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rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • AnnLo88
    AnnLo88 Posts: 2 Member
    (First post here, hi)

    At the time I was around 160 lb (how I would love to see that # on my scale today) but this guy I met here in a bar and I had really hit it off - he was from out of town and when he went back home we started calling and texting and emailing and sharing pictures. I went to go visit him (looking exactly as I had when I met him) and he turned in to a total jerk. Wouldn't take me out anywhere, just acting really weird (but he was perfectly content to have sex - constantly I might add...)

    Anyway, when I came back home from this miserable trip he called me and said that he couldn't stand to be seen with me and was repulsed by being intimate with me. He compared his being with me to my phobia of birds. "I'm scared to be around fat people, you're too fat for me. How would you feel if someone forced you to sit in a cage with birds all day long?"

    Clearly he's got big problems. CLEARLY. But I can't possibly explain how mortified I was. I never spoke to him again, he had never apologized for being so cruel and years later he had the gall to request my friendship on Facebook. *BLOCKED* Here I had genuinely hoped the earth had swallowed him whole...
  • Phatgirl420
    Phatgirl420 Posts: 197 Member
    About 15 years ago I received an anonymus (sp) letter in the mail with info on losing weight...someone actually took the time to cut out an article and mail it to me, and another time that sticks out in my head is at my family's house for Christmas one year about 8 years ago, my aunt came over to me and whispered that my tag was sticking out, tucked it in, than proceeded to tell me that "I really don't want to advertise that" :grumble:
  • AnnLo88
    AnnLo88 Posts: 2 Member
    I cringe because my brother says some mean things to my 10 year old who is over 5'3" and 120ish lbs. Yes she is carrying a bit of weight in her mid section but this is what happens with some girls in puberty. I just want to tell him to go f himself and like it helped me to hear things like this when I was her age. I just hope I can instill some sense of self in her that shows it doesn't matter but worse thing is some other kids have noticed. :( JERKS!!

    I would support your daughter in front of your brother and let her know that what he is doing is inappropriate and unkind. I wish someone would have done that for me growing up. Stand up for her whenever you can and teach her to do the same for herself.
  • sarahsmiles2013
    sarahsmiles2013 Posts: 42 Member
    When I was 12, I went in for my annual physical exam and the nurse practitioner had me remove my top and bend over to check my spine. While in this position, she told my mom "Look at her, she's chunky. She needs to lose weight fast or she'll be ugly the rest of her life." My self-esteem has been non-existent since then.......... My mom did file a complaint with the medical board on her, but of course her peers are going to side with her.

    When I was a freshman in high school, the popular boys liked to sit in the back row and push all of the desks in front of them forward. They told this one to push the row that I was sitting in. His reply was, "I can't. Look who's sitting in front of me."

    A popular boy kept asking this popular girl out. She told him she wasn't interested and then asked him, "Why not ask Sarah out?" His reply was, "Ewww, that's gross! She's a study study girl and too fat and ugly."

    I've had other remarks made over the years, but those are the main ones that stick out at this time.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I feel like I've responded to this in other places, but the worst ever was my ex, the firefighter/paramedic. I always loved that he could throw me over his shoulder. It seemed so manly and tough! One day he and his buddies were talking about a call they had just answered that day and how difficult it was to lift the person to get them out of the house. The ex said that he would have thrown his back out had he not had practice lifting heavy weights and trying to lift me. They went on and on about the poor huge guy. I was humiliated for the both of us. When he heard I was doing my first triathlon said how great it was but if I had said I was going to do one last year he'd be there at the finish line with all of his gear.

    The joke is on him though. When I ran into him last August his co-workers went on and on about how great I looked. Last month he didn't recognize me. The doubletake with his jaw dropped was pretty awesome.
  • retropactum
    retropactum Posts: 75 Member
    Just remembered another.
    I was at a club dancing with my g/f when a guy I'd never met put his arm around my shoulder and said "I LOVE fat bottomed girls".
    I said Yep - I like all of the Queen songs"
    Exit deflated *kitten*.

    A similar thing happened to an old friend and myself. We were going up an escalator exiting the metro in LA and this crazy man with a Ziplock bag of prescription pills standing behind us started to sing that song. Everyone is the station could hear and were staring. We laughed it off, but I was silently mortified and there went my day-trip in LA.
  • gfit123
    gfit123 Posts: 36 Member
    Exact same thing happened to me!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    also, when I was a kid in grade 6 elementary school - I was chubby but athletic (as any child could be)

    All my class mates picked on me. They would pretend every step I took caused an earthquake and all wobble and fall down, then when iget angry they would laugh and throw pine cones at me.... yep
  • MikeSloaninLDubya
    MikeSloaninLDubya Posts: 10 Member
    "Well, you don't look like you missed any meals!"
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    My mother telling me when her and my dad would fight "your just like your f****** father, fat and lazy" now I do look just like him (5ft 4, both over 200 pounds our whole lives, same eyes and hair, everything....) but he's far from lazy, has had the same job landscaping for 25+ years (he's currently second in command....pretty much first since the company owner calls once a week to check in) and my mom has been a stay at home mom half my life (I'm 24, my older sister would have been 27 and I got 3 younger still living at home). So how she figured that I'm not sure. But it hurt everytime.

    My dad often telling me to be "fat and happy" that hurt simply because he called me fat....

