Any TeacherPals Out There?!!



  • mgram2
    mgram2 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm a third year elementary art teacher.. and man am I unsure about starting school again in a couple weeks!!
    About two years ago I lost a bunch of weight (made it down to 116lbs) and maintained it for a 1 1/2 - 2 years.. but over the past school year put some weight back on.
    I used to have a really strict eating regimen and never slipped.. I was very well disciplined.
    Somehow I've let those good habits get away from me and now I'm 130lbs again. :/
    Worst part is I'm getting married May 30th, 2015.. so now I feel super pressured to return to at least 120lbs.
    I feel like I try restarting eating better everyday... but have a hard time making it through even ONE day successfully!
    I would love some MFP teacher friends who understand the stresses!
  • daniellee725
    daniellee725 Posts: 24 Member
    High school English teacher here! First year, and the stress is awful!!
  • Teacher as well (Australia) and I currently teach Kindy (3-4yr olds) ... I find that I am so busy so only eat at recess and lunch time .... usually after school I am so busy running my own kids to sports that I don't sit at home and eat :) Mine is just what I eat
  • honee_bear
    honee_bear Posts: 28
    I would love to say that school has made me fat, but...I'm guessing my love for sweets might have something to do with it. I lost 15 lbs last summer and by December had gained it all back. Summer has gloriously returned with beautiful sun and some extra time. I'm back down 10. I would really like to figure out how to find balance between lesson plans, meetings, graduate classes, and actually having a life of my own. My goal (again) is to not only maintain, but to lose this year. I do not want to give up my "me" time.

    I love to say school made me fat, and I'm sticking to it :-) Congrats on the 10 pounds, and good luck juggling everything this year!
  • honee_bear
    honee_bear Posts: 28
    The other thing I'm going to do after our summer holidays (uk here), is join a gym local to my school. That way I can literally go straight after school, instead of driving the 30-45 mins home and then feeling like I cannot be bothered. There's a pool albeit only 14m long, I am looking forward to going for a swim after a challenging day.

    There's another good idea :-)
  • carnavore
    carnavore Posts: 65
    Why couldn't my teachers look as great as you guys. Lol I mean the girls.
  • lanuevaluna
    lanuevaluna Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new to MFP and lost 5 lbs before I joined. Problem is I've GAINED 20 since becoming a teacher!! So, I need some motivators to help me because I'm gonna be backsliding once the school year starts with little time and extra stress. If you're a teacher, you know what I mean :wink:

    Hey honee_bear! Welcome!

    I think I actually do better at being healthy when school is in session. My first and second year of teaching children, however, I packed on the lbs. Partly because of stress, partly because I was commuting and not moving enough. Since then I've been up and down but have gained in the past several years and am working hard to get to a healthy weight.

    Feel free to add me!

    eta: I teach middle school Spanish.
  • enicus91
    enicus91 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm getting my teaching credentials if that counts. Feel free to add :D
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    I am an elementary school reading specialist. I understand the stress, and the constant temptations in the teacher's lounge. Any other fellow teachers, feel free to add me :smile:
  • I'm also new to MFP! Just started yesterday! I need to lose a minimum of 50 pounds for fertility reasons - on one hand, it's a great motivator, but on the other hand, I am feeling the pressure! I teach Grade 7 and 8 in a high school just outside of Ottawa. I also find the summer hard because of the lack of routine, but can also relate to the no time and stress of the school year! lol Looking forward to getting some inspiration and motivation from the MFP community!:happy:
  • honee_bear
    honee_bear Posts: 28
    I'm also new to MFP! Just started yesterday! I need to lose a minimum of 50 pounds for fertility reasons - on one hand, it's a great motivator, but on the other hand, I am feeling the pressure! I teach Grade 7 and 8 in a high school just outside of Ottawa. I also find the summer hard because of the lack of routine, but can also relate to the no time and stress of the school year! lol Looking forward to getting some inspiration and motivation from the MFP community!:happy:

    Good luck on becoming a mommy!
  • Lucas2kj
    Lucas2kj Posts: 2
    I'm new here as well and hoping to lose 40lbs. I teach Alternative High School Science and this will be my first full year teaching -I started mid year during this past school year. I'm dreading the return only because when I'm stressed I make awful food and exercise choices. I'm hoping to find inspiration and actually meet my goals by being a part of the MFP community!