I was liking having one...

    well it is almost 11 and I have a busy tomorrow..
    smiles Kim in N. California
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Woke to another day of rain. Never known such a wet old winter, going through our wood at a rate of knots. Electrician is coming to look at our reverse cycle on Thursday as is NOT working.
    Our pensions in bank so grocery and meat shopping today.
    NOT going to get in my steps today.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bump for later

    Jane I'm keeping everything crossed that you find somewhere soon - even better than the town house you wanted. :heart: :heart:

    Had a busy weekend but will try and catch up tonight. It's my PE Review at work today, so a bit nervous about it - wish me luck.

    Sorry must dash I need to get in early today my colleague is coming in late.

    Love to all

    Wizzy ( very hot York UK) :smokin: :smokin:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi my lovely ladies

    I know I have been absent lately. This has been a combination of things – the first being that I haven’t been able to get onto the forums via my iPhone. Today I’m using the pc at work.
    Secondly, I have been super busy with work and family.
    Thirdly (and this is the main reason if I’m perfectly honest) I’ve been feeling down and miserable with my gallbladder problems. I almost got it removed last month and they cancelled on me at the last minute. Not fun. Unfortunately, a couple of times that I could have had the surgery, my dad was in hospital. With the best will in the world, I cannot be in two places at one time and I can’t leave my dad to get on with it. For a start he goes into a decline if I’m not there which is no good for anybody. My sister and brother are still not willing to take on their share and so it’s down to me.
    This Thursday dad is having a pacemaker fitted and hopefully, once he’s out of hospital I won’t have to ferry him around so much (although he is due to have his second cataract surgery soon).
    Add to this that I am trying to spend time with my new granddaughter in Germany and things have been pretty hectic.
    I miss you all! I have no idea when I will get onto the forum next but will make a promise that I will make an attempt to pop by at least once a week.

    Hope you are doing well and are fit and healthy.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    morning ladies~
    Dee Dee love love love your new profile pic.just beautiful...
    Kim` my parents did the same thing in taking me out of all sex ed, classes,I got my period up at the cottage and was freaking out, I think my mom went and bought me pads and that was that.
    I didn't get any education about anything and started messing around at 16.. lucky I did use birth control. even though I was raised a good catholic girl...
    I think at 18 my went through my purse and found my birth control and had a fit.. well what was I supposed to do, she never told me anything, at that point she was selling real estate and drinking with her boss at bars as he was an alcoholic too..
    haven't been exercising except for the other day with the race walk, and my body shows it.. somehow I am praying to get back into the swing of things it is driving me nuts
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning!

    Mimi...........I believe today is your surgery; keeping you in mind.............

    Cloudy, overcast here with major humidity. Last night at line dance we got pretty sweaty despite fans and ac.......you just can't keep up with this. Supposed to storm later; it will be a relief.

    Despite my most diligent week in a long time, I am up a half pound...........I want to scream, yes, I know all the reasons and rationalizations, but I STILL want to scream.

    janehadji............Thanks for posting the pic; such pretty smiles on everyone! Missing seeing you on here.............hope you are well.

    Heather...........Glad for the good news you got on your rental.

    Welcome newbies.................Judith---several posters are from Canada and a few of them from Ontario..........

    Carol...........Boy-child did great!!!!

    Margaret..............Send me those cooler temps.............please!

    Gloria..............Congratulations on the 4 pound loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Michele...............Hope you have solved the drainage problem.

    Sylvia.............Hmmmm................new salon???????

    Katla............Glad your son got such great results; it's so hard to see our kids hurting and not be able to solve it.

    Gotta run, have good days!!!