Men: how much does a woman's weight really matter?



  • I_need_moar_musclez
    I_need_moar_musclez Posts: 499 Member
    I guess it's no more important than a man's height or the type of car he drives...
  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    I agree with the men who said educated, professional guys can be picky about their partners.
    I don't blame them, just as I don't blame myself for choosing these kinds of men over less educated, less professional guys.
    People like what they like.
  • AbnormalSpring
    AbnormalSpring Posts: 34 Member
    Here is me. I have dated girls of all shapes and sizes, flat chested all the way to floatation devices. None looked or acted the same. But they all have 2 things in common 1) self confidence 2) they were all smart.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    Why is this addressed to only men? Does a gay man's opinion matter or were you looking for only heterosexual male responses?
  • jwats8
    jwats8 Posts: 112
    It's about confidence, and how you see yourself- not necessarily how the man sees your weight. I was always thin, but after having my children, I have gained a lot of weight. Now that I am divorced and dating again, I am noticing that I am not very confident at all. So, I want to lose this weight so I will feel better about myself- I think I am just projecting onto the men I date, and think that maybe they don't care about my weight as much as I do. Bottom line, I do care about it, so I'm going to lose it.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Why is this addressed to only men? Does a gay man's opinion matter or were you looking for only heterosexual male responses?

    Women answered too, stating what they experienced and whether a man's weight matters to them. Don't take her addressing it to men as saying heterosexual and not homosexual.
  • strengthandhonour4eva
    strengthandhonour4eva Posts: 221 Member
    I'd like to answer no but the truth is its the persons appearance that catches my attention first, obviously if there a total arsehole I wont have any interest haha
  • LovelyLaura2321
    LovelyLaura2321 Posts: 56 Member
    My boyfriend met me and fell in love with me when I was 312 pounds and he was 135. He wasn't attracted to my weight, but he was attracted to me. I am 230 pounds right now, and am frequently hit on by men... Not all men, though. Just men who are attracted to thicker, curvier women.

    I think a woman's weight matters if the specific person thinks it matters. It's going to be important to some, and it will be a second thought to others. It just depends on the person. And either preference isn't wrong. We like what we like.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    All I can tell you is that when I met my husband, I was about a size 12. I'm a size 4 now.

    He tends to like slightly "larger" ladies (not that a 12 is particularly "large"); but he seems to like a size 4 also...or maybe he just likes me.
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    If you're just addressing the physical attributes, you can't deny it has some bearing. However, for those guys who like a larger woman, it can actually enhance the attractiveness. Some guys aren't into thin women... just like some women, who might be fit and attractive, might be into "teddy bear" types...

    For me, if you have an awesome personality, that goes a LONG way in sealing the deal. Like I've said: "If you're ugly on the inside, the outside don't matter..."
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    DBs are those who don't like her, apparently. It's not even necessarily about weight. One of the best lessons you can learn, OP, is that not everyone is going to like you. Accept it. Let it go. They don't even have to be bad people. It's just the way life is. Keep looking until you find the person who loves you then take good care of each other. If you're really lucky you'll find him.

    This, absolutely
  • johnprimeaux
    johnprimeaux Posts: 34 Member
    "To be rather than to seem." That is the motto of my Alma Mater, Trevecca Nazarene University. It is better to be what how you were made than to seem how you are not.

    Integrity in oneself, also known as 'loving the skin you're in' is by far the greatest trait a person can have.

    Be Proud!
    Be Active!
    Be Yourself!

    Because, there can never be a more beautiful you!
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    i woman's size does matter to me.

    i prefer a woman who has curves, however, if she is extremely big, i might have an issue with that in the long run.

    when i married my wife, she was perfect. i found her sexy, gorgeous and what topped it off was that she was quick witted and smart.

    now, after a couple of kids she has put on a couple of pounds, but still, i find her as sexy and gorgeous as she was when it was just us. what has changed now is that i appreciate her more. but if she ever got to the point where she was on the path to obesity, i would hope she did something about it.

    there is a reason we are all on this site - to loose weight and get healthy. we all know how stressful, unfitting, emotionally damaging it is to be overweight. why on earth would i want my lady to ever feel this way.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    One of the downsides of losing weight is that I'm less attracted to large women. I also happen to be really attracted to thin women, but I'm realistic enough to know that at my age (50), about 1% of women are considered thin. One feature I really find attractive in women is a waist. Until I went to the Philippines, I didn't know that women's shirts were tighter in the waist area, than the hip or chest area. So I'm a bit of a waist fan. But I'm a realist as well.
  • d4rkkn16ht
    d4rkkn16ht Posts: 77 Member
    I have had a recent foray into online dating, and I am currently size 14. I am confident in myself, as I feel that I am pretty attractive and accomplished regardless of my weight. However, I notice that not getting much response from men in terms of second dates at the least, or a sense of excitement if there is a second date as I do when I'm even at a size 12. My girlfriends insist that weight isn't that big a deal in and if itself... But I don't buy it. When it comes to professional, educated men, does weight truly trump all else when it comes to dating? Am I just wasting my time even putting myself out there up until I'm back to a size 6-8?
    My wife is a little overweight right now.
    My wife was weigh more when I was dating her for the first time.
    But I love her because of her confidence,self respect, brain & many other characteristics...other than weight

    Yes getting the ideal BMI is much better.
    For some guy, getting a girlfriend with "Victoria Secret Body" is a priority.
    But for most, personality is the Quality we look to get a great partner for life, not weight.

    I'm staying fit to motivate my wife to do the same.
    To stay healthy is the goal, great body is the bonus.

    Your body is fine & you look beautiful.
    Just be CONFIDENT, style appropriately to your own look (not because someone else say so).
    Be proud of yourself.

    I can sense your doubt about your weight & size...DON'T!
    If you want to trim your weight, do it to stay healthy, not for those moron who look down on you.
  • rawstrongchick
    rawstrongchick Posts: 66 Member
    Assuming you've represented yourself on your profile accurately then what size clothing you are should most definitely not be the problem. If they didn't like how you looked they wouldn't have wanted to meet up in the first place.

    Make sure you are on the right sort of dating site. The free ones tend to attract people looking for a more casual relationship and it sounds like you want something less short lived.

    Other than that, don't give too much away on a first date and just wait for the 'click' to happen.