    Kids in school made some kind of comment daily, penguin(I messed up my ankle as a kid so I kinda walk funny, guessing they thought penguin was funny for that reason as well), cow, fatty. Lard/fat *kitten* once I hit middle school.fat ***** a few times as well

    Then my fiancess ex (who is close to 300pounds) used meetme one time for her and her friend to "ask me a question" saying I looked like miss piggy but fatter. Then continued to call me names and such on the post. I think that ticked me off more then hurt me.

    I had a lady at work (I worked retail, now a stay at home mom) tell me fat people shouldn't work in public, as no one wants to see us. That was just one of tons of comments I got at work. Like when I was pregnant with my daughter a customer over heard a coworker and I talking about my up coming baby shower. To which the customer replied "just admit you gained weight so no one has to waste money on baby stuff"

    And lastly the ever popular "you have a pretty face, if you lost weight you'd be pretty!"

    (Edited because apparently I can't spell today)

    People make me sick....
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Sitting at the table eating during the repass following my FATHER'S FUNERAL, my brother's brother (not related to me), who is sitting next to me, thinks that's the perfect moment to lean over to me and say something along the lines of 'Hey, you got big again? What happened to all that weight you lost?'. Normally I'd have sliced into someone like that with my words but I was so shocked, and in the throes of GRIEF, that I just let it go.

    But I am grateful that despite being overweight to obese the majority of my life, I really only have a handful of rude comments said directly to me about my weight.
  • ejohnson_ar
    ejohnson_ar Posts: 36 Member
    My mother takes the cake on all fronts.
    She's been overweight my entire life but that certainly didn't stop her from having a lot to say about my weight. Here's some of the ones that used to make me go home and cry:

    "Wow, you're really letting yourself go."
    "This is the fattest I've ever seen you. It's gross."
    "When are you going to stop gaining weight?"
    "You were really pretty before you put all that on"

    My oldest brother, who had heard it from my mom and assumed it was just fine to join in came up with a new one.
    He has put "Jabba The Liz" on all my Christmas presents for years... Huh. Now that I'm smaller than his wife I wonder what he's going to come up with for this year. Eat it you guys! You can't pick on me any more. :D
  • fhttrs
    fhttrs Posts: 201 Member
    Classmate in 4th Grade: "Ew, get out of the way fatty I cant get through" That is the first time someone ever called me fat and to this day (I'm now 28) I still remember exactly where I was, exactly who said it and exactly how it made me feel.

    My mother (referencing my ex boyfriend): "If you don't start losing weight and impressing him then someone else will." Cue me blaming all three times that he cheated on me on myself...

    Random First Date from a dating site: "You'd be the perfect girl if only you were thin,"
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    Years ago a teacher of mine asked me when the baby was due.................I was not preggo by the way(I was like 10)
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Sister-in-laws dad: Are you pregnant?

    Me: NO

    Sister-in-laws dad: Are you sure?

    Me: Yeah I'm absolutely EFFING positive

    Sister-in-laws dad: well I would go get a pregnancy test.

    Me: Well too bad that don't have a stick you can pee on for STUPID!
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    ex-boyfriend grabbed my belly and wouldn't let go and said "What's this??!!!" in the most intimidating tone...thus, the ex boyfriend.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    I cringe because my brother says some mean things to my 10 year old who is over 5'3" and 120ish lbs. Yes she is carrying a bit of weight in her mid section but this is what happens with some girls in puberty. I just want to tell him to go f himself and like it helped me to hear things like this when I was her age. I just hope I can instill some sense of self in her that shows it doesn't matter but worse thing is some other kids have noticed. :( JERKS!!

    I would support your daughter in front of your brother and let her know that what he is doing is inappropriate and unkind. I wish someone would have done that for me growing up. Stand up for her whenever you can and teach her to do the same for herself.

    ^^^ This....absolutely ^^^ He has no business saying mean things to your 10 year old. It's unfair and nasty for an adult to take on a child who can't defend herself. I'm sure she feels that as a (supposedly trusted) family member, that it's ok for him to say these things. He needs to be stopped in his tracks immediately when he starts.
  • EclecticSongbird
    EclecticSongbird Posts: 8 Member
    One of my elderly customers at the bank told me that I COULD be pretty if I lost 50 pounds. I had to smile and be pleasant to her for the rest of her transaction. As soon as she left, I cried. It was horrible. I hide everytime she walks in the door ad refuse to wait on her.
  • smmiranda
    smmiranda Posts: 27 Member
    My 20 year old son pointing at my rolls saying while you said for me to say something about your weight. NO NOT MY OWN FLaSSION BLOOD>
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    I cringe because my brother says some mean things to my 10 year old who is over 5'3" and 120ish lbs. Yes she is carrying a bit of weight in her mid section but this is what happens with some girls in puberty. I just want to tell him to go f himself and like it helped me to hear things like this when I was her age. I just hope I can instill some sense of self in her that shows it doesn't matter but worse thing is some other kids have noticed. :( JERKS!!

    I would support your daughter in front of your brother and let her know that what he is doing is inappropriate and unkind. I wish someone would have done that for me growing up. Stand up for her whenever you can and teach her to do the same for herself.

    ^^^ This....absolutely ^^^ He has no business saying mean things to your 10 year old. It's unfair and nasty for an adult to take on a child who can't defend herself. I'm sure she feels that as a (supposedly trusted) family member, that it's ok for him to say these things. He needs to be stopped in his tracks immediately when he starts.

    If any of my brothers ever said anything to my daughter like that, there would be blood, and lots of it. Sorry, but i'm primal when it comes to protecting my child.